OpenSUSE Install :: 11.3 Installation With RAID1 On Two Disks?

Dec 14, 2010

I fail to install OpenSuse 11.3 with Raid-1. What I do: Partitioning -> Expert. sda1 type RAID do not format / mount, sda2 /(root) type RAID do not format / mount, sda3 /home type RAID do not format/mount. Clone disk to sdb. Raid -> add md126p1 type swap mount to swap, add->md126p2 type etx4 mount to /(root), md126p3 type ext4 mount to /home. Bootloader: GRUB, boot from MBR enabled, boot from / disabled. After installation the system does not boot and grub reports error that the specified filesystem can not be found.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Anyway To Re-partition Disks To Use RAID1

Aug 1, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu server edition to my computer (brand new, no OS) and finished installation. In the terminal I used apt-get ubuntu-desktop to install a desktop interface.In my rig, I have two 500GB HDDs. I set them up through my computer BIOS as RAID1 drives, yet as I understand I still need to configure the Ubuntu software raid for it to work correctly. Unfortunately, I already partitioned my drives! I used the easy way (guided with LVM or whatever) and let it do it for me. Now, RAID1 is very important to me! Is there anyway to repartition the disks to use RAID1, or do I need to wipe my computer and reinstall Ubuntu?

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General :: New Disks (RAID1) Not Enough Space?

Jan 13, 2011

I recently followed this guide to create a RAID1 [URL]... First I partitioned the disks with fdisk. I made the RAID array with

mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1. Then I created the filesystem with mkfs.ext3 /dev/md0.

I then mounted md0 at /Video with mount /dev/md0 /Video/ All according to the guide.. Today I made a samba-share out of /Video/Rorschach to easily put files in there from my windows7-machine (the plan is to steam from my CentOS-server to my HTPC which hasn't arrived yet). I started to put movies in there. It went just fine for a while but then I got this message: [URL]... How is that even possible when df -h looks like this?:


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CentOS 5 :: New Disks (RAID1), Not Enough Space?

Jan 13, 2011

I recently followed this guide to create a RAID1 [URL]First I partitioned the disks with fdiskI made the RAID array with

mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1

Then I created the filesystem with

mkfs.ext3 /dev/md0

I then mounted md0 at /Video with

mount /dev/md0 /Video/

Today I made a samba-share out of /Video/Rorschach to easily put files in there from my windows7-machine (the plan is to steam from my CentOS-server to my HTPC which hasn't arrived yet).I started to put movies in there. It went just fine for a while but then I got this message:


How is that even possible when df -h looks like this?:

[root@Rorschach Rorschach]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
446G 70G 354G 17% /


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Hardware :: Determine The UUID Of 2 Disks That Are Assembled In A RAID1 Array?

Feb 17, 2011

I just experienced a HDD failure and while reorganizing the drives inthis machine I realized the benefits of UUID instead of /dev/sdX nomenclature. I am trying to determine the UUID of 2 disks that are assembled in a RAID1 array. right now they are /dev/sde & /dev/sdf with each only one partition. I tried ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid but I get only the UUID of other disks, not the ones currently ID'd as sde & sdf. my mdadm.conf assembles several raid arrays all by UUID, but somehow, I cant recall how I got the UUIDs of the other HDDs at first...

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General :: Commercial NAS RAID1 Disks Moved To Software Raid System?

Feb 14, 2011

I've got a couple of commercial NAS boxes and I'm wondering if they (ReadyNas duo, DLink DNS-323) or any other NAS is suitable for having their RAIDed disks moved to a software-based NAS. To be specific, I'm a big fan of the (largely) Debian-based Ubuntu. Can the aforementioned NAS drives be migrated to Ubuntu (e.g. using the mdadm Linux command)?

Secondly, is there any commercial NAS that can be migrated over? Incidentally, here is a link to somebody who succeeded in a migration:URL...My specific scenario I'd like to prepare for, is the eventual (sudden) death of one of the NAS motherboards.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.1 Machine Won't Boot To RAID1 Md0?

Mar 2, 2010

I cleverly built a machine with two drives mirrored, boot partition on the mirror. It crashed some time when I was not present, and was apparently writing to disk at the time, for since, it will not boot. I get error messages to the effect that there is no boot partition. At this point I am not particularly concerned to try to rebuild this array, though I have read a hell of a lot on the boards about trying that (and am daunted - everyone assumes you can boot the machine with the bad array). Instead, I am wondering is it possible to build a simple machine on a third disk, then "look" at the disks in the former (?) array, and/or potentially rebuild it?

