Hardware :: DVD RW Works Once Then Not Again Until Reboot

Jul 29, 2011

As the title says:

OpenSuSE 11.4
KDE 4.6.00 "release 6"
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU 3.0GHz
nVidia GeForce 9500 dual monitor Graphics card

This is a relatively new install. I had a RAID failure that required a complete rebuild from the ground up. Anyhow what happens is I can burn a CD or DVD using my burner and k3b. But only once, then in order for it to work again I have to reboot the system. I don't like rebooting as this is a work system and I just want to use it as such.

Anyone else have this issue? How do I correct it. Ironically I had this very same issue with 11.2 and 11.3.

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Fedora :: F15 Works But Causes Next Reboot (into Any OS) To Crash?

Jul 19, 2011

I haven't seen anything like it before. I have F15 installed dual-boot with Windows Vista, and I've updated packages. Booting into F15 works fine, no issues.

However: if I shut down and reboot into either (a) Windows or (b) even just the BIOS config screen, the system crashes abruptly after about 1 minute (with no warning/error) and tries to reboot. Booting straight back into F15 sometimes seems to cause the issue, but not always.

The reboot then fails, it doesn't even get to BIOS screen - all that happens is disk lights (HDD, DVD-ROM) keep thrashing. Manual reboot (hold power button for 4 seconds until shutdown; press power button to restart) doesn't help; reboot still stalls. Only disconnecting from mains power, reconnecting, and rebooting works.

It might not even be a Fedora issue - I've tried recent Ubuntu and Mint 11 live CDs, and they cause the same problem - but I'm posting here since I like my F15 installation and want to keep it I've noted that older distros on live CD (eg. F14, SuSe 11.3) don't seem to cause this problem. Maybe a recent kernel issue?

How can something in F15 persist across soft reboot and crash a completely different OS?

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Ubuntu :: Everything Works Fine Until After Reboot?

Mar 30, 2011

Basically i set up a webserver using this tutorial but installed ubuntu 10.10 [URL]

im using charter cable and it has that ubee router. when i tried to set up the static ip the closest thing i saw was an option called static ip lease in which input my servers local address and mac address and checked enable. then i applied dmz to my servers local ip. after that i typed in my public ip and to my excitement it worked. so i began creating the website. i dont know if all that is relevant but just in case i didnt want to leave anything out. this is my first time with linux and servers and ive only been at it for about 5 days. anyways i made the website and everything was going good then i needed to reboot the server so i did. after reboot i logged into the server then went back to the other room where i worked on the server using putty from a pc and flashfxp and tried to navigate to the website in firefox. it didnt work. if i try to go to the website address from a computer on my network i get a problem loading page error from firefox and if im on a different network it shows my router page to login and configure. i dont understand how it was working then after reboot it all of a sudden doesnt.

o also i installed gnump3 today before reboot if that is important

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Debian Installation :: 8.0 Live CD Works But Blank Screen During Reboot

Jul 14, 2015

When I mount Debian 8 live into VMWare Player 7.1.2 64bit, it works awesome with and without graphics acceleration enabled i.e I can get into the desktop and all that.

But, when I installed it, the reboot is just a blank screen. I am not sure how I can proceed from now.

I am on Windows 7, 64bit Ultimate.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Randomly Disconnects - Only Works Again After Reboot

Jul 3, 2010

I'm having a problem with my wireless connection. When it runs, it's perfect, but every once in a while (and increasingly more often) it randomly disconnects and doesn't reconnect when I click reconnect, even if I manually disconnect it. Every time this happens, I have to reboot the system, after which it works perfectly. Then it dies again.

I've checked around the forums, there are some similar threads but they seem to be specific to the wireless card. The reboot method works, but I'd really like to find a way to solve the problem without having to resolve to the Vulcan nerve pinch. I'm a real newbie to Linux and the more complex side of computers in general, and I hardly know what is what, so please excuse me if I seem a bit thick.

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General :: USB Webcam Just Works Once And Next Time Have To Reboot - Reset The Camera Without Rebooting ?

Mar 5, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 9.10, and a usb webcam that is shown as 'Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0ac8:3450 Z-Star Microelectronics Corp.' by lsusb.

