Ubuntu Networking :: Uninstalling Network-manager Loses Terminals?

Apr 15, 2010

I use Ubuntu 9.10. I need to have network right away because I put home directories on a server and use them via NFS. To have network right away I needed to remove network-manager and put the configuration manually. It works, but after I removed the network manager, by pressing alt+F1,2,3,4 I don't get text terminals, that is I get them, but I don't have the option to login, just a cursor blinking. Sometime I need these terminals so I can kill a process that is crushing GUI, I don't want to do hard resets. Why is that? Is there a better way for having network before GUI than editing /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolve.conf?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network 'manager' Does Not Appear After Installing And Uninstalling KWLAN

Mar 30, 2010

After installing and uninstalling KWLAN and some other network program (I think it was wpa_supplicant GUI) the default Ubuntu network manager does not appear, and I can't connect to ANY form of Internet.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Will Not Auto-connect To New Network After Resume?

Jul 1, 2010

I recently fixed an annoying problem and I thought it would be nice to share my solution here. The problem was that after a cycle of suspend/resume, Network Manager would only auto-connect to the same network as it was previously connected to. So, for example, if I suspended my laptop at home, and then I went to school and resumed it, it would try to connect to the home network, and then just give up. It would not connect to the school network unless I explicitly told it to.irst, I'll describe the fix. If you're having this problem, you can this. Copy the following:

case "$1" in


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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Stopped Recognizing Wireless Network

Jan 24, 2011

I am a Windows refugee who discovered Ubuntu as a way to save my files from my virus-ravaged computer. Had no installation discs for Windows, so when I had to wipe my hard drive and start over, I decided to give Ubuntu a try. I've had mixed success, but that's another post...

Right now, the problem is that I installed 10.10 two weeks ago and was able to connect to the Internet with no problems - until yesterday. Suddenly, our wireless network (the only one in the vicinity) does not come up as available in Network Manager. In fact, the entire wireless option disappeared. I know there are many posts and threads on here about this, but weeding through them trying to find an answer is more frustrating than actually dealing with the problem. I know the router works because I can post on this forum from the Macbook. I really like Ubuntu and would like to keep using it, but not being able to connect to the Internet now on top of the other issues I've had is making me doubt I want to continue down this Linux road.

P.S. When I attempted an analysis through System Testing, it said something about there being no proprietary drivers?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Sudo Iwlist Scan Works But Cannot Connect To Network Using Network Manager

Jun 14, 2010

I have used ubuntu in the past but had a lot of hardware issues with it and unfortunately moved back to windows (( BUT i have tried Ubuntu again and all seems to work great except wifi My wifi connection is sort of working because when i run SUDO IWLIST SCAN it does pull up all available networks. But in the network manager icon on the panel i left click but i see no networks and can't connect to anything. I WOULD LOVE TO keep Ubuntu and use it permanently but I must get wifi working or else this won't be possible.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network-Manager Tries Always To Autoconnect To Wired Network

Feb 18, 2010

I have the problem with my notebook, that, after I used it at work, the network-manager always tries to autoconnect after boot. He has no cable network and so I get the message "not connected" after a while.how to tell the network-manager, not to autoconnect each time?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network-manager And Wicd Can See But Not Connect To Network

Jul 10, 2010

I recently put Linux on a Thinkpad T40 I got. The wireless card works out of the box--I can see nearby networks. However, I can't connect to mine. network-manager would try (spin spin spin), fail, ask for the password, and then go back to the beginning and repeat indefinitely. This happened to me on a different computer, and on that one all I had to do was use wicd instead of network-manager. So I installed wicd, but it's not working either--it hangs at "Obtaining IP address".

I've found many, many threads with people who had the same problem, but none of their fixed worked for me.

I also tried to get wifi going manually, using this guide, but that didn't work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Way To Ban A Wifi Network In Network Manager

Oct 26, 2010

My wifi connection drops sometimes and, for some reason, Network Manager attempts to connect to my neighbor's network, which requires a password (which I don't know). Is there any way to blacklist a wireless network so that the Network Manager will never attempt to connect to it?

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SUSE / Novell :: How To Switch Network Manager From YAST Back To Efault Network Manager?

Mar 2, 2010

I had trouble connecting to a wireless network with openSUSE, so I tried the YAST network manager to see if that fixed it. Not only did it not fix it, but now I cannot connect to any network, wired or wireless. I tried to open the default network manager and it said "Network management disabled". How do I re-enable it?I also have set YAST settings back to their originals with no luck.

