Networking :: OpenVPN And Routing With Redirect-gateway Iproute2 Solution

Apr 16, 2011

To be able to use my 3g connection from my laptop I am using Azilink.Azilink work by setting up a little Openvpn server on your smartphone then you connect to your smartphone from your laptop with OpenVPN.From there what i wanted was to use a second VPN connection to an external Linux host and redirecting all my traffic to that tunnel... (redirect-gateway + iptables)It is working but partially..Here is the way I connect through my phone (all steps are I think important for the routing issue...)

1) I plug the phone then a usb0 interface is created with the ip adress (my phone is adb connect

2) I have to enable a port forward on my phone adb forward tcp:41927 tcp:41927

3) I run the openvpn script (to connect to my phone on wich i have launched Azilink)

So Openvpn connect to (to my phone) From there I have a Initialization Sequence Completed
At this time I am connected through 3G via my smartphone to the Internet..And as you imagine i don't want to enter all the IP adresses of Internet minus RFC1918 manually via route command.I think the problem comes from the fact that when i do the route add default gw it is overwritting all the routes required to establish the first and the second connection am i right? Could someone help me solve that issue ?

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Networking :: Normal Default Gateway Reappears With OpenVPN Redirect

Apr 22, 2009

I'm using OpenWRT on a WRT54GS. I'm using wifidog in combination with openvpn. For those of you familiar with wifidog, my auth server is located at the other end of an openvpn tunnel and the "wifi dog gateway" is running on the WRT itself. I'm don't really think that wifi dog is the issue. Basically, I'm using openvpn with the "redirect-gateway" option which works well. In this mode, openvpn removes my current default gateway setting and adds the remote openvpn server as the default gateway (as it should). However, overnight, my default gateway on the local network keeps reapperaing (along with the openvpn one as well).

This causes confusion and I don't want any packets (But ovbiously the connection to the actual openvpn server) to go down this local gateway. Why do you think it reappears? Do you reckon openvpn is dropping connection and somehow the normal gateway is being added back? I *could* run a cron script which runs every minute or so with something like "route del default gw xx.xx.xx.xx" (where xx.xx.xx.xx is the default gateway which I don't want to be there) but that is quite messy and means that if I were to ever move the router I would need to reconfigure this and considering that I would like in the future to have many of these wifi dog gateways, this really isn't an ideal option (as every network will have a different default gateway).

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Networking :: Routing One Gateway To Different Subnets ?

Sep 3, 2010

Im having a issue with routing internet traffic from my router two different subnets (vlans).

Theres my setup:-


Both eth0,1 are running dhcp (two scoopes) that works fine!

The output of route -n is:

I have ip_forwarding on aswell, but i can ping the ip on the server running that dhcp scoope ie ping works great but i just cant get the internet on the clients.

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Networking :: Routing For A VPN Gateway Setup?

Dec 17, 2010

I've been trying to setup an IPSec connection between two routers, but am having trouble with the actual packet routing.

My setup currently is two local networks ([netLANA] and[netLANB]) that are connected to their own routers ( and respectively). The routers are both connected to the[netWAN] network. I wish to setup an IPSec connection between the two routers, to act in tunnel mode between the two local networks.

The first router is a linux box (on the netLANA network) that I am setting up using the ipsec-tools, and the other is a Netgear ProSafe FVS318G (on the netLANB). I've set them both up to have the same configuration for IPSec. Also, on the linux router I have setup a route like this:

$ route add -net wlan0

So that all traffic destined for the netLANB network will be routed to the wlan0 interface (netWAN in this case, and therefore over the tunnel).

My problem is that if I ping from any host on netLANA, I can see the ICMP reply comes back to the linux router, but it doesn't get back to the original host.

From the linux router, here is the tcpdump of the ping:

$ tcpdump -n -S -i any
17:06:26.308353 IP > ICMP echo request, id 1036, seq 1, length 64
17:06:26.308780 IP > ESP(spi=0x0ea08914,seq=0x2f), length 116
17:06:26.316287 IP > ESP(spi=0x0be1036c,seq=0x2f), length 116
17:06:26.316287 IP > ICMP echo reply, id 1036, seq 1, length 64


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Networking :: Routing Vs OpenVPN Vs VMware - Host Only

Apr 4, 2010

My special networking configuration.

The case: I'm running two dedicated Linux servers (openSUSE). Both servers are connected through public IP addresses to the internet. Each server hosts a VMware with another Linux inside.

SRV1 and SRV2 are the entry points for OpenVPN from external clients. SRV1 and SRV2 are although connected through an OpenVPN connection for save data sharing.

