General :: Update Files With Svn?

Dec 13, 2010

i have downloaded from an svn repository, 2 projects like this:

~# svn checkout asterisk-

~# svn checkout -r 260345 asterisk-1.4-rev-260345

With the following results:

drwxr-sr-x 25 root src 4096 2010-12-13 12:57 asterisk-
drwxrwsr-x 10 root src 4096 2010-12-13 12:57 .
drwxr-sr-x 25 root src 4096 2010-12-13 12:57 asterisk-1.4-rev-260345

What i need to do is to update using svn command the file res_musiconhold.c (only this file located in the res/ directory of the proyect "asterisk-1.4-rev-260345") to the asterisk- i use svn import?

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General :: Update Packages From Source Files?

Dec 6, 2009

I'm not to sure if i'm using the right terminology but im trying to install rrdtool and it needs all these dependencies. One of them I have installed but it isn't up to date.glib-1.2x needs to updated to 1.17 or higher. How do i go about updating this? I downloaded the source and did ./configure && make && make install but this didn't update it.Also trying to install libxml-2.0 to 2.6.31, im getting a whole list of dependicies.

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General :: Symantec AntiVirus Update Will Not Download Virus Definition Files?

Jan 27, 2010

can't seem to get my Linux AntiVirus Live update to download virus defs from my Windows Symantec Update Server?Windows workstations can update and download without a problem?When I run LiveUpdate from the side it errors out with "an error has occurred (code=-2,001)" Also, I'm not sure where the Linux defs are to be placed on my windows side for download from my linux workstations? I've found a couple good articles but everything I've tried hasn't fixed my problem? If I download the virus defs locally to each linux box I can update the virus defs without a problem, not a good option when I have several Linux boxes.

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General :: Update Distro With A Newer Version And Not Disturb Saved Media Files?

May 3, 2010

Is there a way to update my distro with a newer version and not disturb saved media files? Music and pictures etc. Can I move them to another partition. Its there a better way than to save it to disk?

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General :: Not Able To Update Metasploit Modules Using Svn-update / Solve It?

Mar 15, 2010

I have a problem here with my back track. am not able to update my metasploit modules using svn-update nor sudo apt-get is working..

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Ubuntu :: On Update 293 Files Deleted

Jan 25, 2010

I did an update on one of my main computers last night. while in the update it reported "293 files to be REMOVED and 1 to be added".... it cranked away for some time and now all I get is a text login to my desktop. There is no graphics anymore. just a command line.

Is there any way to make it boot the way it used to or will I have to reinstall without formatting my hard drive (if so, how do I do this?)? I have checked and all my personal data is in tact. I was running Hardy Heron with 5.4 gigs of an 80 Gig HD free and 2 Gigs of RAM with an AMD 5000+ processor.

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Ubuntu :: Update Hangs At 66/67 Files?

Mar 22, 2010

When running Update Manager in KDE, it always hangs at 66/67 files, and I have to click cancel. I then get:

Failed to fetch http:[url]...
Failed to fetch http:[url]...

Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

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Ubuntu :: Won't Update Some Config Files

Jan 28, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu on a partition install. It is dual-booted with my Windows 7. Anyways, everything worked fine for a while, until I pressed ctrl+alt+F2. Then it went to this weird full-screen-mode command line thing. It asked for my login so i did, and then it asked for my password, which I then entered. And then I really don't know what I did, but at the end I pressed ctrl+alt+delete, which instead of going to like a task manager, it restarted my computer.

I then booted into Ubuntu again, and it started giving me errors about how it won't update some config files, and then it won't load up like the desktop and the panels. All I see about booting is the default Ubuntu background when you login and nothing else. No panels, no icons, nothing, just the background.

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Fedora :: Files & Folders Missing After Update?

Jul 23, 2011

I'm using fedora 15 64-bit. Today i was prompted to install some updates, most of them are related to mesa driver updates. Once installed those, I rebooted the system. After login again, i couldn't find any of my files or folders. The hidden files & folders are remain there but rest all were gone. Now my account looks like newly created one. All of my important documents are missing.

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Files From Botched 10.04 Update

Jul 9, 2010

So when upgrading to 10.04 there were a few errors and now the machine will not boot up. All I am trying to do now is recover some pictures from the HD so I can to a clean install. I used the Ubuntu 9.04 install disk to gain access to the HD and was able to backup some of the files but other files are locked somehow. When trying to copy them it says that "folder content could not be displayed. You do not have the permission necessary to view the contents." The files in question have orange X's on them.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Update And Apt-get Files Stored?

Nov 27, 2010

I am trying to install Lubuntu 10.10 in a VirtualBox 3.0.14 guest on Mac OS X 10.4 with the hopes of getting Guest Additions installed and working.

