Networking :: Connect From Ubuntu 10.04 To Apple?

Jul 1, 2010

I scanned my apple comp. with nessus and found some open ports (445 "guest login", 139 smb service detection, 631, 137, 123, 88) can I use any of these ports to connect to the apple from my ubuntu 10.04? If yes, can you tell me how plz? I tried $telnet [ip adress] [open port]

like this: $ telnet [ip address] 445 since it is a guest login and i get the message that i'm connected but anything i type does absolutely nothing i. For example i type ifconfig and press enter and nothing happens it just goes to the next line. What am I doing wrong? Is there another way to connect so I can actually look at my files in that computer and print on that printer?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Can't Connect To Internet

Jun 12, 2010

I am trying to dual boot OS X and Ubuntu 10.04. Install went well, but I can't seem to figure out how to connect to the internet. when I boot into Mac OS X I can connect, but not in ubuntu.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Cannot Connect To Internet On MacBook

Jun 14, 2010

I am a new linux user with a 1yo macbook. I have Ubuntu 10 and I cannot connect to the internet. How to get internet working on my computer.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 6.06 Airport - Can't Connect To Wifi At All

Nov 1, 2010

So I cant get 7.10 to run, it gives me a "Not enough video ram" issue. So on my 300mhz iBook I have shoved 6.06 into it. Airport issues are the only problem, I cant get it to connect to Wifi at all.

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Ubuntu :: Apple Products Connect - But Don't Mount

Nov 16, 2010

I have an iPhone 3G and an ipod Touch. i also have a friends iPhone 3G. This issue is multiple devices so I know it's not an issue with the devices. used to, i plug my iDevice in and Ubuntu automatically mounts it. Now, nothing at all happens. So, here's what I have done so far. Ubuntu can see them, but nothing happens and I don't know what to do with that.

Ubuntu 10.04 Code: Linux Ubuntu 2.6.32-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 17 20:26:08 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux When I plug my iPhone it and run dmesg | tail i get Code: [ 2348.832075] usb 1-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 6 [ 2348.970524] usb 1-3: configuration #1 chosen from 4 choices Dunno what configuration #1 is, but I guess it's no right. Further, if I run lsusb | grep Apple it correctly identifies my device: Code: Bus 001 Device 006: ID 05ac:1292 Apple, Inc. iPhone 3G If i run ideviceinfo, i get a TON if info including my iDevices model, UUID, serial #, etc etc....several screens of info.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled libimobiledevices and even tried iFuse. It used to work, and I did nothing that owuld have changed it's behavior. My only thought is something that was included in an update at some point caused this, but Ihave no way to track that down.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Can't Connect To Airport Extreme On IBook G4

May 11, 2010

I was easily able to install Ubuntu 10.04 (powerpc version) on my old iBook G4 just to see what it was like. After installation, I tried to connect to my Airport Extreme, and it didn't work.

For the past few days, I have been trying to research how to be able to connect to my Airport Extreme, and I have had no luck. Apparently, there is some sort of driver that I have to install called b43-fwcutter, but I have no clue where to find it or how to install it.

Btw, the iBook obviously isn't the only computer I have, so I am able to download necessary packages on other computers, and transport it with USB flashdrives.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Connect And Control Server 10.10 From An IMac?

Apr 23, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu Server 10.10 on a PC which is connected to my home network. I want to be able to connect to this PC from my iMac (OS X 10.6) and run things remotely like I can do with software such as VNC between Windows systems.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Run Mac Os As Dual Boot System - Cannot Connect Computer To Any Internet

Jan 9, 2010

I currently have an old powermac 7220/200 with all ehe origanl stuff except for the hard drive which is now a slightly larger one. I was wondering if it was possible to set up a ubuntu installation on it using a 20g hard drive (I have got one of these going on a 486 running win98, just) and be able to run mac os as a dual boot system, possibly with 9.1 and the origanal mac os that come with it? Unfortunantly I cannot connect this computer to any internet even if I had a card that was compatible with mac os.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Can't Connect Bluetooth Mouse And Keyboard - CD Drive Doesn't Mount Anything

Jan 14, 2010

I used a live CD burned onto a DVD-RW and it booted up and worked great. So I installed it using the entire hard drive, Ran Update manager, enabled the driver for the wifi card. Before I was using 10.5 with all recent updates done. A few things don't work. It fails whenever I try to connect my Bluetooth mouse and keyboard, CD drive doesn't mount anything, I thought it would bring up the restricted nvidia driver but it doesn't so the video is slow and sketchy.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Lapton Screen Will Not Recover Until Restart After Connect To External Monitor