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Networking :: Ubuntu Gateway Box Loses Connection

Oct 28, 2010

i have an ubuntu server box as my gateway and firewall. for days at a time itll run fine, then one or two days out of the week, it will drop connection often because it drops its ip addr. when renew an ip, itll work fine for about 5 minutes and drop again.ive tried different nics, different wire, my logs dont mention anything, my cron files dont have anything suspicious.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Networking In 10.04 - In Network Manager There Is Not Way To Select My Modem In The First Step

May 3, 2010

I'm try to create a mobile broadband connection using my Huawei E 1550 medem. but in Network manager there is not way to select my modem in the first step ( device selection step ) the drop down menu is locked. what to do ? how to configure my modem with ubuntu ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Applet Enable Networking Unchecked

Apr 2, 2011

Whenever I start up my laptop i do not get a wireless connection automatically. I have to rightclick network manager applet and select enable networking. After that everything works fine untill i shutdown and restart my laptop. I would like a way to change this so that my wifi connection is working whithout having to click something first..

OS:Xubuntu 10.04 LTS!
hardware: dell inspiron 6000
nm applet: 0.8.?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Networking Connections Not Listed In Network Manager

Aug 23, 2010

Neither of my wired network connections are listed in the network manager applet. I know that networking seems to be functional since I can ping local devices on the network. I can't resolve DNS names however. I suppose this is because network manager usually handles DNS? I've posted the outputs of various configurations below.


# This file is installed into /etc/NetworkManager, and is loaded by
# NetworkManager by default. To override, specify: '--config file'
# during NM startup. This can be done by appending to DAEMON_OPTS in


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Loses Connection Then Will Not Reconnect?

Mar 24, 2011

I am fairly new to linux. I have Ubuntu 10.10 on my Dell Inspiron E1705. While browsing my internet connection suddenly stops working. It says that I am still connected but the internet doesn't work. When I try to disconnect then reconnect it will not connect to the network. To get it to reconnect i have to turn of the wireless card, delete the connection then restart, turn the card back on and reconnect.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Boot Computer And Network Manager Shos "no Network Devices Available"?

May 10, 2010

Loaded Ubuntu 10.4lucid on TransPort NX Mobile Pentium II, 328MiB,Using Netgear Rangemax wn511b. with Broadcom STA wirless driver. bcm43gx.Boot computer and network manager shos "no network devices available" Run system/administration/hardware drivers and the Broadcom STA driver shows up (only one that shows up) REMOVE and then ACTIVATE and the network manager sees it and connects fine. Shut down computer, restart and no device. I am forced to Remove and Activate each time I start the computer.Is there a way to set this driver to be found and run at computer start.

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Ubuntu :: Networking - Wireless Loses Its Connection And The Internet Shuts Off

Aug 25, 2010

I have windows 7 dual-booted with ubuntu. Im having issues with ubuntu however and i am very new to using linux (sorry). When i intalled ubuntu and ran on it a seperate partition everything seemed to work fine until i tried connecting to the wireless internet in my university. This is what's driving me crazy. When i first turn ubuntu on it connects normally to the internet, and i can usually get onto google for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, the wireless loses its connection and the internet shuts off, even though it can still detect the wifi in the area. I try to reconnect but it consistently fails... I also get some sort of .local avashi error message (dont remember what it said exactly) for a brief moment and then it fades away. Can someone tell me what to do? This is driving me crazy. btw, i have a realtek rtl8191 wlan nic driver installed on windows, so im assuming thats the driver installed on linux to. Do i need to install a different version like kubuntu or xubuntu?

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Ubuntu Networking :: USB Wifi Adaptor Loses Connection Every Few Minutes

Apr 22, 2011

I just installed the Natty Beta and plugged in a Netgear WG111v3 USB wifi adapter. It is using the RTL8187B driver and worked out of the box. The problem it loses my connection every few minutes. Sometimes not for 10 or 15, sometimes like a minute or less. After it loses the connection, I have to uncheck "enable wireless" (which I assume is the equivalent of bringing down my wireless interface) and then check it again before it will let me reconnect. I don't want to try ndiswrapper because the card works great when it works, including monitor mode and packet injection!

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Keeps Asking For WEP Key?

Feb 27, 2010

Since the last update the 'wireless network authentication required' box keeps asking me for my wep key. Everything was working fine previously, I've even re-installed ubuntu just in case it was something I did....again everything was working OK until I installed the latest Nvidia drivers and updated ubuntu.I can see my wireless connection when I click on the network manager icon I just wont connect.Wired connection works fine.

05:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Atheros Communications Inc. AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter [168c:001c] (rev 01)

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Get Network Manager Log

Jul 24, 2010

I'm using NM applet to connect to the Internet.I just need to know my Internet usage details such as Connection Duration,Data sent and received.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Use Network Manager

Sep 22, 2010

I'm trying to change my network settings under Gnome and 9.10.

System->Preferences->Network Connection brings up "Network Connections". Under the "wired" tab, I see "ifupdown (eth1)". The edit button on the right side is grayed out.

