Networking :: Not Seeing Strong Connection To MAC/Physical Addressing And Reasoning?

Jul 24, 2011

Why does a NIC need a permanent individual way to distinguish it? Why not give it the host name in a form that is not a permanent hardwired hardware? Seems that the last ethernet router before reaching your PC is really seeking your NIC. So why is not the expression "What is your NIC Address" instead of "What is your IP Address"?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Signal Low But Strong In Windows

Jul 7, 2010

My laptop has sat in the same area for days, I've noticed that in Ubuntu I get a real low signal and can barely connect for a minute and on Windows I get like 3/5 bars. I don't understand what's going on. Is it a driver issue or something?My wireless card is Realtek RTL8187B and using the latest Ubuntu as of today.But just so everyone knows, I have google'd and search around for a few hours. I've seen many different types of problems that just wasn't like mine. Lots of people can't even get theirs to work and some people use different types of drivers. But Ubuntu detects my wireless card fine, I'm just having a signal strength problem. Because the Windows on my laptop has a much stronger signal as stated above.

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Fedora Networking :: Signals Strong But Broadcom 4318 Very Slow?

Nov 19, 2009

I've got the b43 driver and firmware installed, and the system comes up fine, but the max throughput on the wlan0 is about 100Kb/s. My laptop and iwl do about 2.5Mbps from the same location in the house. The signal is plenty strong:

IEEE 802.11bg ESSID:"sar2"
Mode: Managed Frequency:2.422 GHz Access Point: 00:23:69:22:5C:00
Bit Rate=36 Mb/s Tx-Power=20 dBm
Retry min limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
Power Management:off
Link Quality=61/70 Signal level=-49 dBm Noise level=-57 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0

Is this expected from the b43 driver and a bcm4318? I was hoping for much better throughput. Also, I tried the broadcom-wl driver, but it doesn't seem to recognize the card. It looks like it's not supported from their site, only the 4311,12,21,22 were listed, although I see posts where other people claim they are using it with a 4318?

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Networking :: Addressing Internally And Externally With A /30?

Jan 27, 2011

It's more just straight networking rather than Linux related - possibly a rather large gap in my knowledge.Been asked to set up a Linux firewall / router for a friend, and he wants an external address on his PC and his firewall. He's got a /30... ISP seem to think this is normal. My understanding was different router interfaces should be in different subnets when it comes to addressing. eg:

WAN (then PC is how I'd set up an enterprise router, and from memory how I had to regurgitate networking for my Cisco exams. But they would have been large devices within a BGP environment, how does this compare to home use? Can you have interfaces on the same router within in the same subnet? I'm looking for the real world answer - not my CCNA answer or the config addressing scheme I just blindly followed...Is this right or can different interfaces be in the same subnet?If they can be in different subnets How would you do that with an eternal egWAN (what IP?) then PC you actually just set the router up as a /29 and then use the additional IP addresses for the LAN NIC on the router? (yes I'm aware you couldn't route to where it had actually been allocated)

Then with that how do I route the Which interface do I point it at? Even with a /29 I'd still have a routing issue right?Or are the ISP expecting you to do something with NAT / port forwarding. (and yes I could do this to get it working - but I want to understand it better) I'm asking the question here, because rather than just wanting a magic file to get things working, I'd actually rather understand the principles rather than just press a button and have it work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: NetBIOS - Addressing Computers By Name

May 6, 2010

I'm having some trouble addressing computers by name. I've just upgraded most my my box's to Lucid, and it was all working fine, but suddenly stopped - not quite sure why, or what I did, but I need it to come back! At first I thought it was my old router dying (which it was) but a new router hasn't helped.

I've now moved DHCP from the router to my server, and that's working fine, giving out static IPs from MAC addresses, and so forth, but I still can't address anything by name. My server is on and called myth-server, if I


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Ubuntu Networking :: I.P Addressing With Home Router?

Jan 16, 2011

I'm wanting to set up a network. I'm still confused as to how to set it up. I think the easiest design is to have a switch on my border router.n this switch will be the servers. Also attached to this switch will be a Linux box. This will be a dedicated firewall. On it will be another switch. And the machines on the internal network will be attached to this switch. In the book "building Internet firewalls"(o'reilly) this set up is described as a screened subnet architecture. However the external interface on the Linux dedicated firewall will have to get it's I.P via dhcp (192.168.1.*) from the border router.

