Networking :: Why Does Server Miss The Ack From Client While Tcp Handshaker

Apr 12, 2010

We have a problem with tcp link.

Os version: linux 2.6.9

Client will connect 2 tcp links to server.

One link is ok but another can't.

From tcpdump, we see:
1. client SYN-----> server
2. server SYN/ACK---> client
3. client ACK ----> server
4. client data ----> server
5. client retransmit data some times ----> server
6. server SYN/ACK ----> client (weird, it look like server miss the step 3)

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CentOS 5 Server :: Install Gcc But Get Miss Dependency

Aug 29, 2011

I tried to install gcc on my box, but I got "Missing Dependency" in the end.

# yum install gcc
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile


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Server :: LDAP Server Vs Client / Export Server's Home Directory To The Client?

Jun 11, 2011

I configured openLdap in RHEL5 on virtual achines,everything is working fine, I created a user called ldapuser,in LDAP server and i created a home directory for ldapuser in my LDAP client, now i can able to login to the both Server and client with ldapuser account....

Now here what am expecting is i want to export my server's home directory to the client, i dont want to create home directories manually in the client machine, i googled about that, and it can be done through autofs.....

what need to be done on the client and server side.

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Networking :: Can't Ping Server From Client But After Run In Server RHEL5

Nov 27, 2010

I have 2 ethernet cards but when I look at the Network configuration in "Hardware Tab" I have another acx wireless network. How to delete that because In my system Idon't have wireless card..probably installed before but want delete it now.


then windows can ping server and resolve ip address and browsing Internet but can't ping [URL]... result is Request time out. ICMP already enabled in iptables.

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Ubuntu Networking :: ICS Through A Windows Server From A 10.10 Client?

Nov 14, 2010

I have a wireless router situated in another room. I am able to access this router (and consequently the internet) through a Windows laptop that has a wireless card in it. However, my other laptop that has Ubuntu 10.10 installed on it, doesn't seem to have a wireless card in it, and I have confirmed this by running the commands

iwlist scan

I briefly was able to share a folder in my Windows machine, and access it through my Ubuntu machine, after connecting both laptops with a cross-over cable. However, I can't even ping the Windows machine from my Ubuntu machine anymore, after trying to configure the IP addresses. I think I screwed it up.

Also, although this is not an Ubuntu issue, I have a weird Windows problem, where I can't access the Internet when both wireless and wired ethernet controllers are active at the same time. It would be a bonus if you could solve this problem too for me. I was surfing online for a solution to this problem for quite some time, but I was unable to comprehensively understand and implement what I browsed through. Also, some of the guides, like for example, that on configuring Samba, seem to be outdated, as the terminal tells me something like the package (that was required to be installed by the guides through sudo apt-get install) has been superceded. Hence I post here for clear, concise and easy-to-understand help from you gurus. It would be great if I could achieve the end result of being able to access the internet on my Ubuntu machine (through the Windows one).

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Networking :: Synchronize A Client With An Ntpdate Server?

Apr 19, 2010

I'm trying to synchronize a client with an ntpdate server. The ntp.conf file from the server has the following lines: # /etc/ntp.conf, configuration for ntpd; see ntp.conf(5) for

driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift
# Enable this if you want statistics to be logged.
#statsdir /var/log/ntpstats/
statistics loopstats peerstats clockstats
filegen loopstats file loopstats type day enable


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Networking :: How To Configure DNS Server & DNS Client In RHEL4?

Jul 5, 2009

How I am configure DNS Client and server in Redhat Linux 4 in my lab.I have total 5 computers and they are Lan connected.I want to make one of them server and the others are client.

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Networking :: How To Query Against DNS Server With Windows Client?

Jun 16, 2010

I'm trying to setup a linux box to act as just a DNS server. Its something I'd like to use just for WAN type requests and leave other domain related things to the Server running WIndows.At this point on my Linux box, I can run queries and nslookups from it. I can not however, from a Windows box, run a NSLOOKUP command from the Linux box which is telling me to check the permissions from Linux to enable that for the clients. It's enabled.From a C: I type in nslookup - *ip of Linux box* and it tells me -- Can't find server name for address.

