Networking :: Can't Access SSH Server When It's On A Wireless Laptop

Apr 16, 2011

I have Debian installed on my laptop. When the laptop is connected to the network via ethernet cord, I can ssh into it fine. However if I switch to wireless, I can no longer SSH in.

I have confirmed SSHD is running.

I am switching between wired/wireless by editing /etc/network/interfaces and re-booting the laptop.

The laptop can connect to the internet, and SSH into other computers on the LAN just fine with either connection. But they can't connect to it when it's wireless.

When it's wireless, the laptop can SSH into itself as well.

My iptables is set to allow everything.

They're both on the same subnet.

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Fedora Networking :: Make F10 Laptop A Wireless Access Point?

Jun 23, 2009

I'm trying to make my F10 Laptop a wireless Access point.

When I 'iwconfig wlan1 mode Master' I get:
SET failed on wlan1; Invalide argument.

wlan1 is a Netgear WG111v2 which worked as soon as I plugged it in after I installed F10.
I don't know is it not supported? What is? Is there a different driver I can put on that will work in master mode.

What should I do basically?

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Fedora Networking :: Get Wireless Access On A Laptop With Freshly Installed F14 32-bit?

Jan 2, 2011

I'm trying to get wireless access on a laptop with freshly installed Fedora 14 32-bit, but I'm having some issues. I ran the diagnostics advised in this thread: [URL]..Here are the results:

[root@localhost]# lsmod | grep iwl
iwl3945 97265 0
iwlcore 160590 1 iwl3945
mac80211 188648 2 iwl3945,iwlcore
cfg80211 110951 3 iwl3945,iwlcore,mac80211


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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.4.1 - Gateway NV59 Laptop (No Wireless Access)

Sep 13, 2010

I am completely new to linux in any flavour. I installed ubuntu 10.4.1 64-bit on my Gateway NV59 laptop as a dual boot with Windows 7. The installation went just fine. When it comes to networking, I can connect to my home network when wired directly, wireless is another matter. I can connect wireless in windows just fine, so the card is physically fine.

My set up is as follows:
Gateway NV59 laptop with Atheros AR928X PCI-E wireless adapter
Linksys WRT54G router using WPA2 Personal and a class C address scheme (192.168.x.x)
(If anyone thinks it would be necessary to post actual hardware specs of the laptop, I can, but don't think it really necessary). I have followed the Wifi Wireless Troubleshooting Guide found at [URL].

When connecting to my network wirelessly, I click the icon in the top right, and choose "Create New Wireless Network". When I input my settings (SSID - not broadcast, and security type and key - WPA), it then states I am connected under the "Wireless Networks" section found in that menu, and shows my network name with a strong signal and a computer/monitor icon. When I double-click the icon, it tells me I am connected and that the connection is active, yet the actual wireless icon on the top bar is grey, not white, and has a red exclamation mark on it. According to the steps in the troubleshooting guide, my wireless card is recognized and installed, with a driver of ath9k.

When I run lsmod, the driver is listed, therefore loaded, and ndiswrapper is NOT listed. I have verified that the driver is communicating with the kernel. When I scan for my router, it is listed under Cell 04, with the correct SSID and hardware address. There do not appear to be multiple drivers loaded, and my wifi is NOT disabled. When I check to see if I'm associated with a router, iwconfig shows my network ssid under wlan0, with the correct hardware address listed under Cell:, yet I cannot ping my router's internal ip address. At this point, I ran ifconfig, and for some reason, my wireless card has been given a class A address of

When I try to assign an ip address via dhcp, DHCPDISCOVER runs for a number of intervals and then tells me "No DHCPOFFERS received", yet my router is using dhcp to assign ips with a pool of 50, more than enough ips for all the hardware in my network. When I run the command "sudo invoke-rc.d networking restart", I get the statement "Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0" - not sure what that means, but doesn't sound good to me, and retrying to accquire an ip address through dhcp still does not work. If I attempt to assign an ip address within my network range manually, I first run the command "sudo ifconfig wlan0 down", then just out of curiosity to see if the interface is really down.

