Networking :: Sync PDA & Other Computers Across Home Network

Apr 17, 2010

I am interested and looking forward to get a smartphone or a personal data assistant with calendar/ email/ contacts just like the iphone does.My intention is to be able to sync my smartphone's data with my home server that actually carries my PIM applications. Basically, during the day when I am not home I will modify or add/remove data from the phone. When I arrive home I would like to be able to sync my changes to my server. My laptop will be reconfigured to retrieve and sync from that server.

Proudly running with Slackware on ALL my machines (gotta love Slack!), and Apple being **** by not supporting open source and linux environment, it seems that it will be difficult to have something working out of the box and will probably require jail-breaking the device, etc.. I don't want to rely on external services such as Google calendar except for the email from Gmail.

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Ubuntu :: Sync All Data In /home Between Two Computers?

Feb 6, 2010

i was wondering if there was a way to sync two computers so that all the data in the /home directory was exactly the same on both, and it was done automatically as soon as theyre both turned on and connected to the same network?

i have a laptop and a desktop that i want to basically mirror each other.

i take my laptop everywhere, so i want to be able to do work on it, take it home, turn on my desktop and as soon as my laptop is connected to the network, it'll automatically sync the files to the desktop.

i want the reverse to also occur - meaning i do some work on the desktop and have it automatically sync up to my laptop while im working on the desktop if the laptop is on at the same time, or as soon as i turn the laptop on.

i had rsync set up before, but i had to initiate it manually, and i was never sure if it was overwriting files or appending.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Beta Can't Computers On Home Network

Apr 16, 2010

Just installed 10.04 LTS beta on 3 computers in home. At first, two of them showed up under the network window using places. The third never did and would not find the shared printer. After all rebooted, none show up. All three can access the internet and can display a valid internal network ip address using ifconfig.

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General :: Sync Thunderbird Contacts Between Computers, Like Firefox Sync?

Sep 19, 2011

I've discovered Firefox Sync a while ago, and it's absolutely awesome. Now of course I'd like most of my software to work this way! So is there a way to get the same behavior with Thunderbird?

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General :: How To Share Files Between Two Computers On My Home Network

Oct 2, 2010

Trying to find out how to share files between two computers on my Home Network.Tried VPN but not sure how to configure. I am using Linux Mint 9.

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Software :: Stream Movies And Music From Home Server To Other Computers On Network

Mar 26, 2010

I have a debian home server right now, I'm using samba for my file server but I was wanting to stream my movies and music to my other computers. My family (the other users on the network) are NOT computer savvy, and to top it off they are using both Windows (xp) and Mac (Snow Leopard) machines. So I'm looking for software that is simple to use that will allow other operating systems to use it. I would think the easiest way would be to stream the music/movies through a home website. I have seen quite a few programs out there that stream music, but none for movies.

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Ubuntu :: Sync Directories Between Desk And Laptop Both Within And Outside Of Home Network

May 26, 2011

I want to sync several directories between my laptop and desktop both at home and away from home. It seems like the tool to use for this is unison (I use rysnc for backups, but union seemed, better for this sort of thing - let me know if I'm wrong).

I found several posts that appear promising, however I was little confused about the details as I don't have much networking experience up to this point.


1) Is a reverse ssh connection the way to go? If I only wanted to do this on my home network I could just use ssh right, however in order to get around the router outside my home network the reverse ssh is necessary?

2) How do I handle changing IP address of my laptop?

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Ubuntu :: Ssh Networking / Sync Home Folders?

Sep 2, 2010

Ever since I had a hard drive that had an unexpected mechanical failure 2 years ago (& had to pay $1400 to have the drive pulled apart in a vacuum & copied), I've been understandably paranoid about ensuring I keep multiple up-to-date copies of my hard drive.Currently, I'm running 3 computers- The TV Computer, my Wife's Computer & my Main Computer. A second hard drive in the Main Computer & an external hard drive both act solely as backups for my Home folder. The TV Computer & my Wife's Computer also keep an identical Home Folder to my Main.I have ssh installed on all computer's & have made bookmarks via the Places Menu's 'Connect to Server', so obviously it's very easy for me to exchange files between computer's...

My problem is this; Every time I save/download/change a file, I have to copy it to 4 other hard drive's. It's kind of annoying.Can anyone suggest some ways for me to save some time with this? It's a wired network with static ip's. All 3 computers are pretty much turned on 24/7.I'm open to middle-of-the-night scheduled type of thing or whatever.

