Hardware :: Unable To Label USB Flash Drives (Cannot Initialize)

Apr 10, 2010

Using Debian Lenny. I'm trying to label my usb flash drives. I checked on the Internet and found a page, but I can't get it to work: [URL]. I umounted the usb drive. I checked it with
Debian:~# blkid
/dev/sda1: UUID="B1CC-3C4F" TYPE="vfat"

But when I try to make a label I get this message:
Debian:~# mlabel -i /dev/sda1 ::VFAT_DOC
Can't open /dev/sda1: No such file or directory
Cannot initialize '::'
mlabel: Cannot initialize drive

If I try mlabel -i /dev/sda1 ::VFAT_DOC when the drive is mounted
I get this output:
Debian:~# mlabel -i /dev/sda1 ::VFAT_DOC
Total number of sectors (7855032) not a multiple of sectors per track (62)!
Add mtools_skip_check=1 to your .mtoolsrc file to skip this test but no label is attached to the drive.

I added this to /etc/mtools.conf:
drive p: file=/dev/sdb1
and ran this command:
mlabel p:VFAT_DOC
and still can't get it to work
Can't open /dev/sda1: No such file or directory
Cannot initialize 'P:'
mlabel: Cannot initialize drive

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: How To Label USB Flash Disc

Jan 6, 2010

How to make a new label for usb flashdisc? In device notifier (KDE4) is always only Volume (vfat) and it is not very comfortable for me.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 - Forbidden Label Created For USB Flash

May 1, 2010

After finally getting Ubuntu 10.04 installed (with a few disasters along the way) I sought to recreate a shell script for backing up critical files that I had been using with 9.04. The destination for the files was /media/disk (with "disk" being the name that I had given to the USB flash drives in the past with 9.04.).

One drive mounted perfectly, and the shell script ran as it normally should. However, two other drives gave "file or directory not found" error messages and no files were copied. One of the drives lists its name as a very forbidding

I attempted to re-name it to "disk", using e2label after un-mounting it, but that did not work? If I run the shell script on several different USB flash drives that I alternate, they must all have the same name.

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Ubuntu :: After Upgrade To Lynx None Of Of External Drives Cd Drive Or Flash Drives Are Pick?

May 9, 2010

upgraded from karmic through update managerANDnone of of my external drives cd drive or flash drives are picked upad to go back to karmic and will remain there for a whil

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Ubuntu :: External Drives / Flash Drives And Other Partitions Will Not Mount

Jun 21, 2010

I recently had issues with the latest version of the Linux Kernels and I got that fixed but ever since that has happened none of my Drives will mount and they aren't even recognized.

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Fedora :: GNOME3 - Unable To Initialize Clutter: Unable To Find Suitable Fbconfig For The GLX Context

Jun 27, 2011

The machine boots, graphics come up, login window shows up, but after login there is only the background window (and mouse). My .xsession looks like this:


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Debian :: Umounting With LABEL=label In Fstab ?

Jan 31, 2010

I'm having trouble umounting partitions.

This is the entry I have in /etc/fstab for backup:

I can mount it ok:

But can't umount it:

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General :: Difference Between 'LABEL=/1' And 'LABEL=/'

Jun 2, 2010

I have to configure "Oracle Ent Linux 5" in different two server.

After installing the server ,I observer that the grub loader entry are different like:

Machine 1:

Machine 2:

Here , I don't understand the difference between 'LABEL=/1' and 'LABEL=/' .

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Hardware :: Unable To Get NIC To Initialize In CentOS 5

Jun 26, 2011

I have been beating my head against a wall with this for more than an hour.... I purchased a new Ethernet Card to bump up the other side of my network from 10/100 to Gigabit. I previously had a 3c905c 3com card in there before. the chipset I purchased was a realtek 8169 Gigabit..... I removed the old card and put the new one in. Then I ran netconfig but realized that it was holding onto eth0 with 3com's MAC address, so I went and removed the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file. did a service network restart no eth0 trying to start - perfect... I reran netconfig and configured eth0 with all it settings "Netconfig Did recognise the Realtek 8169"

I saw device not initalized when doing an ifup eth0 So I lsmod and saw the 3com module still running - removed the module rmmod 3com - and checked for 8169 - not running... modprobe 8169 and then checked.. bingo its running... service network restart - same error r8169 device eth0 does not seem to be present... delaying initialization. ok - eff it - ill reboot It came up same thing - did not expect it to change... checked /etc/modprobe.conf - i see its aliased... Verified all things are running... I really don't know where to turn... Im sure I could just call it eth2 but then im going to be rewriting all my iptables "firewall rules" and im trying to avoid that.... ** yes I know I could just use sed to replace all eth0 with eth2 ** but then im not learning why and what i am missing...

heres my output


[root@router etc]# cat /etc/modprobe.conf |grep 8169 && lspci |grep 8169 && lsmod |grep 8169 && cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
alias eth0 r8169


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Fedora :: Error "unable To Access Resume Device (LABEL=SWAP-sda8)

Mar 7, 2010

I have FC6 system with kernel When I rebooted my system, I got error message "unable to access resume device (LABEL=SWAP-sda8) then it went to fsck automatically to all the partition and then stop (failed)

Checking filesystems
/1:clean, 10543/2560864 files, 204494/2560359 blocks
fsck.ext3: unable to resolve 'LABEL=/backup'
/boot: clean, 155076/19546112 files, 13456168/39072080 blocks


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Red Hat / Fedora :: File Repair - Fsck.ext3: Unable To Resolve 'LABEL=/home' FAILED

Jul 27, 2010

while rebooting the system i had supposed to go to file repair system with the problem

fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'LABEL=/home' FAILED.