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Restore Raid1 After New Installtion

Jan 6, 2011

I need some information if my plan to restore Raid1 will work that way.Two Harddrives only for Data used with Raid 1 (sdb1 and sda1).

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OpenSUSE Install :: Unable To Boot From A Faulty RAID1?

Jul 14, 2010

opensuse 11.2 64 bits installed in a RAID1 software array. Everything worked smooth during installation, the system boots, the mdx partitions are in their places, did the upgrades, configured the way i wanted, booted several times... all ok. Then i wanted to test the RAID and since its RAID1 i just disconnected 1 drive and started the computer. All what i got is

GRUB loading stage 1.5
GRUB loading, please wait...
Error 21

Connect the drive back and the system works ok.

Disconnect the other drive, then i got
GRUB loading stage 1.5
GRUB loading, pleas wait...
(hd1,0)/message: file not found
and a simple boot menu (in character mode) shows up with the 2 options SUSE LINUX and Failsafe -- SUSE LINUX (no version number)


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OpenSUSE Install :: RAID1 File System Corrupt?

Dec 30, 2010

I just got openSUSE 11.2 set up on my home server. The machine has two 2TB HDDs, the first (/dev/sda1) is partitioned thusly:

10GB /
1GB swap
1.82TB /home (/dev/md1 in RAID1 array)


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OpenSUSE Install :: Mdadm - Change Spare To Active In RAID1 Array?

Aug 7, 2011

I'm convinced that mdadm is going to be the death of me. I've wasted numerous hours on this so far without luck.

OpenSuse 11.4 on an old Supermicro box, creating a software RAID1 array across 2 x IDE 500GB disks. Creating /dev/md0 as a 250MB partition across /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdd1 for /boot, another 465GB partition across /dev/sda2 and /dev/sdd2 as an LVM partition to hold volumes for the various other OS filesystems. After the initial installation and configuration there were a series of mishaps with faulty IDE cables that had drives failing to show up at boot. Somehow, /dev/sdd2 got configured to array /dev/md1 as a spare drive. And nothing I've done so far gets it to show up as an active drive.

The obvious step of failing the partition, removing it, then adding (or re-adding) will bring it back as a spare. I've tried roughly a dozen different permutations of those same steps. The latest was to 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdd2' to clear the partition. Thought this might be the trick - after the zero, mdadm -E /dev/sdd2 reported 'no superblock' and no md1 configuration.

So 'mdadm --add /dev/md1 /dev/sdd2' and it still comes back as a spare. Here is mdadm -D /dev/md1

Version : 1.0
Creation Time : Sat Jul 9 10:26:01 2011
Raid Level : raid1
Array Size : 488119160 (465.51 GiB 499.83 GB)

I can't stop this array, the OS is running from there. I can't easily boot from CD to repair, all IDE ports have disks attached.

Does anyone have an incantation to promote a spare to active?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Hard To Install The RAID1 Array In Brand New PC?

Nov 19, 2010

Like it says in the title, I am thinking it should be this hard to install the RAID1 array in my brand new PC. Here is what is happening. I have two brand new 1TB drives that I am attempting a new, fresh install of 10.10 on (in fact, the entire box is new). I am attempting to use the alternate desktop install so that I can have access to the manual partitioning (which is required to setup RAID 1, correct?).

I tried to use the guide here: [URL]... I followed the steps, but when I got the the very end (after selecting and creating the MDs) I get an error message stating that there is no root file system defined. I went back and checked all the steps and I am sure I followed everything in the guide.

Here are some quirks (not sure if they are bugs or not) In step 5 of the disc partitioning, it says to select the bootable flag and set it to yes (I am assuming). I press enter over that options, the screen flashes really quickly to a progress bar, but then comes back to the options screen and it still says bootable flag is off. No matter how many times I do it is says "off".

Also, and here is the bigger problem I think. - So the guide says to select the free space in each drive and then select Automatically Partition the free space, which I do, and it comes back and looks formatted accordingly - has 975.6 GB ext4 / and 24.6 GB swap swap. No Problem there.

BUT - whenever I do the same thing to the second drive, the partitions on the first seem to disappear. Meaning, it doesn't say free space, and has two partitions listed, but the / and the swap (last items in each row) have moved to the second drive partitions. I am not sure if this is how it is supposed to be since the pictures in the linked guide to not show what it looks like after that. THis is driving me crazy and I have to have it set up in RAID 1 and unsure as to what it is I am missing.

