Networking :: Bridge Networking On RHEL?

Sep 28, 2010

Trying to set up Bridge networking on RHEL 5.5 to support KVM virtual quest:



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Networking :: Setup A Bridge Using Bridge-utils Within /etc/network/interfaces?

Dec 8, 2008

I want to set up a bridge using bridge-utils within /etc/network/interfaces like is shown here in this guide: [URL] The problem is that, at the same time, I want eth0 to have a specific static IP address. Right now I have a configuration for eth0. This guide tells me that I should not configure eth0 outside of the br0 configuration.

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Networking :: How To Bridge Different ISP?

Mar 30, 2011

i have two ISP, and i want to bridge each IP. Here my example;

ISP one :
ISP two :

can we setup for two ISP with different gateway ??

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Fedora Networking :: Two NIC's Can Be Bridge Together Even Though They Are The SAME Subnet?

Aug 9, 2009

I have 2 NIC's in a box. One of them is external and doesn't matter for this question I don't think.

The other NIC is It hosts an iSCSI Target and SMB Share on my LAN. It's works great.

I have another PC that has NIC at and it hosts my DHCP (Scope: server for my LAN.

I have a hardware firewall at and it serves inet to the LAN on a different external connection.


I currently have a WAP (cheap p.o.s. netgear router in WAP mode that keeps overheating). I want to eliminate the WAP device and add a WiFi NIC to the Top PC above.

So, on the first system I would have:

NIC 1: External IP and External Gateway
NIC 2: Static IP
Proposed WiFi NIC 3: Static


If I bridge NIC 2 and NIC 3 like this:

# brctl addbr br0
# brctl addif br0 eth0
# brctl addif br0 eth1

Then I simply put the WiFi in Ad Hoc, will another WiFi in Ad Hoc (for example my laptop) be able to "see" (DHCP) & (Gateway) (via WiFI through the bridge to and on to the LAN)?

Also, can the two NIC's be bridge together even though they are the SAME subnet?

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Fedora Networking :: How To Setup Bridge

Oct 4, 2009

I tried google but without success. I have a small home network and one computer has to work as a bridge (comp1), it connects to the internet through wlan and is connected with cable to other computer (comp2), I would like to to make that second computer member of a local network with internet access.I was trying this:

ifconfig wlan0
ifconfig eth0
brctl addbr br0
brctl addif br0 wlan0
brctl addif br0 eth0


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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Bridge A Connection

Jul 19, 2010

I have a Gateway laptop running ubuntu 10.04, and just now have a compaq desktop running windows 7, my laptop has wireless internet connection, it's the only way that i can get it in my room. my desktop has only ethernet plugin. My question is, If i plug my laptop up to my desktop using an ethernet cable, can i bridge that connection to get internet from my laptop(using the wireless) to my desktop(using the cable)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Getting A Bridge Constructed?

Dec 13, 2010

My first, followed a couple of Ubuntu how tos and used LinuxFoundation bridge doc. I still have managed to mess it up! Here's the simple test network, First -- ALL hardware is fine, I have verified everything, to the last cable. In fact this is being written from the test network without the bridge running.

OK, I have a firewall that has dhcp server on board, I have a client workstation with dhcp enabled network card(eth1) (the one I current typing from). There are 2 switches between the firewall and the workstation (eliminate xover issues when testing) That's it. All is well. Now I want to place a computer in line between the firewall and the workstation. It is a 10.04 server install, no gui, minimal install. It has 3 network cards, One of these ports was used to set up the server. It is set up dhcp and it works just fine, I spent all kinds of time ssh'ing into the box, so the dhcp client is good to go.

I disconnected the cable to that interface and ran a cable from the firewall's switch to one free port(eth0) and a cable from the workstation switch to the other free port(eth2). From the console I do ifconfig -a and there are all 3 eth's, 0,1, and 2 I then open /etc/network/interfaces and to lo and eth1 I add this:


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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Bridge Wireless LAN

Jul 30, 2011

I am trying to connect networks connected via locked down wireless routers. Here is the setup:

Internet <-> eth0 - server - eth1 providing DHCP <-> hub <-> wired clients & to WiFi router with NAT & DHCP <-> WiFi clients.