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Networking :: OpenVPN - Establish VPN Between A Client And Server On The Same LAN

Feb 4, 2010

Running Linux Fedora 10 on an Intel Core 2 Duo PC. Runs great. We are trying establish VPN between a client and server on the same LAN. The network is a standard fast ethernet, run great. We are trying to install OpenVPN server, but having a little difficulty. Key and certificate builds seem to execute without a problem. But when we try to start the service we get [FAILED]. I've attached a copy of our procedure.

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Networking :: Send Cdrom0 To SSH Client/server?

May 7, 2010

Is it possible for a client to "export" or "send" it's /dev/cdrom0 to a server via SSH? I have managed to st up a connection with Xserver so I can see the servers gnome interface in my ubuntu client.

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Networking :: Create Both Server And Client On The Same System?

Oct 20, 2010

Can we create both server and client on the same system. I want to know whether it can be used on the same system.

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Networking :: VPN Client Should Not Connect To Special Server

Feb 16, 2009

in my office all users connect to internet via our office there is one special server that we want when users connected via VPN,users can not connect to the special server and when users are not connect to via VPN can connect to that server.

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Ubuntu Networking :: OpenVPN Server And Client At Same Time?

Oct 26, 2010

I have an Ubuntu server that is currently running Ubuntu 8.10. I was thinking of making it a VPN server for my iPhone and also for my laptop whenever I'm outside and need to access internet over insecure wireless networks. Now that part should be easy I found several guides on how to configure OpenVPN server, as well as enabling clients on iPhone, and OSX.

However, the things is that my server is currently a OpenVPN client also, I have a paid tunnel set up to bypass my ISP blocking incoming traffic on various ports. Is it possible to keep this setting but still enabling a VPN server? Essentially causing traffic from my external device to go in through my tunnel to the VPN server, and then out through the external VPN provider.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Terminal Server Client To Private IP?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm currently successfully using the Terminal Server Client to connect to an SBS 2003 server at a remote location. I've been trying to figure out if it's possible to connect to any of the XP machines on the LAN behind it. I currently have to use RWW in IE on a VirtualBox XP machine to do that, and I'd love to be able to get rid of VirtualBox completely.

The server has 2 NICs, one connected to the internet, and the other connected to the LAN. There is only one public IP. The computer I'd most like to connect to has a static, private IP. Anybody done anything like this or have any thoughts on how to get it to work?

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Networking :: Connection Refused Error 111 In TCP Client Server?

Aug 24, 2010

I am facing connection refused error 111 in TCP client server program, in android native code which in C , but if code is in JAVA it works fine, but i want to continue in C only, in manifest file i have given permission and ip, port is correct .What am doing wrong?? or is their any network setting?? am using UBUNTU 10.04and If both client server Linux pc it works fine. only if android emulator becomes client then am getting connection refused

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Networking :: Throttle Client Connection Speed From NAT Server

Sep 5, 2010

I have about 5 computers on my network that get their internet connection from a Linux NAT server. is a Linux server that has a NAT set up to share the internet connection. is a download server that is almost always downloading - is assigned by DHCP to users.

I want to make it so that the download server runs at full speed but is throttled only when someone from the user IP addresses range tries to use the NAT server.I think I'm looking for some way to set the download server's packets to have a lower priority than the client's packets. Is there a way to set this in the Linux server?

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Networking :: FTP Client Not Retransmitting Packet After Server Is Not Reachable

Mar 7, 2011

Was trying to understand the behavior of TCP when the server becomes unreachable . For this I am using vsftpd and the default linux ftp client to check the behavior.I was trying the following things. Was Trying to download a file from an FTP server using the FTP client as anonymous user. While the file is getting downloaded, I removed the network cable from the FTP server to understand the behavior of TCP when the server becomes unreachable.

As per the functionality of TCP/IP , when the server becomes unreachable for whatever reason , the client tries retransmitting the data till it can send the data or it timeouts. But in my above experiment using FTP , I can see that the FTP client is not trying to retransmit data at all . This I came to know using by sniffing FTP traffic at the client side. Is this expected or default FTP client available in Linux does not obey TCP/IP functionality properly ?

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Networking :: Setup CVS Server In Fedora11 And CVS Client In Windows Xp?

