Hardware :: Connection To Internet Goes In And Out?

May 27, 2010

I have been having problems with the Internet the last couple weeks. I lose my connection to the Internet and then I'll get it back. I haven't changed any config files, so don't know why this is happening.

I have XP installed on another partition and when I lose the connection with Debian I switch over to check and the connection there is good.

I have included some info below:

The loopback network interfaceE]
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback


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Ubuntu Networking :: Use Internet Connection From LAN To Share Internet Connection Through Wireless?

Jan 9, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 10.10, and I would like to use my computer to share the internet connection from an ethernet port. For example, I would like to set up my computer as a wireless access point so I can create a network that other computers can connect to for internet.

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Debian Configuration :: Connection WPA Personal Says Connected To Wl Network But No Internet Connection

Apr 15, 2011

1 linksys router: gets the net from PPPOE and give the network DHCP. The router IP is 1 windows laptop that work wireless and wired. 1 debian desktop that work wired and not working wireless. THe problem with the debian desktop is like this: I have a TP-Link TL-WN321G installed and found by lsusb command. I make a wireless connection WPA Personal (just like the router settings) it says i am connected to the wl network but no internet connection. the route command give me this:


I tryed with wicd who said that the connection is WEP (and it's not, it is setup to WPA on the router and the network-manager conncetion) and when i try to connect i get bad password. I tryed with network-manager uninstalled and no chance.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Network Connection Active But Still Not Internet Connection?

Jan 24, 2010

Its a case of ".... wireless network connection active but still not internet connection .."I am using WEP - 128 key ... Works when I connect directly using ethernet cable ... but not wireless (pci and wireless router)

ubuadmin@ubucomputer:~$ ifconfig

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:06:25:12:83:3b
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::206:25ff:fe12:833b/64 Scope:Link[code].....

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General :: Internet Connection Sharing - All Traffic From The Ethernet Connection Out Through The Wireless

Jun 25, 2010

I would like to have all traffic from the ethernet connection out through the wireless (basically using the box as a router) however I am having some trouble doing this.

I have done this before on Windows however I am having some trouble doing this on linux, I have tried using Squid Proxy however I am having some trouble using configuring/using it.

I am using Yellow Dog Linux however I am willing to change to any other distro as long as it is compatable with PS3 (as this is what im using linux on)

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Fedora Networking :: 11 - Share My Internet Connection With Wireless Connection

Jun 21, 2009

I have installed Fedora 11 recently. I want to share my Internet connection.

I have e LAN connection eth0 which is connected to internet.

I have a Wireless connection wlan0.

I want to share my internet connection with wireless connection.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Internet Connection And The Power Connection Icons Also Don't Appear

Jan 26, 2010

It is most certainly my fault but I am now without a sound volume control and it does not show up in the add to panel.What can I do here? Does your icon have code that that I can use or can I find the file somewhere and create a link? Alsa mixer works ok and nothing is muted and I have sound so as to play music. The Internet connection and the power connection icons also don't appear.

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Networking :: Use The Laptop With The Wireless Connection To Share The Internet Connection?

Feb 4, 2010

I have two linux laptops. Currently, I'm using both of them at work, side-by-side. Now the problem is, I'm connected to a wireless router, but the wireless only works on one of the laptops. So I'm stuck with one laptop that has no access to the internet. Both machines do, however, have working ethernet nic cards. So, I was wondering if I could use the laptop with the wireless connection to share the internet connection with my other linux machine and access the internet on both of them. Or as an alternative, just use the internet on the machine without wireless and be able to switch back and forth, that would increase my productivity like 30 fold.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Masquerad Internet Using Knetwork Manager - Share The Internet Connection To A Desktop

Jul 5, 2011

OpenSuse 11.4 Asus Netbook 1000H Following other members in the forums I have installed Opensuse 11.4 on the Netbook. In the early days Ubuntu Netbook Remix worked well for me. But this has been discarded, and the "one size fits all" Ubuntu had become slow and cumbersome. So..... onto my post. Opensuse is working well. The install went beautifully.