I want the wired clients and the WiFi clients to be able to talk to each other directly, but the locked down WiFi router (meraki) is in the way. the wired clients get their IP address from the server, the wireless clients get theirs from the meraki WiFi router. I can't reconfigure the WiFi router to bridged mode without paying meraki a sizeable annual license fee. What options are out there to get through the WiFi router? I came across OpenVPN and ethernet bridging, but broke networking on the server when trying to configure the br0 interface. I followed these instructions: [URL]

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Networking :: Configuring Ethernet Bridge?

Nov 3, 2010

I am using 3 machines in a LAN connected through a hub. My intention is to have a end-to-end connection between 2 machines so that I can control delay/loss rate. For that purpose, I am using a 3rd machine with 2 NIC and intend to use a bridge and installing Dummynet in this machine to control the traffic between the other 2 machines.I have successfully installed Dummynet in the bridge machine. Now I require to configure Ethernet bridge in the machine. What is the process? Do I need a kernel compilation or can be done without it? read somewhere that recent kernels can be configured without recompilation.I am using Mandriva 2010 with kernel.

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Networking :: Bridge Be Configured To Act As Hub Not A Switch?

Jun 30, 2010

I have a hub with some VoIP phones attached as well as a machine that is used to record the calls. This all works fine as all packets coming to/from the voip phones are also seen by the recorder so it can process them as necessary.

What i want to do is put another machine between the hub and recorder and have it act as a transparent firewall. So far i've managed to successfully set up a bridge on ports eth1 and eth2 and all the packets destined for the recorder go through the bridge fine. The problem is that the bridge is acting as a switch so the packets from the phones are received on eth2 but don't get retransmitted on eth1. Is there any way to configure the bridge so that all packets received on eth2 are transmitted on eth1, i.e. have it act as a hub instead?

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Networking :: Bridge A Ppp Dongle With A Wired LAN?

Feb 5, 2011

I have a LAN (2 PC !) wire connected and I use a Huawei e182e to join the internet (If you have problem to install the Huawei on Linux, don't install drivers proposed on forums or don't try to unlock it. It's not necessary, simply install a kernel > 2.6.34 and it will install itself as a perfect plug and play). On the unconnected machine, the Internet is accessible normally from the broadband dongle, but the connection stops when I plug the LAN cable. It's normal since the PC cannot use both network connections simultaneously without a previous configuration, and the question is precisely there !

Bridging could be a solution but mobile broadband uses ppp protocol that is not on the same layer as wired LAN. brctl refuses to add the key into the bridge configuration. Vtun seems a better approach since it works more independently from the protocols, but it must be installed on both sides and the broadband dongles does not accept software installation in it. Documentation from Huawei is quite inexistent. Actually the story could be the same for a computer connected to a wired LAN and using a wireless dongle, but here bridging is feasible (not tested by me) because they work on the same layer. I tried to deactivate LAN switching in the BIOS: no result static address with gateway pointing on the other device (I tried everything) no result. How to bridge a ppp dongle with a wired LAN?

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Networking :: How To Set Up Knoppix As Wireless Bridge

Feb 27, 2010

I have a Windows 7 machine which is having issues with a Linksys Rangeplus wireless card, specifically kernel dumps every couple of hours. I have an old (really old) tower sitting in my room which I would like to turn into a wireless bridge so that I could connect the windows box to the internet without dealing with the blue screens. I plan on using Knoppix as I have it available already, but if it would be easier with another distro I can always download it. If this doesn't work I'm going to have to buy an old WRT54G offline and convert that with DD-WRT...

