OpenSUSE Hardware :: Unstable 11.3 On Gateway Laptop (64-bit)?

Jul 29, 2010

I'm rather new to Linux and haven't been on it for more than a week. I've been trying to find a Linux operating system that'd be compatible with my computer - I went through about 4 of them before finding openSUSE and really liking it. My main problem now, however, is that it seems to be rather unstable when it comes to running programs after a while. I've been on the computer for about 30 minutes for this session and tried using skype, for example. After about 5-10 minutes of using it, skype ended up crashing. There weren't any other programs open at the time either. After a while of doing anything, it usually lags up, taking about a minute to unstick so programs respond, and even gets to the point where it sometimes doesn't detect my keyboard strokes (though I think this is a separate problem that has to do with the disfunctional multimedia buttons - usually, after a minute or two, the typing begins to work again).

I've also noticed, however, that when trying to start up, the computer automatically goes to a 'start up options' screen where I can either boot in openSUSE normally or try the failsafe option. Is this normal? Usually, before shutting down or booting up, a black screen with white writing will flash by, sometimes followed by multicolored stripes before settling on the openSUSE log-in screen - at first this freaked me out and I'm still not sure if that means it's having an adverse reaction with the computer. The webcam doesn't stay disabled either after restarting, but I'm not sure if this is normal or not.

Has anyone else experienced these problems? The Windows Vista Home 64-bit that I had installed on my computer originally was OEM and I tried calling Gateway for help with the computer when something happened to the operating system that made it unable to connect to the internet regardless of what I tried to do (even the system diagnostics tool didn't help). I mention this because I'm wondering if the fact that it was OEM might have something to do with it? Or should I not try Linux at all on here and return back to Windows for this one? I've read around and a few people have said Linux is best working when installed by the manufacturer before purchase. Is this true?

After the problem with Vista, when I came upon the Linux OS's I was really intrigued, and I find I really like them especially for the fact that there's so much interaction with the terminal command prompt. I'd like to continue working with the openSUSE OS but does it sound like I should? or should I install the 32-bit version instead?


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Gateway Laptop No More Sounds?

Apr 14, 2010

After I put my laptop for a system update, some of it [sounds] works selectively in my browser when I am watching ..... but when I am playing some musics on my desktop, there's no any sounds coming out. Then I noticed that my Output is still in 100% but 0.00db and a Dummy Output.

I already tried some steps I saw in some threads that has the same problem too but it became worse, I no more [completely] sounds anymore.

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Ubuntu :: Enable Bluetooth In Gateway Laptop?

Mar 12, 2011

I'm running ubuntu 10.10 on a gateway NV7915u laptop that has built-in bluetooth. However, ubuntu doesn't seem to be detecting it (it tells me that my computer doesn't have any bluetooth adapters plugged in).It seems that Fn F6 is supposed to enable bluetooth, but it doesn't seem to actually be doing anything

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Networking :: How To Connect Via Gateway (Desktop And Laptop)

Feb 3, 2009

I have two computers. The first computer has windows xp in it and is a member of the local lan with ip address The second is my laptop having ubuntu 8.10.Both these computers are connected to each other via the broadband router which assigns ips to my laptop and to my desktop. I am able to browse the lan of 192.168.11.x via the desktop and I want the same possible on my laptop whose only connection is through the router to the desktop. Is there any way I can do it?

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General :: Gateway Laptop Shuts Down After Booting?

Jul 4, 2011

My gateway laptop shuts down either imediately after booting, or while I'm online, usually within the first 5 minutes. I have a laptop cooler and aima fan at the laptop while using it. Could it be the hard drive? Is there any way of knowing before I buy a new hard drive?

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General :: Wireless Not Working On Gateway Laptop

Aug 16, 2010

Ok I am a complete Noob when it comes to anything other than a windows based unit, so please be patient with me. I am able to connect to the Internet using a wired connection.

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Fedora :: Intel Hd Graphics, Gateway Nv79 Laptop?

Dec 23, 2010

I have an intel core i3 laptop, it has 4gig of ram only showing 2 I am also running the x64 bit version of fedora 14.. My graphics will not work correctly. I have tried the intel driver for linux.. It did not work( or i did something wrong) very possible in messing up the install. I would llike to know if there is an update coming out or if i could get a step by step on how to fix, this issue..

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Fedora :: 14 -Desktop Effects Not Working On Gateway Laptop?