Is this where an IP address can be config'ed, or is it somewhere else?v

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Add A Script To Network Manager

Jan 2, 2010

I've installed Karmic after using Jaunty for a year. In Jaunty, my wireless Belkin USB adapter would get it's best signal if I set the rate at 11M...sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 11MTo avoid having to enter that in terminal after a reboot, I followed the advice of Raven on another thread that suggested using WICD instead of Network Manager, as there were options for scripts in WICD that would allow a startup script...sh -c "/sbin/iwconfig wlan0 rate 11M"This doesn't seem to be working for me in Karmic (my connection constantly drops). Plus, the new icons for WICD are distracting (it changes color from green to yellow when the signal goes from good to low) With Network Manager and setting the rate @ 11M via terminal, everything seems rock solid (I left Last FM on last night and it was still playing when I woke up).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Bug With Network Manager After Update To 9.10

Jan 4, 2010

I used Ubuntu for the first time yesterday (V.9.04) and imediatly upgrade it to V.9.10. After,the DSL conection failed to conect. After reading many threads here I was able to connect by opening a terminal:

sudo pon dsl-provider

It seems ther's a bug with network-manager, but I'd like to use it again as it easier and NB user-friendly.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Unlock Network Manager

Jan 21, 2010

I am working to connect several Ubuntu computers to a Hughs satelite radio via a Trednet switch. The ISP requires static IP addresses on our machines. Obviously, to do that I need to access the Network Manager.

When I click on the Unlock button the machines wait for a minute or so and return a "could not authenticate" message. It never prompts for a password.

When I loaded the OS on these computers in the states, there were no issues with the install or updates and configuration. Now that they have been shipped to Africa there is something which has happened to all the computers and they will not unlock.

If i reload the OS they do fine..

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unload Network Manager?

Jan 26, 2010

I want to disable network manager but not sure which process to rmmod - I do not want to uninstall it, just disable it sometimes.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Kicking Network Manager Out?

Feb 4, 2010

Configuring a complex network in Ubuntu SERVER is a breeze. Doing so in Ubuntu DESKTOP has been a mess. The obvious culprit is the GUI based network manager. What I want to accomplish: DESKTOP boots up with active networking even before anyone logs in. This would be both wired and wireless. When someone logs in (user or administrator or root), the network manager is NOT started and thus can't mess up the networking.

Multiple IP addresses, including static and calculated, both IPv4 and IPv6. Also some static routes to multiple routers (maybe adding RIP or OSPF in the future). I already made script to do this smoothly in Ubuntu SERVER. Laptop users can still configure their computer for use at home by SOME means, even if command line or a script. It's OK to have to reboot to switch between office and home network.

I'd prefer to leave network manager installed, and just have it not run. But if uninstalling it is the best way to get it out of the way, let me know. So far this is all just Ubuntu, but Kubuntu or Xubuntu might also be preferred by future staff.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Disappeared ?

Mar 27, 2010

Im using ubuntu 9.04. The network manager (at least thats what i think its called, the thing managing network connections that usually resides on the panel in the upper right corner where you can check available connections, log in to VPN etc) has completely disappeared, i dont know what i have upgraded, i usually just click and download all upgrades..Ive tried to re-add it to the panel but i cant even find it there.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Keeps Prompting For WEP Key?

Apr 20, 2010

I've been fiddling with Ubuntu for the first time ever today and eventually managed to get the drivers for the network adapter installed. Now, I'm trying to get the computer running it onto my home network; I set it up to connect automatically, entered the WEP key, and hit apply, marveling at how convenient it was.

...So far it's still caused me less trouble than some of the the bizarre problems I've had trying to get a Windows computer on a network, but...it just won't connect. At all. It says it is connecting, eventually prompts me for the key again, says it is connecting again, etc, repeat on infinite loop. Except for the occasional times that it stops trying and then, oddly enough, proceeds to state that it is not connected to e of neighbor's network*, which it wasn't trying to connect to in the first place

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Ubuntu Networking :: Messed Up Network Manager

Apr 21, 2010

At first my internet was really choppy just using the default network manager, but I switched the kwlan and that was going pretty well, til I had to reboot and it decided to not work anymore. Now my kernel has no network manager, and I just need some guidance.

I tried downloading the original network manager deb packages from the ubuntu archives, but I couldn't get the core application to run (though I could get the GNOME applet) even wtih chmod I didn't have permission to do anything with it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: DSL Grayed In Network Manager ?

Apr 22, 2010

[url] I have just had a similar problem.

No network, and dhclient command allowed the machine to lease an ip address from the dhcp server. Networking capability back.

EXCEPT that Network Manager is still greyed out as unmanaged, and right click still gives Network Management Disabled.

Wonder what's going on with Lynx and NM?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Put Network Manager 8 On Hardy?

May 27, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron), Kernel 2.6.24-24. Because everything is working fine, I would be very reluctant to upgrade to 8.10 or later. However I now have a need to use a Mobile Broadband USB connection to the Internet. I understand that this requires Network Manager 7.something or later.

I got the network-manager (0.8-1) binary from debian. Anyone got any experience of whether I should be able to install it succesfully? I thought I would ask before wrecking my system. (Synaptic seems to only allow me version 0.6.6)

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