Networking :: Uninstalling Apache 2.2.15 In RHEL 5

Jun 24, 2010

We have installed Apache 2.2.15 using user wwwadm having group www ,we want to uninstall this apache installation and try installing a new apache installation using root user

How to unistall/remove apache 2.2.15 so that we can install a new instance of apache on the same server having RHEL 5 Linux 64

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SUSE :: Uninstalling Apache Web Server

Feb 7, 2011

I was running a web server using apache, somehow it started not working properly. So I wanted to uninstall Apache. At first, I wrote "./apachectl stop" to stop the running apache server. After that i wrote "rm -rf /usr/local/apache2" to delete the folders. So far, it seemed normal. But when I wrote //localhost on firefox, the page which was appearing when apache server was running again appeared. So, I restarted my machine, and after that opened localhost again. But the page was still there. I don't know what caused this, but it is obvious that that server is immortal. Also, I found another path for apache server but I am not quite sure. It is /srv/www/htdocs/ that directory consisted that appearing page. I am not sure if i delete this folder, too. By the way, I guess I broke my internet connection while configuring Apache web server. I just wrote "# telnet localhost 80" in the terminal. And after that I changed the port which apache server listens to in httpd.conf. Does anyone know how to terminate this apache' session? Also could somebody tell me how can i fix my internet connection?

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Server :: Installing Complied Apache Using Yum In RHEL 5?

Feb 20, 2010

I am using RHEL 5.4 Here is my requirement.

- The ultimate aim is to install LAMP using yum.

- The Apache Spec (httpd.spec) is customized, like the location of the apache installation is /usr/local/apache2 rather than /usr. So I need to compile apache source code using this customized apache spec.

- I need to then install this apache using YUM.

So my understanding is I need to compile apache , then add into yum repository or something like that, so that yum can be used to install apache.

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Software :: RHEL 5 Apache Name Based Virtual Host Not Working

Jun 16, 2011

I have setup apache webserver on RHEL5 working fine for months now. Next task is to add another domain name to the webserver using the same IP address. I have been trying to set up apache name based virtual host for the past several days without success. Each time I try elinks [URL] it went to the main page Main page is on DNS but 2nd domain [URL] is not created on DNS yet. I just doing testing first on /etc/hosts. sales

I have tried googling, search forum, and read documentation. I have checked my httpd.conf file several times but there must be some simple step or config error that I might miss:

Apache version is 2.2.3. Output of my httpd.conf file:-
NameVirtualHost *:80
# Default Virtual Host
<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/html
DirectoryIndex index.html index.shtml index.php

<VirtualHost *:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/virtual/tours
ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/tours_error_log
CustomLog /var/log/httpd/tours_access_log common
DirectoryIndex index.html index.shtml
<Directory "/var/www/virtual/tours/">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

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Red Hat :: Kickstarting Over HTTPS - Do The Rhel/fedora/centos Install From Running Apache With SSL Enabled?

Aug 13, 2010

Has anyone successfully kickstarted a rhel/fedora/centos over HTTPS ? In other words, is it possible to do the rhel/fedora/centos install from running apache with SSL enabled?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network 'manager' Does Not Appear After Installing And Uninstalling KWLAN

Mar 30, 2010

After installing and uninstalling KWLAN and some other network program (I think it was wpa_supplicant GUI) the default Ubuntu network manager does not appear, and I can't connect to ANY form of Internet.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Uninstalling Network-manager Loses Terminals?

Apr 15, 2010

I use Ubuntu 9.10. I need to have network right away because I put home directories on a server and use them via NFS. To have network right away I needed to remove network-manager and put the configuration manually. It works, but after I removed the network manager, by pressing alt+F1,2,3,4 I don't get text terminals, that is I get them, but I don't have the option to login, just a cursor blinking. Sometime I need these terminals so I can kill a process that is crushing GUI, I don't want to do hard resets. Why is that? Is there a better way for having network before GUI than editing /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolve.conf?

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Server :: Edit The Default RHEL CD To Have It Automatically Install RHEL Based Off Of A Kickstart File

Mar 2, 2011

is possible to edited the default RHEL CD to have it automatically install RHEL based off of a kickstart file that I will store locally on the CD. My plan would be to put a cd in a server and have the OS automatically being installed.

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Server :: Configuration Difference Between RHEL 3 To RHEL 5 For Webserver Installations?

Feb 1, 2011

We are planning to migrate our LINUX server from RHEL 3to RHEL 5. What are the configuration difference between RHEL 3 to RHEL 5 for webserver installations?

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Software :: Unable To Boot To RHEL 4 32bit After Installing RHEL 64bit - Error 13: Invalid Or Unsupported Executable Format

Apr 27, 2009

I have 4 partitions in my system, out of which two(sda1, sda2) have windows on them. I have installed RHEL 4 32 - bit on sda3 and after that , installed installed RHEL 64-bit on to a partition sda 5. Now i am unable to boot into RHEL 32-bit. The error i am getting is Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format.