That or it can be a static I.P on the same subnet as the border routers dhcp range 192.168.1.*(but outside the dhcp range) but that would be trickier.The internal interface of this dedicated firewall would be static and on a different subnet as the external interface (192.168.2.*). Then this internal interface could give out I.Ps to the internal network that are on 192.168.2.*. If it did N.A.T for packets from the internal network then N.A.T would be being done twice; once by the Linux dedicated firewall and once on the border router, before going off to the net.Or is it a better approach to NOT do N.A.T on the Linux firewall and have all I.Ps on the whole network assigned as static(outside of the border router's dhcp range, but all on the same subnet(192.168.1.*))?.

Basically is there any point in the Linux box doing dhcp and N.A.T for hosts on the internal network?. I guess the answer is no. But i just wanted to hear your opinions, if you have the time. The border router is a home router. nted to have a normal triple-homed dedicated firewall and put it in the border router's DMZ but it proved unpredictable and tricky. So i just wondered what the best I.P addressing scheme would be for my newer way.

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Networking :: I.P Addressing For Simple Screened Subnet Architecture?

Jan 8, 2011

I'm wanting to set up a network that has a simple screened subnet architecture. The boarder router will have a switch plugged into it. My servers will be plugged into this switch. Also plugged into this switch will be a dedicated firewall. This firewall will protect the internal network. The boarder router is not very flexible. You can have hosts that use dhcp but that get the same internal I.P address each time their interface is configured.Or you can configure static I.Ps on hosts that are outside the dhcp range of the router, but that have the same subnet address.

The most simple way to set up such a network would be for every interface to have a static internal address that is obtained via dhcp from the boarder router. Like i said the boarder router is doesn't give you much freedom. Meaning that it lets you have a static internal address but not a different network address for different interfaces. That is where the confusion is, for me. If all the interfaces that get theirI.P addresses from the boarder router are on the same network, then what about the systems on the internal network. They might as well get their I.Ps from the boarder router as well, to avoid NAT being done twice before their packets get sent out to the Internet?.I wanted a three interface firewall to separate the DMZ from the internal network, instead of using a screened subnet architecture, but the boarder router only allowed one interface to be in the DMZ, i think and it didn't seem to have a well designed way of controlling the DMZ ie setting a new default gateway etc.

Should i let NAT be done twice for packets from the internal network i.e have the dedicated firewall do dhcp and NAT for the internal network, but this firewall's external interface have a static internal I.P from the boarder router, and the internal I.P of the dedicated firewall have a static internal I.P from the router as well?. It looks like all the interfaces have to have the same network and subnet address, except the machines on the internal network(which can get their I.P from the dedicated firewall)

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Fedora Networking :: Static Addressing Of Eth0/eth1 Doesn't Work?

Mar 12, 2009

I cannot get static addresses to work on eth0 and eth1. eth0 seems to use DHCP while eth1 uses the static information. Sometimes the static info is used but the interfaces get the addresses reversed.

From /etc/sysconfig/network


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General :: How To Append A Char Or Strong

Aug 24, 2010

the query is ||| how to append a char | string |||

echo -n "one""two""three"

above method is working well but below method is not working ?

echo -n $one$two$three

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Security :: What Are Strong Iptables Rules?

Mar 31, 2011

Can someone please let me know strong iptables rules? Below entries are in iptables file.Here Y.Y.Y.Y is another branch public IP.This server acts as gateway+squid server.Further it will serve company's intranet page also using httpd.OS is CentOS 5.0.

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Debian :: Find + Mount.ntfs-3g Strong Disk Usage

May 10, 2011

Since I installed Debain Squeeze with KDE (for more than a month), there is something I cannot explain to myself. 5-10 minutes after bootup my hard disk begins to work very intensely. Then, after 2-3 minutes it comes back to its normal operation. Using "atop" I found out that the first process that squeezez my HDD is "find". Then, a little bit later, mount.ntfs-3g appears. Both do what they do, then exit and everything's back to normal. What I suppose, is that that something is searching, first on the Linux partitions, then on the ntfs partitions.