My problems:
SRV3 can't connect to SRV2 and SRV4.
SRV4 can't connect to SRV1 and SRV3.
External OpenVPN clients connected to SRV1 can't reach SRV2 and SRV4.
External OpenVPN clients connected to SRV2 can't reach SRV1 and SRV3.

Here are my configurations:





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Ubuntu Networking :: Application Routing 2 Different Gateway?

Feb 5, 2010

My Laptop is connected to 2 different network (Wireless "gateway" ;cable wired "gateway")the gateway is the default i want all application like firefox that connect via http and https port 80 and 443 to use the gateway
else to use the default gateway

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Networking :: Redirect Squid To Another Gateway

Mar 31, 2010

I have recently just got another internet connection at home via cable as well as my exisiting DSL connection. I was wanting all my web browsing that I did via squid to be redirected down the cable connection. The box has a single nic at the moment and the default route sends it via the dsl connection for the mail server that is also running on the box.I was hoping that anything that hit squid would go down the cable connection that is plugged into a router and thus I can route to and everything will go out via cable.

I was reading about iproute2 and marking the packets and is wondering whether this is the way to go?

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Fedora Networking :: ICMP Redirect From Windows Gateway...

Sep 10, 2009

From what I've read, when linux sends a ping it sends without the netmask, so windows server assumes it must be a broadcast? Why doesn't linux send a netmask with a ping?

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Networking :: Enabling Full Routing Site To Site With Openvpn Not Using Masquerading?

Jul 27, 2010

I've been on a quest to enable full routing through my openvpn tunnel between my office and the colo. Masquerading will work, however it will throw off anything key based and makes a lot of things just more difficult and vague in general. Is there an easy way to do this via iptables? I tried using quagga hoping it would magically solve my problems, however it does not seem to do my routing for me . I just did a basic static route within zebra...

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General :: Windows - Routing Everything Except A Certain IP Range Through An OpenVPN Tunnel?

Aug 31, 2011

I've been working with my OpenVPN server for a while, and I have a rather interesting problem. I need to redirect all client traffic through the tunnel except for a couple IP's that need to be resolvable locally. The way I'm doing this is pushing these routes from the server:

Server 'PUSH' directives

push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp"
push "dhcp-option DNS"
push "dhcp-option DNS"

I'm seeing that translating into these Windows routes:

Windows routes occurring

Wed Aug 31 15:14:35 2011 PUSH: Received control message: 'PUSH_REPLY,redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp,dhcp-option DNS,dhcp-option DNS,route,topology net30,ping 5,ping-restart 30,ifconfig'
Wed Aug 31 15:14:35 2011 ROUTE default_gateway=

Wed Aug 31 15:14:40 2011 C:WINDOWSsystem32
oute.exe ADD 199.[*.*.*] MASK
Wed Aug 31 15:14:40 2011 C:WINDOWSsystem32
oute.exe ADD MASK
Wed Aug 31 15:14:40 2011 C:WINDOWSsystem32
oute.exe ADD MASK
Wed Aug 31 15:14:40 2011 C:WINDOWSsystem32
oute.exe ADD MASK

I've hidden my server's IP beginning with 199 for security purposes.What I've gathered.I'm assuming that is a kind of code for "everything," so I'm not sure how I could get this to work, but the general idea is that I need a specific IP range (172.16.*) to be resolvable on the LOCAL NETWORK (of the client) meaning it does not go through the VPN tunnel and the client can connect to 172.16.* locally.Is this possible? Routes can be executed through the command line, server "push" or client config options. Any way to get this to work while still routing other traffic through would do, really.

Additional Info: I have the server running on Debian 64-bit and the client running on Windows 7 (although Vista needs to work as well).Client/server configs can be provided if needed.

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Ubuntu Servers :: OpenVPN: Routing Versus Bridging

Apr 21, 2010

Just curious to see what everyone's opinion on using routing vs. bridging for openVPN. I'm installing openVPN on a linux box that I'm using as a router. What I was wondering was your opinions on which one of these two options to use.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Openvpn Routing / Cant Ping Vpn Client From LAN

May 2, 2010

I am playing with openvpn, and I got stuck.I am using ubuntu server for openvpn server, which has 2 physical NICs, one is directly on internet and other is LAN, where few pcs are connected on.

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General :: How To Configure Routing Table To Add Correct Gateway

Dec 10, 2010

When I try wget URL... I get failed: connection timed out.I have created br0 as a bridge over eth0 to run this VM. The host has this IP host has access to internet through eth0 and this is the output of route inside the host.

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Networking :: Configure PAT Using Iproute2?

May 26, 2011

I have a linux machine with 3 NICs, one for the local net and the other 2 for 2 different ISP's which i want to load balance.

I configured Load Balance on my linux box using iproute2 and what i found in this site [URL].

