Networking :: Possible Via Software To Disable NIC ?

Sep 30, 2010

Is it somehow possible via software to disable NIC in such manner, that even "link protocol" in Cisco switch will not come up? I connected laptop eth0 port to switch port and console cable to switch management port as well. If I do "ifconfig eth0 down" or "ifdown eth0", the link protocol still stays up. Even after "modprobe -r e1000e" autonegotiation between NIC and switch port takes place and link protocol comes up As far as I know, there are no possibilities to disable NIC using the ethtool or mii-tool.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Disable Internet / Networking Capabilities

Jan 10, 2010

I suffer enormously from net addiction (as well as gaming addiction and related behavioural maladies).I've had revelatory success in controlling my time online-and, in general, in front of a screen with unproductive applications- by locking my monitor's power cord into an Ems PowerCop (the key to which I keep at work). Writing and journaling, I do on an AlphaSmart Neo. However, I could really use a tool to allow me to edit and typeset my writing (and only those tasks).I'm considering buying an ultra-low cost net-book.I want a netbook because it's the cheapest way to keep the display power fully dependent and integrated with the machine---I can't have something that will allow a simple means of working around the Ems PowerCop. Also, since it lacks an optical disk drive (and since I'll be keeping my usb drives at work) there will not be an easy way to reinstall the operating system. However, before I buy anything, I need to know that, after installing/configuring all of my preferred settings for vim and La/Xetex, there is a way that I can cripple the netbook and all of its applications so that no internet access is possible.

The Cherrypal Africa can come with either Ubuntu, Debian, or its own Linux blend, Green Maraschino. If it ends up being either Ubuntu or Debian, what can I do that will irreversibly (at least, from a software level---a hardware level would probably require damaging the usb ports, which I don't want to do) disable its ability to try to communicate with the internet (including the software repositories)? I'm hoping for a particular system file that I can delete rather than the addition of a command somewhere that would be easy for me to undo when I'm bored out of my mind and want to see what Wikipedia has to say about the glycemic index.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Must Disable Then Enable Networking For Wireless?

Jan 29, 2011

My wireless can connect to my router without a problem, but in order to do so (after boot) I must first disable networking in the Notification Area and then re-enable it. I don't mind it too much, but when other people use my computer, it's made painfully obvious to me, that this was never an issue with Windows 7 (as much as I despise MS).

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Networking :: Disable GRO From NIC?

Aug 30, 2010

I was told that the reason I'm having network performance issues is due to "generic receive offload" on eth0. I was told to use the following command:

ethtool -K eth0 gro off
Does anyone know what exactly this is disabling / correcting for my NIC performance

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General :: Disable Blank Cd Autostart - Disable The Window And The Icon From The Desktop?

Jan 24, 2011

I have Ubuntu 10.04 with Gnome. Whenever I put in a blank CD/DVD an icon on the desktop appears named "Blank CD/DVD" and a window appears asking me what I want to do with it. How do I disable the window and the icon from the desktop?

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Networking :: How To Disable Networking On RHEL5

Apr 8, 2010

I have an HP workstation running Red Hat Linux 5 that is currently configured for a static IP connection. I wish to keep the existing network configuration, but I want to be able to use the workstation and log into my accounts when I am not connected to the network. I have tried using the following methods to disable the network with no success:

1. I set the "ONBOOT" parameter of the ifcfg-eth0 file to "no".
2. I set the "Networking" parameter in the /etc/sysconfig/network file to "no".
3. I moved the /etc/resolv.conf file to /etc/resolv.conf.OFF


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Networking :: Disable/Enable LAN Card By C/C++

Aug 24, 2010

I want to make a kernel module that its function is like ifup/ifdown. However I could not find any way to do that.

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Networking :: Disable Ping On One Interface But Allow On Another?