Does anybody know what is this phenomenon related to? Or at least, how could I find out. Ah, and to avoid some basic troubleshooting questions: I have 3 GB of RAM, so no swap is needed. And I repeat: it's find and mount.ntfs-3g that use the HDD.

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Networking :: Routing Red Hat VM Through Local Physical Box?

May 31, 2011

I've setup an XP VM using Red Hat's KVM. The physical Red Hat box has two NICs, a fiber one in use and active and a CAT-5 one that is disabled and with no wire connected. The physical box has br0 active and bridging on the subnet of ip route show also displays for virbr0 My physical box ( ping the virbr0 IP of, but not the XP VM of

I have played around with Window's route command to try and setup some method for the Windows VM to ping the network, but have not had any luck. I've also messed around with the Red Hat netmask and such to work it from the Linux side. But then, as would be expected, I can't talk to other Linux boxes on the physical network.

Does anyone have any ideas how to get the Windows box to communicate with the Red Hat box and the other Linux systems beyond while keeping the two distinct networks of and leaving them both as Class C ( I mentioned the unused CAT-5 NIC thinking perhaps it could operate as an internal router even with no cable attached. That was just a random thought and I have not even explored that.

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General :: Get VideoLAN Device Addressing In VLC?

Apr 17, 2011

How do I get the VideoLAN device information that corresponds with /dev/video, and /dev/video1 for vlc targetting?

This command kind of does what I want code...

However I want to target my second webcam, not the first one. How do I do the v4l2:// for my second webcam?

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Ubuntu :: Multiple USB Com Port Addressing?

Jan 20, 2011

I have 2 xbee explorer USB boards hooked into my Acer Netbook running 10.04.e successfully mapped the /dev/tty/USB0 and set it up as com2 to use with X-CTU XBee software. It works. WHen I try to have a 2nd USB explorer board and do the same mapping thy both show as the same manufacturer so the same address(006). Even though the second reads as /dev/tty/USB1. Has anybody ran into this situation as well

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General :: Memory Addressing With Dual CPU's?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a dual CPU system, where each CPU has 4G of associated RAM. I would like to know how to determine the logical memory address start of memory in the user address space for each CPU. I am running OpenMP, and have 16 threads, for a problem that parallelizes. What I would like to do is to be able to put half the data on each of the 4G, so that each processor will have half the data local, and thus reduce the amount of data transferred from one CPU to the other.

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Software :: Addressing The Serial Port?

May 25, 2011

I'm not a developer or programmer just a user.I'm trying to install a packet radio system using Linux. The TNC is a Kantronics KPC3.The issue I'm having is the communications programs I have tried (minicom and cutecom) do not talk to the TNC. I'm using a computer that has a serial port and it is enabled in the BIOS.I have added myself to the uucp group in an effort resolve this issue.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Physical Address For Ethernet Adapter?

Aug 26, 2010

I've just arrived at uni and to set up my wifi apparently I need my "media access control which is listed as the phsyical address for ethernet adaptor local area connection." on windows you can find it by using the command ipconfig /all but that didn't work when i put it into terminal.

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Ubuntu Networking :: What's Relationship Between Ethx And Physical Net Cards

Apr 8, 2011

Do you know what's relationship between ethx and physical net cards? such as i have three net cards in the PC, named A, B, C. In which config file i could know that eth0 -> A, eth1 -> B, and eth2 -> C. Would the mapping relationship change after reboot? Is there any method i could change the mapping?

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Networking :: Can Eth Device Names Be Correlated To Physical Port?

Dec 1, 2009

I am building a custom RedHat+<our-software> installer iso for our own appliance. I am using Red Hat 5.4. The appliances has two on-board eth interfaces. On the back panel of the appliance, these ports are marked 1 and 2. When I install RH, I find the device names assigned such as eth0/eth1 are arbitrary. I understand this is to be expected with kernels 2.6+. Most of our customers connect their eth cables to the port marked 1 on the back and assume they should configure eth0 to make the device reachable. However, sometimes port 1 gets assigned "eth1". This is not a blocking issue, but its going to confuse our customers and we wanted to make it easier on them.