*** An error occurred during the file system check.
*** Dropping you to a shell; the system will reboot.
*** When you leave the shell.

Give root password for maintenance (or type Control-D) (repair file system)# how do i get the system reboot

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Ubuntu :: Debconf: Unable To Initialize Frontend: Kde?

Jul 11, 2010

I've been having this pop up lately, trying to figure out if this would be possibly related to my amarok not working as well...

debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Kde
debconf: (Can't locate Debconf/FrontEnd/Kde.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1


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Software :: Unable To Initialize Audio Mixer : No Available Device / What To Do?

Jul 31, 2011

When I run QTads, I get this message:

"Unable to initialize audio mixer: No available audio device"

I've installed libqt4-gui, libsdl-mixer1.2, libsdl-sound1.2, libqt4-network to meet the dependency requirements. I've tried the pre-made binary from the Web site (http://qtads.sourceforge.net/downloads.shtml) as well as my own compiled from source (a binary which has proven to work on other machines also with Debian).

Sound works fine on the system. What can I do?

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Security :: Warning: PHP Startup: Suhosin: Unable To Initialize Module

Oct 6, 2009

Trying to install the Suhosin module with the php 5.2.9 c5-testing repo...it won't run with the php 5.2.9 testing build (there isn't an updated suhosin package against the 5.2.9 build)

PHP Warning: PHP Startup: suhosin: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20050922, debug=0, thread-safety=0
PHP compiled with module API=20060613, debug=0, thread-safety=0

What's the best way to handle this from an admin best practices standpoint? I want to do everything possible to keep the suhosin module tracked by yum for future updating etc. Is it best to try to find a suhosin rpm that is built for 5.2.9 and install it with yum localinstall? If not, if I build the module myself, what's the best path to keeping yum/rpm in the loop on this install for future updating via yum?

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CentOS 5 :: Puplet Not Working In 5.2 - Error: Unable To Initialize Pynotify

Mar 12, 2009

When I upgraded to CentOS5.2 from 5.1, puplet quit working:

$ sudo /usr/bin/puplet
libnotify-Message: Unable to get session bus: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
Error: unable to initialize pynotify


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Fedora :: No Sound Card Listed In LSPCI - Unable To Initialize Codec

Feb 25, 2011

There is no sound card listed in "lspci" and also I receive this error when I use dmesg command:
[15.012010] AC'97 0 does not respond - RESET
[15.012017] AC'97 0 access is not valid [0xffffffff], removing mixer.
[15.012024] Unable to initialize codec #0

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Cannot Detect USB Flash Drives

Apr 13, 2010

How do I access a flash drive? I am using Ubuntu 9.10. I would think plugging it in would auto detect but that does not happen. I have tried several different flash drives. I stick them into a USB slot and nothing. I went into Places.Computer and Places.Home Folder. It's not showing there either. I tried several different USB ports. It appears Ubuntu can't detect USB flash drives.

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Ubuntu :: Which Flash Drives Are More Compatible

Jun 12, 2010

The problem of slow usb transfer speeds has been half solved in Lucid. I'm getting 25 mbps plus speeds when it comes to transferring data to portable hard drive. But with my Kingston flash drive the speeds are still as low as 2 mbps. Is this because some flash drives are not meant to be compatible with Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Flash Drives Independent Of OS?

Jul 4, 2010

I'm buying a new memory stick online, but on the page I'm buying it from, it says "OS Required: Microsoft Windows XP, Apple MacOS X 10.1.2, Microsoft Windows Vista / 7" so I'm wondering does this mean it won't work in Linux (Ubuntu)? Because i thought that flash drives were independent of OS.

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Ubuntu :: Virtualbox Usb Flash Drives Not Available?

Dec 28, 2010

I have 64bit Maverick installed and am using VirtualBox 3.2.12 to run 32bit XP Home. In the devices menu, nearly all the USB devices are grayed out. The printer is the only exception. It is working fine. If I plug in a flash drive (memory stick or whatever one wants to call it), Ubuntu sees it and it appears in the menu but is grayed out. When I remove the device, it disappears from the menu. This tells me that VirtualBox sees them. How do I get to access these USB devices? What have I omitted to do?

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General :: GUI Way To Use MP3 Device And Flash Drives?

