Networking :: OLD Server Tower As A Router

Oct 5, 2010

i had a very old server given to me. it's a Compaq Prosignia 200. it has a 166 pentium, more than 64 mb of ram(unkown because i see 2 32mb sticks and there are 2 more smaller sized sticks), a cd drive, a 6 gb hdd, and enough pci slots for 3 nic. i'd like to use it for a router for my 2 home pc's. i have no idea what im doing or if the hardware itself will run as a router. i do have a 25mb connection and dont really want to lose my bandwidth.probably too much to ask but i thought i'd give it a go.

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Networking :: Network Configuration: Server - Router Vs Router-server

Aug 14, 2010

I am thinking of moving the router behind a server and connecting the server directly to the internet via a modem. Are there any security issues related to doing this? or other things I should be aware of. Iptables are implemented on the server blocking access on unused ports.

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Debian Installation :: G4 Powermac Tower - Monitor Flashed On And Off And Get Error Box About The X Server

Apr 19, 2010

i installed debian 2.6 on a G4 powermac tower installed great. right at login, the monitor flashed on and off and i got an error box about the x server. is there a typical fix for powermac or is this just my machine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Setup The Server As A DSL Router

Nov 17, 2010

I am planning to setup a home network with Ubuntu.the home network consists of ~3/4 computers; a mediaserver (reelbox) and 2 more PCs.Can I setup the server as a DSL router and get rid of my modem/router I have right now?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Server Can't Ping The Router

Jan 2, 2011

I'm setting up a home network and trying to set up a Ubuntu Server (10.04) as a samba file server and a web server.I installed Ubuntu 10.04 Server and the automatic network configuration during installation failed. I've looked into host.conf, networks, interfaces, hosts and resolv.conf and either my settings are wrong or it's something else. I have a Win7 computer connected to same router and DSL modem and it works fine (edit: most of the time--- see below).

More information:

*ifconfig shows eth0 is broadcasting but without an IP address
*route shows an empty routing table


sudo route add default gw doesn't work:
SIOCADDRT: No such process
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart doesn't work:


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Networking :: Cannot Access Server Behind The Linksys Router Via Ssh?

Apr 19, 2011

i Cannot access Server behind the linksys router via ssh

Server details:
OS: Linux RedHat
DHCP: Static IP set to


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Networking :: Server Working As Router Between Two Networks?

Nov 19, 2010

A server is acting as a router between two networks. If the load increases what happens, to the speed of network? whether the network speed will be reduced or it will sustain the same speed (Ex: 100MBps).

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Connecting Server 5.3 To DSL Router?

Sep 3, 2009

I want to use centos as a developer server on my desktop before deploying my stuff to the internet.

I have a netgear DG834G router. It's IP address on my local network is and connected to the adsl line. The router is set up to act as an dhcp server too. On the router I have reserved ip address for the nics per their mac addresses.

My server is on a dual boot desktop. The other boot is XP and works fine, picks up dhcp.

I don't know how to connect Centos to the router.

I have tried to play with the network manager but to no avail.

I can ping localhost, interface eth0 is there, but i can't ping to the router.

I have set the manager system/administration/network to get dhcp automatically.

I can't activate the eth0 although the hardware device says it is OK.

I've looked at firewall and iptalbes.

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Ubuntu Networking :: SSH Server And Router Port Forwarding

Aug 29, 2010

I'm trying to get my SSH server I set up on my home box working from behind a router. A 2wire 2700HG-B gateway, in fact. Now, I know my server is working fine, because I can get into it via loopback, anywhere inside the LAN from another machine, OR if I go into the router's config and enable DMZ for the machine. However, I don't like having DMZ on all the time because of the kludge-ness of it, and the security issue of the complete absence of a hardware firewall.If I try to port forward and access it from outside the LAN using the external IP (or my DynDNS, because it's dynamic), it just times out. I have a nonstandard port (45) for the listen port of the server, to keep away hack attempts if I were using the standard 22. I used this to see if the port was open, and it said it was. But, I tried the trick of telnetting the IP with that port, and it also timed out, instead of printing stuff about OpenSSH.