Sep 22, 2010

I have a mac book pro 5,3 with the nvidia gforce 9600m. After getting Ubuntu installed as a dual boot, I wish to use an external monitor while using Ubuntu. (it doesn't have the problem with OS-X) The external monitor is a samsung syncmaster 192 n. when I connect the other monitor and press 'detect display' both go grey creens(the external already is of course). My lapton screen will not recover until restart either. I need this monitor to run a numerical mesh 3d mesh creator that will not fit on my screen alone. Wouldnt be a problem if the creators were software engineers but the program window cannot rescale, and is beyond the resolution capabilities of my 15'' screen alone.

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Debian :: Connect Apple TV With File Server - Get Movies And Music?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a debian box on my home network in use as a file server. if an Apple TV would be able to connect to it to get movies and music? I suppose I'd have to install apple file sharing or something like that. Incidentally

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Ubuntu / Apple :: External Screen On Macbook Pro - Automatically Detect When Connect A Monitor Instead Of Going To The Nvidia Settings?

Oct 16, 2010

I've installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my Macbook Pro 5,5. Everything is running fine with some tweaks. Just one thing bothers me: when I tell Nvidia X Server Settings that I want to use my external screen as primary screen it doesn't put the gnome panels to the other screen, well... sometimes it does after a couple times but most of the time it doesn' there a way to automatically detect when I connect a monitor instead of going to the Nvidia settings? Just the way Mac OS X does?

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Debian :: Installing On Apple PowerBook G4 - Failed To Connect Properly To My Wireless Card

Aug 7, 2010

Anyway, I've a decent understanding of the various Linux console commands and know how to work my way around a text editor or file system. But I can't seem to fix what's wrong with my computer. I'll list my info here and then discuss the most pressing issues that I need help with.

It's a 17" PowerBook G4, with Airport Extreme (which I understand is a headache all on its own: I'll likely get to that later)

Results of ~$ lspci:

I downloaded the most recent .iso for the PowerPC from [url], specifically the 4.4 GB DVD copy.

During installation, I told it to install only the Desktop Environment and Base System. Installation went through without a hitch, though it failed to connect properly to my Wireless card.

The first issue I encounter after booting is during the login. When logging in as a non-root user, I'm told to change my password immediately (root enforced). I've done this every time I've logged in. Immediately after when I log in I'm told that the system clock is wrong: It's currently set to Jan. 1, 1970. If I try to change it, I get a message saying that I can't, and my desktop won't load properly. If I ignore the system clock issue and try to change it in System > Administration > Time and Date later, after entering my admin password I get a message that says

Failed to run time-admin as user root.

Failed to communicate with gksu-helper.


Changing password for root.

While expecting:

Apparently the password issue is related to the Time and Date settings (according to Google), but I can't fix those because it wants me to change my password.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Can't Connect - (Toshiba Laptop 10.04 64 Bit) Hanging When Trying To Connect

Jun 12, 2010

My wireless (Toshiba laptop, 10.04 64 bit) is just hanging when trying to connect. It was working fine but now nothing. My Wireless antennae is on and my other laptop can connect with no problems. I have restarted the router and the laptop twice.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wireless But Can Connect To Wired

Nov 2, 2010

I am unable to connect to wireless network in ubuntu 10.10.i have noticed that the iwlagn driver isnt been used by anything.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect To Wired And Wireless In 10.10 It Tries To Connect But Fails?

Jan 10, 2011

in linux world and have recently downloaded and installed ubuntu desktop 10.10i cannot connect to both wired and wireless ethernet on my laptopit tries to connect but fails in 30 seconds , it says"disconnected" while i am able to connect to the same in windows i have broadcom 4315 and i have tried both fwcutter and ndiswrapper but the problem persiststhe device id is 14e4:4315

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To The Internet But Can Connect To The Router

Apr 6, 2011

I am trying to setup a dhcp server for my internal network. I have two NICs, a modem, and a wireless router. I have my server connected directly to my modem which is providing me with Internet access on eth1 and is working fine. I have dhcp and dns setup on eth0 which is connected to my router. The router shows that it is connected to the Internet but when the router gives a client computer an IP address, the client is unable to connect to the Internet but can connect to the router. I will post my configuration files below with my current configuration.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect To The Internet Through Wifi, But Cannot Connect To Anything On Network?

