CentOS 5 Networking :: Transfer The Files From A The Client To The Server Using FTP?

Feb 27, 2009

I'm carrying out a project for my university (CIT in Cork, Ireland) and I'm using CentOS running over WMware. I have a server and a client. The server has no GUI (command line UI) while the client has a UI. I need to install a Simple Forum Machine application and I'm told to FTP the files into the server. I figured out that the best option is to load the files in the client via the GUI and then ftp them in the server. How do I transfer the files from a the client t o the server using FTP? I'm totally new to Linux so the more details the better. Also I'm trying to mount a USB key on the server but have had no luck.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Rsync Transfer From Client To Server - Slow LAN Connection

Dec 7, 2010

This is a recent problem, and I can't pinpoint any change/upgrade that would cause this. Rsync transfer from Client to Server:
sent 11756196 bytes received 1032741 bytes 138258.78 bytes/sec
total size is 144333466390 speedup is 11285.81
Pinging back and forth from each machine is fine. No Ifconfig errors Client, but Server has RX packet errors.

Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:11:25:37:ee:44
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::211:25ff:fe37:ee44/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:41786 errors:2157 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:2157
TX packets:34138 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:55615449 (55.6 MB) TX bytes:4737538 (4.7 MB)

What's the next step?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Transfer Files To Private IP?

Nov 18, 2010

I have a server with Private IP and without any public IP. I want to transfer files to the private IP. I can log in to the Private IP through SSH. So basically I installed vsftpd in the server with Public Ip and tried to ftp the public ip from the private ip but it is not working.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: SCP Fails To Transfer Files?

Apr 11, 2009

I have two CentOS 5 servers that I'm trying to transfer files between. They're on the same LAN switch, same subnet and everything. So far, everything I've attempted has failed, but scp still exits with a return code of 0. It only displays a line of *** and exits immediately. It's almost as if the file transfers instantly, but no file actually gets copied. Here is the verbose output from scp:

scp -v kickstart.tar ****@192.168.xxx.xxx:/home/****
Executing: program /usr/bin/ssh host 192.168.xxx.xxx, user ****, command scp -v -t /home/****
OpenSSH_4.3p2, OpenSSL 0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 01 Jul 2008


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Networking :: Transfer Files From PC To A Sftp Server?

Dec 17, 2010

I would like to transfer files from my PC to my account at a sftp server, and I don't know how to do it.

My PC is running with:
User: User1

My sftp account is:
User: SFTPUser1
Address: sftp-server

I can access the sftp server with the command:

sftp SFTPUser1@sftp-server
The sftp server doesn't answer to ssh requests.

How can I transfer files to the sftp server?

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Networking :: Using Kermit To Transfer Files With 3 Server System

Mar 23, 2011

Here's the system:
1 server running regular Ubuntu, 40km above the surface of the earth on a scientific balloon behind an iridium modem (RUDICS) connected to its serial port
1 server on the ground running Ubuntu server
1 intermediate server used for contacting the iridium system from the ground server

I'm not sure if all the above details are completely necessary but I included them for completeness. I would like to be able to log into the balloon server and transfer files in both directions. The procedure for connecting is to telnet to the intermediate server and then to issue some modem commands to call the balloon. The balloon server is set with getty running on the serial port connected to the modem. The way I have figured out to transfer files is to run kermit on the ground server and connect to the balloon server through the intermediate server, then run kermit on the balloon server, and set it as a file server with the server command.

However, there is some sort of timeout or something, and only a few kB of any file gets transferred before the connection is broken. After that it seems like the ground server is trying to get the file from the intermediate server (which has no useful files on it at all). The file transfer screen stays open and it keeps trying and trying to transfer, until I type ^C. I don't know if there is a way of detecting through a kermit command whether the connection is still open or if there is some sort of switch to make the transfer automatically stop once it has stalled.

I have been reading about No Kermit Server (NKS) protocol, which seems to be designed for a system like this where the connection is across a third server. Is this likely to do a better job of keeping the connection open and the file transfer going? How can it be implemented? Is there any kermit command to determine from the ground server whether the connection is actually still open? Is there any way of telling whether the connection goes all the way to the balloon server or whether it ends at the intermediate server? I actually just learned about kermit today.