Attached is a screenie of my router's firewall page, so you all can look at it and see if I'm an idiot and doing it wrong. You might notice uTorrent there, it's because this machine is a dual-boot with 7, and the router doesn't differentiate the OS's. Also the SSH @ 46 port is for the Windows side, with freeSSHd. I changed the port on that one so the client I have can distinguish them, so it can run a reachability test.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up A Router And Firewall For 10.10 Server 64-bit?

Jan 28, 2011

post the "perfect" tutorial for setting up a router and firewall for Ubuntu 10.10 Server 64-bit? I'm kind of a n00b when it comes to Linux, so I get really confused with some things, I have seen things on the ubuntu wiki about this... but it really confuses me =

I'm trying to setup my ubuntu sys as a router and firewall... Internet -> Ubuntu (Router) -> Switch (no DHCP on it) -> Computers I've already setup bind and dhcp3 and got those working perfectly... I've also setup Squid3 and Dansguardian for content filtering (blocking ads and such) and got them working too... I want to set it all up to be transparent, and allow the system itself to function as a powerful firewall router, giving absolutely NO issues to client computers connected, and no speed reduction at all.... I want to setup the firewall to allow all outgoing connections, but block everything incoming (stealth the network)... Forcing all http/s traffic to pass through dansguardian, then to squid...

But am very confused on how to pull this off... The system is running Ubuntu 10.10 Server 64-bit, with 4 GB of RAM, 320 GB SSD, and two 1Gb NIC cards... Sorry if I'm not very clear, I do speak english perfectly, but just kinda new to the "Linux world", I was using SONICWALL but that's getting a little too costly to my network and wanna do a free alternative... Something completely CUSTOM, not using some network security distro.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup Server As Router / Gateway?

May 29, 2011

I have been searching google for a while now and have not found exactly what I am looking for. I would like to use my fresh install of ubuntu server 11.04 as my router/gateway for my home. I am not an expert at linux by any means but I can usually figure stuff out. I believe I need iptables, bind, and a few others probally. It eventually will also be a samba server but I have done a little with samba before. I do have 2 network cards, my router at the moment is starting to die and would love to have a more powerful router. I would also like to figure out how to do port forwarding in the router, as well as be able to see the load on the network cards. Maybe there is a program to show usage by user? As well as be able to do packet pritorization.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Set Up A Gateway/router And Firewall On Server

Jul 20, 2011

I want to do is setup a gateway(or router, idk what Ubuntu refers to it as.). So my set up would be Modem>Server>Switch>Router. I know that I need to set up it up as a DHCP server as well. I would also like to setup it up as a firewall too. I already have two Gbit cards that are already configured. So how do I do this? I already tried one tutorial, but it was old and was for Debian. I also installed ebox, but I couldnt figure that out either.

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Networking :: Isolation On A Non-router Server With Multiple Ethernet?

Jan 12, 2011

I have been working with Linux for about 10 years and I have a good understanding of IPv4 networking and routing but not so much detailed knowledge of implementation or specific networking packages.

I have a Linux system running a custom-built (Linux from Scratch) distribution and using 2.6.15 kernel. My system has 4 Ethernet controllers (eth0, eth1, eth2, and eth3). I have intentionally left out support for forwarding/routing of packets as this machine is not intended to be a router and I specifically do not want it to be able to so. My intent for the machine is to function as a server to 4 different and separate networks without allowing traffic or hosts on one LAN to access or adversely affect those on the other LANs.

My main question: is there a way to completely isolate the connections to these LANs and if so, how might I achieve it, and through what packages?

I have been having some issues:

1) Default gateway. With only a single default gateway, network requests from a LAN that is not directly connected to one of the 4 NICs and for which there may not be a static route defined, may send a response to the default gateway which is on one of the LANs connected to a different NIC than the one that I received the initial request on. Is there anyway to isolate outgoing messages to only go out on the NIC that the corresponding request was received through?