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Ubuntu :: Sync Files On Two Different Computers?

Aug 13, 2010

Looking for a app. to sync files on two different computers (Ubuntu and Windows XP) on home network. I don't want a internet storage app.

Unison looks good. Anyone familiar with it or other?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Connecting Two Computers On LAN \ Both Computers Are Connected To A Switch With Cables?

Jan 31, 2011

im trying to connect two computers on lan.One computer has: VMWare Workstation and has Opensuse 11.3 mounted in it.The other computer has: VMWare Player and has Opensuse 11.3 mounted in it.Both computers are connected to a switch with cables.I have followed this guide in both computers:Depanati singuri calculatorul!: Opensuse 11.3 - configure local networkin order to setup a network.In one computer, if i go to: Computer---Network---Network folder, i only see one machine. When in fact i could see both of them right

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General :: Sync Two Video Players On Two Computers?

Mar 18, 2011

Two GNU/Linux computers are playing the same video with mplayer (or vlc or whatever).

How to sync the pause/seeking/FFw between them. Like when I press pause on master computer, the other one is also paused on the same frame.

(Expecting both player-specific and universal approaches)

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Ubuntu :: Sync Music Files Between Computers

Jun 12, 2010

I have a music archive on several computers, from time to time do I add, remove or change the archive on one computer. To keep this changes will I have to copy the new version of the music archive to all the other computers.

is there a program that can sync the music files. Let say that I update the info in one music file, then will the sync program notice the newer version and replace the old file with the new files on all the other computers.

I guess I would need a dedicated server for this where all changes are stored with some kind of version number of the music archive. Since not having a server would make everything (I guess) much more complicated. All computers would have to communicate with each other to check for a new version instead of only communicate with one computer (the server).

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Software :: Rsync-like Program To Sync Files Between Computers?

Apr 4, 2010

I'm looking for a way to sync directories between two computers, in a "two-way" fashion. Basically, I have a laptop and I have a desktop, and I want to keep a particular directory synced between the two machines. The easiest thing would be to have some kind of networked filesystem, but obviously this won't work because the laptop may or may not be connected to the internet at any moment. At any time I might be editing files on the desktop or on the laptop, and when the laptop is connected to the internet, I'd like all files on both machines to be synced to their most recent versions.

I thought I could do this with rsync but now that I've looked into a bit more it seems like it works only for "one-way" syncing. In other words files are synced from a server to a client or vice versa, but not both at once. First of all, am I right about that? And second, is there a program that will do what I want to do? OK, I guess you could do it with some SVN kind of thing but that seems like overkill. I guess if there's nothing out there it shouldn't be too hard to write a script myself to do it.

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General :: Bash - Sync Files Between 2 Remote Computers Using Terminal

Jun 25, 2011

I want to be able to synchronise files between 2 remote computers in both directions. Say for example that I want to synchronize my /home/Documents directory with <username> What's the easiest way to update the folders in both directions, so that new/updated files on my home computer get transferred to the remote computer, and new/updated files on the remote computer get transferred to my home computer?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connecting To Other Computers On Network?

Oct 2, 2010

When I try to use Nautilus to connect to another computer on my network, and I attempt to connect using the name of the Windows XP computer I am connecting to, I get the following error; Could not display "smb://computername/". Error: Failed to retrieve share list from server Please select another viewer and try again. However when I attempt to connect using the IP address on the network, it connects instantly. smb:// Why doesn't it connect using the computer's name? What am I doing wrong?

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Ubuntu Networking :: App To View Computers On Network?

Nov 22, 2010

Does anyone know of an app that I can use to view all the computers connected to my network and the IP addresses to those computers?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: File Sync - Back Up Music Files Onto A Couple Of Different Computers

Jun 16, 2010

My music files are all on an external HDD I'd like to back up onto a couple of different computers. how to keep them syncronized?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Computers Not Accessible By Host-name

Aug 16, 2010

For some reason, all the computers on my network can't reach each other via their host names. For example, the ping command doesn't recognize host names:


$ ping file-server
PING file-server ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- file-server ping statistics ---

20 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 19152ms However, ping works fine if I use IP addresses instead. I would put the address for "file-server" in my /etc/hosts file, except for the fact that DHCP changes it's address occasionally.I attempted changing the line

send host-name "<host-name>";
in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf to
send host-name "file-server";

but to no avail.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Monitor Network Traffic (for All Computers)?

