Networking :: Windows Client Can't Use Ubuntu Bind9 DNS Service / Fix It?

Dec 3, 2008

I have setup ubuntu server and right now i'm trying to get my DNS server working for my intranet.

I'm using my ubuntu as gateway wo internet and somehow my windows client can't use my DNS service.
when i do nslookup from my server ( it return me answer code...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Terminal Service Client SLOW Over VPN?

Feb 7, 2011

I was trying to connect to my machine over the internet through a VPN. I was able to connect, with a fairly high ping (30-40 ms), then when I use Terminal Service Client to connect, just the login screen takes FOREVER!! Using a Virtualbox WinXP, I connect to the VPN and use its Remote Desktop and it is super fast.

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Fedora Networking :: 389 Directory Service - Client Authentication?

Mar 2, 2011

Server: Fedora 14
Client: Fedora 14
LDAP server: 389-ds

I have set up the 389 server using the default configuration. Adding user and http/pam authentication works fine. The problem I have is the client authentication. On the client machine, using "authconfig-tui" to turn on LDAP authentication it turns on sssd and use 'sss' in etc/nsswitch.conf after 'files'. I couldn't get sss working. In the end, I disabled sssd and manually changed 'sss' to 'ldap' for all configuration files including:
modify /etc/nsswitch.conf
modify /etc/pam.d/password-auth, change all sss to ldap
modify /etc/pam.d/system-auth
change /etc/sysconfig/authconfig

After these, client authentication works. I can log in to the client machine using user/password set on the LDAP server. I thought this is done but everyday the LDAP service stop functioning once or twice. I can't log in to the client machine using LDAP username/password. After restart the dirsrv on ldap server, things back to normal. I can't find any reasons from /var/log/dirsrv/ldap-xxx error file and don't know how to debug the problem.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Cannot Get Bind9 Internal View Served To Connecting Vpn Client.

Sep 25, 2010

I have a white slate centos 5.5 installation on a virtual box at Media Temple (one of their new VE servers). I am trying to create a development environment where I can have Bind9 serve up one set of zone files to me and other developers on the internal network and another set of zone files to external requests (ie... using the views feature). I would like to be able to develop for sites for which the dns is not yet pointed at my server. The network is created by having the VE server be an OpenVPN server, and connecting my client box to the server (my mac - / my ve server

I have the connections working fine, I have also been able to route all network traffic from my mac through the vpn to the server. For some reason, I cannot get the DNS server on the ve server to serve me an internal view zone file. When my vpn is on, I cannot ping or navigate to any web pages from my mac. I think this is because my ve server is not setup as a dhcp server and the ip tables are not setup to allow all internal requests to use the server to go get web pages.

I cannot view-ping anything else from my mac/client when on the vpn, I can successfully ping any website my ve is authoritative for. This tells me that my ping is obviously going over the vpn, and thus an internal request, but the external zone file is still served up. The following is my named config.

acl "lan_hosts" {;;


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Ubuntu Servers :: Bind9 Fails To Redirect Only Windows?

Aug 28, 2010

I operate a home network with Ubuntu Server 10.04 with services including DHCP3, Bind9, Apache, and so on. Since I host several dozen websites from home, I have to run Bind DNS. All Ubuntu boxes on my network operate fine. However, all Windows boxes on the network seem to forget to look internally for DNS after a couple of page loads on my internal sites. The network settings still indicate that my internal domain name server is the first lookup and everything seems normal.

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Fedora Networking :: Windows By Enabling A Service Called 'routing'?

Jan 8, 2010

I don't know what I'm trying to achieve falls into 'routing' or 'Bridging'???I have two network ports (with static IP ) and I would like to forward RX packets of one to the other.

I have done this in Windows by enabling a service called 'routing'.Is there something similar in Fedora 11? I am pretty sure there are a few thread explaining these but I am just not educated enough to find one that makes sense to me, so Please excuse me for starting a redundant thread and point me to it?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Using A Core Ftp Client On Windows?

Apr 11, 2010

I am using a core ftp client on windows. Is there any similar software available on Ubuntu so that I can completely switch to Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Networking :: ICS Through A Windows Server From A 10.10 Client?