From prior experience I tend to go through the install process more than once which involves downloading the updates and any necessary apt-get files multiple times.

So, where do these files get stored? I would like to then save them to a separate disk mount, so I can use them on a subsequent install...which is second can do that?

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Ubuntu :: U10.10 Failed Update - Need To Recover Files

Apr 7, 2011

Well I finally joined the forum, because I finally have a big problem!

I had Ubuntu 10.10 installed inside of Win7, I updated it to 11.4 BETA (I know a bad Idea). Well I dint work, now ill I get is some sort of GRUB console.

I would like to either fix this or retrieve my very important files! I now have Ubuntu 10.10 installed on my computer on a separate drive. But I have not been able to find my old Ubuntu files.

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Programming :: Sed Script To Update Old Mail Files

Jun 11, 2010

I need to update very old mail files to make them mbox compliant. What I need to do is find all lines beginning with ^To: and put a comma between a random number of names on this To: line. So I want to replace the 2nd and all subsequent <space> on this lines with ,<space>.

It should be something like:
s/^To: [ ]/&,/2g
But that isn't correct.

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Ubuntu :: Apache Won't Update Htdocs Files?

Jul 6, 2010

I've installed Apache 2 on Ubuntu linux 10.04 as a simple LAN site for testing PHP scripts. But even though I've deleted the default index.html file in htdocs, changed the index file to index.php, put an index.php, chmoded to 775, and gave ownership of the folder to my account, it will not update any of the files. Any time I go to or (Both work, somehow), it has the "It works!" page instead of the page I put there. And yes, I've tried restarting apache, restarting my computer, etc. What's the problem and/or how do I fix it?

tl;dr: Apache keeps displaying the "It works" page even though I've replaced it. How do I fix it?

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Ubuntu :: Run' Apt-get Update' For First Time Downloads Some Files - Can Use Them?

Dec 10, 2009

I am using ubuntu 8.04.When I install software from internet then files are downloaded to /var/cache/apt/archives so i keep those debian files in safe place so that I can install that software on another stand-alone computer.

MY question: When we run 'apt-get update' for first time after fresh install it downloads some files. Can i store those files & point to them for a networkless computer which has no internet ? If this is possible it will allow me to 'apt-get check' on stand-alone computer to see if any package is not proper.

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Debian :: Apt-get Update - Index Files Failed To Download

Oct 3, 2010

W: Failed to fetch [URL] Hash Sum mismatch E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. Tried 3 different mirrors all have the same error. I assume this is the same issue we had a while back where one package was messing things up. Mirrors I my sources.list


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Debian :: Apt-get Update Fails To Download All Index Files?

Jul 1, 2011

Does anyone know how to resolve this?

apt-get update
W: Failed to fetch  Unable to find expected entry  iceweasel-4.0/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)

E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

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Ubuntu Security :: Cannot Update Remote Vista Files

Jan 20, 2010

I am trying to access files on a laptop (running Windows 7) from an Ubuntu desktop running 9.10. I can view the Windows 7 files just fine. Listing their permissions from an Ubuntu terminal shows them to be read/write by everyone. But, I am unable to update any of the files from Ubuntu.

I mount the files using the command:
mount -t cifs //richard-pc/C -o username=***,password=***,dir_mode=0777,fi
le_mod=0777 /mnt/windows7c

The permissions on the Windows 7 files on the laptop are set to Full Control by Everyone.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Update Files On DNS323

Jan 23, 2010

I am still suffering the same problems with my DNS323:

* Timestamps change when files written to NAS
* Unable to update files once written to NAS
* Unable to CHOWN or CHMOD files on NAS

My fstab looks like this:-


The UID and GID exist on both my NAS and Ubuntu machine. NAS permissions restrict access to nas-user1. I've tried options "noperm", "nounix" in fstab and "client lanman auth=yes" in smb.conf; all with no joy. Think I've exhausted the internet - been searching for weeks All I want is to be able to use the DNS323 as an external (network) drive; am I asking too much - is anyone else havng these problems; does anyone have their DNS323 configured where they're able to do the things I can't? All works fine from a Windows laptop; would hate to have to use Windows more

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Ubuntu :: Evince Error After Update \ No Pdf, Ps Files Can Be Opened By It After That?

Jul 7, 2010

Yesterday I updated some packages with the Update manager. A new version of evince was updated, too. However, no pdf, ps files can be opened by it after that.Running from the command line, get error like:"evince: symbol lookup error: evince: undefined symbol: ev_get_locale_dir"I just wonder how to solve this. Or how to rollback to older version?

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Fedora :: Prevent Yum Update From Undoing Changes Made To Files In /etc/init.d?

Dec 27, 2009

One of my machines is a desktop with a WIFI connection. This machine is not configured to use NetworkManager; instead, it still does things the old way via /etc/sysconfig config files.

