Networking :: Open Port# 9171 On OEL5.5 Server To Accept Connections
Feb 18, 2011
Our DBA has an application running on Server2 which needs to connect to Server1 (Linux OEL5.5 server) thru port# 9171. I use telnet to test basic connectivity.What should I do on Server1 in order to open up port#9171 for connection.
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Feb 25, 2011
I have a bunch of Ubuntu boxes on one subnet, I have a Windows 7 box on another subnet, I am able to ping and SSH to all servers on the .1 subnet except for one server, which I will call PITA. I will attempt to SSH to PITA, and it won't respond, nor does it respond to pings. I will the SSH to PITA from another of the test servers, successfully connect, and then when I SSH from my Windows 7 machine I can connect successfully. If I first connect via console to PITA and send some pings out (to anywhere, like, I can also connect from my Windows 7 machine. I've never seen anything like this.
One of the weird things is that I used PITA to create an image that I then used to create many of the other test servers, and they work fine, so I'm not sure what the problem is. I've checked /var/log/messages and syslog and there's nothing in them that indicates a problem. I've rebooted this server, restarted SSH, changed the IP in case it was conflicting with something else, forced an ARP update in case it was cached (since I had bonded the interfaces), cleared the ARP cache on my own machine, verified Network Manager is not installed...and I still have this issue.
Here are some network-related config:
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
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Jul 13, 2010
I'm having problems getting openssh server to accept connections in Ubuntu 10.04.Here's what I've done (twice): Installed Ubuntu 10.04 on USB drive with pendrive installer. This creates a default user "ubuntu" and you don't get the chance to choose a password for it. Started a keyring for network access and selected password. Works.Enabled VNC and selected password. Works fine with VNC client on local network. Logs in as "ubuntu" user and asks for the VNC password, then connects. Note: the client doesn't know the "ubuntu" user password, and neither do I! However, it works.Installed openssh client and server from Ubuntu s/w center.
$ ssh localhost OR $ ssh ubuntu@localhost try to connect, but asks for password, which I don't know (see step one, above) so, then I created a new user, with known password, logged in as new user in Ubuntu, works.however, $ ssh newuser@localhost still fails, even when correct password for <newuser> is supplied. Rejects the password three times, then gets the usual error about keys.I also tried connecting with an SSH terminal app from my iPad, again using <newuser>. It gets essentially the same error, "failure to authenticate".
All this is still on my own LAN, haven't gotten to going outside the router yet.What I want to do in the end is use VNC over SSH from a client on my iPad to talk securely to Ubuntu while I'm traveling.
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Jun 5, 2010
This is on Centos 5.3 by the way..... I had a DVD and, well, just wanted to test some things.. I'm aware that this is not the latest release.
And, by the way (I just read an earlier post) I've added the username and password with which I'm trying to login (..hello?).
I'm at work and I don't have a copy of my Vsftpd configuration file (don't wanna edit this whole thing - actually there is a copy, below). I've used Slackware for years and never had any issues with Vsftpd - it just works. I am trying Centos because I need help with upgrading my mail server (qmail) and there's not much help for Slackware users. Also, I used to run RHEL3 and had vsftpd working fine (had to copy some file to /etc/pam.d) but it worked famously. I compiled all my web server stuff (just don't like these default things where I have no idea how things are integrated) and I'm hung up on - of all things - vsftpd.
Anyway....When I try to log into my ftp server I get "KERBEROS_V4 rejected as an authentication type" and only the anonymous account works. Any other logins produce an error (incorrect login - see ya' later). I have SE Linux and the firewall OFF. I don't recall the directive, precisely, but my vsftpd.conf file is set allow local users to connect. I installed with yum and it added some lines at the bottom (one was about a user list and the other was about PAM). I've got a chroot list and a user list although it's not clear to me precisely where the user list should be placed. I actually uninstalled the RPM and compiled, too. I've done everything but call an exorcist. And I've found tons of posts regarding this on the net and none of the fixes worked. Man - on slackware you type "make" and "make install" (I build it with tcp_wrappers) and you're off to the races.
Actually - I did upload the vsftpd.conf file to work (where I'm at, now). Minus lines that were commented out it looks like this:
Could it, possibly, be something about how I am adding the user, the shell type, etc? I know that in Redhat I used to type "/usr/sbin/useradd -d /home/someuser joe". I've done it that way and I've also done it like so: "useradd -d /home/schmoe -s /bin/bash schmoe".
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Jan 5, 2010
I've recently been asked to setup our FTP server to accept connections from a remote host. They sent me a file "" with instructions to add this key to the xfer user.
Unfortunately I've no idea how to do this!