Nov 14, 2010

I have a wireless router situated in another room. I am able to access this router (and consequently the internet) through a Windows laptop that has a wireless card in it. However, my other laptop that has Ubuntu 10.10 installed on it, doesn't seem to have a wireless card in it, and I have confirmed this by running the commands

iwlist scan

I briefly was able to share a folder in my Windows machine, and access it through my Ubuntu machine, after connecting both laptops with a cross-over cable. However, I can't even ping the Windows machine from my Ubuntu machine anymore, after trying to configure the IP addresses. I think I screwed it up.

Also, although this is not an Ubuntu issue, I have a weird Windows problem, where I can't access the Internet when both wireless and wired ethernet controllers are active at the same time. It would be a bonus if you could solve this problem too for me. I was surfing online for a solution to this problem for quite some time, but I was unable to comprehensively understand and implement what I browsed through. Also, some of the guides, like for example, that on configuring Samba, seem to be outdated, as the terminal tells me something like the package (that was required to be installed by the guides through sudo apt-get install) has been superceded. Hence I post here for clear, concise and easy-to-understand help from you gurus. It would be great if I could achieve the end result of being able to access the internet on my Ubuntu machine (through the Windows one).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Still Can't Share An Internet Connection With Windows XP Client?

Feb 1, 2010

I have been trying off and on for weeks to share my Internet connection with a Windows XP client (netbook). While I can ping back and forth between the two machines, in the form of a ping test, I can't get to the Internet from the client, no matter what I try.

My Ubuntu 9.10 desktop (host) has two NICs, eth0 and eth1. eth0 connects to the Internet. eth1 goes to the Windows XP client. Regardless of whether I use an Ethernet crossover cable or a standard cable, I can get the two machines to talk to each other, but no further.

Things I already tried:

-Tried setting eth1 to "shared" mode in NetworkManager on the host. I set the Win XP machine to automatically acquire an address & DNS. Didn't work.

-Manually configured the IP settings on both machines, like this:


Despite all of the above, I still cannot share the host's Internet connection with the client. I don't understand where the client's traffic is going, and why I can't share the connection. As far as I know, I am not doing any sort of firewalling or blocking on the host, so there is no obvious reason that the client's traffic simply disappears. I just know that whenever I open a Web browser on the client, all I ever get is error messages.

I have had no issues setting up a shared connection when the host runs Windows XP, so I am pretty sure there is no broken hardware causing the problem. Why can't I share the connection under Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Networking :: NeatX And !M NX Client For Windows - Barely Compatible?

Jun 22, 2010

I have installed NeatX on Ubuntu Lucid 10.04.[URL]..And I use the No Machine Windows client to connect.[URL].. On first glance it is superior to FreeNX because it does incorporate theme and style into the remote session. On longer usage it gets more and more trouble connecting. Basic commands like RestoreSession and Terminate do not work, but get the same reply.

NX> 500 Internal error
NX> 999 Bye.
Sessions still open, not unmounting
NX> 280 Exiting on signal: 15


I can create a new session but I cannot ever ever ever terminate it even after a reboot. What's going on? Is Ubuntu relying on Alpha stage software here?

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Networking :: How To Query Against DNS Server With Windows Client?

Jun 16, 2010

I'm trying to setup a linux box to act as just a DNS server. Its something I'd like to use just for WAN type requests and leave other domain related things to the Server running WIndows.At this point on my Linux box, I can run queries and nslookups from it. I can not however, from a Windows box, run a NSLOOKUP command from the Linux box which is telling me to check the permissions from Linux to enable that for the clients. It's enabled.From a C: I type in nslookup - *ip of Linux box* and it tells me -- Can't find server name for address.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Attempting To Share Internet Connection With Windows XP Client

Jan 25, 2010

Over the last several days, I've been trying like hell to share my (wired) Internet connection with a netbook, running Windows XP, attached via crossover cable to my desktop's extra NIC (eth0). The eth0 link is established, but I can't get to the Internet from the Windows XP machine.I can ping one machine from the other, but any bits sent from the Win XP netbook mysteriously disappear when trying to reach any website.

There is no firewall running on the Ubuntu machine as far as I know. Windows Firewall is likewise disabled on the Windows XP machine. The Ubuntu machine connects to the Internet through another wired NIC, eth1.In Windows XP parlance, what I am trying to do would be called "bridging," where eth0 and eth1 would be the two parts of the bridge. In fact I already made it work, with both the netbook and my desktop running Windows XP. It took about 5 minutes.I can't believe what a huge pain this has been in Ubuntu. I'm pretty much ready to give up. There seems to be no way to get an Ubuntu system and a Windows XP system to share an Internet connection.