Aug 13, 2010

I have 2 NICs on my computer connected to 2 different networks. On 1 interface i wish to disable the return of ping and on the other interface i wish to still allow ping. Is this possible? Both interfaces need to be able to send and receive data. I know that you can disable ping in /etc/sysctl.conf but is there a way to set the ping value for a specific interface only?

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Networking :: Disable The Ipv6 Address Only?

Jul 28, 2009

I have a host and typing ifconfig I get:

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0E:7F:4F:E4:09
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::20e:7fff:fe4f:e409/64 Scope:Link


and to do a test i want to disable or delete the ipv6 address, but mainteining the other configured parameters. Looking on the ifcfg config file I have



and nothing about IPv6... Then, using ifdown-ipv6 could i remove only the ipv6 address?

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Networking :: Disable Ipv6 In Ubuntu 9.04?

Apr 2, 2009

I have tried to disable the ipv6 support in ubuntu 9.04 32bit but the /etc/modprobe.d/aliases does not exist so I can't disable the suport as sugested for the previews versions. I need to disable it becouse it is pounding a total maihem in my vamware machines.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Permanently Disable Wireless

Feb 14, 2010

I don't use wireless on my desktop so i would like it permanently disabled...each time i boot up it's back and receving up to 80mb of data from an unknown connection via wireless (i dont use wireless) so, to avoid any weird connections to my neighboors house or some kid hacking the neighborhood driving by with a wireless router in his truck i'd like to permanently turn off wireless. this is kind of funny because i had a hard time getting wireless to work on my laptop, but this is my desktop where i do not want it. i looked it up and your forum back in 2007 said to type in iwconfig in the shell then get the nickname of the wireless card then to black list the wireless card. i did this but it didn't work, so what do i do now? i have ubuntu 9.10

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Ubuntu Networking :: Disable 'internet' For One User

May 27, 2010

I have searched for hours and have found nothing that works. Its just amazing that I have not destroyed my laptop yet. What I want to do is keep my child off the net under his user account. I have Karmic installed currently. I have tried adding an iptables rule: sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -o eth0 -m owner --uid-owner test -j REJECT

That does not work. So then I tried to disable the network card for just one account... no go.I can only stop access totally for both users which doesn't work for me very well. No method gives me what I need. I want a way so I can login and use the computer normally AND an account he can login to and use but with no web.

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Ubuntu :: Disable / Enable Networking Each Boot

Oct 13, 2010

I have a strange problem with my networking under Ubuntu. When I first log in to Gnome both my network adapters are listed as "disconnected" in the network manager applet. If I right click on the notification icon and disable networking, then wait a few seconds and re enable it, it works fine.

It's happening consistently with Maverick although it seemed only temperamental with Lucid. I did a fresh Maverick install to see if it would help but it hasn't.

It's the onboard network sockets on a Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD7. I have two ports but I only use one, it doesn't seem to matter which I use. It's connected via gigabit ethernet to a Netgear router. It works fine in Windows 7 (dual boot).

It looks as though something's not quite "ready" when gnome first launches. The light on the router for the cable is off at first, and only comes on after a few seconds. It's DHCP. Same thing happened on the live USB stick (just before the isntaller) and disable/reenable made it work.

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Networking :: Disable Network Manager In Ubuntu 10.04?

Aug 7, 2010

How i do disable Network Manager in ubuntu 10.04 ?

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Fedora Networking :: Disable Autoneg If Not Connected To Network?

Aug 9, 2009

I am trying to boot my laptop in text mode while it is not connected to a network. A message keeps popping up " eth0 ... negotiating". Does anyboy know how to turn it off? I tried "ethtool -s eth0 autoneg off. It still won't stop. I had tried editing /etc/sysconfig/network and turning off networking by NETWORKING=no. Still the same.

When I boot in the graphic mode, this problem of pesky message does not come out. I want to use the text mode since I will use my computer for editing documents and will be using vi only. In the text mode, when I plug it to a network, the persistent message stops but returns the minute I unplug the network. I want to use it unplug to the network since I will not have access to a network all the time. By the way, I am using Fedora 11. I am using a wired DSL network. My computer can do wireless but i had it disabled or switched off.