Sep 27, 2010

what I want to achieve is just to be able to say to who ever is killing our relatively fast connect that they aren't the only person using the network. Everyone just says "I hardly download anything." which is obviously untruthful as normally I can download at 1.5 MB/s but now loading even takes way too long (same with pinging and all other sites). Once I do this, I can determine whether or not I need to call my ISP and do the long 'on hold' dance and "have you tried rebooting the router" BS.

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Networking :: Unable To Ping Laptop From Other Computers On The Network?

Apr 15, 2011

I have installed Micro Core onto a usb of mine and am running it on my laptop. I have been able to successfully obtain a connection and valid ip with my router. As you can see below my wireless connection seems valid computer-end and on my router's page it comes under the list of attached devices.Although this is all fine and dandy, I'm am unable to ping my router or any other computer on my network, I am also unable to ping my laptop from other computers on the network. Also by the looks of it I have having no trouble transmitting, but I am not receiving any packets.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Viewing Computers / Shares On Windows Network?

Oct 23, 2010

When I goto Places->Network sometimes I see the other Windows computers in our house, and sometimes I don't. How do I make this more consistent?

When I double click on the "Windows Network" icon right now, I get "Failed to retrieve share list from server". Sometimes this works and I get to see the shares on the Windows pcs.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup A Network Of 21 Computers Running Edubuntu 10.10?

Feb 7, 2011

I have recently set up a network of 21 computers running Edubuntu 10.10 I use iTalc to communicate with the pcs and also to shutdown all of them at once. The only problem I have, is it doesn't start up again with iTalc. So I switched to ClusterSSH. Only problem I have now is that everytime I run cssh, I need to manually add IP addresses of all the pc's, before I can start issuing commands. Is there a config file or something I can populate with all the IP addresses so that it starts up with all of them already added? And while we are at it, the command to start up a computer on the network?

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Networking :: Building System Router - Can't Access Computers On Other Side Of Network / Fix It?

May 20, 2009

I have built a linux router with a pc having two network cards. I am running ubuntu 8.10.

I have enabled forwarding on the router. One network ( connected to eth0 and another ( is connected to eth1.

The interfaces have addresses and

On any side side of the network, I can ping both interfaces on the router.

However when I ping a machine on the other side of the network, I get 100% packet loss.

I have not touched iptables on the router or any machines.

What I am doing wrong?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cron Not Work When Trying To Sync With Network Drive?

Oct 25, 2010

Cron refuses to work when trying to sync with a network drive. I am trying to setup a cron job to backup a folder in my home directory ('/home/scratch') to a folder ('home/internet_backup') that is mounted (using nfs) to a network folder. The folder ('home/internet_backup') is mounted correctly to the network folder upon system startup, so this part works.

I created a simple bash file ( that looks like this:
# backup the contents of 'scratch' (of 'internet' machine) into '/home/aa/internet_backup/'
# the latter folder ('/home/aa/internet_backup/') is mounted to 'developer' machine
rsync -av --exclude=".*" /home/aa/scratch /home/aa/internet_backup/

When manually running this bash file from my home directory (./ everything works, and the contents are written to the destination folder. Yet, instead of running this manually, I wanted this to be executed by Cron every 30 min. so I first chmod +x this file, and then copied it (using sudo) to /root.

I then created the following using 'sudo crontab -e':
# m h dom mon dow command
10 * * * * /root/
This is the same bash file illustrated above, yet, it doesn't work (files are not being written to the destination folder).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Program \ Use To Monitor The Number Of Computers That Are Connected To Network And Block Them?