I'm running vsftpd 2.0.5 on Centos 5.3
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Oct 13, 2010
I've got a Slackware 12.2 system that I'm trying to get to accept traffic on a given port, let's say 34521. When I use, to see if that port is responding, it is not.
I've put in an iptables entry to accept traffic on that port, is there anything else I need to do?
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Jun 20, 2009
I am running lmgrd on CentOS5, but it returns Failed to open the TCP port number in the license. The port is 27000, how can I open that port?
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Aug 5, 2009
If I forward port 80 to port 3128 for squid with an iptable rule, does port 3128 have to be open on the firewall or is this all routed behind the firewall?
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Apr 17, 2010
I'm not sure if this is a Linux standard, but I've always understood that Linux restricts usage of ports below 1025 to root-user only. My question is why was this method developed?My theory is that it's to reduce the possibilty users who may not be as knowledgable with Linux from getting hacked. This is probably wrong though as ports 1025-66535 are available to any program as any user.
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Apr 13, 2011
I explain my problem:
- Server with Slackware 10.1.0 no have tcp connection to the port 2049. And I need that this server have tcp connections.
- The rpcinfo out is.
- The kernel version for this server is linux-2.4.29.
- The file /etc/rpc contain is:
- And the file /etc/service contain about nfs is:
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Jan 21, 2011
Is it fair to say that connLimit and hashlimit are very similiar on Linux i.e. while hashlimit caters to limits for groups of ports, they both set the connection rate limit per host? How in IPTables, do I configure a policy that limits connections on a port that encapsulates the total sum of all connections from all hosts? i.e. I do not want to allow more than 6000conn/minute for port range that is the sum of all connecting hosts?
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Aug 1, 2009
I tried to set up vnc following the steps of this webpage:
which did not work. I changed everything back the way it was, but when I tried to ssh in to my remote server, the connection timed out? It showed nothing in secure logs. I tried to ssh in through webmin, in asked for auth but did not connect. The logs said this:
Jul 30 12:05:10 server sshd[2829]: Did not receive identification string from
I tried to telnet port 22 through the shell in webmin and got this:
> telnet 22
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
I tried reinstalling ssh, but got the same errors...It worked fine before the howto. I can't imagine how it changed something in ssh...
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Apr 14, 2010
I have sendmail running on my centOS 4.6. My lamp server also runs on it. I want to send mail through php mail function. when i execute php page, which fires the mail function, it takes so much long tim1 say even 1 minute, and at last displays that message sent successfully. Suppose, destination address is [URL].... I did not get any mail there. My server is running in LAN. I checked the status of sendmail, it shows me that it ios running. when i issue "nmap localhost" it shows me that SMTP port 25 is open, but when i issue "nmap myserver" ( myserver ( written in hostfile)), it does not show that SMTP port is open.
I checked the /var/log/maillog, one person in my previous post advice me to see that. There it shows that message is accepted for delivery...but i do not get any mail in my destination, even not in spam folder. One more confusion is that, in my case my server is in LAN and if I am at all enable to open the SMTP port on it, does i need to open SMTP port on my router (which connects my LAN to internet) also needs to open? I think no, because SMTP is application layer protocol, it will wrap my mail in IP packet, which router just need to forward. am i right?
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May 28, 2009
I am writing a server which uses edge-triggered epoll. When the server calls accept(), it just extracts the first connection in the pending queue. If there are more connections that are waiting, can we make the server accept all the pending connections? I wrote a loop like the following:
do {
client_fd = accept(...);
/* Work with the client fd */
} while (client_fd != -1); [/code]
Doesn't seem to work. A related question, more a clarification, is as follows. My understanding was that a connect() at the client returns only when accept() in the server returns. Clearly, I was incorrect. Even with no accept() call in the server, my client was able to connect and send data. Am I getting this right?
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Jul 15, 2011
i want if a port (exp. 1001) have 20 connections that the next new connection forword to an other port (exp. 1002).
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Jan 27, 2011
I want to open 177 port of remote server for
-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 177 -s -j ACCEPT
I wrote this at iptables, but I could not connect with remote server.
Kindly let me know what I am wrong?
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Feb 4, 2011
I have Linux server (centos) in my company ,In Server have two Ethernet card we are using one for getting internet connection via eth0 and another one is passing network is shared through this ethernet eth1.Network is shared through this linux squid proxy server to Windows client .But thing is In Windows client Browsing internet via proxy is fine . But while ping in cmd it say could not connect.
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Jan 28, 2011
I have Linux server (centos) in my company , Network is shared through this linux squid proxy server to Windows client .
How to open port 995 and 587 for Windows client because Outlook are not working in Windows Client ...
How to open this port for Windows Client.