I run ifconfig again, and wlan0 is no longer listed, but now there is eth0 (my regular ethernet interface) with no ip address. AND another interface is listed - eth0:avahi with the same hardware address as eth0, and an address of - this seems to be the default address the OS will assign when it cannot get one via dhcp, but I have no idea why it has shown up as eth0::avahi... Anyway, after entering the command "sudo ifconfig ip addr 192.168.x.x netmask broadcast 192.168.x.255 up" with the appropriate addresses, I receive the error "addr: Unknown host".

What I have NOT tried, are the following steps:
1. Change my router to an open signal (I would prefer not to do this, but will, if it is absolutely necessary for troubleshooting)
2. Try gtk wifi, or wifi radar
3. Try booting with kernel option pci=noacpi or acpi=off (not entirely sure how to do this just yet)
4. Try wpa supplicant (not sure what this is, just noted it was in the troubleshooting guide)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Laptop's Wireless Card Can See Access Points But Can't Connect

Jan 15, 2011

I'm not exactly sure if this should be here and not in the Hardware & Laptops section, but seeing as my only problem is with WiFi, I'm guessing this is the right place. Under Ubuntu, my laptop (an Asus K42Ja, more details below) can see wireless networks normally. However, when I attempt to connect, it fails to establish a connection. Under Windows on the same laptop (dual boot), no problems are experienced.

According to this, there's a firmware bug in my wireless chip which causes connections to get dropped. I'm not getting connections at all, but I still tried the workarounds on that page with no luck. The router is a TP-Link TL-WR340G. My previous laptop, a really old one from 2003 running Ubuntu 9.10 was able to connect to that router without problems. The wireless card was Intel on that as well (but, of course, much older). The router is set up to use WPA for security. I didn't use WPA2 as I read something a while ago about problems with WPA2 and some Linux distros. Please correct me if I'm wrong here.

If anyone's curious, I'm posting this on Ubuntu, via an ethernet cable to the router mentioned earlier. Some tasty technical bits: dmesg (the latter half of the "timed out" messages is me retrying after double-checking the WPA key)


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Ubuntu Networking :: Using A Laptop As A Wireless Access Point For A Windows 7 Desktop

Mar 3, 2011

I have a windows 7 (64bit sadly) desktop computer with no wireless capability. Now before I go out and spend money on a wireless usb thing, I was wondering if I could use my laptop (Ibm think pad T60 running ubuntu 10.10 dual boot with crunch bang) As a wireless access-point and connect via Ethernet cable the laptop to the desktop (Probably through a modem?) so I can use the Internet for games on the desktop computer. (Games that wont work in wine, sigh). Just a note though, 64 bit windows 7 will NOT run anything.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Run A Laptop As A Wireless Server?

Mar 1, 2010

Can I run a laptop as a wireless server? My friend runs his laptop off of his cable box and does not have a multi-port router. How can I have his laptop wireless act as an access point?If I can't be wireless, how do I have his laptop act as a server through a usb cable to my laptop?

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Networking :: Cannot Connect Wireless Laptop/XP Hyper Terminal To Server On WRT54G Router

May 20, 2011

Linksys WRT54G Wireless
Laptop wireless Windows/XP
Windows/XP Hyper Terminal

Desktop Server Linux OEL 5 (not wireless) cable connected to the WRT54G router port. (I can go to the Internet with this server, but not able to communicate other computers on the WRT54G Wireless Network. Even though, the Linux Server is connected to the WRT54G router port.) From the Hyper Terminal Wireless laptop Windows/XP, I want to connect to my Linux Server.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setup Server As A Wireless Access Point?

Apr 2, 2011

I'm trying to setup my ubuntu server as an access point but am running into some issues.

The server has an Atheros wireless card (AR5008 chipset) and I have used the following link to set it up in master mode using madwifi drivers: [URL]

I then used this link to set it upas an access point using hostapd. [URL]

But inspite of following the above steps, other wireless clients in my LAN are unable to see the ssid "Linuxmaster"

Although iwconfig shows that the card is in master mode.

lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.
wifi0 no wireless extensions.
ath0 IEEE 802.11g ESSID:"Linuxmaster"


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Use A Separate Usb Wireless Adapter If Laptop Fails To Access Inter?