It detected the Wireless Internet and I am able to get on line. I also need to share the Internet connection to a desktop. This is done via a small network switch. Thus far I cannot do this. I tried to use ifup to configure a static ip but this busted my Wireless configuration. I went back to knetwork manager. Then I tried to set up the wired network using knetwork manager and under IPV4 "share" the connection. But this blanks out any possiblity of a static address and substitutes dhcp. My desktop cannot ping the this dhcp address. Ubuntu had this thing called Firestarter? - from memory. This configured the system to sharing the network.

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Ubuntu :: Won't Connect To The Internet \ Unable To Make Any Connection To The Internet?

Jun 4, 2010

After upgrading to Ubuntu 10.04, I'm not able to make any connection to the internet with either my netbook through WiFi or my computer on wired LAN. I can, however, ping my Solaris machines and Macbook. How do I fix this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Wireless Connection - Connect To Internet

Oct 21, 2010

I tried to install Xubuntu 10.10 Maverick as dual boot on my laptop. However when xubuntu is on, I can't find a way to connect to internet. When I try the 2 arrows on the up-right corner the option for wireless is deemed. I tried offline/online, that did not work either. when I click the firefox It says you are not connected.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Connection - Run Playonlinux It Says You Do Not Seem To Be Connected To The Internet

May 1, 2011

I seem to have is trying to get the internet to work. I can go to ..... ect but when I try to run playonlinux it says you do not seem to be connected to the internet, please post if you have anything useful, as I said I am very new to linux so be as detailed as possible.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Connection: 'Work Offline' - "No Network Connection"

Oct 31, 2010

I have the "Work Offline" problem: when I boot up, the icon on the toolbar tells me I have "No network connection". This is not quite true, since I can access the first page of any website - only subsequent pages are inaccessible. I get a message saying that Firefox is offline. However, when I uncheck "Work Offline" in the File menu, it makes no difference to this behavior.

The problem is on my Ubuntu Dell desktop, which is connected to the internet with cable broadband via a D-Link router (wired connection). It has worked fine up till now. I use Ubuntu 10.04 and Firefox 3.6.11. I am writing this on my Ubuntu Dell laptop which is wired to the same router, so I assume the problem is not the router. I have tried various strategies suggested in threads on these forums, including editing about:config, changing "allow" to "deny" in some lines of /etc/dbus-1/system.d/NetworkManager.conf and changing from Automatic (DHCP) to Automatic (DHCP) Addresses only, but no luck so far. The contents of ifconfig are:

Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 001:aa0:91:a7:51
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets: 0 errors: 0 dropped: 0 overruns: 0 carrier: 0
collisons: 0 txqueulen: 1000
RX bytes: 0 (0.0 B) TX bytes: 0 (0.0 B)

If I comment out "auto eth0" as well, it makes no difference. If I uncomment both lines ("auto eth0" and "iface eth0 inet dhcp") then I lose the internet connection altogether.

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Ubuntu Networking :: SSH Over One Network Connection And Out To Internet On Another Network Connection

Jul 9, 2010

I need to setup an Ubuntu Server to handle backups over the network (probably rsync over ssh). That server will then transfer the backup data offsite over a secondary external data line.How can I configure the ethernet interfaces to handle such a scenario?

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Ubuntu :: Cant Set Up The Internet Connection?

Feb 23, 2010

I got a dsl broadband connection....I have dual booting on my lappy(Windows7 and ubuntu 9.10)....my problem is i cannot set up the internet connection in ubuntu while i am using the connection in windows7....I am a total newbie in linux

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Get An Internet Connection

Jan 31, 2011

I have loaded Ubuntu studio onto an older computer. Seems to work fine but I cannot get an internet connection.

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Ubuntu :: No Connection To The Internet?

Jun 6, 2011

I turned on my computer today and was unable to access the wireless, I tried to use etho but no luck either. I'm currently running 10.04 and haven't installed any updates or done anything out of the ordinary. I tried removing the internet connection from the network manager and then re adding it, but nothing working :/

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General :: How To Get Internet Connection

May 6, 2010

installed ubuntu 9.10.I am from India I use ADSLrouter to get connection in XP windows through WAN main port PPPoE.But after installing Ubuntu 9.10 I could not find my internet connected toMozill Firefox in Ubuntu 9.10.SO please tell me a way how to establish internet connection in Ubuntu 9.10 in a detaled way

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Red Hat :: Have Network Connection But No Internet

Aug 17, 2010

So I recently installed Red Hat 5.5, I'm able to access the internal network, including viewing pages on the intranet (however they load very slow, perhaps an unrelated issue). I can see that RedHat is properly resolving IP addresses, it just times out when it tries to connect to them.

Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Met Ref Use Iface * U 0 0 0 eth0 * U 0 0 0 eth0
default (hostname of UG 0 0 0 eth0

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Slackware :: 13 - No Internet Connection ?

Oct 10, 2009

I installed slackware 13 in virtualbox (full installation), but I have not internet (ADSL). I tryed adsl-setup, but there aren't that commant. Tryed pppoe-setup, netconfig, but again I have not connection. Where is the problem? And I have one more question about Fluxbox. I have not display, wallpaper, icons...only menus.

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Debian :: No Internet Connection / Network

Sep 26, 2010

I am working on a cross-platform application for Linux ,Apple and Windows, so I have a full tower system with four SATA hard drives that be selected with a switch, so that I can change drives and operating systems at will. -sort of makes me a jack of linux systems, but master of none.It's important to mention this, because it shows the strangeness of the problem as it is isolated to Debian* systems.

So where does debian/ubuntu get it's information to establish a network connection?How do I rectify the problem? I can hardly blame the hardware (RTL8111B), because the problem is isolated to Debian systems.

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Debian :: Net-install Cd Without Internet Connection?

Aug 7, 2011

I am planning to install debian in my pc,.I have xp in one partition and want to install debian in 4gb partition (+500mb for swap).PC: intel p4, 3.0ghz, 1gb ram i install debian from net-install cd without internet connection? If so, after installing the cd can i connect to internet using my usb modem (T-mobile/Huawei modem UMG1831). In case of ubuntu i heard of an app to switch the device between mass storage and modem. How in Debian?

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Fedora :: Repos Without The Internet Connection

Dec 16, 2009

Using Fedora 12 where are your repo sites? so i can download packages from friends computer till i can get connected. also the ones for the codecs (play DVD'S, mp3's, etc)

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Fedora :: No Internet Connection After Yum Update?

Sep 29, 2010

After a fresh installation my internet connection was working. but after yum update I am not able to connect to the internet. it is showing no internet connection.

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Fedora :: No Internet Connection - Where To Get VLC Binaries For F14

Jan 17, 2011

I just got F14 installed on my pendrive with persistent data and I want to be able to play DVD's, .mp3, .avi etc. So of course I try to download vlc, but I have no internet connection on F14 and can't find any simple, non-RPMfusion way to download the binaries (I had an awful experience with the source a while ago). Does anyone know where I can get them?

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Fedora :: Can't Make Internet Connection?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a computer with two hard drives that plugs directly into the modem. When I run on my Windows XP drive I can get internet. On my fedora drive I can not even get a ping. If I type ping google.com I get ping: unknown host google.com If I type ping I get connect: Network is unreachable

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OpenSUSE Network :: How To Use 3G Internet Connection

Jun 10, 2010

It is just 3 days that I am using Linux Opensuse 11.2. I got a problem with Internet connection: I have HUWAEI E1550 3G Modem, but I have no idea about using it on Linux OpenSuse 11.2. Now I use it Windows7, there is no problem, because there is a program and driver for modem.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Connection TV Through The PC To Internet?

Aug 29, 2011

I have bought a TV which has possibility to connect via LAN to Internet. At this moment I have no router but I suppose it should work also via PC where is 2nd net card. (of course PC must be ON)

So I connect TV to PC to one net card and from 2nd to internet (provider socket). But how should I set the PC to work it? Allow both cards, it is clear but is it enough? I dont suppose

PS: if important, KDE and oS 11.3

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Get Internet Connection On 11.4

Aug 23, 2011

I m trying to get internet connection via wireless on Suse 11.4. Although ifstatus eth1 reports an IP address (and router reports a wireless connection) no Internet access is possible, which seems very strange (including the admin page of the router).


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Ubuntu :: Install Without Internet Connection?

Apr 5, 2010

Can I install Ubuntu Studio 9.10, Ubuntu 9.10 or Kubuntu 9.10 Live CD/DVD on a computer without internet connection? becouse I build computer for ubuntu professional photography only Data like external HD

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