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Networking :: How To Bridge Tcp/ip To Serial Port

Apr 27, 2010

I want to implement the following scenario :-[workstation1] <--ETHERNET-->[device 1]<--SERIAL-->[device 2]<--ETHERNET-->[workstation2]In short, a LAN over Serial link (RS-232 for instance).If there is a utility that offers such functionality, kindly give me the name, i've googled a bit, and found ser2net, but that only works with TELNETing.. i want it work like a normal LAN like file-sharing n all but over Serial.If there is no such software, then obv i have to program myself. regarding which i have more questions

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Networking :: Unable To Delete Bridge?

Nov 3, 2010

I have added a bridge "mybridge" using brctl bu not added any interfaces yet. Even the brctl show command looks: bridge name bridge id STP enabled interfaces mybridge 8000.0000000 no

Now I try to do: brctl delbr mybridge and it gives: bridge mybridge is still up: can't delete it

I performed ifconfig mybridge down but still the problem persists!

How to delete the bridge?

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Networking :: Setting Up A Bridge With 3 Static IPs And Two VM?

Aug 11, 2010

I've been reading for days now, but can't find an example to the following. I have an ubuntu server, with two KVM virtual machines running ubuntu jeos. I want each VM to have it's own static IP, plus one IP for the server. How on earth I do that? do I need to create two bridges, one for each machine? and if so, how do I assign static IP to each?

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Networking :: IP And MAC Andresses Of A Packet What Went From PC To The Bridge?

Oct 8, 2010

it's one of the first time I'm using linux! For a report I have to answer to the question (the title) but it's very strange! A packet has an ip address? or does it referer to the IP address of the destination? And in particular this is the output of tcpdump -en ip proto 1 (while I'm sending ping -sv remote_machine)which are:

What are IP and Mac andress of a packet that went from my machine to the bridge? and what are the IP and mac of a packet that went from the router to my partner's machine? And how could i find the average delay that a packet experience in the bridge?


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Fedora Networking :: Bridge Internet Connection In 7?

Jul 3, 2009

I want to connect my dataone broadband connection in bridge mode in fedora 7. As i am currently using a bridge connection through this modem (smartAX MT882) in win XP, i want a bridge connection in fedora 7 too to access the internet from linux. I have gone through some forums discussing this issue. somewhere i have found the option "adsl - setup" and tried it in my fedora 7. But it is showing the message "adsl- command not found" on this issue. I need a detail step by step procedure for brigde connection using datone in fedora 7.

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Fedora Networking :: Setting Up A Bridge With No IP Stack?

Aug 3, 2009

I'm trying to set up a Linux box with three ethernet interfaces as a bridge where I can do some packet filtering. I don't want this box to have any IP stack, packets that are allowed through the filter should be forwarded without changes just the way a switch would do it. I have build a kernel with ethernet support but no IP stack. It detects my interfaces, and I can bring them up with the ifconfig or ip commands. But when I try to start a bridge with brctl I get this error message:

can't setup bridge control: Address family not supported by protocol

A google search for that error message gave me no results at all. The command I used was "brctl addbr br", which does work on a full installation. Does brctl require IP support in the kernel? That would be a bit odd I think, since brctl doesn't do anything IP related, everything it does is at lower layers?

Does anybody know what the above message means, and what I might have been doing wrong?

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Fedora Networking :: Cannot Forward Internet Over Bridge?

Feb 27, 2010

What I am trying to do: bridge 2 NICs in my linux box eth0 connects to linsys router (which in turn connects to internet) eth1 connects to Xbox 360

What I did:

ifconfig eth0
ifconfig eth1
brctl addbr br0
brctl addif eth0
brctl addif eth1


I'm sure this is a bridging issue and there is just some option I'm not setting correctly. Also, the reason I'm connecting the Xbox 360 directly to the linux box and not to the router is for traffic monitoring purposes. Note that all connections and functionality work perfectly when the Xbox IS connected through the router.

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Fedora Networking :: Iptables On Bridge Ports?