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Aug 3, 2009
I'm using fedora core-8. I need to setup dialup server to accept dial up connection.Dial up server shoudl also allocate ip address to client (trying to connect using modem)If some one knows how to do this, please let me know.I'm trying to achieve peer to peer communication between two computers connected using modem on both side over PSTN line.
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Jul 28, 2011
I am trying to connect to my linux server using an SCP Key (PPK), but I can't get through using Putty, WinSCP, etc. I think Port 22 might not be open, but I don't know how to open it if I can't at least access the server using SSH.
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Jan 22, 2010
I found that I can not use the UDP port on FC 12.I new install one FC 12 , but when I use the next command nmap -sU localhost.I found all udp port has been filtered.I don't know how to open the udp ports . for I need use some udp port.I use iptables , but not working. Why ?
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May 23, 2010
I just installed apache. I didn't change the configuration files at all except add Quote: # added servername to avoid the could not determine fqdn error ServerName to apache2.conf. Apache is working locally (I get the `it's working' screen at [URL]). However, I cannot access my computer from an external computer by going to [URL], which is equivalent to [URL] -- [IP address changed slightly for privacy] Here is a screenshot to my router settings. I disabled the filter for port 80 on the router. here shouldn't be a firewall, unless it's automatically installed with ubuntu 10.4. (sudo ufw status says `inactive'.)
I checked my ports from [URL] and indeed port 22 is open (ssh-ing into my computer externally is not a problem), whereas port 80 is closed. What step in opening up port 80 am I missing? (I also made sure my ISP isn't blocking port 80.)
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Jun 17, 2010
I would like to test myself if port 5060 is open for UDP packets.
I got a few shell accounts outside of my ISP that run Linux or different BSDs. Does someone know a common program where I could send UDP packets to port 5060 of the IP address that Virginmedia assigns to me and then I would need a program on a PC within my network who reads them _if_ they get through.
Background of all this is that my VOIP phones from two different VOIP providers are offline since last Monday.
One service provider confirmed that another VOIP client is online with the same service provider Virginmedia but in a different area.
So, while I don't know how long does it take that someone from Virginmedia can tell me if their port 5060 is open for UDP, I would like to find out myself in the meantime.
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Sep 3, 2009
I have a problem sending of file attachment using Instant Messengeri have a firewall using firestarter, if i used outside firewall they can able to recieve my file in instant meesenger but if i used firestarter it always cancelled my sending of file attachment....
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Mar 30, 2010
I am running RHEL 5.3 and attempted to open port 4470 for an application that will use the port. I used the graphical interface to open the port, just as I have for other ports such as 4750.I can telnet to the server with:telnet server 4750
If I try the other port that I'm trying to open:telnet server 4470
I get "Could not open connection to the host, on port 4470: Connect failed."I have restarted the network and iptables services.I have turned off the local firewall and it still did not work.
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Mar 13, 2010
needing to open a port in ubuntu, then use it for my VirtualBox Pc.My VirtualBox is running - Windows XP I have a router connected to my network - Linksys WRT54G Now lets begin, I have tried opening via there router homepage. But when I go to [URL] and test port 4900 is still says that it is closed.
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Aug 18, 2010
No matter what I do, i cannot get port 3100 to open. This is for a new MMO i am CBT on. I know it works on windows because that is how I installed it and played. But I prefer being on Linux. Majority of all other MMOs work fine. Just this one has to have udp 3100 open.
The following is a rough output of all the methods I have tried with no success. As you can see I have done some extensive research first before posting here.
Now its become a lil bit of an obsession.
I cannot get the following command to work:
And yes I tried the "spaces" in different places thinking that was the prob. So i cannot see if 3100 is in the list or not
I eventually turned on the firewall "ufw enable" add the port there, and output:
Some references
Firewall stuff: [url]
I even manually went into the router and turned it on there.
I add these lines for startup purposes.
Do I need to do something in "wine" ?
I feel i am starting to repease myself
results of "iptables -L"
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Dec 16, 2010
I have an n900 phone and I'm trying to ssh to my desktop but I'm getting an error:
ssh: connect to host 58.xx.xx.xx port 22: Connection refused
I recently started using a router for I wanted to connect to net even with n900. I've tried to open the port from the setup page of the router however it doesn't seem to work. (find below the screenshot of setup page).
I've tried to ssh through slackware I've got as a virtual machine and I have the same problem although I was able to ssh through slackware before I started using the router.
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Sep 21, 2010
how do i enable or open port in the iptables
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Feb 17, 2010
I think port 24800 is firewalled in my linux machine. i tried synergy to sue as a server in linux and doesnt work. i tried from the windows computer and works!
So... I telnet (from linux) to an address: telnet 24800 and the time is out (so a firewall is blocking this port).
My simple question: How do I open this port so i can get the synergy server in my linux box?
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