Feb 6, 2011

I'm not able to get the Desktop Effects/3D graphics to work on a Gateway laptop. I suspect that I'm not using the correct nvidia drivers but I don't know what drivers I need for my system.I followed the instructions from this link with no luck.

Some system info:
# uname -rs


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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Crashes Frequently On Gateway NV56 Laptop

Apr 25, 2011

I recently switched from windows 7 to ubuntu 10.10 on my Gateway NV56 laptop. I previously had used wubi on it and had no problems, but with this installation it frequently crashes to a black screen and I have to reboot via the power switch. alt+sys-req+REUISB does not work, and I have lost a lot of data to this.

My hardware is as follows
-AMD turiion X2 RM-75 2.5 GHz dual core processor
-ATI Radeon HD 3200
-4 GB memory
-6 GB Ubuntu
-41 GB linux swap
-453 GB data

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: 10.10 Gateway Laptop - Cannot Get Jack To Work

May 22, 2011

I'm new to linux. I cant get jack to work. I am using ubuntu 10.10 on a gateway laptop. This is what it says in jack's window

p, li { white-space: pre-wrap;
00:48:28.140 Patchbay deactivated.
00:48:28.188 Statistics reset.
00:48:28.197 ALSA connection graph change.
00:48:28.450 ALSA connection change.
00:48:36.141 Startup script...
00:48:36.142 artsshell -q terminate
sh: artsshell: not found
00:48:36.546 Startup script terminated with exit status=32512.
00:48:36.546 JACK is starting...
00:48:36.547 /usr/bin/jackd -r -t2000 -dalsa -dhw:0 -r44100 -p1024 -n2
00:48:36.551 Could not start JACK. Sorry.
00:48:40.026 JACK was stopped with exit status=255.
00:48:40.029 Post-shutdown script...
00:48:40.030 killall jackd
jackd: no process found
00:48:40.442 Post-shutdown script terminated with exit status=256.

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Debian :: Configure Wireless On Laptop Gateway Mx6931

Oct 4, 2010

I am new in using Debian 5.0, my wireless doesn't work I make a search to know how to do it.
So I open "Terminal"
$ su (press enter)
I wrote the pwd
than when I wrote : # gedit/etc/apt/sources.list
I found this:
bash: gedit/etc/apt/sources.list: No such file or directory

I didn't know what to do, I proceed with: # apt-get install ipw3945 modules-$(uname-r) ipw3945d firmware-ip3945
bash: uname-r: command not found
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package ipw3945

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General :: Control Fan Speed In Gateway M-6848 Laptop?

Jan 15, 2011

how to control the speed of the fan in my laptop ? i use ubuntu ...i don't seem to use it to full power and it is always cool .. it makes lots of noise.i don't know what to say for commands i've run . i tried lm-sensors but it says command not found. sensors gives me some output and "temp1" which say +69degrees maximum 89 ..i used the search function but it just gave me some unsolved threads.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.4.1 - Gateway NV59 Laptop (No Wireless Access)

Sep 13, 2010

I am completely new to linux in any flavour. I installed ubuntu 10.4.1 64-bit on my Gateway NV59 laptop as a dual boot with Windows 7. The installation went just fine. When it comes to networking, I can connect to my home network when wired directly, wireless is another matter. I can connect wireless in windows just fine, so the card is physically fine.

My set up is as follows:
Gateway NV59 laptop with Atheros AR928X PCI-E wireless adapter
Linksys WRT54G router using WPA2 Personal and a class C address scheme (192.168.x.x)
(If anyone thinks it would be necessary to post actual hardware specs of the laptop, I can, but don't think it really necessary). I have followed the Wifi Wireless Troubleshooting Guide found at [URL].

When connecting to my network wirelessly, I click the icon in the top right, and choose "Create New Wireless Network". When I input my settings (SSID - not broadcast, and security type and key - WPA), it then states I am connected under the "Wireless Networks" section found in that menu, and shows my network name with a strong signal and a computer/monitor icon. When I double-click the icon, it tells me I am connected and that the connection is active, yet the actual wireless icon on the top bar is grey, not white, and has a red exclamation mark on it. According to the steps in the troubleshooting guide, my wireless card is recognized and installed, with a driver of ath9k.