The problem is that on connecting the cam, it just works with the first program I start (skype, tokbox, messenger), and if I disconnect it or switch to another program, it stops to work and I have to restart my computer to make it work again.

Is there some good solution to reset the camera without rebooting to make it work again?

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Ubuntu :: Update Last Week (with Kernel) & Reboot Sound No Longer Works?

Jun 14, 2010

been running Lucid & Karmic for a while now, after an update last week (with kernel) & reboot sound no longer works.Results of 'sudo aplay -l':

**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: NVidia [HDA NVidia], device 0: ALC888 Analog [ALC888 Analog]


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Fedora Installation :: When You Reboot The Mouse Works Ok Until The Welcome Screen Apears Then The Mouse Stops Working?

Jun 17, 2009

I have install fedora11 live and the mouse work well when installing.When you reboot the mouse works ok until the welcome screen apears then the mouse stops working and I cannot continue with the postinstall. I have a 1TB usb externalHD that I am installing fedora11 and have partitioned it so that I have 500Gb free for fedora, system is doucore 2.4,4gb RAm, I tryed doing this with three differend mice and connectting the mouse to different usb ports

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General :: Embedded Reboot Crash - Error Executing The Reboot Command

May 4, 2011

I'm working with Linux 2.6.23 on an embedded device and am receiving the following error executing the reboot command.

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General :: Will Not Reboot After Install (Arch) - -bash: /sbin/reboot: Input/output Error

Oct 7, 2010

I am using sda1 as /, which is a bootable drive. I do not know if my problem is that I did not create a /boot drive. After removing the iso dvd, I tried to reboot and I get this back: -bash: /sbin/reboot: input/output error Then it returns me to the terminal prompt.

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Ubuntu Security :: Anti Malware Filtering Works In Open Dns Works?

Jan 13, 2010

using ubuntu and the corporate edition of open dns? >Im curious to find out how the anti malware filtering works in open dns works.

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Ubuntu :: Copy CD That Only Works In Windows To Blank CD That Works?

Aug 29, 2010

I just want to be able to copy the files from a cd that is only compatible with windows to and new cd that is compatible with ubuntu

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Slackware :: Sudo: Umount Works, Mount Not Works?

Jul 8, 2010

I've got a problem in doing sudo working for mounting things (e.g. usb pen or optic discs). Details:The OS: Slackware 13.0The response to sudo -l command:

User user1 may run the following commands on this host:
root) /sbin/shutdown -h now, /sbin/shutdown -r now


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Identify Reboot Source Or Cause Of Reboot?

Feb 16, 2011

last -a shows server rebooted, how to identify the source or cause of reboot? thx reboot system boot Wed Feb 16 08:52 (02:0

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.04 Works But 9.10+ Not Works

Jan 23, 2011

well I'll start by SPECS.

Processor: amd phenom II 965 BE
Motherboard: M4N78 PRO (Asus) newest bios
Memory: Corsair 2gb DDR2 800mhz X2 (4GB)
Video Card: Radeon 5750 1GB
Power: 620W Corsair.
HD: 320GB

I use the TV + HDMI cable. Versions tested 32BITS/64BITS (stay with x64) has no disk error. already downloaded several times. MD5 is correct well ... I'll start here with my concerns ... version 9.04 onwards does not work gives blackscreen. I think "forgotten" by the generic drivers for ATI or something that influences the video. it does not show. 9.10,10.04,10.10 none of those versions worked ... on other computers functioned normally. I found researching how to dribble and go to live. and thus unable to install. but does not work after the pc restarts. Linux does not. shows nothing ... goes to black screen with the (- FLASHING) but nothing else happens.

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General :: [FYI] "last -f <old Wtmp> -x Reboot Shutdown" Incorrect For Last Reboot And Shutdown?

Mar 25, 2010

Further to this LQ thread which Tinkster solved by suggesting the last command (thanks Tinkster) I have been exploring last -x reboot and have found that the reported duration is incorrect for the last reboot and shutdown when a old wtmp file is used. Not having a record for the following shutdown, last assumes that the system has been up until the current time and similarly for the shutdown.

