Networking :: Routing Via Aliased Interfaces In RHEL

Apr 7, 2011

I am having following problem:

RHEL 5.5 won't accept specifying an aliased interface (e.g. eth1:0) when I add a new host route to the routing table of a machine with multiple Ethernet interfaces. I have read that this works with Ubuntu, but RHEL gives problems. It only understands the interface card (e.g. either eth0 or eth1, but does not understand the aliased virtual interfaces within say eth0 or eth1).

As such, when I try to reach a host in the same subnet with the aliased interface and after adding that route to the routing table, Redhat won't reach that host.

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General :: Set Up Routing Over Two Network Interfaces

Sep 9, 2011

I'm often on my corporate network but also need to be on another network simultaneously. At the moment I have to manually switch back and forth between the two. I'm using ubuntu 10.04. I've come across an excellent document that explains how to do this: "Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control HOWTO" by Bart Hubert. He mentions:

make sure that your kernel is compiled with the "IP: advanced router" and "IP: policy routing" features

I've downloaded the kernel sources, but I don't find any config options with names like these in them.

sudo apt-get build-dep --no-install-recommends linux-image-$(uname -r)
sudo apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)

Searching doesn't reveal anything

~/kernelBuild/linux-2.6.35/debian.master$ grep -iR policy . | grep -i routing

So my question can I tell if the kernel I have has these config options. Failing that, how do I build a kernel that does support these things?

Additional use cases for this knowledge. (1) At work with desktop computer plugged into corporate network. Plug 3g phone into USB port. My corporate network wont allow me to access my external servers over ssh, but the 3g phone will. (2) At home on the corporate VPN, but would like to access my other local network computers.

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Networking :: Insert Routing Data Into The Routing Table Doesn't Work?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a firewall, this consists of three NIC's:

Code: eth0[] eth1[] and eth2[]

I am trying to ping eth0 from eth2, but I am not able to succesfully get a response from pinging the device, I am using:

Code: ping -I eth2

I have tried to insert routing data into the routing table, but it still doesn't work

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Networking :: Set Iptables To Forward All On An Aliased Ip Address?

Apr 15, 2009

I have three machines on three networks192.x.x.x10.x.x.x172.x.x.xThe routers are set to forward communication between 192. network and 10. network, and between the 10. network and the 172. network.However, there's not routing between 192. and 172.I want to fix that by using a machine on the 10. network to forward communication between the other two networks.The machine has one etherent connection eth0 whose address is set up an aliased ip address eth0:0 to be using Quote:ifconfig eth0:0 I tried to set forwarding rules the 10. machine such that address will provide access to the machine as followsQuote:# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -j DNAT --to-destination default policies for all chains is ACCEPT.I then try to access from expecting it to actually access ; it does not work

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Ubuntu Networking :: ADVISEADDR: Error In Specifying Interfaces: No Existing Ip Interfaces Found

Jan 7, 2010

I have a weird issue that I have not seen on any forum. My jaunty on DELL studio laptop seems connected to net, but I can not access any network service (ssh, firefox etc.). But when I connect a cable the cable lights blink as it should be and in wireless connection my wifi light blinks.

It was working 2 days ago without problem, and I have not done big changes recently.I removed and reinstalled network-manager and network-manager-gnome. Nothing changed. I see a message in each restart as follows (when Openafs is starting). I can reproduce it with "/etc/init.d/openafs-client restart"


ADVISEADDR:error in specifying interfaces: no existing ip interfaces found



04:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless WiFi Link 5100
08:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM5784M Gigabit Ethernet PCIe (rev 10)
#lshw -c network


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Fedora Networking :: Enable 3 Interfaces \ When Start One Interface The Another Interfaces Goes Down?

Jan 25, 2010

I have 3 Interfaces for a different LAN's and when I start one interface the another interfaces goes down.How can it's possible?I configure my ethernets as:

/sbin/ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
/sbin/ifconfig eth1 netmask broadcast
/sbin/ifconfig eth2 netmask broadcast

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Networking :: Iptables Outgoing Adress Using An Aliased Interface?

Dec 15, 2010

it�s been several years since i played with iptables. I have setup like this:eth0 is the only physical device on box and eth0:0 is aliased. Traffic going out of the box to internet uses eth0eth0 have a service listening on port 80 on say my client connect to through , how do I force (mangle you name it) with iptables that the outgoing source address will be always

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Ubuntu Networking :: Adding Interfaces To /etc/network/interfaces?

Apr 16, 2010

If I try to add a new interface (eth1) to /etc/network/interfaces, I get

* Reconfiguring network interfaces... SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
eth1: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device


How do I add 2 interfaces and get anyone of them to work, as available ?