Apr 21, 2011

I'd like to pass all traffic between bridge ports via the FORWARDING chain, so I changed following sysctl parameters:

net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1


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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up A Wireless Bridge ?

Oct 18, 2010

I have spent the last 24 hours trying to work a wireless bridge (a D-Link DAP-1522) into my network configuration. It would connect to our gateway here at home (some 2WIRE piece of garbage AT&T hands out, but I digress), and two computers (an Ubuntu Desktop and an Ubuntu Server) would connect via the bridge.

The bridge SEEMS to connect to the router, and indeed, the Ubuntu Desktop PC is able to access the internet. The server, however, is not, and neither computer can communicate with the other (ping, SSH, etc.) furthermore, the router recognizes the presence of these two computers on some level, but does not seem to know their IP addresses (I assume this is related to the computers' inability to communicate).

Before I get too far into this, here are a few links/items for the sake of clarity. The first is a shoddy diagram of my (proposed) network topology, for all of you out there who, like myself, understand things visually:[url]

This is the output from running "ifconfig eth0" on the Ubuntu Desktop PC, which sits behind the bridge. The PC is connected, and can ping hosts across the Internet, but can only ping the router locally (that is, it can't ping any other device in the house, on either side of the bridge):


The router uses wireless encryption, not MAC addresses, to restrict access/traffic, and all wireless devices (including the bridge) have been provided with the proper credentials. There shouldn't be any devices being denied access on account of their MAC address. In fact, the router's control panel lists the PC and the Server among the recognized devices (even lists their MAC addresses), but provides no IP address and always considers the two computers to be "offline." And yet, I am writing this very post from the Ubuntu PC. Sigh.

I am very comfortable with computers, and reasonably comfortable with Ubuntu/Linux and the Linux command line -- I've been using the operating system for just over a year now -- but networking issues have always been perched right on the edge of my understanding. In short, it's likely this issue has more to do with me than it does with the hardware itself (although the more forums I browse, the more I start to doubt this bridge...).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Bridge Two Subnets With A Server?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a Ubuntu server with multiple NICs and I'm just thinking about a potential scenario that might come up soon.

Imagine I have a network on floor 1 with an independent cable connection to my Ubuntu server -> switch -> assorted devices, on the subnet 192.168.0.x Now imagine friends upstairs have another independent network with cable -> router -> assorted devices, on subnet 192.168.1.x.

How can I set up my server to provide access for the 1.x subnet to the 0.x and vice versa. Ideally the devices all access internet from their appropriate subnet. I've read something about bridging, is this what I need?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Using Desktop As A Wireless Bridge

Nov 19, 2010

I have a wireless network that is upstairs, i cannot run a cable down here, however i've got 3 boxes that i want to run as servers..

1. Desktop running 10.10 (the one with the wireless card)
2. Server running 9.10 (no wireless card.. is currently connected through a wireless B gaming bridge)
3. An old P4 that I will be putting 9.10 on and running as a server.

Take the Desktop that has the working wireless card as my normal desktop and also running as a passthrough for the switch to go to the other two while still allowing all of the port forwarding to the other two to be handled by the router upstairs so basically what I want to do is this

= wireless connection
- wired connection
[Internet]--[wireless router]==[Desktop]--[switch]--[server1 + server2]

Everything i've come across so far has been for going from a wired router to turn a box into a wireless AP unfortunately i need the reverse.. a wireless bridge. if someone can point me in the right direction (or i'm not against hand holding if it's available.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Bridge IP Settings?

Dec 8, 2010

I first want to say that I am very new to Ubuntu so please forgive any ignorance I have successfully given internet access to my xbox by connecting it via crossover cable to my ubuntu 10.04 laptop and given the eth0 settings "share with other computers" My issue is that the ip address being given to the xbox is

How can I change this ip address given, or use a static ip address (ie 192.168.x.x) because using this ip address keeps my xbox from accessing windows shares on WORKGROUP on my 192.168.x.x network.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Bridge No DHCP?