The output comes in time order, latest first, each line showing the time of the reboot and the uptime from then to shutdown. Using last -x reboot shutdown to show the shutdown time, here's an illustration


shutdown system down Sun Mar 7 15:35 - 03:02 (11:27)
reboot system boot Sun Mar 7 09:35 (05:59)
09:35 until 15:35 is 05:59.

When the uptime exceeds 24 hours it is shown as (<days>+<hours:minutes) like this
shutdown system down Sun Feb 21 12:39 - 13:20 (00:40)
reboot system boot Sat Feb 20 09:39 (1+02:59)
09:39 until 12:39 the next day is 1 day 02:59.

The time in parentheses at the end of the shutdown lines is normally the time until the next shutdown.

So far so good. The incorrect output is for the last reboot and shutdown of an old wtmp file. Here's the output of last /var/log/wtmp -x reboot shutdown; last -f /var/log/wtmp.1 -x reboot shutdown


reboot system boot Fri Mar 12 07:42 (01:54)
shutdown system down Fri Mar 12 01:31 - 09:37 (08:05)
wtmp begins Thu Mar 11 08:25:26 2010
reboot system boot Wed Mar 10 14:12 (15+01:42)
shutdown system down Wed Mar 10 12:41 - 15:54 (15+03:13)

The boot started at "Wed Mar 10 14:12" which had an actual uptime of 1 day 11:20 is reported as 15 days 03:13 which is the time from then until the last -f /var/log/wtmp.1 -x reboot shutdown command was issued. The time from shutdown to shutdown is similarly affected.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: DNS Changes On Reboot?

May 29, 2011

I hav got RHEL 5 installed on my system. i have two nic cards in my system. one of the ethernet card is connected to internet provider and another nic to another system in lan. I have configured one of the nics to get ip automatically from internet service provider and another nic has got static address. on reboot the static dns and dns search path assigned on second ethernet is also changing, may be coz i hav configured dynamic ip on another nic. in this situation am able to get internet but am not able to communicate with other system in lan. can we not have two different setting as we can hav in windows.

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Ubuntu :: PHP 5 Works Only On /var/www?

Jun 5, 2010

i am having a problem while configuring my web server.

PHP 5 works on /var/www but apache is sending me my source codes if uploaded in home directories. /home/user1/public_html/test.php /home/user2/public_html/test.php

I have a working phpmyadmin (http://server/phpmyadmin)

Things that i have done:

1) apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 php5-cli php5-common php5-cgi

2) sudo a2enmod ssl, sudo a2enmod rewrite, sudo a2enmod suexec, sudo a2enmod include

3) ~# whereis php ---> /usr/bin/php

4) a2enmod php5, a2enmod userdir

5) Added php on mime.conf ( application/x-httpd-php .php )

6) Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf, Include /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/*.load, Include /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/*.conf, Include /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

7) httpd.conf file

<VirtualHost MY.WAN.IP.ADDRESS:80>
DocumentRoot /home/user1/public_html/
ServerName site1.com
ServerAlias www.site1.com


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Ubuntu :: Iso Works On Cd But Not Usb

Jul 19, 2011

burning the ubuntu iso's on cd works fine, but burning the same to usb does not work.

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Programming :: How To UTF-8 UTF-16 Works?

Dec 23, 2010

I tried searching and couldn't find a good explanation on how UTF-8 and UTF-16 works. Could someone explain it or provide a link to a good explanation?

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Debian :: 100% CPU On One Core Even After Reboot

Jul 28, 2015

I have a debian system with the following version, see below. My problem is that one one single core of 4 it's running 100% all the time and i cant seem to find out why. The load is also high(load average: 0.91, 0.75, 0.40) because of this. This keeps happening even after reboots.

root@Cyberdyne:~# hostnamectl
Static hostname: Cyberdyne
Icon name: computer-desktop
Chassis: desktop
Machine ID: af90d9838fc14929818d8d52719fc2ae
Boot ID: a3ef416a7fb4404ca4b9c122bdb1145a
Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)
Kernel: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64
Architecture: x86-64
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie)
Release: 8.0
Codename: jessie

IMAGE : [URL] ....