When I run lsmod, the driver is listed, therefore loaded, and ndiswrapper is NOT listed. I have verified that the driver is communicating with the kernel. When I scan for my router, it is listed under Cell 04, with the correct SSID and hardware address. There do not appear to be multiple drivers loaded, and my wifi is NOT disabled. When I check to see if I'm associated with a router, iwconfig shows my network ssid under wlan0, with the correct hardware address listed under Cell:, yet I cannot ping my router's internal ip address. At this point, I ran ifconfig, and for some reason, my wireless card has been given a class A address of

When I try to assign an ip address via dhcp, DHCPDISCOVER runs for a number of intervals and then tells me "No DHCPOFFERS received", yet my router is using dhcp to assign ips with a pool of 50, more than enough ips for all the hardware in my network. When I run the command "sudo invoke-rc.d networking restart", I get the statement "Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0" - not sure what that means, but doesn't sound good to me, and retrying to accquire an ip address through dhcp still does not work. If I attempt to assign an ip address within my network range manually, I first run the command "sudo ifconfig wlan0 down", then just out of curiosity to see if the interface is really down.

I run ifconfig again, and wlan0 is no longer listed, but now there is eth0 (my regular ethernet interface) with no ip address. AND another interface is listed - eth0:avahi with the same hardware address as eth0, and an address of - this seems to be the default address the OS will assign when it cannot get one via dhcp, but I have no idea why it has shown up as eth0::avahi... Anyway, after entering the command "sudo ifconfig ip addr 192.168.x.x netmask broadcast 192.168.x.255 up" with the appropriate addresses, I receive the error "addr: Unknown host".

What I have NOT tried, are the following steps:
1. Change my router to an open signal (I would prefer not to do this, but will, if it is absolutely necessary for troubleshooting)
2. Try gtk wifi, or wifi radar
3. Try booting with kernel option pci=noacpi or acpi=off (not entirely sure how to do this just yet)
4. Try wpa supplicant (not sure what this is, just noted it was in the troubleshooting guide)

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Debian Configuration :: Wireless Interface Drivers For A Gateway M520x Laptop

Dec 9, 2010

I have been trying to get my wireless interface work but i am unable to find a driver for the wireless interface.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Find Wireless Drivers For Laptop (Gateway M6335)

Mar 22, 2011

My laptop is Gateway M-6335 and I have problems with wireless drivers. I couldn't find any drivers for it. I searched in Software Centre and tried to google it but it didn't work. I have also problems with Bluetooth driver, but it's an other story. I'm using Ubuntu 10.10.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Switch From Unstable Kde 4.5 To Kde 4.4.1?

Mar 5, 2010

I am using some unstable set of kde packages with opensuse 11.2-i586, at the moment the version number is

KDE 4.4.62 (KDE 4.5 >= 20100203).

That I have these packages is due to some misconfiguration / error, and I would like to replace them with something stable, say kde 4.4.1. I had a look into yast, found an option like "use these (kde 4.4) packages as system packages", but run into numerous compatability issues afterwards so that I can't make the switch.

So my question is: How can I replace the unstable kde 4.5 packages with kde 4.4.1? I don't know suse very well, so if there is some step-by-step description available somewhere

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OpenSUSE :: Kimpanel - Unstable / Incompatibility With KDE4

Feb 10, 2010

Thinking of installing Kimpanel plasmoid for Japanese input as an alternative to Skim due to it's unstable / incompatibility with KDE4. Anybody have any experience with it? Which anthy backend works best? scim-anthy or ibus-anthy? Install instructions at all or does it drag in all its own dependencies?

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OpenSUSE :: Fix An Unstable 11.2 Desktop / Closes And Freezes Temporarily?

Jun 9, 2010

Is there any way I can install an older version of kde like the on on suselinux 10.1 because the newer desktops are very unstable on my computers. stuff closes, stuff freezes temperarly, fortunetly nothing perminent has happened yet but its been threating to abolish my computer. Ive had other cases like this end up making me reinstall my operating system and Id really like to just fix the problem before it happens. page down is overrun with this horribly lagging scroll.buttons look like there clicking occasionally and again it closes programs and has logged me out once already.

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OpenSUSE :: K3b And Audex Crash Starting Up - Opticals In Kde4 Unstable?