From reading online discussion boards, I know HOW to switch the assignment of the eth names. However, what I am do not know is whether I need to switch them at all. So I have two questions
1) Is there anyway for me to tell which eth mac corresponds to which port on the back? Since they are soldered on the motherboard and not movable, I would think there would be some way to figure out that x mac address corresponds to the upper port (marked '1' etc).
2) Is there a way to tell this by running a linux command? We need to do this automatically so I need to be able to figure it out at install time from the kickstart post-install or similar.

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Networking :: OpenVPN - Different Subnets For Physical And Virtual LANs?

Jan 27, 2010

I have set up OpenVPN server using a bridged configuration. My networking "powers" aren't that advanced, so I did this by following the openvpn tutorial for bridged servers. I have tested this with several clients connecting to my server from different locations and it works very nicely (including broadcasts).

My server's LAN IP address is, and my LAN's mask is 24. Clients connecting to my server get assigned IP address that also fall within that subnet (i.e., the 192.168.2.x pool contains both physical machines in my home and "virtual" hosts). This is what the OpenVPN walkthrough specifies:


I was wondering if it would be possible for the VPN to fall within a different subnet (such as 10.0.1.x). I would also like to do that without adding another physical NIC to my server, or changing my physical IP address. I would imagine this is possible, since that's how hamachi does it.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Unable To Reach Vps Ip From Same Physical Machine

Jan 15, 2010

i have sun Virtual box installed on my centos as my host os and centos as guest os.The ip on Sun virtual box virtual interface is10.0.2.15 and the ip on the physical machine is i try to ping the ip from my vps on centos to my physical machine it pings but it does't work when i try to ping my vps ip from my physical machine.Please recommend the route enteries i need to do in physical machine

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Can't See The Physical Network Interface With Ifconfig - A?

Jun 3, 2010

Centos el5xen x86_64 in a company network, novell-netware, Static IP I have several issues with the Xen network configuration. This configuration worked before, and was maded by a other personn with a higher level in centos and network . I'm trying to re-install xen in bridging mode.

1) The dom0 ping in the company network, but can't acess to the Internet.

I de-activated firewall, iptables and SE-Linux for the test.

the ifconfig-a command return
sit0 (IPV6 encapsuled in IPV4)
but no Peth0 Physical device

Is it normal and how can i repare this ?

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General :: Secure Box - Authentication Failure - Long Strong Password Can Stop To Prevent From Attacks?

Mar 17, 2010

we are using linux email server axigen past few years. we keep port open ssh and pop,smtp webmail etc. ssh use for remote trouble shooting. so through firewall it is globally accessable. we notice many attacks coming to our machine, also some people try to enter in our system but failure. as example see below a log come in messages file

Mar 17 09:19:50 sa1 sshd(pam_unix)[21231]: authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root how we can secure more. as per my understanding only good long strong password can stop to prevent from attacks.

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Ubuntu :: Networking Disabled - Everything Is Grayed Out - Physical Wireless Button Is On?

Mar 23, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 and had no problems with wireless or wired. However, now it says Networking Disabled. When I click on it, everything is grayed out. My physical wireless button is on.

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Ubuntu Networking :: VPN Client And Samba/SSH Server On One Physical Machine?

Jun 3, 2010

I'd like to access a samba/SSH server which itself is connected to a VPN Server, therefore acting as a VPN Client. As soon as the VPN Connection is established, samba and ssh connections to this VPN Client get a timeout. But not all of them.

To get a better understanding I made an overview. The first one is a general network overview, without any VPN Connection, the second one with the VPN Connection established.

Network Overview without VPN
I can access the server in several ways:
*From the router via ssh (router runs ipcop with busybox)
*From the laptop via ssh (putty via Windows 7)
*From the laptop via samba
*From the internet via ssh (port forwarding to the ssh server)

Everything is working as it should.

Now the server that runs ssh and samba service connects to a VPN Server on the Internet, this is also working fine. Now it gets weird. The only samba/SSH connection that is still working is ssh directly from the router to the server. Everything else gets a timeout:
*From the laptop via ssh (putty via Windows 7)
*From the laptop via samba
*From the internet via ssh (port forwarding to the ssh server)
Network Overview with VPN active

Why is that? It seems from the little understanding I have of vpn and networking, that incoming packages (like samba request from the laptop) don't get send directly back over eth0 but over the vpn connection. This seems somewhat logic, BUT ssh from the router is still working. Why from the router and not from the laptop? I really can't get my head around it.