Jun 4, 2010

I have a msi cr610 laptop. I installed fedora 13 and tried to access internet but fails. I have wireless internet in my apartment (WAP& WEP). Can I buy a separate usb wireless adapter and plug in. Will it work? Will fedora detect wireless points?

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General :: After Install Ubuntu To My Laptop - Can't Access No Network Or Wireless Internet

Jun 1, 2010

I can't get WLAN or wireless drivers for my hp pavilon v5000 notebook

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Fedora Networking :: Doesn't Work After Turned Off Wireless By Pressing A Wireless Button On Laptop?

May 19, 2011

Recently I have installed Fedora 14 on my other laptop. It's a dual boot with Windows 7. Everything worked perfectly fine, networking included, until my friend didn't accidently turned off the wireless by pressing a wireless button on the laptop. Since then the wireless on Fedora doesn't work. It does on Windows thought. I've tried restarting the laptop few times, but the wireless still doesn't want to work again.

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Networking :: Allow Access To The Internet Through Laptop?

Apr 23, 2010

I have my desktop and laptop connected using an "Cross Over Cable" to transfer files. Each PC also has a wireless card which is used to connect to the internet. Today, the card in the desktop went bad, so I want to access the internet from my desktop through my laptop. Here is the specs running Ubuntu 9.10

eth0 (Wired NIC)


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless: Can't Associate With Access Point In Kde, Wireless In Gnome Works Fine?

Apr 30, 2010

one of these "WiFi works in Gnome, not in KDE" threads, but I have been all over google and hundreds of threads across different sites and can't figure this one out.As mentioned, wireless is peachy in Gnome, unfortunately I like KDE and I'm more productive using it (when I have internet). Wired network works fine in KDE, and my network card

03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Wireless WiFi Link 5100
Subsystem: Intel Corporation Device 1201


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Fedora Networking :: Laptop As A Router/Access Point?

Apr 12, 2009

I'm sure that some of us techies have found the need from time to time to have a portable wireless bridge (see ascii art below) on our jaunts into the big bad user-woods, and I am here to ask the question of HOW to pull this off, with the least installation/configuration possible, as my tech lappy is also my main computer. What I want to do is this:

(ISP) -> (wlan0 - [MyLappy] - eth0) -> (Client computer)
Basically, thats a mess, so i'll explain it further:
wlan0 grabs the netz, and a computer connected to eth0 via switch/router/crossover cable can access those netz.

1. No configuration on the client would be prime choice rib for me.

2. Client should be any OS/Arch.

Any grand ideas out there? Currently using FC10, with various extra repos enabled.

Oh, and N00by alert, I'm learning quick, and am not shy to try new/complicated things, just bear with me!

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Networking :: Configure The Wireless (broadcom) On Laptop - Arch Networking Completely Gone

May 15, 2011

I until yesterday when trying to configure the wireless (broadcom) on my laptop could browse the internet and install packages normally. but now none of the connections are working


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Fedora :: Make A Server That Can Log Into Laptop Over Wireless

Feb 24, 2010

I want to make a server that I can log into from my lap top over wireless and access virtual machines, and server terminals. VPN over ssh maybe? Is there a fedora server edition i can use and does it have the required capabilities?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Finding A Software To Use A Laptop As An Access Point

May 6, 2010

if exists a software to use a laptop as an access point

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 + WiFi Access Point On The Laptop HP6735s?

Dec 16, 2010

Ubuntu 10.10 (kernel 2.6.35-23, amd64), Network Manager is installed, the laptop HP 6735s (I am certain that wifi is working, - I can connect to other wireless networks), connected to the Internet through ppp0 (VPN), eth0 looks at LAN interface, WiFi - eth1 (info from iwconfig).