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Debian :: Automatic FTP Upon Reboot?

Apr 20, 2015

I was wondering if there is a way to automatically transfer files between one machine to another upon Debian starting (or when a script is executed). Would it be also possible to check a database for a value and if the value exists then files can be transferred automatically (just like reboot).

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Fedora Servers :: VNC After Reboot

Mar 14, 2009

Ok this is one of those questions that have probably been made often. But I just CANNOT find a way around this on Fedora, and i have searched for it alot. Basically, after remotely rebooting my server, i'm not able to connect through vnc because the server needs to login. I've looked into an automatic login, but this is not the way i want to go. Edit: I'm using the default fedora vnc server, and RealVNC on my Windows computer. Been to ##linux on freenode, but at the time, noone there could answer me either.

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Fedora :: Reboot After Every Update?

Sep 5, 2009

Why does it seem now I have to reboot after EVERY update ? I have been a Fedora user for YEARS !! I am on Fedora 11. It seems now that I get updates sometimes 3 to 6 times per week and it always has an icon to reboot !! I can't run a stable web server/DNS/email/NAS server if I have to reboot every day !! Why is every update requiring a reboot now ?

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Fedora :: Upgrade F11 To F12 Will Not Reboot

Dec 10, 2009

At the end of preupgrade & upgrade a reboot was called for. After reboot, the only choice that appears in the boot screen is ... Upgrade to Fedora 12 (Constantine). The only thing to edit after typing 'e' is ... kernel /upgrade/vmlinuz preupgrade Repo=HD::/var/cache/yum/preupgrade->

initrd /upgrade/initrd.img

If I allow it to boot to "Upgrade" it tries to do a fresh install.

P.S. This was a lot of typing to do on an IPhone

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Fedora :: Can't Reboot After Power Cut

May 15, 2011

Unbeknown to us our son removed the battery and I unplugged the power cord. Instant off! Since then I can't restart. The error is very lengthy but each Control-D brings a reboot but the same sticking point. If I understand correctly I am asked to run setenforce as root. I did this and it does each separate file. How many will I have to do? Is there another way to restart?

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OpenSUSE :: KVM VM Stops Instead Of Reboot / Why Is So?

May 16, 2011

I am using opensuse 11.4, libvirtd 0.8.8, virt-manger 0.8.5.

If I want to reboot a virtual machine (typing 'reboot -n' in the VMs console) the virtual machine stops insteads of reboot.

The virtual machine is also opensuse 11.4
Afterwards I have to click 'run' in virt-manager.

Then the vm starts and remains running til the next reboot.

If I try to reboot from comandline by typing 'virsh reboot <vmname>' I get the message

error: Failed to reboot domain <vmname>
error: this function is not supported by the connection driver: virDomainReboot

What is wrong with my setup?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Reboot OS Since Using Scalpel

Jan 7, 2010

I tried using scalpel to recover some files that i had deleted. It went through the first pass but on the next pass there was an error message saying disk full The next time I tried to boot ubuntu I got a strange screen filled in a very large font and a message in the top corner: The configuration defaults for gnome power manager have not been installed correctlyI do not want to reinstall Karmic Koala as I may lose my email messages and other data.

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Ubuntu :: Resolution Changes After Reboot?

Mar 3, 2010

I use a few different hard drives that I plug into one PC instead of partitioning, since it causes problems. I plugged in my Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit and it booted up in 1024x768 instead of 1280x1024 which is the default resolution for this monitor.Why would it change when it's been 1280 x 1024 everytime but this time? When I check the display settings it doesn't even have 1280x1024 anymore?

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Ubuntu :: No Sound After A Reboot

May 24, 2010

I'm using 10.04. I had sound this morning, and after a reboot ... no sound. When I click on the speaker in the panel and choose "Sound Preferences..." and then choose "Hardware" it's blank. In the "output" tab all I have is "Dummy Output" (it's stereo at least). I don't remember updating Ubuntu since the morning, but I might have. If I type in "pulseaudio" into terminal I get this:


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