Sep 25, 2010

I have Mandriva 08 with Gnome and Nautilus. My O.S won't open a desktop icon but it does show up in "Computer" and HardDrake. If I go to "Places" "Computer" and open up the "Preferences" there is "Settings" which I will include as an attachment. What is the GUI way to use a Flash drive or a MP3 device on Linux. I would rather not use the terminal if it is not necessary.

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General :: Tied Up USB Flash Drives?

Jul 28, 2010

utility to wake up USB flash drives. I have two that do not get recognised under puppy and xp will see them but not format them Fat16 originally but puppy has used them for save files.

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Debian Hardware :: DVD And USB Flash Drives Not Detected

Oct 16, 2010

For quite a while I didn't have any problems and everything worked just fine, until I had to upgrade to KDE 4 from 3.5. And that, as you understand, required a major upgrade of quite a lot of stuff (not only the GUI, but also some of the system including the kernel). After I spent a while fixing up the mess (it works ok now, mostly), I still have quite a problem with optical drive and external disk detection.

Problem 1. DVD drive.
Sometimes it works fine without any errors - the system detects the drive and can write and read the mounted DVD (that's exactly how it was before the upgrade). And sometimes (or should I say most of the time?) there is no drive detected.

Problem 2. Flash drives.
I connect a flash-disk. It gets get detected, mounts automatically - yahoo! But.If I start the system with the drive already connected, then the device is not even recognized (doesn't appear in /dev). So I have to replug it.Used to work fine before.Something tells me that the problems have a common cause. Correct me if I am wrong. Please help!

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OpenSUSE Install :: CD And Two Different Flash Drives (using The Dd Command

Dec 16, 2010

I downloaded the KDE openSUSE live-cd image and I burnt it on a CD and two different flash drives (using the dd command, as intended) and my computer freezes even before it boots the live cd/usb, at the bios laptop welcome screen (where you access the boot menu etc.)

I have an HP 6735b: ATI Radeon HD 3200, Broadcom wireless card. How could I fix this?

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Flash Drives For Storage?

Jan 4, 2010

I am running Karmic on a stripped laptop, and running it off a usb thumbdrive.Its purpose is mainly as a slide show/video show inset in a tableI did not really want to go out and buy a HDD, since it does not need to store that much. Then I went to aldi and they had 8gb flash drives for $5, so I got 6. The ultimate question comes down to the best way to make use of them. I ordered a 7 slot USB hum off ebay for cheap, and I was going to go from there. would it be easier/better to just plug them in and make links to them from the normal folders and just operate directly from there, or is there a better option. I guess a usb raid array could be neat

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Ubuntu :: Tested Flash Drives With The 2.6.33 Kernel?

Apr 19, 2010

I've read that that Linux 2.6.33 kernel supports TRIM, vital to maintaining performance of a flash hard drive). Has anyone tried it? I'm wondering whether the 2.6.33 TRIM support works as intended, keeping a solid state drive from slowing down over time as they will do without TRIM. I've considered adding a SSD to my system, as it's about the only thing I can do to make it faster, short of a complete rebuild. But, I don't want to waste the $ if it's only going to work under Windows 7. Articles about SSDs typically only address performance in Windows 7, unfortunately.

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Ubuntu :: USB Flash Drives Not Mounting Automatically?

Apr 24, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 and when i plug in my usb drive it wont mount it automatically and is not shown in the nautilus browser also, but if i search in /dev its visible(its detected) and i can mount using mount /dev/sdc /mnt But if i do this i can only copy files from browser and for all other times i need to use terminal again

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Ubuntu Installation :: USB Flash Drives Won't Mount?

Apr 30, 2010

After a bit of a rough install, I got 10.04 up and running on an Intel D845GRG motherboard. All seems to be working fine except for USB flash drives. My USB mouse and keyboard work fine, but the two sticks I have (Kingston and PQI) will not mount.

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Ubuntu :: Swapfiles On Hard Drives Vs USB Flash

May 22, 2011

So once more am I attempting a shot with Swapboost.

I inserted my practically free 2GB USB flash drive unmounted my two swap partitions and mounted the USB as swap with the Swapboost script.

It is working well. However as I already was running two swap partitions on two separate IDE channels I'm not sure if I'm actually gaining something with this.

Logic says that least I should have increased I/O performance from my drives since I am sparing them from swapping, right?

I will make some experiments later today to see how this affects file transfer speed over my IDE channels and my USB ports (I have in the past noticed a decrease in USB performance with this enabled).

But for now, Swapboost is working nicely.

/dev/sda5 partition9768920-2
/dev/sdb1 partition18555000-3
/media/DOOM_2GB/swap file1946964176432-1

Yes I know it's more swap than I need Buuut.. if I made the swap areas smaller and it would use all of them would it then lead to performance boost?

I am running on small amounts of RAM and some applications I use are very RAM hungry. Mobo only supports 1GB which I'm running on and because of this I put in a video card with 1GB worth of VRAM to save the RAM as much as possible.

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General :: Cannot Get Online / Flash Drives Not Recognized

Jan 30, 2010

I cannot access the web/ wireless internet...not my flash drives are being recognized.

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