Configuration Overview

tldr; One Client acts as VPN Client and samba/SSH Server. As soon as the VPN Connection is established samba/SSH stop working, but only partially.

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Networking :: Configuring Multiple Separate LANs In Same Physical Network

Jun 27, 2010

For some simulation, I am trying to configure a setup of 3 ubuntu desktops (one of them with multiple network cards) to behave in the following way:

Each one of them should be a separate network not seeing the others (including multicast addresses) They need to have internet access through the machine with multiple network cards. So from the point of view of each machine they define a LAN in which it is the only device and have internet access through the gateway machine.

What do I need to do to configure these machines for the above setup?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: FC12x64 And Intel Xenon 38 Bit Addressing?

Dec 27, 2009

I'm running FC12 x64on a Dell PE2950 to host some virtual guests, but FC12 host drops CPU errors (IERR asserted) and reboots whenever CPU utilization jumps above 30-40%. Found mention here from end of 2007 checked /proc/cpuinfo and DO have the 38 bit addressing processorsDoes anyone know if there's a kernel module I can load or am I going to have to custom build a kernel with that module available? What mod is it?

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OpenSUSE :: Empathy Chat Client - Got Some Errors That Need Addressing!?

Sep 9, 2010

I've got a problem occurring with my openSUSE 11.3 // GNOME Empathy Chat Client. When I try to connect to my Facebook account, my client tells me that I have a Network Error. Last time I used the client at home, it worked perfectly fine, but when I'm at work it doesn't.

Now, you guys may say that my work's network may have ports blocked, or the firewall is blocking its use in some way, but I find that hard to believe. My reasoning? I am able to connect to my Facebook account thru Empathy at work on my previous Ubuntu 10.04 system with no problems. I have also been connected to the same chat accounts this whole week on my openSUSE 11.3 // KDE 4.4 Kopete chat client.My Empathy connects to my Skype with no problem also. So, do any of you have any ideas that could possibly solve my issue? I love being connected to my Facebook chat at work because I don't see anyone nearly as often, and it's a great way for me to keep in touch with them.

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General :: Addressing A Host From Both Internal And External Networks?

Aug 17, 2010

I have a fairly standard home network set-up with a router and a couple machines on the internal network (with private IP addresses 10.0.0.x). One of these machines is running my subversion server, which is in turn used by my laptop. I am now trying to configure my laptop in a way that I can have one working subversion copy connected to the repository which works both when the laptop is connected to my home network as well as if its connecting from internet. I configured a "virtual server" on the router, so that port 443 goes to the machine with subversion, and this works fine. Now I don't know how to configure the laptop to go to the same machine - because the IP is different if I want to access it from outside and from inside. I tried to connect to the external IP of my network, but the router refuses to let the connection go "out and in again". how to get it configured?

I am using Debian linux with wpa_supplicant on the laptop.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Multiple External IP Addresses With Single Physical Ethernet Card And Virtualization

Feb 16, 2010

I recently installed Ubuntu Server 9.10 with the intent of using it as a platform for running a couple of Windows XP virtual machines along with Linux/Ubuntu.

I had no problems getting the server installed. Had no problems getting the network up and running so that I had access to both my internal network as well as external connectivity to the internet. Had no problems getting a VM installed and putting Windows XP inside of it. Had no problems setting up a bridge between the WinXP virtual machine and the physical ethernet card (eth0).

What Im having trouble with is figuring out how to bridge from multiple VMs AND Ubuntu natively through one physical ethernet card.

When I set up the bridge, it knocks out the static IP address of the ethernet card that was set up initially with Ubuntu when first installed before the VM was created and installed. Therefore, connectivity within Ubuntu natively is lost.

Similarly, am having trouble figuring out how the second VM (also going to be running WinXP) is going to get its connectivity since it doesnt seem to like me setting up 2 bridges to the same physical ethernet interface card.

I need all 3 machines to have static IP addresses and be visible/accessible from the external network for either web/mail/dns/etc servers on the Ubuntu side and for remote PC control functionality on the VM side.

I have tried setting up alias ethernet interfaces (eth0:1, eth0:2, eth0:3) with static addresses which work fine from native Ubuntu in presenting multiple IP addressees, but it seems that Im not permitted to bridge to these alias interfaces.

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