Sep 12, 2009

I have one Windows-XP on Machin 1 and one Linux on Machine 2. I want make Linux machine as CVS server and Windows Xp as CVS client. How to setup CVS Server in Fedora-11 machine and CVS client in Windows Xp?

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Networking :: Naming A Centos Server For A Windows Client?

Mar 12, 2011

i have a centos 5.5 server running tomcat,oracle xe,apache etc..i would like to be able my windows machine to access this server by name, and not ip, for example have http://backserv:7080 for oracle xe web admin and so on..i know one way is DNS, but if i install oracle on a windows machine in peer-to-peer network, i can allready access with by it's name. o i'm guessing i should do something with samba, wins or something like that.never mind i got now for the REAL complex stuff of insalling web sphere 7 without user interface (need to look for a response file).

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Networking :: NFS Files On Client Have Different Owner/group Than On Server?

Feb 4, 2011

The server is named alpha and is running Archlinux. It is exporting a directory named /files. The server is a couple of years old and I have accessed it extensively from clients running Arch, Suse, PCLinuxOS, and maybe some others, all with no problems. The clients (3 of them) are new installations of Linux Mint 10 (Julia). When I mount the nfs all of the nfs files are visible as expected. However, the owner/group is drastically different than on the server.

I might add that I have set up user id's and group id's the same. My user is 1003 on all systems, and the users group is 100 on all systems. When I am on alpha (via ssh), here is a partial file listing.

[dick@alpha dick]$ ls -l
total 9740
drwxr-xr-x 3 dick users 4096 May 16 2009 airplane
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dick users 240978 Jun 27 2009 Alice Grad 1934.pdf
-rwxr-xr-x 1 dick users 444 Jul 8 2007 alpha2ast
-rw-r--r-- 1 dick users 444 Sep 2 2009 alpha2charlie


If have searched the Mint forums, LQ forums, and google in general. I must be missing something in my search because I can't believe that no one else has this same problem and I am having it on 3 different boxes.

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Networking :: Rsync Sending Data From The Client To The Server?

Jun 29, 2010

shed some light on what I am doing. I am wondering if I just havehings back to front.Server (MESH):Fedora 13Firewall ports open tcp 22(ssh), tcp 873(rsync)sshd service started

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Networking :: The Same Captured Frame Differs On Client And Server?

Oct 18, 2010

I am capturing the same traffic both on client and server. Using Microsoft Network Monitor on client and tcpdump on Linux server.

And when comparing the content of one specific frame captured on two machines, I see it different!


I have SIP communicator on client and opensips on server. Client is doing a REGISTER request to the server. This request contains "Contact:" header, which should contain an IP address of the machine.

When capturend on client, this header contains local private IP address of a machine with SIP communicator (which is 192.168.***). But when captured on server, this header contains the outer address of my provider's router.

I have 2 possible explanations:

1) Some unknown agent acting between my client and server

2) opensips itself is acting at a so low level, that the result of it's frame manipulation is visible by tcpdump.

I am interested if the second option is possible? opensips is a proxy, so does proxy able to manipulate frames directly in the medium?

If so, the is it possible to run tcpdump at a lower level, so that it see packets before opensips processing?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Transfer The Files From A The Client To The Server Using FTP?

Feb 27, 2009

I'm carrying out a project for my university (CIT in Cork, Ireland) and I'm using CentOS running over WMware. I have a server and a client. The server has no GUI (command line UI) while the client has a UI. I need to install a Simple Forum Machine application and I'm told to FTP the files into the server. I figured out that the best option is to load the files in the client via the GUI and then ftp them in the server. How do I transfer the files from a the client t o the server using FTP? I'm totally new to Linux so the more details the better. Also I'm trying to mount a USB key on the server but have had no luck.

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Fedora Networking :: Home Network - Setup One As Server And The Others As Client

Mar 29, 2009

how to setup a home network for learning purpose. i have two laptops and a desktop connected to a modem-router for broadband (wired connection), i want to setup one as server and the others as client.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Connect To UWF's EDesktop Via Terminal Server Client

Jan 5, 2010

More for my own posterity than anything else, I thought I'd document here the way to get to eDesktop through linux (debian, ubuntu) at the University of West Florida (UWF), since they appear to only support Windows through their documentation on the University web site, and the link through Argus (the secure web site) doesn't work in Linux. This is sometimes needed to use the University resources (libraries and computer programs) from remote locations, and otherwise a google search is fruitless. I had to have a guy in the computer science department show me how to do it.This may apply for other Universities with similar setups.