On a related note, is it possible to have the balloon server running getty on the serial port but still have the port accessible for reading and writing by, say, a python script (which could use the modem to dial down to the ground when it isn't in use)? It doesn't seem to work but I'm wondering if there is a way. Is there a way to temporarily stop getty, then restart it, or is this potentially hazardous? Keep in mind there will be no way to contact it if something goes wrong since it will be 40km above the earth.

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OpenSUSE :: Bluetooth File Transfer Error: The Name Org.openbox.client Was Not Provided By Any .service Files?

Apr 20, 2011

I was trying to copy a few files to my phone via bluetooth when the file transfer window popped up with the progress bar stating "Connecting" and an error: the name org.openbox.client was not provided by any .service files..

I am using: openSUSE 11.3
Gnome 2.32, Kernel 2.6.38,
obex-data-server 0.4.5-12.2,


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General :: File Transfer Program In C Using FTP Client And FTP Server?

Jun 8, 2010

i am new in tcp/ip.i want to write a program using c for file transfer where FTP client and FTP server will be used.and also this program should work for ipv4 as well as ipv6.and muiltple client can be connect simultaneously.i dont know how to start program.should i use shell script or socket programming for file transfer?can we use FTP client and FTP server in socket programming?

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Networking :: NFS Files On Client Have Different Owner/group Than On Server?

Feb 4, 2011

The server is named alpha and is running Archlinux. It is exporting a directory named /files. The server is a couple of years old and I have accessed it extensively from clients running Arch, Suse, PCLinuxOS, and maybe some others, all with no problems. The clients (3 of them) are new installations of Linux Mint 10 (Julia). When I mount the nfs all of the nfs files are visible as expected. However, the owner/group is drastically different than on the server.

I might add that I have set up user id's and group id's the same. My user is 1003 on all systems, and the users group is 100 on all systems. When I am on alpha (via ssh), here is a partial file listing.

[dick@alpha dick]$ ls -l
total 9740
drwxr-xr-x 3 dick users 4096 May 16 2009 airplane
-rw-rw-r-- 1 dick users 240978 Jun 27 2009 Alice Grad 1934.pdf
-rwxr-xr-x 1 dick users 444 Jul 8 2007 alpha2ast
-rw-r--r-- 1 dick users 444 Sep 2 2009 alpha2charlie


If have searched the Mint forums, LQ forums, and google in general. I must be missing something in my search because I can't believe that no one else has this same problem and I am having it on 3 different boxes.

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Networking :: Naming A Centos Server For A Windows Client?

Mar 12, 2011

i have a centos 5.5 server running tomcat,oracle xe,apache etc..i would like to be able my windows machine to access this server by name, and not ip, for example have http://backserv:7080 for oracle xe web admin and so on..i know one way is DNS, but if i install oracle on a windows machine in peer-to-peer network, i can allready access with by it's name. o i'm guessing i should do something with samba, wins or something like that.never mind i got now for the REAL complex stuff of insalling web sphere 7 without user interface (need to look for a response file).

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Networking :: Running Foxpro On Centos ( Server ) Via Winxp Client?

Jul 30, 2010

My office is on migrating to UNIX system. I am configuring Centos as our server including some program will be running on it. But one of the problem is we use foxpro for operating some program on server directly. I can run that program on Centos using DOSBox. My question is how can i run that program on winxp client that connected to network through samba to that program on server? so my plan is just give the shortcut and link it to server. I have tried to open it but not work.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Configure DHCP Client To Register Itself To DNS Server?

Aug 23, 2010

I'm new to CentOS and has recently use it.

I'm looking for a way to configure DHCP client so it would dynamically set the hostname and register itself to a DNS server. I don't have access to the DNS server.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Bind Server Not Responding To Client Queries

Mar 4, 2011

I am bit new to Linux and have setup caching-only name server with Centos 5.5. when i do dig server, it provide resolutions. but when i use the server IP as DNS on my windows client, it says, "connection refused" on the NSlookup output. (IP table didn't enable) My server Ip is and bellow is the configuration of "/var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf"

options {
listen-on port 53 {;; };
listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
directory "/var/named";
dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";
statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt";
memstatistics-file "/var/named/data/named_mem_stats.txt"; .....