2) Default gateways. I have a requirement to allow DHCP on these interfaces. It is possible that the DCHP servers on each of the 4 LANs may provide a default gateway, but I don't see how I can make use of that. I know that there is a way to configure multiple default gateways via the iproute2 package (which is what I am using) but I don't know how to make sure that the correct default gateway is used for requests that were received on a specific interface.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Server: Dhcp - No Static - Cannot Ping Router ?

Dec 9, 2010

Fresh install of 10.04.1 server; installs seamlessly; finds network no problem.

However, establishing static connection is driving me batty. Will not take. I've reconfigured "interfaces" file several times. My fingers are numb ifdown-ing and ifup-ing and /etc/init.d/network restart-ing.

I have two files in /etc/network ... interfaces and interfaces~ (one static and the other dhcp). I can switch them in and out of play. The dhcp works and pings out like a champ. static is dead, just dead. Cannot ping router ... nothing.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Building Mobile Broadband Server / Router?

Apr 27, 2011

I have an old tower that I've installed Ubuntu onto. It connects fine online with a mobile broadband stick. I also have an old wireless router knocking about, and I've been trying to network up my house wirelessly using the tower as a router, if that makes any sense. Long story short, this is my setup

Internet ==> Mobile Broadband ==> Tower ==> Wireless Router ==> Wireless Devices.

I know that it's complicated, but I'm sure that it can be done. I've tried playing around with bind9, and playing with dhcp and the like. I feel that I am close.... but no cigar. how to route all traffic from the router

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Ubuntu Networking :: Access A Server Behind A Router But Be Asked For A Password?

Jun 30, 2011

Using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.

I have an intranet server behind a NAT router. Very standard linksys router home setup. The server has a static IP. I used port forwarding in the router to use SSH and log into the server remotely - it works OK.

I want no one outside my home network to access any webpages on the server unless they're authenticated.. I know I could port forward like with ssh but with http port 80 and then see webpages , but again this would open it up to anyone with my cable modem's IP - wouldn't it?

I need a secure way like SSH that requires a password before anyone could access port 80 and http from the server from a remote network.

How do I do this? And on the local network people can get served pages normally as usual. Just remote would need authentication. Must be commonly done(?)

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Networking :: Setup Pxe Server Routed Via Standard ASDL Router

Apr 2, 2010

I have searched google, but can't really get the hang of setting this up.Most howtos are setting up a DHCP and PXE on the same box. At the present my DHCP is done by my router and I want to set up the PXE server on my main PC.My router can re-direct traffic types based on ports (UDP or TCP) to an IP but can't do the bit about directing the pxe loader name (and I really don't want to ssh into it and start messing about there)If I redirect the port (what ever it may be, help required here) how would I go about setting up the Ubuntu PC to do the load and pass back to the PC trying to PXEboot?

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Ubuntu Networking :: DLink ADSL Router As Main Router And The Belkin N1 As Repeater?

Apr 13, 2010

Because of the configuration of my house, I need two routers.I have a DLink ADSL router as my main router and the Belkin N1 as my repeater.I have set up the IP address in the Belkin to be - my DLink is I have disable the dhcp in the Belkin and set the DNS as ISP provided. [URL]..I have set the channel to 11 and in the Ubuntu Network Manger I have set the IPV4 to Link Local Only. I can see the Belkin and connect with my PC.but it will not take me through to the internet.

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Networking :: Setting Up Linux Box As IPv6 Router To Replace Netgear WNR1000 Wireless Router?

Jun 18, 2011

I want to set up a Linux box as a wireless router to replace our existing Netgear WNR1000 router, as I believe the Netgear does not support the coming IPv6 protocol. Unfortunately, it is not flashable with OpenWRT or DD-WRT presently.

As we have Comcast, our cable modem acts as a dumb modem according to the customer support guy I talked to, and our router is the one that asks for the IP address from DHCP. Thus, when Comcast switches over to IPv6, I don't believe my existing router would work, correct?

My idea is to take a Linux box and put two NICs and a wireless adapter in it, using IPCop or Smoothwall to set up a router. I could then enable IPv6 support for when we have IPv6 with Comcast. Is that possible? Would there be a way to get BIND to hand out private IP addresses in the same subnet on the both the LAN NIC and the wireless card?