Oct 15, 2010

they worked once (probably stopped late Aug), I am running KDE4 unstable, gnormalize, vlc, etc work fine so the cd reader is working and seen by the os when I run audex or k3b I get the errors below and the apps crash, I've searched and posted bugs but what I can't understand is why me and no one else (paranoia?), does anyone have any idea? if I try to view in Dolphin I get "the process for the audio cd protocol died unexpectedly". Common error seems to be "QSocketNotifier: Invalid socket 10 and type 'Read', disabling.


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OpenSUSE :: 11.3 (i586) No Gateway With Networkmanager

Jul 27, 2010

I did an upgrade from 11.2 to 11.3 at my Dell D820 laptop. Everything is working fine except that with Networkmanager it no longer sets the default gateway received by DHCP. I do receive an IP-adress (wired/wireless, does not make a difference) but no gateway. I have tested with several networks and this problem stays...

Of course I can do it manual (adding an default gw), but facing different wired/wireless networks its very unhandy.

Under Networkmanager -> Manage Connection You can edit a connection. If you do that, under tab 'IP-address' -> Configure: Automatic (DHCP) . Below you can select option 'routes'. In this field nothing is selected (I think that is correct). It must be something simple/stupid but what?

OS: Linux 2.6.34-12-desktop i686
KDE: 4.4.4 "release 2
CPU: T2400 @ 1.83 Ghz

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OpenSUSE Network :: Gateway Changing The IP Address?

Mar 14, 2010

I am coming across a strange error with my gateway. When I do a "ping", this is what I get below:

k-63a5b848c6cb4:~ # ping simba
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from k-63a5b848c6cb4 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.041 ms
64 bytes from k-63a5b848c6cb4 ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.029 ms
64 bytes from k-63a5b848c6cb4 ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.023 ms
64 bytes from k-63a5b848c6cb4 ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.015 ms

Is the gateway doing something strange?

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Working Unstable And Very Slowly - Wireless Appears So Late - 10min Later After Loggen In

Sep 4, 2010

My openSUSE's working unstable and very slowly! Wireless is starting very late.It appears 10min later after i loggen in,and wants me to enter wireless password.This windows is showing up so late,and I can't connect internet before it shows up.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Dropping Connection - Ignoring Default Gateway

Nov 1, 2010

I recently upgraded a 11.0 installation running on Xen Server to 11.3. I am experiencing frequent network disconnections now. The ip address and default gateway is assigned statically. However, the system seems to ignore the default gateway after a while. Then after several minutes it seems like it comes back.

root@poe5e:~/ > route
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface * U 0 0 0 eth1 * U 0 0 0 eth0
link-local * U 0 0 0 eth0
loopback * U 0 0 0 lo
default UG 0 0 0 eth0
root@poe5e:~/ > ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.515 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=255 time=0.484 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=255 time=0.496 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=255 time=0.473 ms
--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 2997ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.473/0.492/0.515/0.015 ms
root@poe5e:~/ > traceroute orl3akm1n
traceroute to orl3akm1n (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets using UDP
1 ( 0.405 ms 0.398 ms 0.357 ms
2 * * *

When my sessions suddenly die and I have to coax it into routing correctly again.

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OpenSUSE :: Running Suse 11.2 On A Gateway Lt3103u - Screen Dims With Certain Apps

Mar 23, 2010

Im running suse 11.2 on a gateway lt3103u during boot i noticed the screen goes dim. i thought nothing of it untill i tried to watch *ahem* educational video *ahem*. ive found that no matter what program i use xine vlc or anything else that video sets the screen to dim as if it were in power saving mode. this problem also occurs when i close the lid. it locks the screen into dim mode. in both cases i can use both Fn keys and the power management widget to reset it to bright, but this problem is annoying having to keep turning it back u to see.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Configure To The Server And Gateway - Internet Stops Working

Feb 6, 2010

i did install opensuse and everything ok; i did configure it to be the server and gateway for a little office network Everything seems to be ok most of the time but sometimes (usually between 5 and 7 pm each day) internet stops working and there is no way to let it start again. So i turn off the suse, switch all cables to the old fedora server, just turn it on fedora and internet works. Turn off fedora, connect suse, let it start and everythng happens all the times

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Booting On Gateway - Windows 7 Cannot Be Chosen At Boot?