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Debian Installation :: Fresh RAID1 Wheezy Install - GRUB Just Does Not Work

Jul 26, 2014

I have a VIA Epia M 5000 system with 2 western digital 1TB NAS SATA drives connected through SATA<->IDE adapter. Everything installs and writes as expected except... grub. It never boots, after a message 'Grub loading' I always get 'error: no such disk'. I've tried numerous times and has been attemping to fix the issue for the past 2 days.

0.999TB 0xfd linux raid autodetect partition
1GB 0xfd linux raid autodetect, logical partition

/dev/sdb exactly the same
0.999TB 0xfd linux raid autodetect partition
1GB 0xfd linux raid autodetect

RAID1 of /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1
marked as ext4, boot point /

RAID1 of /dev/sda5 and /dev/sdb5
marked as swap

update-grub2 in rescue mode generates grub.cfg with SET root=/mduuid/UUID_OF_SDA1
then after that there's search --no-floppy etc --set root=/mduuid/UUID_OF_MD0

I'm writing this from memory but simply the two uuids are different. Is this correct? I get those UUIDs to compare from blkid. All partitions are marked as bootable. grub-install /dev/sda and grub-install /dev/sdb produces no errors. grub-install /dev/md0 does not work, complains about superblocks or something similar.

Grub.cfg file contains insmod raid mdraid1x and similar lines, so that should be ok. Grub drops to rescue mode with message error: no such disk. Not device, but disk. Google finds many results for 'no such device' error, but I am not getting that error. 'ls' produces
(hd0) (hd0,msdos1) (hd1) (hd1,msdos1) ls ANY_VALID_PATH produces empty newline being printed, nothing more.

setting prefixes manually does not work, with error message 'error: file not found'. ls (hd0,msdos1)/boot/grub also produces empty line being printed. Rescue CD and auto-assemble of md0 and md1 works, the files are there, everything okay, except grub.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fresh 10.04 Raid1 Install Will Not Boot W/o Manual Grub Input?

May 3, 2011

Followed steps 2-5 and purged/reinstalled grub now it boots as it should, NO idea where it was messed up.[URL].. I had 9.10 running in raid1 and upgraded my hardware (cpu, mb, memory etc) and wanted to do a fresh install of 10.04 to get updated. After following the various guides online such as [URL]...It begins to load grub and drops to a "grub> " shell. Which I have to do the following to get it to boot.

set root=(md1)
linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/md1 ro
initrd /initrd.img

Then it boots up normally and I can use it like any other desktop. I've been over my grub.cfg and /etc/defaut/grub files and cannot find the issue. At this point I'm wondering if the fact it's a raid1 setup is keeping grub from finding it's files.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing On Two Disks?

Sep 13, 2011

I am planning in near future(about a month or two) to build a new computer. There be a least two phisical disks - one for OS an another for data or backup. One disk to be a small(60-80 GB) SSD, another to be a HDD of 1 TB or bigger.

I have a few questions:

Is Linux(openSUSE in my case) work with SSD? It is possible to install Linux on two disks - in my case /swap, /boot and /root partition to be on SSD and /home partition on larger HDD?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Which Disks Can Be Main Boot Disks

Mar 31, 2010

I have/had a PC with several hard drives, and a mix of ubuntu and windows on multi boot.The old boot drive died screaming, and I need to start again. (But my data is safe! yay!)

Is there anything special about which drive can be the main drive to start booting from? Or to put it another way, can I install to any of the other 3 and expect it to work, or do I need to switch them around so a different drive is on the connections for the recently dead one?

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 - Unable To Create RAID 5 Disks

Jun 25, 2010

I've got 3 extra disks on OpenSuse 11.2 - all the same size. I've created a partition on all of them as type 0xFD. If I then try and add raid in yast I get "There are not enough suitable unused devices to create a RAID."

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OpenSUSE Install :: Add Nvidia_raid_member Windows Disks To GRUB?

Mar 5, 2011

I have an ASUS A8N-SLI board with an nForce4 raid 1 setup hosting a Windows 7 array over two 500GB disks. I have a third SATA drive with opensuse 11.3 installed and working perfectly. By changing the boot order in the BIOS, I can alternate which system boots at startup. What I want to do is set up a dual boot configuration... I don't care how, but I want a screen that asks me which OS to use, preferably defaulting to Windows so my wife can stil check her email without calling me at work.

I thought the easiest setup would be to set the LINUX drive as the primary device and then add then chainload the Windows disks, and set them first in the boot queue. That way, without any intervention, the system would pause for 8 seconds and see if I wanted to boot LINUX, then boot Windows if I didn't do anything.