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OpenSUSE :: Nfs-client Service Very Slow To Start Or Not Starting?

Oct 6, 2010

The nfs-client service isn't starting after boot up. This is causing problems with the user as they cannot access the remote folders on the server. The PC is a Thinkpad X60s with oS11.3 and KDE4.4.4. The problem started about a week ago after some updates (new kernel update, kde4 updates and some system files) were applied on the laptop.

After logging in none of the remote folders are available. Checking the nfs-client service under Yast>System Services (Runlevel) shows the nfs-client service is not running. If I enable and start the service I get the pop-up confirming the service has started but still cannot access the remote folders even after issuing a mount -a. Opening Dolphin just opens a blank grey window which needs to be terminated.

Trying to restart the nfs service using su -c 'rcnfs restart' sticks at Starting NFS client services: sm-notify Just leaving the PC for 10-15mins eventually sorts itself out and the remote folders become visible. I cannot see anything obvious in the logs so am a bit stumped.

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Networking :: Add Redhat Linux5 Client To Windows Domain?

Jan 12, 2011

how to add redhat linux5 client to windows domain

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Networking :: Setup CVS Server In Fedora11 And CVS Client In Windows Xp?

Sep 12, 2009

I have one Windows-XP on Machin 1 and one Linux on Machine 2. I want make Linux machine as CVS server and Windows Xp as CVS client. How to setup CVS Server in Fedora-11 machine and CVS client in Windows Xp?

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Networking :: Naming A Centos Server For A Windows Client?

Mar 12, 2011

i have a centos 5.5 server running tomcat,oracle xe,apache etc..i would like to be able my windows machine to access this server by name, and not ip, for example have http://backserv:7080 for oracle xe web admin and so on..i know one way is DNS, but if i install oracle on a windows machine in peer-to-peer network, i can allready access with by it's name. o i'm guessing i should do something with samba, wins or something like that.never mind i got now for the REAL complex stuff of insalling web sphere 7 without user interface (need to look for a response file).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Make Connect To Freenx Server From Windows Using Nomachine Client?

Feb 24, 2010

I am not exactly newbie with GNU/Linux, but definitely new to SSH/NX stuffs. I followed the below tutorials for installing FreeNX so that I can access my desktop like TeamViewer in windows.


But I don't see the folder NX like the one mentioned here.Then edit the file /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg

I don't see a folder called NX to proceed. Also when I use nomachine client to connect from Windows, it couldn't connect and I get the below errors.

nxssh: <host-name>: no address associated with name.

how to make connect to freenx server from windows using nomachine client?

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Networking :: Windows Client Browser Doesn't Show Shares / What To See?

Mar 25, 2011

I also am having this problem so any help would be appreciated.

Personally, I don't know if I have anything set up correctly. That would be something I need guidance on if anyone can offer some.

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Networking :: Internet Connecion Sharing Between Windows Host And Client?

Apr 16, 2009

I have a laptop on which i connect to internet using dialup laptop is also connected to a linux box via i want to connect to internet from the linux box, using internet connnection sharing from widows xp installed on laptop

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Networking :: Connecting To Nfs Server On Debian From A Client Running On Windows Xp Pro?

Nov 15, 2009

i installed unix services for windows 3.5 on a windows xp pro box and it installed fine. I configured nfs on the debian box and exported the ip of the client computer and forwarded port 2049 correctly. I followed the instructions for setting up teh nfs client on windows. However whenever i go to tools->map network drive and type in the server-domain-name:/file-address it says it cannot connect?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Bind9 Forwarding / Caching DNS For VPN

Jan 6, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 PC on my home network acting as a VPN gateway. It is using vpnc & iptables to provide access to the remote network - other computers on my local network have routing rules in place to go via the Ubuntu gateway if trying to reach an IP on the remote network. This works just fine, except DNS lookups for names on the remote network don't work.