WiFi driver "Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driverfor use with Broadcom's BCM4311-, BCM4312-, BCM4321-, andBCM4322-based hardware" is installed.

Objective - to create WiFi access point and connect through it to ppp0 with my phone (HTC Desire) or other devices.

My VPN connection (ppp0) and network are registered through my internet provider's script - [URL], not set up not by Network Manager. If I create a new wireless network in NM (point-to-point or access point, IPv4 set to auto) - laptop can not find the network, Internet immediately fall off. Through the manual settings and complex scripts that I found websites and forums I could not get it to work ..

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Access In Laptop With 10.10 Maverick 64bit?

Mar 6, 2011

I do not have access in my laptop with ubuntu 10.10 maverick 64bit installed. I deleted network manager when trying to set up a static I.P follow the guid on this page I've googled around. The methods suggested to solve it have not been useful in my case. I tried to the method by a user on this forum

Originally Posted by lswb

Method 1) Start synaptic, click on Settings/repositories follow instructions to install from live CD. After installation click "reload" in synaptic and install upgrades if applicable.
Method 2, if you have a wired ethernet connection, interface name is eth0, using dhcp, which is the most common scenario, open a terminal and type these commands:

sudo ifconfig eth0 up
sudo dhclient eth0

If you have wireless it's a little more complicated, but if you have an unsecured network (no WEP or WPA) and your wireless interface name is say eth1, and your wifi network essid (name) is "mynetwork" it wo
uld be something like this:

sudo ifconfig eth1 down
sudo iwconfig eth1 mode managed essid "mynetwork"
sudo ifconfig eth1 up
sudo dhclient eth1

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Wifi Client To Access Internet Via Laptop?

Jul 27, 2010

I have a Centos5.4 64bit laptop, having an eth0 and a wlan0. I connect this wired eth0 to a wall socket to access Internet via DHCP (eg the assigned address is like 192.168.192.xx). I do not have access to the ADSL router. How can I turn this laptop into a Wifi access point to allow, say my Ipad or any wireless-only client, to access the Internet thru this laptop ?

That is, communication between iPad to laptop is wifi(ad-hoc connection ??), laptop to the ADSL router is wired LAN. The laptop need to have some bridging build in ? If you can refer me some concepts, then I can follow up from there.

Or better yet, has anybody does this before ?

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up A Wireless Dhcp/dns Server On Laptop?

Nov 4, 2010

I'm interested in the possibility of setting up a sort of hotspot using my laptop that will act as both a DHCP and DNS server in the hopes of running a softroot on my Nook e-reader.

According to the instructions posted here: [URL] I need to use Windows 7 and a couple different applications. Windows 7 is not an option for me, as I have Ubuntu Netbook 10.10 installed and would like to keep it that way. Can anyone offer any clues as to what I would need to use?

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Networking :: Cannot Seem To Authenticate A Wireless Laptop

Dec 6, 2010

We've got a Debian Lenny + FreeRadius and cannot seem to authenticate a wireless laptop.At this point, all I want is the users file entries to work, with ClearText passwords. Eventually we'll use LDAP but we want this up first with ClearText passwords and MD5.

1. FreeRadius installed, 2.1.10+dfsg-2~bpo50+1 from Debian Backports
2. AirPort v7.5.1, set up for WPA2 Enterprise, ip
3. Apple OSX laptop, 10.5.8

When running 'freeradius -Xxx' from the Debian cli I can see the authentication fail as though the OSX machine (or the AirPort router?) isn't passing along the password (from the FreeRadius cli run).Additionally, the OSX machine always prompts me for an SSL Cert to use, but with MD5 checkmarked as the only option in the 802.1x networking screen, this shouldn't be happening, making it more difficult to tell where this problem lies.The OSX machine keeps cycling through "Authenticating" and "Authenticating with MD5", and then settles on "AirPort has a self-assigned IP Address..." (meaning the laptop, not the AirPort wifi router)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Not 'starting' In 8.04 Laptop?