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General :: How To Print An Aliased Path

Jun 7, 2011

it is probably very basic but I'm new to linux and the shell "dev" is defined to take me to the newest version (some kind of an alias?), in this case to the directory v0.9 in fact if I go one directory up to /design/ libs/at77000 and I do "ll" I can see: dev -> v0.9/.I am using ocean scripts and for documentation it is important for me to print/show which version is been used in the to show the current version directory "v0.9" instead of "dev", i.e. I need to print this:Version Used: /design/libs/at77000/ v0.9/ the version is changing from time to time and that's why the path is defined as "/design/libs/at77000/dev/"

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CentOS 5 Server :: Aliased Folder Not Showing Up: 404

Mar 19, 2010

Apache httpd.conf (with server identity info removed)

CentOs 5.4 system info

I have a problem I've been banging my head against for hours.

I can't get an aliased folder to turn up: I just get a 404.

I've chowned the folder to apache:apache and most of it is chmod to 755. I tell apache of the changes, and have even tried restarting a few times.

I'm expecting it to turn up like this

(within which is a php script to do a shopping cart)

The apache directives look similar to what I have on my dev computer (which is Windows, mind you).

The directory and alias are defined within my main virtual server which you can see here:

virtual host conf directives

(see at top of the message if you would like to see the whole httpd.conf file)

I realise this is more of an apache/linux problem but perhaps familiarity with CentOS may get me the right answer quicker.

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Networking :: Networking Routing \ Use The Terminal To Assign Server Eth0 A Proper IP Address?

Jun 8, 2010

i know exactly what i need to do, im just not familiar enough with command line to do it properly.i have 7 computers.the first 4 are connected to a router via wireless at one end of the house. of the last 3 only 1 will be able to access the router via wireless, so it needs to share it's one wireless connection via ethernet. this computer i'm going to call 'server'server will have two IP'swlan0 this connects to the router that has internet access.eth0 i intend to have the following settingsip: 255.255.0eth0 will connect to a second router, where the cat5 cable goes from the server, into the internet port of the router where i will define the router's static IP:IP: have then set the router IP for LAN handling as and all ethernet connections will have a 192.168.27.x IP.

so i need to know how to, without a gui application, use the terminal to assign server eth0 a proper IP address, and tell the server to take the connection it has and share it through eth0 to supply internet for the last 2 computers via ethernet.i had it set up in this way with a windows machine being the one that had the wifi access, but i'd rather have it setup for the ubuntu server to do this task. security is imperative for these 3 remaining machines, so just getting 2 more wifi adapters for a connection to the initial router isn't an option.the 2 that connect to server do so through SSH and though server IS connected via wireless it only makes outward connections through

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Ubuntu Networking :: Startup Networking Automatically Using /etc/network/interfaces

Jul 2, 2010

I'm on an embedded system that doesn't have Gnome, and I'm trying to startup networking automatically using /etc/network/interfaces. Here's what I have.


eth0 comes up just fine. wlan0 comes up, but it's unable to acquire a DHCP address. I added the following lines to /etc/rc.local, and wlan0 comes up all the way, but I'm not too crazy about this hack.


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Networking :: Routing Packets From One IP To Another

Sep 6, 2010

My setup is...I have a wireless access point using laptop as a gateway. The AP is also connected to a switch as is the laptop. So the laptop has two interfaces one wireless and one wired. A third device is using the AP to connect to a server on the internet. The AP sends the packets to my laptop where they are dropped. I've been looking for a solution to this problem without success. Basically is there a way for my laptop to forward all packets it sees from a certain IP address to whatever destination address they have?To clarify, my laptop is just the gateway of the AP and none of the packets are addressed to it at all, it just picks them up using a sniffer or similar tool.

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Networking :: Routing Between 2 Nics?

Mar 10, 2011

I have a pc with debian 6 (without GUI) installed on it and want to use it as server at home. It has 2 ethernet nics. Now i want to configure the routing process. Searched internet for a long time found something but couldn't get it work.

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Networking :: Routing DNS Through SSH Proxy?

Feb 17, 2010

When setting up an SSH proxy, I know you can configure Firefox to route DNS requests through the proxy. Is this possible from linux directly? I'm trying to use wget through the proxy, including DNS lookups.

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Networking :: Routing Two Subnets ?

Jun 26, 2010

I have two subnets which I am interested in connecting.

Some basic network details:

Subnet A:

Subnet B:

I am trying to think of any further relevant details, but that seems to be it to me. If I forgot anything, please tell me.