I'm trying to solve this by using Bind9 on the gateway, so it can act as DNS for the local network. I don't want to create excess VPN traffic or load on the remote DNS, so I want the gateway to forward the lookup to my ISPs DNS first and if the name is not found then try the remote network DNS. Is this possible, or is there another (better) way around this? The Bind9 configs seem to admit multiple DNSs, but use them in a failover sense - only using secondary DNSs when the first one in the list is not reachable at all.

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Networking :: Ubuntu 10.04 Bind9 Cannot Restart/start

Oct 3, 2010

Here's my current setup:Ubuntu 10.04

When I go to run it via this command:

I get the following error message:


This is my /etc/bind/named.conf.options file:


I've looked at various solutions already:

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Networking :: Configure Nfs Mount Disk To Samba Share For Windows Client ?

Nov 8, 2010

I am not able to configure nfs mounted disk for shareing samba. i have a server X. which configure samba for windows XP client this is done. now i have export X server samba share disk to mount Y server using nfs. this is mount and ok. but i don't share this disk using Y server samba configure.

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Networking :: Samba Client Accessing Windows Shares On Secondary Subnet

Sep 13, 2009

I have a machine acting as a gateway for a private network. While it can ping hosts on that private network, I can't use samba (smbclient or smbmount) to access shares on hosts on the private network from that machine. Other machines on the private network can access shares on other machines - just not the gateway server.

Here's how the gateway is configured:

When I try to connect to ports 139 or 445 (via smbclient or smbmount) the mount() system call times out. As I mentioned above, I can ping those hosts, so UDP packets work but TCP packets seem to get blocked or lost.

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Networking :: Windows Client Is Rebooting When Accessing Mapped Home Directory On A Box?

Feb 4, 2009

I have a redhat server with SAMBA file services. I have copied all the users files into their respective home directories and mapped a network drive to their folders. However, when I try to access a file in those folders the machine reboots itself. There are no error messages or anything, it just reboots!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Bind9 Multiple Cache Forwarders

Dec 10, 2010

I want to setup bind9 so that IPs from one range will use the Google DNS Servers and IPs from another range will work from Opens DNS but am unable to get it working here are my configs.anyone that can help me please?

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Networking :: Bind9 : Reverse Lookup And PTR Value?

Oct 23, 2009

I have the following bind9 configuration, and I'm trying to resolve reverse lookup IP address to name.

$ttl 38400 (


** server can't find NXDOMAIN

Is my PTR wrong, or what do I need to have the reverse lookup working ?

Note: I replace real IP by, same for my domain name.

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Networking :: How To Test If Bind9 Really Working

Dec 15, 2010

Set up a server with Bind, Dovecote, Apache etc. Registered a domain and made all the necessary things for it to work. The server can send/receive mail on my domain, but when I try to look up the site I have it returns a lookup failure. I know Apache is working as I can browse the site when I used my ip address but I can't when I use the domain name. Anyone got a few tricks I could try to dumb down and find the possible failures I did when setting this up?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Config OpenVPN Client For SwitchVPN In Network Manager From Windows Ovpn Files?

Jul 17, 2011

I have ovpn configuration files for Windows from SwitchVPN. They do not provide configuration files for GNU/Linux. They said I can extract the certificate and key files from the ovpn files, but I'm confused about how to do that.First of all, I don't know which Authentication Type to choose: "Certificates (TLS)," "Password," "Password with Certificates (TLS)" or "Static Key."

Second, I don't know what to put where from the ovpn file. I see a <ca> � </ca> section and a <tls-auth> </tls-auth> section, but I don't see how those correspond to any of the Authentication Types. "Certificates (TLS)" and "Password with Certificates (TLS)" require two certificates and a key, "Password," requires one certificate and no key, and "Static Key" requires a key and key direction but no certificate. When I connect to SwitchVPN in Windows, it asks for a user name and password.Here's an example of the ovpn files (certificate and key contents removed):


route-delay 3
dev tun


how to get what I need from the ovpn files, and which Authorization Type to choose in the Network Manager VPN configuration GUI, and what to put in the blanks?

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SUSE / Novell :: Cannot Register Service - RPC - Authentication Error - Why Client Credential Too Weak

Feb 8, 2010

I have a program to start called "pace_old".

In the command line I type it's name and get this:

What should I do ?

Distro is SuSe 11.1. Btw: I do not get this message on Suse 9.0. Pace_old runs properly there.

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