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Networking :: Set Up A Laptop As A Router To Connect Wirelessly To ADSL Router?

Nov 6, 2009

I have a desktop PC running Ubuntu 9.10 and Windows 7, and a Eee PC 701 laptop running EasyPeasy Ubuntu 9.04. I'd like to connect the desktop to the laptop with a wired connection (eth0), then the laptop to my ADSL router using wireless (ath0).

I have a crossover ethernet cable (I bought on ebay). I have set up my laptop with a static IP address on my LAN and it uses OpenDNS.

I have added this to /etc/sysctl.conf on the laptop:


Then I tried this on the laptop:

sudo iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --out-interface ath0 -j MASQUERADE
sudo iptables --append FORWARD --in-interface eth0 -j ACCEPT

This is a variation on what I found on other sites describing how to set up a router. I don't understand iptables very well, but I gather that the above two lines should set up forwarding so that traffic from my router to the laptop will be forwarded to the desktop, and vice versa.

But this doesn't work. The connection doesn't even establish between the laptop and the desktop.

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Networking :: Network Setup - Router - Wireless Router Card ?

Apr 24, 2010

I'm having trouble getting my network set up the way that I want it/had it. You see, when I first set up my network, I just had my cable modem going directly to my standard wired router (A D-Link DI-604), which had DHCP,and was connected to all of the computers on my network. I had one switch hooked up to one of the ports of the router, but this was a regular switch, and it would not try to assign IP addresses, it would just pass through the DHCP info as I wanted.

Now however, my network setup has changed. My room mate and I both got laptops, and we decided that we wanted to have wireless access so we didn't have to constantly plug in to the router.

Now my network is set up like this: The modem is hooked up to the router(DI-604), which is hooked up on the LAN side to our computers, our switch (which is hooked up to 3 more computers), and to a wireless router card (A Gigabyte GN-BC01).

The wireless router card has two jacks for ethernet. One for WAN, and one for LAN. The LAN side we have plugged only into the computer in which the card is installed.

Now the problem is this: The wireless router card comes with DHCP by default, and it's assigning addresses to the laptops and to the computer hat it's in, and worse, the IP addresses are on a different subnet than that of the main dlink router. The Main (dlink) router assigns addresses from (itself) to, while the wireless router card assigns addresses from to (itself).

Because of this, I cannot access services on the wireless network from my wired network or vice versa. The first thing I tried was setting the card to assign addresses from to, however it just said "internal error" when I tried to do this. I decided that this may be because it sees that it was being assigned an address on it's WAN side on the same subnet. So the next thing I tried was disabling DHCP and setting the "LAN IP Address" to, hoping that the DHCP would just go through the card, like a switch. I would have set the LAN IP address to be assigned by DHCP, but this was not an option, so I decided that'd be the best thing to set it to.

Once again however, setting the LAN ip address to an address on the same subnet as that of the IP assigned to it's WAN side caused it to report an "internal error". I verified that this was the issue by setting the LAN address to several other private IP addresses to test (I.E.,,

My question then really is: How do I set up both routers so that I can access services and computers from each network from the other network. Should I set them with different subnets and set the gateway on the wireless network to the main router? To the wireless router card? Should I put them on the same subnet? Will it know how to communicate?

Here is a link to (picture) my network diagram. Network Diagram

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Networking :: Linux As A Router / Bring 147 & 148 IP Online Without Router?

Mar 26, 2009

These r IP provided by my ISP that i've put on Fedora 8:

WAN (eth0)

Valid static(public) IP set of 2: & 148 (eth1, eth2)

i want to run as a web server & as a ftp server. but I'm able to ping only IP) from outside world. Can any1 tell me that how can i bring my 147 & 148 IP online without router.

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Networking :: Cannot Connect Wireless Laptop/XP Hyper Terminal To Server On WRT54G Router

May 20, 2011

Linksys WRT54G Wireless
Laptop wireless Windows/XP
Windows/XP Hyper Terminal

Desktop Server Linux OEL 5 (not wireless) cable connected to the WRT54G router port. (I can go to the Internet with this server, but not able to communicate other computers on the WRT54G Wireless Network. Even though, the Linux Server is connected to the WRT54G router port.) From the Hyper Terminal Wireless laptop Windows/XP, I want to connect to my Linux Server.