Im able to reach the internet using that box, but when i configure a pc from the local net with the linux machine as the gateway im not able to reach the internet.

The problem seems to be NAT concerned, so i was wondering, how can i configure PAT using iproute2 to get this result: -I want load balance to take place, and that translation occurs after the linux router decides through which interface (of the 2 i have configured to my ISP's) the packet is going out. (i dont know if that is possible)

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General :: Redirect Incoming Traffic To An Other Port (ubuntu Openvpn Server)?

Dec 5, 2010

I have set up an openvpn server on ubuntu via port tcp 443. The server use a public network and almost every ports are blocked (not 443) So when a client connect to the server, if it send traffic needing a blocked port, the connection cannot been etablished of course. So i d like to know if it is possible to redirect all incoming traffic on the server to an other unblocked port (like 443) to bypass firewall.

I dont think openvpn offer this possibility but maybe with linux it is possible..

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Networking :: Insert Routing Data Into The Routing Table Doesn't Work?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a firewall, this consists of three NIC's:

Code: eth0[] eth1[] and eth2[]

I am trying to ping eth0 from eth2, but I am not able to succesfully get a response from pinging the device, I am using:

Code: ping -I eth2

I have tried to insert routing data into the routing table, but it still doesn't work

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Networking :: How To Make Persistent Iproutes Using Iproute2

Jun 11, 2010

I would like to have the below lines loaded at bootup and anytime the network is restarted (if possible).


I am using SuSE 11.

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Networking :: Iproute2 Load Balancing Without Default Route?

Jan 12, 2011

I'm trying to set up load balancing using iproute2 following this guide. I've got 4 dsl links as follows:

eth1 -
eth2 -
eth3 -
eth0 - (main uncapped line)

eth0 is the default route, and eth3 is being used for something else. So what I want to do is load balance browsing between eth1 and eth2. I've added all of the routes in the LARTC guide, but the command to enable the load balancing:


ip route add default scope global nexthop via $P1 dev $IF1 weight 1 nexthop via $P2 dev $IF2 weight 1 obviously involves creating a new default route. Since I'll be using Squid to push the traffic through the relevant line, how can I set up a load-balanced link for eth1 and eth2 without changing the existing default route on the server?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network-manager-openvpn And Static-key OpenVPN Connection In 9.10

Apr 5, 2010

i have some problems with configuring openvpn tunnel connection to my openvpn server. I'm using static-key tcp connection. Network manager always said to me that connection could not be established. Also, when i try to run openvpn from terminal, i got some strange permissions problem:


openvpn --config config.ovpn
Mon Apr 5 15:48:37 2010 OpenVPN 2.1_rc19 i486-pc-linux-gnu [SSL] [LZO2] [EPOLL] [PKCS11] built on Oct 13 2009
Mon Apr 5 15:48:37 2010 NOTE: OpenVPN 2.1 requires '--script-security 2' or higher to call user-defined scripts or executables
Mon Apr 5 15:48:37 2010 /usr/sbin/openvpn-vulnkey -q moj.key


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General :: What Does "gateway" In Routing Table Refer To

Feb 15, 2010

What exactly does gateway in a route refer to? I know what a default gateway is- it's the route of last resort. But used in context of a host route (with destination specified), what is a gateway and why is it important?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Gateway Server To Redirect Traffic For Http/smpt/pop3

Apr 6, 2010

I have been beating my head for the last few weeks on this problem, (although I have been taking the wrong approach, it seems).

I need a gateway to direct web traffic to three separate servers/domains. I have been trying to do this with both a dns server and , (seperatly), apache server to forward requests. The dns server was a no go, and <i can only get apache to redirect http and ftp.

After Googling this ALOT, I believe that what I need is a gateway server to redirect my traffic to the 3 different servers. I have been reading about using using nat and iptables for this and was wondering if anyone had any advice/suggestions on this. The other thought I had was to use something like pfSense to create the gateway, but I am still reading the documentation, and I am unsure if this approach will work.

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General :: Iproute2 Not Functioning - Operation Not Supported

Jan 13, 2011

The command and error message:

gtwy ~ # ip rule add from table t1
RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported

Older article of the same problem, but it did not help me:

I have looked on google at great lengths to try to find a solution. It seems that my kernel configuration is missing something? My system/kernel is: 2.6.36-gentoo-r5 #3 SMP Thu Jan 13 10:49:06 EST 2011 x86_64 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X3220 @ 2.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux.I am posting this on SuperUser since this system is used as a workstation and this problem is unrelated to specific tasks that are handled exclusively by servers.iproute2 is installed:

gtwy etc # emerge --search iproute2
[ Results for search key : iproute2 ]
[ Applications found : 1 ]


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Fedora :: Openvpn Certificate \ Installed Openvpn And Config It For A Tunnel?