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General :: Cannot Ping From Host (RHEL 6) To RHEL 5 In (virtual)?

May 1, 2011

can not ping from host (RHEL 6) to RHEL 5 in (virtual)? I have stopped iptables on both machines. But still not able to ping from host machine to virtual.

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Software :: Uninstall RHEL 3 And Install RHEL 9 Without Affecting XP?

Jul 13, 2009

I have RHEL 3 and Win XP Installed in my P.C?I want to uninstall RHEL 3 and install RHEL 9 without affecting can i do this and also where can i download free RHEL 9 version or any other latest linux distribution for free?

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CentOS 5 :: Pirut/yum: RHEL 5.1 - Maintain An Unregistered RHEL Box?

Feb 16, 2010

A client has sent me an RHEL 5.1 box for me to do some work on, but it's not registered with Red Hat. This is causing me problems, because it's a minimal installation, and I need some more dev software.My immediate reaction was to install various bits (emacs, and so on) from my Centos 5(.0) DVD.The base RHEL system only had one (disabled) repo entry,so I added a yum DVD repo entry in yum.conf.d.

This looked good to start with, but it doesn't work. Something in RHEL's pirut/yum/rpm/whatever is getting confused, and can't work out what is/isn't installed.

Question - how do you maintain an unregistered RHEL box? Has RH done something to make life difficult? Is my problem simply that I'm using a Centos 5.0 DVD, instead of Centos 5.1? Am I stuck with downloading lots of rpms from the net and doing everything manually? I really don't want to do that.

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Networking :: How To Install Rhel Through Nfs?

Jan 11, 2010

I have two systems connected by local network and both installed RHEL

I have congigured nfs and httpd and /mnt/package contains the rhel dvd contents extracted. Also the iso image of rhel from the other system (, I can mount the share from i.e NFS network is ok in

But when I tries to install rhel from It shows the message that that directory cannot be mounted. selinux is permissive in The problem when it asks for network ipno.Is it required to run dhcp server on I have tried another way also - by http created a link to /mnt/package in /var/www/html

But when I tries to install through ( from also - experimented all combinations) - it automatically switches to CD install.

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General :: Downloading RHEL 5.4 AS From RHEL Website?

Dec 23, 2009

I am trying to download RHEL 5.4 AS version for testing..But under [URL] There is no specific link for AS version or ES version..How can I detect which iso is for AS and which one for ES..? There are separate links for AS and ES version for RHEL 4.x version but why is it not available for RHEL 5.x versions?

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Server :: Major Differences Between Rhel 5.2 And Rhel 5.4?

Dec 14, 2010

what are the major differences between rhel 5.2 and rhel 5.4

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Red Hat :: Duplicating A RHEL 5.1 32bit Server On RHEL 5.4 64 Bit

Dec 9, 2009

I have a database server running RHEL 5.1 32 bit that suffered some catastrophic failures about 6 months ago. We were able to patch it back together and keep it running, but now the manufacturing site it supports is going to shut down for two weeks and I would like to replace it permenantly. Does anyone have any guidance for that sort of thing? I'd like to have the new server up and running before hand, basically changing the hostname/ip and restoring the databases only on conversion day. I've done this in the past with HP UX - Red Hat conversions, but this is my first red hat to red hat move. Any advice or shortcuts?I forgot to add the other wrinkle. The new server will be running 64bit linux.

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Red Hat :: Install Dmidecode And Procinfo In RHEL 4 / RHEL 3?

Feb 6, 2009

I have RHEL 4, RHEL 3, i need install dmidecode RPM packet and procinfo packet... exist this packets for this linux versions?

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Networking :: Clustering RHEL 5.2 Server?

Mar 2, 2010

My current project environment setup is having a single server, running on RHEL 5.2, that is constantly receiving incoming data (video and text) over a periodic interval e.g. every 30 minutes. Initial in-house testing projected the server will be generally busy, so we decided to incorporate a second server for load balancing purposes. So now, server A and B will need to be clustered. Once that is done, incoming data will balance out between the two server (or at least that is what I will like to achieve. Note, I'm aware that at the switch side, I'll need to do some additional configuration and that part is covered).

I've been reading on Red Hat Cluster Suite and the Linux Virtual Server (LVS) seems the way to go. However, I noted that the LVS solution require at least a two-tier solution, and that would incur 3 additional servers instead of just 1. So here's my questions:- I looked around and probably know the answer, but I'm gonna ask anyway. Is there a one-tier solution for LVS i.e. have anyone tried or whether it's even feasible. From my reading, it don't seem so but just want another opinion. Is there any other way for me to do the clustering (for load-balancing) without LVS?

Sidenote: I'm currently looking at Ultra Monkey and will be trying out in a while. However, the project I'm doing would be rolled out to live site eventually, and my customer is kind of....particular. I'm just wondering if there's a software/application (that need to be purchased) and comes with support.