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Ubuntu :: Adding Another Hard Drive To The Tower?

Oct 12, 2010

What can you do with adding a second hard drive..?

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Hardware :: Using Fedora 14 With A Gateway Tower With HD Screen Connected?

Dec 17, 2010

I am using Fedora 14 with a Gateway tower w/HD screen connected, obviously, with an HDMI cable. It works just fine, except for when I play some stuff online. It's only some stuff, not all. So I was just gonna ask if it has anything to do with the quality of the video. If the video isn't HD, will the sound come out worse on my computer?

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Hardware :: SATA And PATA Devices In Same Desktop Tower?

Nov 1, 2010

My IBM IntelliStation M Pro desktop tower has IDE hardware: CD burner and CD player. My computer (which is ~ 6 years old I think) has an unused SATA power plug end and an unused SATA data transfer port so I thought I'd buy a SATA DVD burner/CD burner combo to replace the PATA CD burner. But I read the following line at Wikipedia and wonder exactly what it means: "Backward and forward compatibility- SATA and PATA At the device level, SATA and PATA (Parallel AT Attachment) devices remain completely incompatible�they cannot be interconnected......" What does that 'interconnected' really mean? Can I have my 2 IDE hard drives and my IDE CD player play nicely with a SATA DVD burner/CD combo burner? [My OS is MEPIS 8.5]

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Dell Tower UPS 1000W Not Recognized By The System

Mar 15, 2010

i've got a DELL Tower UPS 1000W which i would make work with a Linux CentOS 5.4 64-bit (kernel 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5) system using USB connection.Dell claims that this UPS is 100% working with RHEL 5.x (w/ serial and usb), but they don't provide support for CentOS (even if it's quite the same linux distribution)...When i plug in the USB cable the system reports:

usb 6-2: new low speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 3
usb 6-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice

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Hardware :: System Not Booting - Monitor Showing Orange Light As If Tower Is Off

Apr 11, 2010

the system was off and now it won't boot up. It have power because the monitor is showing the orange light as if the tower is off. I'm assuming it may be the PSU went dead. Well, today, I've changed the PSU which should be a good working one and still no power to the tower system. I dont overclock. As far as I can tell the fan is not spinning since this has happen. This is an Intel C2D, Biostar motherboard, 320gb WD HD & 2gb memory.

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Networking :: Old Router Behind New Router - Configuration ?

Oct 30, 2010

I've moved a linuxbox from being my gateway (nat, etc) to behind a new gateway (a DD-wrt router). For transparency purposes, I'd like to continue using the old box services, and just have the gateway in front of it.

Here's what I did:

The newgateway is setup for class C,

This configuration works, but sometimes it doesn't and I haven't figured out why yet.

At sometimes, clients on the LAN get throughput rates with very little speed loss (using speakeasy speed test). They will run at 33M on the LAN, running through both the newgateway, and the oldbox, and get about 35M with directly connected to the cable modem.

Other times, it seems nothing can talk with anyone, and I am not sure why.

I know what I have done is a little unconventional, but it's a transitional thing, and I am not sure it is the cause of the problem, although it was the last things changed.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Use One Wireless Router To Connect/detect To Another Wireless Router?

Aug 1, 2010

My son lost his USB Wireless stick for his Computer. I had thought I heard that if you had a second wireless router, you could use it somehow to detect the wireless router you have already set up in your home (like using a wireless card)? Is this what Ad-Hoc is? Either way, can this be done and if so how? I use a WRT54Gx2 Lynksys router and have a TRENDNET TEW-432BRP wireless router and also a spare D-link DI-514. I use ubuntu 10.04, and also wanted to know if I connected one of the router to his on the LAn port could he connect msaybe through an Ad-Hoc on my local computer here? He uses XP on his. I'm a newbie to linux and networking in general.

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