Ok the question. WHAT do I type? (Explicitly!) And WHERE do I type it? In order to reach ubuntu-01.tec.lan, or ubuntu-02.tec.lan from perpetrator.tec.lan or rapine.tec.lan?

I'm interested in using actuall ROUTES. I can already achieve results similair to this with either a NAT firewall, or with VPN.. but that's not what I am interested in.

From what I have found out so far, I should need something like the following:

On Gateway 1B:


And on Gateway 1A:


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Networking :: Routing Wireless AP To LAN

May 14, 2010

I'm newbie to Wireless. Currently I try to implement EAP-TLS but firstly I need to get the hardware work, allow Access Point to Route from Wireless to Wire (LAN DNS server).

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Networking :: Routing With 2 WANS 1 LAN

Apr 22, 2010

I am having some trouble setting up routing on my Ubuntu 9.10 Server. I have the GUI installed with Webmin and OpenVPN Heres the setup :

1 NIC - WAN - eth0 - IP: 146.231.x.x SUBNET:
1 NIC - LAN - eth1 - IP: SUBNET:
1 NIC - ADSL - eth2 - dynamic

What I need to do is the following.

All users are connected to the LAN.

All requests for IP range "146.231.x.x", and "" need to be routed from LAN (eth1) to WAN (eth0).

All other internet requests need to be routed to ADSL (eth2).

-> I have the masquerading in the linux firewall working for NAT, but all traffic goes to ADSL (eth2).

-> I am using OPEN-VPN over the ADSL also.

-> DHCP and DNS work fine.

I also need all ports opened with the route (from eth1 to eth0)

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Networking :: Got Two Interfaces With Same Mac?

May 6, 2011

I'm testing some network setups, and bought two dirt-cheap USB network interfaces. My plan was to attach these two to an embedded device (sheevaplug) and mess with firewall setups. However, the two interfaces are absolutely identical; they have the same MAC, and lsusb -v is the same for both, line by line (except for device number, which tells the order the devices are plugged in, I believe?). Also, this is a single usb bus (single port, with a hub).

Now, obviously I can't make much of a firewall setup if I can't tell the interfaces apart. I realize I probably hit a brick wall, but does anyone have thoughts on this?

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Fedora Servers :: Use Tab Networking In Kvm With Routing?

Mar 3, 2009

I want to use tab networking in my kvm with routing.Can any one guide me how i can do it. i have been reading different guides over the net but not understand any one clearly.I have read this[URL].. One problem is this all my server are remote and no gui is running.I am able to install kvm with ssh console with -nographic and -x "console=ttyS0" option now i want to change from bridging to tap networking with routing.And i have live ip on kvm guest/Virtual machine.

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Fedora Networking :: Different Routing From Inside And Outside?

Feb 20, 2010

IN LAN default GW box I have a routing rule of UG 0 0 0 eth3 that sends packets matching to eth3 etc. When I ping - it goes correctly when ping is issued in the same box (LAN GW) - falls through to default rule when the ping is done in LAN's boxes i.e. it goes to the LAN GW box and then to Internet incorrectly instead of going to eth3 and

Is there any way of seeing why the packet matches or not the routing rules?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Routing Between Two Subnets ?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a network routing problem that I need to fix using a PC with ubuntu installed.

Here are the details of my problem:
- I have two networks.
- The first network is an ADSL router with subnet 192.168.1.x. I do not have access to the router nor change any of its configuration.
- The second network has a subnet 172.26.x.x and connect via a wireless access point. Some of the devices connected to the network require to have static IPs.
- I have a PC with ubuntu installed and two ethernet cards: one connected to the first network and the other connected to the access point.
- I need to share the internet connection between the two networks using ubuntu. I already tried before on windows and the sharing worked when both networks were configured to use the same subnet. Once I changed the subnet of the second network, internet sharing stopped working.

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Networking :: Routing One Gateway To Different Subnets ?

Sep 3, 2010

Im having a issue with routing internet traffic from my router two different subnets (vlans).

Theres my setup:-


Both eth0,1 are running dhcp (two scoopes) that works fine!

The output of route -n is:

I have ip_forwarding on aswell, but i can ping the ip on the server running that dhcp scoope ie ping works great but i just cant get the internet on the clients.

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Networking :: Change Routing On Certain Conditions?

Feb 24, 2011

I have two linux boxes running RHEL 5.5 with internal ip addresses and, and usual gateway There's an apache listening on both ports 80 and 443 for several websites. This works nice, but the feature for load balancing has to be added. For this, externally, but in the same subnet, a hardware device has been placed for load balancing (we call it "F5"), with internal ip (vrrp for and There's a service address that does NAT via round robin to the servers,, managed by the F5 balancer.