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Debian :: File Transfer Will Be Constant As The Minecraft Server Will Constantly Updates Files On The Web Server

Aug 27, 2011

I have 2 computers on the same network that i need to link together to transfer files 1 is a web server the other is a minecraft server. the problem is that the file transfer will be constant as the minecraft server will constantly updates files on the web server and I dont want it to go to the router then to come back to the web server. I want to add a second network card to each computer and link them together and use this second connection to transfer the files is it possible?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Openssh 5.8p2 - Transfer Data From Other Server Through Scp It Gives Connection Refused?

Aug 1, 2011

I have configured openssh 5.8p2 with centos 5.6. My sftp is working fine with chroot environment but i am having problem with SCP. I am dealing with muliti Redhat servers. When i try to transfer data from other linux server through scp it gives connection refused. For e.g ssh 5.8 is configured on new server and i want to transfer files from old server which is using openssh 4.3 version.i created same username and password on new server as on old server.My sftp users on new server has no shell access but only sftp access. When i try to scp from old server to new server it gives error connection refused. Is the below configuration only for sftp and can't scp? According to google the configurations i found are for scp and sftp. Do i need to generate ssh keys by giving users on new server shell access, once created then stop shell access again, as i dont want to give shell access permanent for security reasons? but i want to use ssh keys for more security as well.

Port 22
PermitRootLogin no
1.override default of no subsystems[code].....

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CentOS 5 Server :: Transfer Complete System + Webcontent To Other Server?

Aug 10, 2010

I run a webserver with centos 5 and like to change hardware. I run a 1u supermicro 6014t server with 4 *500gb raid 6 and like to downgrade to a smaler but more efficient server. The problem is this. I'dd like to transfer all the content and the whole OS to the new system, but how do I do that

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SUSE :: How To Transfer Files Between Server

Apr 29, 2010

How do I transfer files from one SuSe Linux server to another?

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Server :: Nis Client On Centos Not Working With Suse Server / But Works With Suse Nis Client

Jun 25, 2009

I have a Nis server on Suse 11 which is configured using Yast and nis clients on Suse and CentOs .All clients which is on the Suse Os is working fine. But on CentOs , users couldn't login using nis username.I have mounted home directory using nfs in fstab . I can switch to nis users homedirectory only when i am root. But nis users could'nt login on reboot.' ypcat passwd username ' is showing the output . No selinux is enabled in the client .Is there is any problem with Suse server to Centos Client in nis ??

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Server :: Unable To Transfer Files To Desktop

Aug 16, 2009

When trying to transfer files from my server to my desktop, the files never get fully transfered. I have windows cmd running a ping to my server, and all is fine until i try to transfer files. Some will transfer fine, and then out of nowhere the server will stop replying. I then have to restart the server to gain access to it. A 2 GB file will transfer about halfway, and then the server will not be able to be pinged. I have static IP on the server and my desktop. Running XP x64 and Ubuntu server 32-bit 9.04. Tried using Samba and NFS Exports. I have both my desktop and server connected to the same gigabit switch, and then my switch connected to my router.

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Networking :: Transfer Files To My Pc?

Feb 13, 2011

I need to transfer some a large amount of file from my Linux lap-top to my desktop Windows machine. Can I connect the two computers through a simple crossover cable and simply navigate into the Windows machine and move to files manually or if not, what's the best way to do this? I don't want to burn a bunch of disks.

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Server :: Transfer The Profile Directory From Another CentOS Box?

Jul 14, 2011

I've tried to follow online tutorials about Samba PDC, I don't think I finished it well in CentOS 5.6 because when I tried to browse the profiles folder of the users in the home directory, the files doesnt appear. Actually the windows xp pc needs to restart before I can see the files, why is that? One more question, how can I transfer the profile directory from another CentOS box that will act as the storage of the roaming profile of the users? I use this in configuration smb.conf

workgroup = POGI.work
server string = Samba PDC Server
netbios name = samba
local master = yes


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Server :: Pure-ftp / Openssh Failures - Transfer Files

Apr 22, 2010

I need by searching this site so I haven't had a need to sign up since I can't really help anyone as of yet. With that said here is my problem: I'm running a VPS with CentOS RHEL 5 host-in-a-box, I just did a rebuild of the server and after a day or two pure-ftpd and sshd unexpectedly close out any incoming connections. I am the only one that uses ssh and ftp so I'm not sure what the problem could be. I checked the logs and there is nothing to do with not being able to bind on the address.