Feb 1, 2011

i have recently had a house mate move in and he is using my wireless network, even though i asked him not to give out the network key to his friends either he has or they have hacked my network and are using it when they come over, is there a program i can use to monitor the number of computers that are connected to my network and block them, or is there a way i can just wee what is going on. They seem to just connect and i don't want to have to change the password particularly because that involves changing it on multiple devices.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Home Network Is Not Recognized By Network Card (RealTek RTL8190 Mini PCI)

Jul 12, 2010

my wireless home network is not recognized by my network card (RealTek RTL8190 mini PCI). The post was as follows: "I am using a new computer with Windows 7 , Athlon quad core 2.60 64 bit, 8GB RAM. Internet conection works fine with ethernet but ubuntu does not see my wireless network. card (RealTek RTL 8190 ID: 10ec:8190). Have searched this forum but unable to come up with a fix. I was looking for windows XP drivers to use Ndiswrapper but could not find a list of .inf files. My network is OK and works perfectly in windows and with my 2 laptops. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Additional info: install was done within Windows using WUBI to a separate partition on my HDD. I am new to this and thouroughly confused as to the procedure for installing the drivers if they are in fact available."

I am very frustrated in that I would like to use Ubuntu 10.04 but it is useless without internet connectability. I am new to linux and do not understand where to get the appropriate drivers or how to install them. I wish someone would answer this post and either give me a clue what to do or just say "give up" and uninstall ubunutu.

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Fedora Networking :: Connecting Home Network To Work Network

Sep 20, 2010

Currently my office use a Cisco Firewall which will only allow the ANYCONNECT utility to do the vpn connection. I found a Linux utility (OpenConnect) which will do the same thing, but allow me more flexibility with my networking needs.What I ultimately would like to have is to have a switch that I can connect any network device into it and be connected to the office. IE (my IP Work Phone and Computer) Currently I have is a computer with fedora 13 and two network cards eth0 (home network - connected to a router) and eth1 which I would like to connect a switch to. OpenConnect communicates fine and I can see the work network from the Fedora machine. It creates a vpn0 tun/tap device and I don't know how to pass communication to/from the eth1 device.

Do I try to iptables the ports for the phone and services I need on the computer? Or do I build bridge; and If I do what am I bridging. I have tried making a bridge from eth1 to vpn0 which reply's with unsupported device or something like that.Unfortunately my network skills are bit limited and my office says "it can't be done". Their solution is for me to buy a ASA5505 (or something device) and have a static IP. I would have to make it work as my router and even then it will only DHCP 10 ip addresses; which will cause a shortage of IP addresses in the house.

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General :: Sync "working" Dir With All Computers

Mar 29, 2010

Is it possible to have a folder that is stored on my server mounted via smb etc, that copies over any file that has been updated on my machine? I believe I'll prob have to learn some scripting to accomplish this, but here is what I want to do.

I have three computers, a laptop for school, a desktop at home and a server box sitting around for hosting files (I have access to this from anywhere). I have a folder for all of my school work, we'll call it "school". This folder is present on my laptop and desktop. Sometimes I work on my laptop at school and have new files created / updated. Other times, I work on my desktop and alter files / create new ones there. What I was thinking was using my file server as a repository. After I am finished working on one machine, I want to upload all the new files/folders to the server, so that when I work on the other machine, I can run a quick "fetch files" and being to work off of where I left of. That way, I don't have to copy files over via email or my network. Also, it's very helpful to have the updated files always stored on my server because sometimes I need to grab a file but don't have access to any of my computers.

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Ubuntu :: Syncing /home Directories Accross Computers?

Feb 12, 2010

I was wondering if anyone could point me in the direction of any howtos around this. I have 3 computers:

Desktop - Dendrite - Ubuntu 9.10
Laptop - Axon - Ubuntu 9.10
Netbook - Synapse - Eeebuntu 9.10

All with their own home drives. My media (music, films, photos etc) is kept on a separate (Vista) partition on my Desktop with symlinks from my home directory on Dendrite. Ideally, I'd have the /home directory synced across all 3 computers. I had been toying with the idea of a networked /home kept on an external HD plugged into synapse, but not sure how this would work out with Axon out of the reach of the network. I have dyndns set up and can access the home network over ssh, but obviously that's impractical (I assume) for a home drive.

Thoughts? Ideas? Pointers? I'm comfortable playing around with fstab, nfs and the terminal, but still very much a beginner.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Get IP Changed For Home Shared Computers

Sep 27, 2010

Im wondering about proxy servers, see it is like this: I got banned from a samp server and i can't get my ip changed (it's not the local address it's the one all the computers in my house shares) I searched a little bit and discovered that a proxy server would be the best option. If I have it in some one else house I will get another ip right? Is it possible to install some software on my laptop and just use that? and how do I do that? Btw I found this: [URL]. But I didn't understand so much of it.

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