Jan 17, 2010

I installed 8.04.3 Ubuntu into a used laptop for a friend, it was an ex business model HP I think, it installed well and wireless was no problem, if the ethernet cable was not plugged in, I could see the wireless signal indicator, it seemed to be there automatically and I could see the available networks displayed.The user has now apparently been using it a lot on ethernet cable for a month or two and wants to begin occasionally to use wireless. She says her daughter gets wireless ok in the house on visits, so I guess that the wifi is always on and available from the (BT, UK) home hub device in the house.

The user is reasonably adventurous, and it is possible that her exploration into a new machine and a new (to her) Ubuntu from previous windows use, she may have inadvertently clicked something and turned off wifi?The user is reporting that without the ethernet cable plugged in, there is no sign of wireless being recognisedA right click on the top panel network icon shows that there is 'no network available' (X sign) and a menu item exists for 'Edit Wireless networks'I have little or no experience about wifi use, so I would be grateful for comments on how I can guide the user to elegantly make use of either wifi or cabled connection

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Ubuntu Networking :: Activating The Wireless On Laptop?

Jan 20, 2010

This must be a repost, but I still want to ask, how do I activate the wireless on my laptop? I've been given advice about this a while back, but forgot. Just reinstalled a fresh copy of 9.10

Or is there an alternative way to do this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Set Up 4 Year Old Laptop's Wireless To Run

Feb 14, 2010

searching broadcom ubuntu in google results in a thread that is five years old. has there been any changes? i still cannot set up my 4 year old laptop's wireless to run and i have just about given up. why should i spend my valuable time getting something that is suppose to work when i could just run windows 7 and be done with it. now this is coming from a 4 year old laptop, has anything changed? i want to hear yes but i know that wireless support in linux is absolutely atrocious and sickening, even more than 4 years ago since wireless is now the norm and linux refuses to give proper attention to wireless drivers.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Card For Laptop?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm totally sick of my WiFi Card, a Realtek 8187 connected by miniPCIe, althought internally designed as USB, I've tried all there is, and I've decided to change it. Which brand do you guys recommend? In my experience, I want to avoid Realtek and Atheros, but which brand offer the best "out-of-the-box" experience, and less overall issues? Intel, Broadcomm, maybe another Atheros or Realtek model, or whatever you guys think it's the best choice

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Wireless On Vaio Laptop With 9.1?

Apr 13, 2010

I am running Ubuntu 9.10 from the install CD on a Vaio VGN TX650P laptop to try it (my first time with Linux so please bear with me) and it all works EXCEPT it is not recognizing my wireless connection.I went to Ubuntu Help and in Section 5 - Wireless Troubleshooting, Check for Device Recognition, it recommended:1.Open a Terminal (Applications → Accessories → Terminal) and type the command: sudo lshw -C networkYou should see an output, along with the words "CLAIMED, UNCLAIMED, ENABLED or DISABLED"What I get is below (It also lists the ethernet connections as network 0) but I don't see any CLAIMED etc.

description: Wireless interface
product: PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection


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Ubuntu Networking :: Static IP On Wireless Laptop On 9.10?

Apr 24, 2010

I have been googleing for the last hour and a half trying to find the easiest way to set up a static IP for my laptop's wireless connection.The most promising link I found required me to delete the network manager but I do not want to do this as I often take my laptop with me so I need to be able to connect to new wlan easily. I just want a static IP so I can set up port forwarding.Is there a equivalent process to windows XP where you just manually assign a local address like or something like that? I tried setting it up through the network manager but later read that it doesn't work for encrypted connections.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Turn Laptop's Wireless On

May 5, 2010

I installed Kubuntu 10.04 on my laptop (HP Pavilion dv5-1010) and the networking was working fine for the most part, but then not sure what happened, the screen just kinda went blank so I restarted the laptop, and now the wireless won't turn on. There's a button on the laptop to turn it on and off, but I can't seem to get that to function in Linux. I'm assuming it's just a simple matter of getting the wireless to switch back on again, unfortunately I can't figure out how to do that .

Edit: I've tried to whole booting into windows and turning the wireless on there, and before that's worked, but it doesn't seem to be working this time around.

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