I tried connecting through ssh in verbose mode and it connects to the server just fine, but drops the connection before it asks me for my key pass phrase. If I enable password access it will drop before it asks me for it's password. I've tried restarting sshd and ftpd. I've tried rebooting the machine. I've tried google, but this problem seems to need a little more specific trouble shooting. I can get in through console access, but that doesn't help me much when I need to transfer files.

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Ubuntu :: Transfer Files From The Terminal To The Fedora Server?

May 31, 2010

I use Ubuntu Lucid and use the terminal to access my virtual server (GoDaddy - Red Hat Fedora Core 6). Using the terminal and entering SSH [account name]@IP gets me there. I can manipulate the server then.

But how do I transfer files to/from the Ubuntu terminal to the Fedora server? I want to (using Evolution) email a file on the server to someone.

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Fedora Networking :: Transfer Files Through Ftp?

Jul 21, 2010

I want to transfer files through ftp on my fedora 13 system. when I type ftp in terminal, it shows an error message "command not found" why?

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Networking :: Scp - Two Computers - Can Only Transfer Files One Way?

Feb 13, 2009

I currently have two computers (one windows one linux) connected to each other via a crossover ethernet cable. Now, each computer can see each other and I can ping both ways. Also, I can ssh into the linux box from windows (putty, cygwin) as well as ssh into my windows machine from the linux box. Here's the problem: I can send files from my linux machine to my windows machine with no problems doing this:

scp this_file.txt windows_user@

however, I can't seem to send from windows (cygwin) to the linux machine. Here is what I see at cygwin x-term prompt:

$ scp that_file.txt jqweezy@
jqweezy@'s password:
Executing /etc/profile ...

Now, it seems like everything went fine. However when I look in /home/jqweezy that_file.txt is not there.

p.s. Don't know if this helps, but here is some extra info. Linux machine has only one NIC. Windows has two NICs, one NIC is setup for automatic network detection the other is setup for communication with linux machine via crossover cable (see above).

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CentOS 5 Server :: FTP Critical File Transfer Error

Feb 24, 2011

I have two questions. 1- How can I set up FTP server for the first time on the Centos? 2-I want to give the ftp user full root access in the directory of /var/www/html so he would be able to upload or download files and folders without getting "FTP Critical file transfer error". From command prompt how can I give the user test root access in the /var/www/html with all the folders, sub folders and files in one shut?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Transfer Files Between PCs Without Using Routers?

Jul 8, 2010

When I try to copy a file from a shared folder of other laptop, the whole of data passes through the router.This affects the internet bandwidth within the network. Is there a way to access the shared files without necessarily going through the router and also without affecting the internet connectivity.

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Networking :: When Load The Files Via NFS - Can Not Transfer The / Lib To My Station

Jun 17, 2011

I am using remote boot via PXE boot to an a remote machine. So okay, but when I load the files via NFS, I can not transfer the / lib to my station. I recompiled the kernel, which already influence all NFS packages built in this set as Obrigadao.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: OpenVPN Doesn't Work On CentOS 5.3 With Windows Client?

Jun 27, 2009

This will be a little long (having read Phil's 'how to ask questions' FAQ). I'm trying to get OpenVPN working between my CentOS server and some Windoze laptops running XP. There seems to be plenty of sample
config files available, but to date, none of them have worked for me. Pulling out my trusty Wireshark, I've found some clues,

My local subnet (NAT'ed by my gateway router) is 192.168.52.x. My router has been configured with a conduit (port-forward) for port 1194 (the standard OpenVPN port), which points towards my CentOS server.The CentOS server is .52.112, and the supplicant is .52.110. I have tried the lient both inside and outside my local subnet, with no difference in events or outcomes.


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CentOS 5 Server :: Sendmail To Postfix - Transfer All The Mail And Settings From The Old To The New?

Jul 31, 2009

i currently installed centos 5.3 with postfix. My old server is centos 4.5 final / new 5.3 final. Old server has sendmail / new has postfix. how can i transfer all the mail and settings from the old to the new? also, the old mail server is mail.xxx.xxx and for testing purposes i named the new mail server mail2.xxx.xxx.

when i an ready to put it into production, the new server will need to be mail.xxx.xxx and the old removed from the system. How do i go about changing the name and making sure everything comes out correct?

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