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Fedora Networking :: Dns Not Working Until Disable And Reenable Eth0?

Oct 18, 2009

I've got a 64 bit home server system that was upgraded from FC2 to 7, 9, now 11. I've now got a weird situation where dns inquiries will not work when I reboot the machine, until i restart eth0. When I reboot, I can open firefox on the machine, put in the IP of my dsl router, and look at it's settings just fine. All other internet uses, whether it's yum,squid, or etc. comes back with the usual name server not found messages. I've got thenetwork setup to use the named on this server, ( the web's a tad bit slower when I set it up to use ISP's windows nameservers, go figure).

Anyway, a few years ago I set up the machine to use the network service to bring theseinterfaces up. (I believe this was because the early versions on Networkmanger had some issues. In an attempt to fix this issue I reset Networkmanger start at startup, and reset up eth0 and 1 to be controlled by it.I then got namserver1=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX in resolve.conf at reboot..(yeah they were really X's, I'm not hiding an ip here) I tried going intonsswitch.conf, found the line hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dnsand changed it to:hosts:files dns mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return]No joy, I still have to do an ifdown eth0 and an ifup eth0 to get dns to work..

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Only Connect To Web With Ipv6 Disable In Firefox?

Jan 4, 2010

have had a problem with my ubuntu system recently in that it will only let me connect to the Internet through Firefox if I switch network.dns.disableIPv6 on. How do I do the equivalent in Ubuntu to enable me to use Ephiphany etc which are not working anymore

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Ubuntu Networking :: Disable Storage Drivers On An Aircard

Jan 15, 2010

I work for a regional cell phone company, and have recently taken it upon myself to create some documentation that will aid our mobile broadband users with installation of the aircards we carry.I decided to start out with Ubuntu 9.10, and I am using a Novatel mc727. I set it up using the mobile broadband feature that is built in, but I am having a few problems. First I have noticed that once you get the connection created, if you try to edit the settings, an error pops up stating that you are not authorized to do so, before I even get a chance to put in the password. Its not really a big deal, and if it comes down to it you can always delete the connection and start over. However, I have noticed that with the card plugged in, sometimes it can take up to 15 minutes to be recognized as a connection. I got to thinking about it and figured it may have something to do with the fact that this card, and all the cards we carry are seen on windows as a mass storage device. So to test this, i left the card in and rebooted, and of course on reboot, the card was mounted and once i hit eject, it was seen as a modem right away.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 - Disable PRO / Wireless 2915ABG (Thinkpad X41)

Feb 19, 2010

I use this Thinkpad mostly for work while traveling, and wireless connectivity is not a big issue for me. Battery life is a big issue, however. I've just converted from Mandriva. With that, I was able to disable the wireless adapter so that it did nothing at all on boot - and only started on my instruction. This made a dramatic difference to battery life! How to achieve this in Ubuntu? The file attached gives all the info about my wireless set-up as it stands.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Disable Built-in Wireless (while Allowing USB)

May 1, 2010

I have an old T30 that has an incompatible wireless card with my network. How can I disable the builtin wireless card while allowing my USB Linksys card to fully function?I can't figure out how to have one run while disabling the other.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Disable Samba WinPopup Password?

May 5, 2010

I'm currently running two computers running Karmic (one was upgraded from Jaunty), and both are running Samba servers. Before I upgraded from Jaunty, I was running Linpopup for a simple Winpopup program to just send and receive Winpopup messages. Afterwards, it was removed due to a lack of support, so I installed it manually, finding all the required packages on the Ubuntu Package List site.

My current problem is that running Code: smbclient -M [network-name] asks for a password before it will let me enter my message, which means that I have to add my password on the first line of my message in Linpopup. My question is, why do I have to enter a password just to send a Winpopup message between computers and how do I disable this? None of the documentation I've found so far indicates anything about fixing it, let alone that the problem exists.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Disable Dhcp3-server On Startup?