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Networking :: Configure DDNS On RHEL 5?

Feb 5, 2010

I have setup dns on my rhel 5 server. It is working fine. My dhcp server is setup on my sonic firewall. The sonic firewall hands out our IP addresses. My dns server sees the static IP addresses but how do I get name resolution setup for dhcp?

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Networking :: Using IWSS On RHEL-5 For Web Filtering

Aug 19, 2010

I am using IWSS on RHEL-5 for web filtering and want to use Squid proxy at the same system . I can configure Squid behing of IWSS .

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Networking :: Network Tmedout In RHEL 2.4-EL

Jul 28, 2011

our client their is one RHEL 2.4.21-27.EL

some tine request timed out comes. how to identify the fault.

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64


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Networking :: Iptables Redirect On RHEL 6 ?

Jul 18, 2011

I have a virtual environment, RHEL6 minimal install. On that, I am trying to run Liferay6 on Tomcat6 for the purpose of writing prototype business portals. I used the Liferay+Tomcat bundle downloaded from the Liferay website.

For security reasons, the server can only be accessed through port 80, and Tomcat listens on 8080. (I know I can run it so that it listens on another port, but I'd like it on 8080)


Use iptables to forward traffic destined for 80 to port 8080.

What I Did:

Configure nat to forward tcp packets from 80 to 8080:


List the nat iptable:


wget to 80 doesn't work:


What I Already Checked:

Tomcat did start normally. Logs show no errors, and specify that Coyote HTTP/1.1 is initialized on http-8080. I can provide this log if need be.

Tomcat is listening on port 8080:



I get the same negative result on the VM on the server as I get on a RHEL6 VM on my laptop.

The iptables method that I described above does in fact work with Liferay6 on Tomcat6 on Ubuntu 10.10.

I have looked at this thread. I appear to have tried everything that was mentioned there.

Actual Question: I would like to know how to effectively forward 80 to 8080 on RHEL6, so that I can access Liferay on Tomcat (listening on 8080) at 80.

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Networking :: RHEL Cannot Open Port

Mar 30, 2010

I am running RHEL 5.3 and attempted to open port 4470 for an application that will use the port. I used the graphical interface to open the port, just as I have for other ports such as 4750.I can telnet to the server with:telnet server 4750

If I try the other port that I'm trying to open:telnet server 4470

I get "Could not open connection to the host, on port 4470: Connect failed."I have restarted the network and iptables services.I have turned off the local firewall and it still did not work.

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Networking :: Bridge Networking On RHEL?

Sep 28, 2010

Trying to set up Bridge networking on RHEL 5.5 to support KVM virtual quest:



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Networking :: Configuring Different Network IPs In DNS Server For RHEL 5?

May 19, 2010

My DNS server is baring 192 series IP for ex:, need to configureloadbalancer IP in that DNS server, where loadbalancer is baring 172 series IP. for ex : it possible to cofigure the loadbalancer ip in DNS server? if it is, please let me know the configuration details and procedure.

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Networking :: Install Nf_conntrack Module In RHEL?

Apr 6, 2011

I tried installing nf_conntrack module in RHEL , it fails

[root@boot]# modprobe nf_conntrack_ipv6
FATAL: Module nf_conntrack_ipv6 not found.
[root@boot]# modprobe nf_conntrack
FATAL: Module nf_conntrack not found.
[root@boot]# lsmod | grep -i nf
nfnetlink_queue 16129 2
nfnetlink 10713 4 nfnetlink_queue,ip_conntrack

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Networking :: Internet Connection Sharing On RHEL 5

Mar 5, 2010

My ifconfig of RHEL 5 is


My windows ip config is ( DNS IS


Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

I want to access internet on windows system through this RHEL system .

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Networking :: Pertaining To Network Configuration On RHEL?

May 27, 2010

issue in starting up Open view monitoring on couple of linux servers and here is the output from mii-tool looks like.

eth0: 100 Mbit, full duplex, link ok
eth1: 100 Mbit, full duplex, link ok


Based on what I understand, eth0 goes to monitoring and the other 2 ethernet cards go to FE. I am not an expert in system administration but would like to know if there is any issues with the above settings/configuration (in fact, im also looking for what do they infer and what is the settings?

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Networking :: Routing Via Aliased Interfaces In RHEL

Apr 7, 2011

I am having following problem:

RHEL 5.5 won't accept specifying an aliased interface (e.g. eth1:0) when I add a new host route to the routing table of a machine with multiple Ethernet interfaces. I have read that this works with Ubuntu, but RHEL gives problems. It only understands the interface card (e.g. either eth0 or eth1, but does not understand the aliased virtual interfaces within say eth0 or eth1).

As such, when I try to reach a host in the same subnet with the aliased interface and after adding that route to the routing table, Redhat won't reach that host.

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