Mar 30, 2011

I am trying to configure an external wireless bridge for a few systems to replace a very long, duct taped cable.

I have it set up and it is connecting, at least I can see the pfsense router on the other side and ping any machine in the network.

Here's the issue, I cannot get dhcp to work across the link. I set a static address (dns servers and all) but when I try to ping google i get "Network is Unreachable"

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Setup Network Bridge

Jul 29, 2011

How do I setup a network bridge in Linux (Ubuntu)? I want to use my computer as a "router" for my Xbox 360.

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Ubuntu Networking :: WET54g Bridge Won't Work 10.10?

Aug 12, 2011

It works fine when I boot into Win7 but in 10.10... Nothing..

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:16:76:13:16:44
inet6 addr: fe80::216:76ff:fe13:1644/64 Scope:Link


I've read and read and tried just about everything out there.."If it works in WinX it should work in 10.10"... But it doesn't..

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Networking :: Two Nics Setup With No Bridging But Still Seem To Bridge?

Jun 29, 2010

I'm trying to setup a Centos box to act as a backup server for our intranet between stores. I have two interfaces in it, the first one is currently connected to my local network and is using dhcp to get its ip address and such, the second one is set to a static ip address and is connected to an independent network that just has a DigiBoard Portserver hooked to it and no connection to the regular network. What I am doing is using ssh to portforward the telnet port on this box to the main server so when you telnet into the box from the second interface using the portserver you get connected to the main server.

I plan on using this over DSL lines as a backup when our main dervice goes out to allow the portservers at the remote locations to seemlessly connect to the main server by just moving the network cable from the local net to the backup server. My problem is that when I have the everything working I am able to ping the second interface ip address from the normal network even though the secondary card does not in anyway externally connect to the network, this is a problem.

Eventually I want to duplicate the main server address so that the normal portservers and other terminals on the remote site will not have to be reconfigured to access the backup server. All I want is to be able to tell the managers is to switch a cable while the main connection is down and not have to manage a bunch of config files to get the store back up. Right now if I duplicate the main server ip address and it is accessible through the first interface I'm guessing I'll see all kinds of problems relating to duplicate ip addresses on the network. I've tried some routing and iptable stuff but I'm not real familiar with either so I had no luck. Is there someway to block the internal connection between the two interfaces so the only thing that sees the duplicate ip address is the second interface?

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Networking :: Set An Internet Bridge For Windows Clients?

Jun 18, 2009

having trouble connecting to many websites due to recent actions of the Iranian government on banning a lot of websites.That's why, I decided to make my computer act like a bridge for their computers, so that they can surf the web using my Internet connection in US. I have Arch linux running on my desktop. I tried to install OpenVPN based on the instructions at ArchWiki page, but I had no success. I guess OpenVPN is too much for what I want to achieve and ArchLinux repositories don't have all the necessary packages to configure it based on some posts I read.

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Networking :: Creating Bridge And Adding LAN Interface

Jun 28, 2009

Setup : internet -- VirtualBoxHost -- WIFI-switch -- clients
VirtualBoxHost hosts several Virtual Machines and has 2 interfaces. Wan-interface is not used by VirtualBoxHost, but is directly mapped to the Virtual Machine Endian Firewall.

What I want:
Access to VM's for the Wifi-clients AND access from WiFi-clients to VirtualBoxHost.

What I have tried:
- create bridge
- add LAN-interface to bridge
- create tap0
- add tap0 to bridge

Virtual Machine uses tap0
Wifi-clients are connected via LAN-interface, via bridge, to VM's. But my host-machine is not accessible from a WLAN-client and also I can not access a VirtualMachine from my host-machine. A WLAN-client can connect to a VirtualMachine without problem. I think with my bridge the local LAN and the VM's are now connected. How to put also my host-machine in the LAN? As a LAN-client.

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