If I set as gateway the ip in both nodes, I can use the service address for browsing http and https, *BUT* at a cost that ssh and any other connections, at OS logging level, come from, which is innaceptable (i.e., I can' set proper security, regardless the F5 is badly configured), so I have to find another way for this. So, I thought of using iptables mangling capabilities, and my thought is that just changing the default route of the incoming http(s) traffic, everything should be ok. I've done the following:

- Create a table called "F5":

# cat /etc/iproute2/rt_tables
#1 inr.ruhep


If I tweak the hosts file in my M$ workstation to test individual access for each server, I can browse the websites with no problem, but if I set the service IP address, I get an error "Document contains no data" in the browser after just a few seconds. Apache logs show nothing in its logs. I can see packets arriving, but seem to go in a loop. I can provide some output, but since surely I'm making some mistake in the process, if I get help with the proper knoweledge about how to fix it, the problem will be solved. But if still someone needs it, I can provide more data.

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Networking :: How To Reload The Routing Table

Apr 5, 2010

After making an changes (add/modify/delete) to /etc/static.routes, what command should we use to reload the routing table?

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Networking :: Public Static Ip Routing ?

Jun 14, 2011

I've been trying to get it work for 2 days now..

Here's my setup.

MODEM -> router (ISP one don't have access)

from the router it split into 2 connection one to my GW (linux debian) and another to a switch which is connected to a web/email server and the gateway.

My gw use x.x.x.27 and x.x.x.26 (everything I use on these ips is ok)

on the web/email server I have x.x.x.28 29 and 30

With this setup it's ok but I want to eliminate the link to the switch and make it pass thru the GW and i can't manage to get it work!

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Networking :: Routing 3 Site With Different Network?

Nov 28, 2010

At every site i have two provider vsat and wireless connection.I have a linux machine and wanna setup act router for every site.

SITE 1 :
vsat : gw
wireless : gw


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Networking :: Routing All Traffic To Internet Through A Box?

Oct 6, 2010

I am sharing my DSL internet connection using a modem+wireless router (single device) to 5 systems. I want all my internet traffic to go through one of the linux boxes in my network.

The problem here is that wireless devices connect directly to the modem+wireless router.

Is such routing of traffic possible??

PS: I am not sure if i could convey my situation clearly...

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Networking :: Routing Between Two NICS On The Same Subnet?

Aug 2, 2010

I'm trying to work out how to route all traffic destined for the internet from all devices connected to eth0 to a wireless router access point via wlan0 on my Slackware box. I also have dhcpd providing ip addresses on the same subnet to any device connected to both eth0 and wlan0.


____________ ____________
[ ]=============> (wifi) ==============>[ Router / ]
|Workstations| __________ |Access Point|
[____________]==>(eth0)==>[ ]<==(wlan0)==>[____________]| Server |

If I connect to the router/access point via wireless or directly to the Server via a crossover cable I can obtain an ip address from dhcpd, so that works. As far as I can see I just need to how to route between eth0 and wlan0 then I can provide internet access to those devices!



eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr **:**:**:**:**:**
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::201:2eff:fe27:aea3/64 Scope:Link


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Networking :: Routing For A VPN Gateway Setup?

Dec 17, 2010

I've been trying to setup an IPSec connection between two routers, but am having trouble with the actual packet routing.

My setup currently is two local networks ([netLANA] and[netLANB]) that are connected to their own routers ( and respectively). The routers are both connected to the[netWAN] network. I wish to setup an IPSec connection between the two routers, to act in tunnel mode between the two local networks.

The first router is a linux box (on the netLANA network) that I am setting up using the ipsec-tools, and the other is a Netgear ProSafe FVS318G (on the netLANB). I've set them both up to have the same configuration for IPSec. Also, on the linux router I have setup a route like this:

$ route add -net wlan0

So that all traffic destined for the netLANB network will be routed to the wlan0 interface (netWAN in this case, and therefore over the tunnel).

My problem is that if I ping from any host on netLANA, I can see the ICMP reply comes back to the linux router, but it doesn't get back to the original host.

From the linux router, here is the tcpdump of the ping:

$ tcpdump -n -S -i any
17:06:26.308353 IP > ICMP echo request, id 1036, seq 1, length 64
17:06:26.308780 IP > ESP(spi=0x0ea08914,seq=0x2f), length 116
17:06:26.316287 IP > ESP(spi=0x0be1036c,seq=0x2f), length 116
17:06:26.316287 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 1036, seq 1, length 64


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