The problem is, I can't figure out how to add Windows to the GRUB menu and recognize it. All of the documentation I can find seems to assume that your Windows and LINUX partitions are on the same disk, which mine are not.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Boot Anymore From Any Of Hard Disks

Jul 18, 2011

i have got a very strange boot problem. But first: I have openSUSE 11.4 with kde installed. I have the amd64 dual core cpu and 2 hard disks. I was able to boot from both of those disks (on the second disk I have openSUSE 11.2 in case something goes wrong with the first disk). Then I decided to install openSUSE 11.4 from DVD to a usb key (just like I would to a hard disk). I succeeded. I did not involve any partition of the hard disks in this install. But now I can not boot anymore from any of my both hard disks although bios finds them it did before. After bios I get the following message: Loading stage 1.5 error 21.

Error 21 means: Selected disk does not exist. This error is returned if the device part of a device- or full file name refers to a disk or BIOS device that is not present or not recognized by the BIOS in the system But I am still able to boot from usb key. I have even modified the menu.lst from the usb key to boot openSUSE 11.4 from the first hard disk. This works fine. I have also tried to install grub again on my first hard disk with grub.install.unsupported and with yast2. But installation stops with an error message like "hard disk not found by bios".

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Installation :: Live Disks Won't Install Drivers Or Install?

Feb 19, 2009

So far I've tried gOS, Linux Mint, Ubuntu, and SuZE. The result is the same: The live disk runs, opens up but the graphics are shoddy, sound doesn't work, everything is very slow, and in attempting to partition and install the os, it stays at "Resizing partitions 0%"I know Live disks are going to be a bit slower, but this is super slow and this computer is just a few months old. Usually the live cds have a database of drivers for common media but it just isn't accelerating the graphics or even recognizing my wireless. I know its not the CDs because they work fine on other (much older) computers.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installer Will Not Detect Hard Disks (SATA)?

Dec 19, 2009

Trying to install SUSE on a perfectly working PC that was running Windows. Blew away all the partitions and formated the drives.When trying to install SUSE, Installer will not detect my two hard disks. Tried with version 10.x, 11.1 and 11.2, without success.My Mobo is a XFX GeForce 8209, and my SATA drives are both Seagates (1x120GB, 1x320GB). I've tried different SATA mode selection (i.e. SATA, AHCI, and RAID) without any success either.I've tried to look for SATA controller drivers for my Mobo, to try to load on Installer startup, but failed there too.

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OpenSUSE Install :: 11.2 - Dell SAS / SATA Virtual Disks (RAID 1)

Sep 17, 2010

I have a Dell Studio XPS running openSUSE 11.2 with dual mirrored disks (using Dell's SATA controller). Does anyone know how I can set up automatic monitoring of the disks so that I will be informed if either fail? I think smartd might be what I need here. Is that correct? I added:
/dev/sda -a -d sat -m <my email>
/dev/sda -a -d sat -m <my email>

smartd is running, but how do I know that it will report what I need? I also have a client with a Dell PowderEdge SC440 with SAS 5/iR also running openSUSE 11.2. They also require automatic monitoring. There doesn't seem to be a SAS directive for smartd. I notice that the newer release says it does support SAS disk. I upgraded to 5.39. On restart (with DEVICESCAN as the directive) I get the following in /var/log/messages for my SAS RAID disk.

Sep 18 10:47:26 harmony-server smartd[25234]: Device: /dev/sdb, Bad IEC (SMART) mode page, err=4, skip device
I ran:
smartctl -a /dev/sdb
and got the result:
smartctl 5.39.1 2010-01-28 r3054 [x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu] (openSUSE RPM)
Copyright (C) 2002-10 by Bruce Allen, smartmontools

Device: Dell VIRTUAL DISK Version: 1028
Device type: disk
Local Time is: Sat Sep 18 11:32:08 2010 JST
Device does not support SMART
Error Counter logging not supported
Device does not support Self Test logging

Is there some other tool/package that does support DELL virtual disks?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dolphin Doesn't See And Hard Disks Other Than The Root Hdd

Jan 31, 2011

I have a brand new install of 11.3, with all the updates, on a cleaned system, following some hdd and cable problems.

So far three problems have surfaced:-

1. Dolphin doesn't see and hard disks other than the root hdd.They appear on the left side in the list, but cannot be accessed as suse seems to have chosen not to mount them.I need them because they have my backup data on them.