Jun 26, 2010

I have an old Linksys WUSB54G USB wireless card lying around, and occasionally I like to use it as an access point for my laptop. For assigning IP addresses I use dhcp3-server. The only problem is that the server attempts to start itself up on boot, which I do not want- I want to start it up manually if I need it. how to disable this service on boot?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Disable Laptop RTL8187B Wireless?

Jul 4, 2010

I'm running 10.04 LTS

I have loaded ndiswrapper and managed to get my D-Link usb dongle working (this is wireless N) but I need to disable my laptops built in rtl8187B wireless (they both connect at log on).

In Windows I just turn of the wireless switch but in Ubuntu this disables all wireless. I think I have to black list the rtl8178b driver.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Disable 'internet' Connection On Eth0

Oct 15, 2010

I have two connections for my PC, my Ethernet which is on the corporate network and my smart phone on 'usb0'. Both have full internet access.I want to stop my PC from connecting to the internet over the Eth0 while still connecting to internal servers then just have internet over usb0.If I go to the settings of 'Auth Ethernet' in the tray area, under IPv4 there is the routings section - I've tried enabling "use this connection only for resources on its network" but it doesnt work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Services To Disable To Boost Performance?

Oct 15, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.10 today Netbook Edition on the Asus Eee PC 1015PED. Specifications for Asus Eee PC 1015PED: Atom 455, 1.66 GHz, 1Gb ram, 250Gb drive, Bluetooth 3.0, 0.3 megapixel webcam, Gigabit Ethernet, WSVGA (1024x600), sound card compatible with the HD audio connector, d-dub, three USB 2.0 ports, 6-cell - lithium Ion - 4400mAh, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n.

solve the problem or an indication of the package to install. tutorial under the title, which services to disable to boost performance. first place to help you connect to the Internet. especially to the netbook'a - Asus Eee PC 1015PED. I updated everything on connection via cable. Detects the connection, but when it connects after a while.. "Wireless - Network Disconnected".


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Ubuntu Networking :: Disable An On-board Wireless Device?

Nov 15, 2010

I recently bought a new nettop and installed Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop. Unfortunately the on-board wlan is kind of crap so I bought a USB Wireless stick and since that stick has a pretty recent chipset ndis was needed to get the USB stick to work as wlan1.

The issue is I want to disable the on-board wlan (wlan0). The BIOS does not offer that option so it needs to be done in the OS I guess. My question is what is the best way of doing so? I've read something about blacklisting or editing 10-wlan.rules but I am unsure what the best place is and what to put there.

This the output of ifconfig:


eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:01:2e:2b:a7:b0
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0


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Ubuntu Networking :: Disable Bcm43xx Wifi Driver?

Jan 23, 2011

I'm running Maverick Meerkat Ubuntu and I'm trying to figure out how to disable this bcm43xx wifi driver, or something like that. Personally, I have no clue what this is, but someone said that after you install NDISwrapper and its components, you have to disable bcm43xx driver, otherwise the two will conflict.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Script To Conditionally Disable Wireless NIC?

Feb 2, 2011

My laptop is running Ubuntu 10.04. It has both wired and wireless LAN interfaces. I would like to have a startup script that would disable the wireless NIC if there is connectivity on the wired NIC. Does anyone have such a script, or advice on how to write one?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Won't Connect To Network Unless Disable/enable?

Feb 7, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu in VMWare for a side project. I noticed when I boot up, it doesn't let me access anything externally. I have to disable network manager and re-enable it. Once done, I can hit everything fine. I'm using a static IP in network manager.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Pro Wireless 2200BG Network DISABLE?

Mar 10, 2011

Ubuntu, but I like it, and I'm trying to see how powerful it is.I got a non function wireless network card. Here the information that I be able to collect:

- Tabletop HP Compaq tc4200.
- OS Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Linux.
- Wireless interface: Pro/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection. Vendor: Intel


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