Aug 8, 2011

I can connect to the internet through wifi, but I cannot connect to anything on my network. I have a printer and a NAS, so I would really like for this to work again. I have a dell laptop with a Broadcom card.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet - Cannot Connect - But Can Connect Through XP On VMware

Aug 15, 2010

I had put my computer on standby and when i restarted it, it powered off within a few seconds. I turned it back on and after that i've lost connectivity to internet on Ubuntu 10.04.

However I have VMware (XP) installed and internet/network works on that. I'm a newbie with Linux.

Here are some outputs:

I have tried to edit the connection using System>Preferences>Network Connections. I entered manual settings for IPV4, but whatever i enter there, it doesnt get reflected when i type ifconfig in the terminal window. I tried setting it to Automatic DHCP as well. Doesnt work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Not Connect To Wifi Networks - Can See Them But Not Connect - 11.04

May 3, 2011

I can not connect to wifi networks, i can see them but not connect.

My wifi device is:

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Connect Via Ethernet / But Wireless Won't Connect

Jul 28, 2011

I have recently installed ubuntu 11.04 on my asus eeepc1005hab. And I've had problems with the wifi. I can connect via ethernet, but the wireless won't connect. I can see the connection, but my wifi never connects. I've tried many things but it still won't work.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Gettting Apple Keyboard Function Keys To Work

May 7, 2011

Neither Ubuntu's Unity or KDE respond to the function keys on a regular Apple USB keyboard. I can plug in a non-Apple keyboard and they work just fine. What needs to be changed or configure so that F1 and company on the Apple keyboard work as on other keyboards?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Auto-load Apple Wireless Keyboard?

Apr 22, 2010

This morning I bought an Apple wireless keyboard and I got it connected through Blueman. It works like a charm, but I have on problem;

When I log out I can log back in by typing in my password. However, when I restart the computer it seems that bluetooth is not loaded yet and I cannot enter my password. So I have to log in using my wired keyboard, and then disconnect & re-connect to my wireless keyboard using blueman before I am able to use the wireless keyboard.

Is there any way that I can already auto-load bluetooth and connect to my keyboard before I log in?

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Fedora Networking :: Using Putty To Connect To A Machine / Host Name And Port To Connect?

Jul 23, 2010

Right now I have a machine set up running Fedora. I have configured inittab to accept Console Logins, but I am having problems getting my netbook running PuTTY to connect. How would I go about finding the Host Name and Port to connect to?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Fn Key On Apple Bluetooth Keyboard Not Working

Mar 24, 2010

I'm trying to use an Apple wireless keyboard with Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic) but the fn key is not working at all. If I start up xev and hit the fn key it generates no event. What do I need to do for it to work. It seems as if it should work when viewing pages like


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Networking :: SSH Form Ubuntu 10.04 To Apple?

Jul 1, 2010

I'm trying to connect to my Apple computer using SSL/SSH VNC Viewer, but don't know what to put in the VNC Hostisplay space and VNC Password or the Proxy/Gateway spaces. Where can I get all this info from?

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Apple Ibook Won't Boot

Dec 2, 2010

I have been given an Apple Ibook that wont boot

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Apple Ipod Not Recognized By 10.04?

Dec 4, 2010

i connected my apple ipod in ubuntu 10.04..its showing msg that" do no disconnect" but there is no trace of ipod in the system,not even any icon in desktop too

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Networking :: Cannot Connect To Internet By Using Modem Connect ?

Jun 14, 2010

I use Ubuntu i can not work internet connection Please help me search for a solution but did not find
Use the USB modem model x060s.

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Networking :: Kubuntu - Can't Connect To The Internet But Can Connect To The LAN

Nov 12, 2009

I've recently set up a local development webserver using Karmic Koala. I downloaded and installed the server version of Kubuntu and have the web server working.

The problem is that for some reason, I'm no longer able to connect to the internet. I can connect to my router, and other machines in my network can VNC into the server.

I'm using an wired connection to the router and have the server set up on an internal IP of I used to be able to connect to the internet, I downloaded and installed a load of packages etc before it stopped working.

The last thing I remember doing before it stopped working was that I installed Samba so I could share files with the other machines on the network (two Macs running Leopard and a WinXP laptop).

I got the share working - I copied a load of files to the server via the share, rebooted, and for some reason now I can't connect to the net (and other machines can't see the Samba share either.) However I can still VNC into the server.

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