2. At each bootup, I have manually to reset the required screen resolution. I need to prevent it defaulting to the wrong resolution every time.

3. I cannot now see my Windows workgroup at all. This is in stark contrast to another distro I've tried which found it and set everything up automatically. The workgroup has one WinXP machine on cable via a router, plus one Win7 machine via router and wifi link. I guessit failed to sort out smb.conf or something?

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Fedora Installation :: Can't Install 11 On Striping Disks

Nov 4, 2009

I have 600GB striping disks with 3 ntfs partitions, 2 ext4 partitions and 1 swap partion containing ubundu 9.10 and 120 GB free space. When I try to create new ext4 partitions with the fedora dvd I get the message: Could not allocate requested partitions. Not enough free space on disks, no matter how small the partitions I try to create. I created logical partitions.

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Fedora Installation :: Install Software RAID 1 On F11 With Two Disks

Jan 11, 2010

I just bought two 320GB SATA drives and would like to install F11 with software RAID 1 on them. I read an article which explains how to install RAID 1, but it used 3 disks: one for OS and two clones. Do I really need a third disk to install RAID 1 configuration? If 2 disks is enough, then should I select "Clone a drive to create a RAID device" during F11 installation as explained here?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Seamless Mount Of Encrypted Disks And New Session Creation After Each Screen Lock?

Sep 8, 2011

I installed openSUSE 11.4 on HP elitebook 2560p few days ago (using KDE live CD). In general system is working fine, but steel I cannot resolve couple of really annoying issues: 1. I've created encrypted partitions for swap and home during OS installation. As result the system keep asking for passwords for each of encrypted partitions before show login screen. That leads to situation when I have to type 3 passwords during each boot/reboot. I was using the same configuration (swap and home were encrypted) on Ubuntu 11.04 and there both encrypted partitions were mount automatically with no password typing after login to the system. Could you please tell how I can configure the same behavior on openSUSE 11.4 ?

2. I've enabled auto screen lock after 5 mins being inactive. As result when I going back to laptop and to unlock the screen the system shows login screen (default login screen with user selection). But when user and password filled in I click login it creates entire new KDE session. Therefore all staff that was open before screen lock is gone. However old session is still in the system (it appears in output from 'w' command).

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Debian Installation :: Mac Pro 1.1 - REFIt Won't Show Install And Live Disks At Startup

Mar 19, 2016

I have a Mac Pro 1.1 and am having trouble installing Debian. I installed rEFIt but it won't show my install and live disks at startup. I have very little experience with the command line but would be willing to try. I have installed debian to my pc and used the command line successfully there, but want the OS for my mac.

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Fedora Installation :: Editing Fstab / Disks.txt And Mounts.txt After Live CD Install?

Jan 19, 2010

I have installed Fedora 12 i686 Live to a 200 mb partition on an external drive. Before the install I created a 6.7 GB ext3 partition and a 45 GB ext3 partition. The live cd copied the image to a 200 mb partition.

partition 2bce0f9d-53a6-4ec2-b5ad-1a6915c74260 is 45 GB
partition 4683EB23BED2EB34 is 102.6 GB NTFS
partition b7240ff1-0807-42ba-e172-bff5872519ad is 6.7 GB


Will creating an entry in fstab sdb6 and sdb8 allow the fedora distrib dvd to install to the external hd? How do I create the entries?
I have a raid0 hd with windows xp pro. When i try to shrink the partition using anaconda, I get a disk error and the comper locks up. I have to shut off the ups to reboot.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Install - Partman Doesn't Detect Disks, But GParted Does?

Feb 21, 2010

Using install disc burned from ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso ; disc verified. Could not install because installation hung during partman. Booted into LiveCD (using same disc), and GParted works, but partman does not.

I've searched Google and this Forum with no luck; but perhaps I'm just not asking correctly. Any help - even a workaround Is there a way to use something other than partman, or to mount the root, home, and swap in a way that makes partman skip it during install?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 3 Disks Partitions And Windows XP - Install 10.10 In SDB Without Loosing The Data In SDA And SDC

Oct 11, 2010

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 in a desktop computer with three disks. SDA with NTFS in SDA1, where I have Windows XP, SDB where I had Ubuntu 10.04, and SDC where I have an NTFS partition. I want to install Ubuntu 10.10 in SDB without loosing the data in SDA and SDC. When I try to install it, when I choose specify manual partition, I only find this: Where is SDB abd SDC? What do I choose in Device for Boot Loader Installation?

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