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Ubuntu Networking :: VPN Client And Samba/SSH Server On One Physical Machine?

Jun 3, 2010

I'd like to access a samba/SSH server which itself is connected to a VPN Server, therefore acting as a VPN Client. As soon as the VPN Connection is established, samba and ssh connections to this VPN Client get a timeout. But not all of them.

To get a better understanding I made an overview. The first one is a general network overview, without any VPN Connection, the second one with the VPN Connection established.

Network Overview without VPN
I can access the server in several ways:
*From the router via ssh (router runs ipcop with busybox)
*From the laptop via ssh (putty via Windows 7)
*From the laptop via samba
*From the internet via ssh (port forwarding to the ssh server)

Everything is working as it should.

Now the server that runs ssh and samba service connects to a VPN Server on the Internet, this is also working fine. Now it gets weird. The only samba/SSH connection that is still working is ssh directly from the router to the server. Everything else gets a timeout:
*From the laptop via ssh (putty via Windows 7)
*From the laptop via samba
*From the internet via ssh (port forwarding to the ssh server)
Network Overview with VPN active

Why is that? It seems from the little understanding I have of vpn and networking, that incoming packages (like samba request from the laptop) don't get send directly back over eth0 but over the vpn connection. This seems somewhat logic, BUT ssh from the router is still working. Why from the router and not from the laptop? I really can't get my head around it.

Configuration Overview

tldr; One Client acts as VPN Client and samba/SSH Server. As soon as the VPN Connection is established samba/SSH stop working, but only partially.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mac Terminal Server Client (VNC) - Cannot Delete Connection

Sep 9, 2010

So I setup VNC on my Mac (that runs Snow Leopard) and my PC (that runs Ubuntu) and I gave the IP address to Ubuntu, entered the password and it worked fine. The problem is that it still works fine... I only made this connection to test it because I thought it'd be cool, which it was (for a while). Now I cannot delete this connection whatsoever!

I have tried changing the password on the Mac, limiting the users, and even switching it off completely by unchecking its checkbox. I have also tried limiting the users... BUT UBUNTU STILL MANAGES TO GET INTO MY COMPUTER! This is really annoying because anyone using the PC downstairs can now go into my Mac and mess about with things - I hate this. Somehow, Ubuntu has locked in on my Mac and, despite the changes, can earn access no matter what!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet-sharing To Thin Client From Server 10.04?

Sep 20, 2010

i want to share the Internet connection to thin client from my Ubuntu server,Internet is accessible to my Ubuntu server but i am unable to boot from thin client to server,i configured DHCP but of no use.can any plz send me the detailed steps to configure thin clients in my network

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting To UWF's EDesktop Via Terminal Server Client?

Apr 27, 2011

I'd document here the way to get to eDesktop through linux (debian, ubuntu) at the University of West Florida (UWF), since they appear to only support Windows through their documentation on the University web site, and the link through Argus (the secure web site) doesn't work in Linux. This is sometimes needed to use the University resources (libraries and computer programs) from remote locations, and otherwise a google search is fruitless. I had to have a guy in the computer science department show me how to do it. This may apply for other Universities with similar setups. It was impossible for me to figure it out on my own, I had to go back to my old 9.04 partition to get the info...

1) Open Terminal Server Client (Applications>Internet>...)

2) Insert as follows:


Protocol: RDP


3) OPTIONAL BUT RECOMMENDED click Save As and save it as a quick connect so you don't have to refer to this again.

4) Flip through the other tabs and configure as desired, and click Connect!

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Networking :: Server Stuck On Recvfrom And Client Waits On Receive

Apr 1, 2010

I have a problem with a simple client/server socket program. the connection is done through 2 connections a udp connection and a tcp connection. the flow is that the client sends a udp packet to the server and the server returns it through a tcp connection. this is done in a loop. my code works fine on an ubuntu server, when I try to use it on redhat it sometimes get stuck. the server is stuck on recvfrom and the client waits on the recv. if i add a delay in the server or run the client through strace everything works fine.


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