Aug 9, 2010

i have installed openvpn and config it for a tunnel. my server.conf and client,conf is as follow:

port 1194
proto udp


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Networking :: Networking Routing \ Use The Terminal To Assign Server Eth0 A Proper IP Address?

Jun 8, 2010

i know exactly what i need to do, im just not familiar enough with command line to do it properly.i have 7 computers.the first 4 are connected to a router via wireless at one end of the house. of the last 3 only 1 will be able to access the router via wireless, so it needs to share it's one wireless connection via ethernet. this computer i'm going to call 'server'server will have two IP'swlan0 this connects to the router that has internet access.eth0 i intend to have the following settingsip: 255.255.0eth0 will connect to a second router, where the cat5 cable goes from the server, into the internet port of the router where i will define the router's static IP:IP: have then set the router IP for LAN handling as and all ethernet connections will have a 192.168.27.x IP.

so i need to know how to, without a gui application, use the terminal to assign server eth0 a proper IP address, and tell the server to take the connection it has and share it through eth0 to supply internet for the last 2 computers via ethernet.i had it set up in this way with a windows machine being the one that had the wifi access, but i'd rather have it setup for the ubuntu server to do this task. security is imperative for these 3 remaining machines, so just getting 2 more wifi adapters for a connection to the initial router isn't an option.the 2 that connect to server do so through SSH and though server IS connected via wireless it only makes outward connections through

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Server :: OpenVPN Range Address / When Change Static IP To Dynamic IP In Config File OpenVPN Didn't Work?

Feb 13, 2010

I want to configure a VPN over the Internet.I installed the 'openvpn' package, generated the key file, transfered it by a secure way to the client, and setted up the configuration file.

So, in that configuration file I input the IP addresses of the tunneled interfaces. Both IPs are static in the tunnel.

Then, I've heard somewhere that I can assign a dynamic configuration IP for the client. I do this registering a range.

Well, when I tried to change static IP to dynamic IP (changing '' to '') in the configuration file, the OpenVPN didn't work.

Obviously I don't know what I'm doing, and I really, don't believe that simply changing the IP will make it work, but I tried.

I hope I explained my problem as well.

My configuration file:

# OpenVPN Server Configuration File
dev tun 0
cd /etc/openvpn
secret key_file

In client I execute the 'openvpn' without the '--daemon' parameter.Then I want that my client uses a IP in a range (, for example), instead of a static IP ( also thought to use a DHCP server, but I'm not sure that will work.

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Networking :: Routing Packets From One IP To Another

Sep 6, 2010

My setup is...I have a wireless access point using laptop as a gateway. The AP is also connected to a switch as is the laptop. So the laptop has two interfaces one wireless and one wired. A third device is using the AP to connect to a server on the internet. The AP sends the packets to my laptop where they are dropped. I've been looking for a solution to this problem without success. Basically is there a way for my laptop to forward all packets it sees from a certain IP address to whatever destination address they have?To clarify, my laptop is just the gateway of the AP and none of the packets are addressed to it at all, it just picks them up using a sniffer or similar tool.

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Networking :: Routing Between 2 Nics?

Mar 10, 2011

I have a pc with debian 6 (without GUI) installed on it and want to use it as server at home. It has 2 ethernet nics. Now i want to configure the routing process. Searched internet for a long time found something but couldn't get it work.

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Networking :: Routing DNS Through SSH Proxy?

Feb 17, 2010

When setting up an SSH proxy, I know you can configure Firefox to route DNS requests through the proxy. Is this possible from linux directly? I'm trying to use wget through the proxy, including DNS lookups.

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Networking :: Routing Two Subnets ?

Jun 26, 2010

I have two subnets which I am interested in connecting.

Some basic network details:

Subnet A:

Subnet B:

I am trying to think of any further relevant details, but that seems to be it to me. If I forgot anything, please tell me.

Ok the question. WHAT do I type? (Explicitly!) And WHERE do I type it? In order to reach ubuntu-01.tec.lan, or ubuntu-02.tec.lan from perpetrator.tec.lan or rapine.tec.lan?

I'm interested in using actuall ROUTES. I can already achieve results similair to this with either a NAT firewall, or with VPN.. but that's not what I am interested in.

From what I have found out so far, I should need something like the following:

On Gateway 1B:


And on Gateway 1A:


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Networking :: Routing Wireless AP To LAN

May 14, 2010

I'm newbie to Wireless. Currently I try to implement EAP-TLS but firstly I need to get the hardware work, allow Access Point to Route from Wireless to Wire (LAN DNS server).

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