May 6, 2011

i've just got my gateway laptop which has a recovery option. Due to my observation, the computer has 3 primary partitions when I firstly got it: 12.7 GB, whose property is system recovery (empty and hidden); 100MB whose properties are ACTIVE, primary partition; partition C whose properties are BOOT, system, primary partition, crash dump and page file. Seems that when the machine starts, it firstly read the 100MB partition and then it is leaded to the partition C, where the windows 7 is installed. I SHRINKED THE PARTITION C AND CREATED 3 LOGICAL DRIVES.

Now I want to install OpenSuSE 11.4 on one of my logical drives. What should I do to keep all things well, which means I will be able to dual-boot and also keep my recovery function well? What's more, what I do not want is that the windows 7 cannot be chosen at boot or neither of them can boot!

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Networking :: OpenSuSE / Yast / Network Settings: Gateway Eth0 Through Wlan1?

Dec 16, 2010

I have a laptop running OpenSuSE 11.2. I use the Yast menu to set up network settings via "traditional" ifconfig setup (not NetworkManager), because I found NM unusable in prior releases when doing network gymnastics such as router re-flashing, LAN reconfiguration, etc. where I needed control of the IP address, netmask, DHCP, tftp, etc. My laptop works fine with Yast "traditional" ifconfig configuration for eth0 connected to router to Internet. Works fine with Yast ifconfig configuration for USB WiFi as wlan1 to WiFi router to Internet. Also works fine for virtual machines on vmnets NAT-ed to the Internet. Works fine as long as there is only one network connection, that is.

Now, I have a second laptop. I want to network laptop #2 eth0 to laptop #1 eth0 for file transfer and/or Internet access WHILE laptop #1 is is linked to the Internet through wlan1. Unfortunately, I have not figured out how to get Yast/Network Configuration to do that. I have not been able to get Yast/Network Configuration to see both wlan1 and eth0 at the same time--when the Yast utility finishes, I do >ifconfig and >route, and I find that I have lost either eth0 or wlan1. Thus, when I do direct-connect file transfers, I loose the WiFi Internet connection on both machines.

I suspect that it might have something to do with Yast/Network Configuration utility not being able to handle two network interfaces on the host with different IP addresses. how to properly put an OpenSuSE machine on two networks simultaneously? And then how to turn on IP forwarding so that I can use laptop #1's WiFi as an Internet gateway for laptop #2?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Unstable 11.2 After Hardware Changes?

Jan 6, 2011

Recently, after a hard drive failure, I replaced my old boot drive, and IDE 60GB HD with an IDE 120GB HD, and as well, replaced two older generation 1 SATA (500GB and 350 GB) drives with 2 2TB SATA drives in Raid 1 (Hardware). This machines uses an older A7N8X motherboard with 100 MHz Ram (2 GB) and an AMD 1800+ CPU. The SATA Drives are fed from a silicon images 3124 card. The machine is using OpenSuSe 11.2 32 bit.One partion of the 120GB drive is NTFS, the other is extended with swap, boot, /. The 2 TB Raid is /home.

No matter whether I used hardware raid or software raid, whenever I do any kind of activity that uses the hard drive a lot I get crashes that lock the machine up completely. Programs stop running, the mouse freezes, etc. The only way to restart the machine is to turn off the power. It starts normally after it fixes the hard drive partitions.My guess is that the motherboard is so old and slow it's not able to keep up with SATA 3 hard drives. I don't know whether upgrading the memory to PC 3200 (400MHz) and or the CPU - I can go up to an AMD 2800+ is likely to fix the problem or not. Can some of you suggest whether I should just replace the mobo or the memory and cpu. My dilemma is that money is important, and I don't want to replace the cpu and memory and then have to buy a new cpu, mobo AND memory

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OpenSUSE Network :: Create A Gateway Server That Allows Virtual Private Network Connections?

Feb 26, 2010

I have openSUSE 11.2 installed and i need to create a gateway server that allows virtual private network connections. I want to play with my friends some lan games, but we are in different networks, so i want to create this gateway server so we can connect with VPN clients to this server and play freely.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Unable To Ping The Default Gateway When Using Custom Settings - Unreachable Network

Jul 17, 2011

I installed openSUSE on one of my work system. The network port wasn't working when I was installing, but works fine now (checked in Windows). But for some reason, I am not able to configure the network. I used both Dynamic and Static IPs (both work fine in Windows) but still no go. I am using Yast Control Center for this purpose. I can't even ping the default gateway when I am using custom settings. When I use dynamic settings, it says Unreachable Network.

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