OpenSUSE :: Empathy Chat Client - Got Some Errors That Need Addressing!?
Sep 9, 2010
I've got a problem occurring with my openSUSE 11.3 // GNOME Empathy Chat Client. When I try to connect to my Facebook account, my client tells me that I have a Network Error. Last time I used the client at home, it worked perfectly fine, but when I'm at work it doesn't.
Now, you guys may say that my work's network may have ports blocked, or the firewall is blocking its use in some way, but I find that hard to believe. My reasoning? I am able to connect to my Facebook account thru Empathy at work on my previous Ubuntu 10.04 system with no problems. I have also been connected to the same chat accounts this whole week on my openSUSE 11.3 // KDE 4.4 Kopete chat client.My Empathy connects to my Skype with no problem also. So, do any of you have any ideas that could possibly solve my issue? I love being connected to my Facebook chat at work because I don't see anyone nearly as often, and it's a great way for me to keep in touch with them.
1. My status selection has disappeared from the contacts menu (See #1 on picture). This lead me to a desperate search on how to delete/reset any config files for empathy. Tried to complete-remove and then reinstall it. This though didn't remove the settings or repair the glitch but instead led me to my second problem.
2. After reinstallation, this redundant little notification icon appeared (See #2 on picture). Cute... now how do i get rid of it? how to reset any empathy settings (problem one would at least solve then... I would presumably think?
i got my facebook chat working in empathy, but for some reason i can not add my friends from this protocol into a custom group. I have my gmail contacts in a group, and my aim buddies in a group, allowing them to be minimized, but i cannot get my facebook friends to go into a facebook group for some reason. I can right click the friend, and create a new group called "Facebook", but the friend will not move to the group when i hit close.
After upgrading to 10.10, the newer Empathy (or possibly telepathy-butterfly) doesn't seem to be allowing me to create a group chat over the MSN network.
It has always been a little cumbersome compared to other clients (open a chat window with one participant, select Coversation | Invite Participant, type in their name, add...repeat for each participant). But now the "Invite Participant" menu item is always disabled. I've tried removing/re-adding my account, rebooting, and a few other things, but no dice. Lots of googling doesn't turn up anything current.
Is anyone else having this issue, or is this isolated to my setup somehow?
In Fedora 13, Empathy 2.30.1-2 doesn't connect to Facebook Chat, giving just "Network error". Of course, I know that user must set his username in Facebook.
I like Empathy, but when I quit the program the chat-bubble in the top-right corner (on the indicator/logout applet) stays. Is this a bug, or is there a way to fix this?
I'm an Ubuntu user and I always chat on Yahoo, MSN, Gtalk and Facebook accounts using Empathy (with the fact that there is no better alternative; pidgin is heavy for me). I have noticed long earlier that all the chat histories are saved. However, just today I discovered that I couldn't delete those histories. Hitting the clear option from the right click fly out menu doesn't permanently remove the history. I can see them again when I try to look for previous conversations.
I believe there is a way to permanently remove chat histories from Empathy.
i have a gnome debian squeeze fresh install. this new release is perfect except for one problem i am having. the sound will not work in empathy when i receive a message from somebody. i have it set to do this in the settings and i am sure that my sound works because i was watching videos before. when i run alsamixer, all of my channels are not on mute. is there a package that is missing from my system that i might need? i tried researching this but i could not find any help.
I have tried to migrate my empathy settings and chat history to another machine.I copied .config/apps/empathy .local/share/empathy .mission-control .gconfig/app/empathy...But the new empathy do not recognize these settings. What am I missing?
When an msn contact pastes a multiple line piece of text(couple of lines or more) into their client and sends it, the message fails to display in my empathy chat window. If the window is not focused there is a notification for the message, consisting of '...' in the notification bubble, but no text appears in the window. The same thing happens(or rather doesn't happen) if the window is focused but without the notification.
However, if I look in the chat history for that conversation the pasted text shows up where it should. I noticed this 'problem' in Empathy in karmic previously, so I'm not sure whether it is a bug or a feature, which is why I ask here rather than making a bug report. Using Lucid updated earlier today. This doesn't happen in pidgin, and it's quite annoying, but I would like to keep using empathy.