Problem: this WIFI connection requires wpa_supplicant. By default, F11 brings up the network at priority 10 and wpa_supplicant at priority 23. So dhclient fails its initial attempt to obtain an IP for wlan0 (it will retry and succeed but by then it's too late). This causes other network-related startup tasks to fail. For example, ntpdate fails. This is problematic for systems with faulty CMOS clock batteries since ntpd will reject updates if the clock skew exceeds some threshhold (so ntpdate is usually used to preset the clock).

The workaround is easy enough: add "Required-Start: wpa_supplicant" dependency to the init stanza in /etc/init.d/network and let chkconfig figure out how to rearrange the priorities. This ensures that wlan0 is actually capable of sending a DHCP request when dhclient starts.

This works fine...until yum update decides to replace the scripts in /etc/init.d and, consequently, things go back to the old, broken startup priorities.

So my question: Can yum be told to not change files in /etc/init.d that have been modified by the administrator? Or to at least not overwrite the LSB-style init stanza in those files?

Alternatively, is there a better way to do this that's not vulnerable to updates? I tried playing with the modprobe.conf "install" option to pre-start wpa_supplicant before wlan0 comes up but that has so far been unsuccessful.

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OpenSUSE Install :: .conf Files Missing After Update Timed Out?

Mar 17, 2010

I was running an update to updgrade firefox to the latest version. the update timed out and now when i boot the laptop i get the command line login. Typing startx brings a screen with a black cross in the middle and a black and white background.

In the boot process a lot of errors are coming up saying "conf files need .conf". Also i have noticed an error that says the xorg.conf file is not where it should be. I know this is responsible for graphical boots so could be my problem. However yast and network services are also not working in the command line so i am unable to update to fix this. I installed from a live CD so im unsure how to use this to repair my system?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Files In GRUB Folder Missing After Update?

Mar 4, 2010

The update package popped up with some security updates. I downloaded all of them and then hit the restart button. Now all I see after the winboot load is the grub 'dos' screen. I can get to grub rescue but thats it. I was wondering if there is a way to download the missing files from somewhere and place them in the grub folder as I am dual booting with XP.

I have installed Ubuntu onto a seperate partition as well.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Will Upgrading Through Update Manager Delete Files

Aug 14, 2010

I want to upgrade to 10.04 and I'm using Update Manager by clicking the Upgrade button at the top.

Will this delete programs (from the software centre) and files (from the my documents anf my pictures folders)?

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Ubuntu :: Update Manager Can't Download Files From The Server

Oct 17, 2010

For some weird reason my update manager can't download files from the server.[URL].. Why is that? Is t here a bug in my system or are the server down or something?Because it can download everything else perfectly.

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Ubuntu :: Update Errors - Some Index Files Failed To Download

Jul 11, 2011

I am getting this errors when I check for new updates:
W:Failed to fetch [URL] 404 Not Found
, W:Failed to fetch [URL] 404 Not Found
, E:Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Update The Repository Files In A Freshly Installed Karmic

Jan 26, 2010

I have a freshly installed Ubuntu Karmic 32 bits installed in an old machine (Pentium 4 512 Mb RAM) and I'm having a severe problem with apt-get. No matter what repository I choose, I can't update the repository files. I get the following error during a


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Amarok Wont Update Tags For Files In Collection

Feb 9, 2010

I have most of my music on my hard drive in one big "Music" folder, and in Amarok this is seen as the collection. Everything is imported, works fine.

Until i change the ID3 tags of a file/album. Amarok refuses to load the new tags, and keeps displaying the old tags.

I have over 200 GB of music in that folder, some of it is badly tagged. When i realize that, i retag the files with Musicbrainz. And unless i scan the entire collection again, the new tags wont be loaded. Needless to say i can't listen to the respective album/file for hours, as the rescanning of that whole folder takes at least one hour.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Firefox Wants To Download Php Files After Update To Lucid Server

May 7, 2010

I updated from karmic to lucid server edition and now firefox wants to download some php files. index.php which is in the same directory is apparently correctly parsed.

Google chrome tells me that the site may be temporarily down and Opera informs me that the connection has been closed by the remote server.

Under karmic I had a standard lamp server installed and everything worked fine.

This is the first time I post in a forum and I hope this is fine here.

I just moved the scripts from the server to a local machine which I updated a couple of weeks ago to lucid.

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Ubuntu :: Error In Update Manager - Some Index Files Failed To Download

Aug 24, 2010

I keep getting this error when trying to update but I know it is a bug and has been filed as a bug report.
Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 10.04 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ - Release amd64 (20100429)/dists/lucid/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs
Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 10.04 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ - Release amd64 (20100429)/dists/lucid/restricted/binary-amd64/Packages.gz Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs
Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

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