I'm currently using Ubuntu Natty and have noticed a severe lag - sometimes upwards of 30 seconds - when opening a conversation window in Empathy. Is there anything that I could do to speed it up a bit?
Sugegstions for a good empathy protocal I have empathy installed on one of my Linux and a friend with the same setup. We would like to video/audio chat though empathy together. Although there are a few protocols to choose from. Are there any recommendation on one that is stable and reliable???
I want to built a Chat Program (based on Socket connection) between client and server. I use the GTK+ &GLADE graphic tool. Can you send me the code for this program or any material to learn. Also, I want to know how to show the input to text view (in GTK+&Glade).
I am trying to write a chat program with sockets as part of my project. I made a socket server, using fork ,I tried to connect it with different clients.Each client will send messages to others through server.So server has a shared memory storing every clients username and client id. But the problem facing is first client is able to sent messages to every other client formed after that.But second client onwards it is not able to sent message to previously connected ones. Server is not able to write on those client id's.
I have been using ubuntu for almost a week. and i am impressed on how it seems to fulfills most of my computer needs better than windows. when i click the new message indicator (the envelope), and click chat, by default it opens empathy. personally i prefer pidgin, and i would like to make it open pidgin instead of empathy when i press chat. it currently shows pidgin in the list anyway but i want it to appear as chat.
I'v spent 3 days in google hell I'v learned alot but still cannot find a solution to my problem. I'm trying to use for a lack of terms 'Stereo Mix' I have Paltalk Messenger installed under Wine 1.01 everything works fine, including my mic I want to loop my sound from rhythmbox and play it in IM/Chats One of the Best resources I have found was Ubuntu 9.04 Sound Solutions Forum Topic
Every package is installed from the link above and I am able to record from rhythmbox using Gnome Sound Recorder but I am unable to send the sound to Paltalk. I'v also ran into a few resources that talk about creating a virtual sound card and then looping the sound back but I was unable to find a good clean howto I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 32Bit I upgraded all the pulse audio tools and now when I key on mic I can click my recording tab see my wine app and switch the stream over
Just installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my Acer laptop last night. I wasn't able to surf the net at first but after searching these forums, managed to get it right (changed setting in firefox). I was able to use update manager and the software program ok (downloading and installing). I am using a adsl via wifi. Networked pcs and my NAS/samba work fine My current problem is that while I can surf the net and download updates etc, I can't seem to get email and chat working, it just gives a timeout error for some reason.
I've been using Trillian under Windoz, for one reason only - the email message-handling is amazing. Here are the features that impressed me the most with Trillian:
Check multiple email accounts + notifications (but that exists in many other clients) Preview subject line + message body teaser (this exists to some extent in Adium) Preview the above not only upon email-check, but in the client window itself or as tooltips when hovering over email-account name Email ACTIONS - right-clicking on individual messages, can perform common tasks (archive, delete, view, mark as read).
The actions available change for different protocols AUTO LOGIN-when double-clicking the account a browser window will open and automatically log me into the account That last feature is the most important one - at the moment, Pidgin/Adium/Empathy just send me to the email-account's homepage. I have (too) many email accounts, and having to enter login details to each is a pain. With Trillian, I could d-click an account, see my inbox, logout and then d-click another account - and be logged into that one... easy peasy.
Now, this is not a commercial for Trillian... really not. I just haven't found any other client that can do these things, nor have I found plugins for Empathy/Pidgin that enable this. I've been using Pidgin for now, cos it doesn't give any trouble with Skype integration (already tried the skype4empathyandpidgin, didn't work out) and has nice (not amazing) integration to the messaging menu.
Sometimes when I start empathy the menu is missing. I've had globalmenu installed but I've removed it and set it so that the menu is showing in the window anyway. But that might still be causing problems--I don't know. Is anyone else witnessing this behavior?I notice that hen I open programs in a terminal I get the msg:Code:Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "globalmenu-gnome": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryIf it were a bug globalmenu caused, I find it odd that the problem has only occurred with Empathy.
I installed the VSFTPD from YUM and installed the webmin module.i can connect to the server with Telnet but can�t list files.When i try to connect with a FTP client i get the following errors: An error occured openig that folder on the ftp server. Make sure you have access to that folder.
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