Programming :: Hidtouch__body.h:174: Error: Too Few Arguments To Function
Oct 9, 2010
I'm trying to compile the hidtouch driver, but hit a snag. The error I get is
Context: this is the driver for the touchscreen attached to an LTSP client. The server uses the AMD64 arch, the client uses the 1386 arch, both Debian. The client does start, but lacking a pointer device the pointer is useless. The build takes place on the server, in the i386 chroot of the LTSP setup. Basically, I'm stuck now...
In the above example, the functions take no input arguments. Can they take a different number of arguments, for example, function_a(int), function_c(int, int), function_e(int, char, int)? How can I do that?
I need to pass a large number of arguments to a function which takes variable number of arguments, such as gtk_list_store_new. But it doesn't look nice if i write something like gtk_list_store_new(NUM,TYPE_A,TYPE_B,TYPE_C,...,TYPE_OMEGA); because of large number of arguments. And, it will be a trouble to change number of columns because of need to manually change arguments to large number of such functions. So, how can i pass all the arguments to a function using a loop? Something like
I wanted to make an alias with arguments (like in cshell) which is in bash done by functions. The function must simply perform a command (nedit), append the arguments from the cli and make it run in the background (adding &).
So here is the function in a naive attempt:
when using the command
How can i use arguments and still start it in background? In cshell it was like:
processArgs $* If I call this script with Code: ./script first second third it'll print each of the argument on a new line - exactly what I would expect. However if I call it with
Code: ./script "Single Argument" "Second-Argument" it splits the first argument in two using the space as a delimitor. The problem appears to be the call to processArgs, where $* doesn't honour the quotes around the variables sent to the script.
Problem: I need a method to maintain the $i variable. In fact, actually, this variable get lost when executed. I think that an escape can preserve this variable and permit its execution inside the function, but I've no idea about.
I'm learning how to program kernel drivers, and I'm making a hello world module for that. But I can't find the cause of some errors... My module as three files:
I'm trying to create a program from 2 files - main.cpp that contains the main function, and modules.c that contains the definitions of the functions that are called in main(). modules.c only contain function definitions, no main function.
My Makefile is as follows:
I have included "modules.h", which contains all the function declarations, in my main.cpp.
When I try to make using this Makefile, I get the error
If I switch the order of modules.o and main.o in my $(TARGET) line, then I get errors that say "undefined reference to" the functions I have defined in modules.c, in main.cpp.
I am doing some Linux kernel programming for my research project. I need to record the timestamp (by using cpuid and rdtsc) when an interrupt handler (top half) is first invoked. Due to the time critical nature of the problem itself, I have to do the timestamping inside the interrupt handler itself (the first operation when the handler is called). However, I understand that tasks that are not so time critical should be deferred to a tasklet function (bottom half) for processing because other interrupts are disabled in a (top-half) interrupt handler. I am currently out of idea on how I can pass the timestamp information that I have obtained in the interrupt handler to the corresponding tasklet function.
I wrote a test program for learning usage of realloc() and I thin I did everything right but I get this error exactly with my 4th time that while tries to reallocate memory in MakeDSt function for DSt->SArray:
I assumed that the error was due to the difference between the 1st argument and 2nd argument, However, changing the difference to the accepted dns message size (512 bytes) or even to no difference at all did nothing to remove the error.
Further, I am trying to check the output after having first compressed a domain name using dn_comp into *out_rr. This function call is in order to check whether the compression is happening correctly.
i'am tring to use generic netlink and can't find function for blocking not busy waiting receive. I'll try to explain myself. Generic netlink receive mechanism based on callback function - when module receives something,this function invoked. But this is not so good if you need to send something and receive answer. I mean something like that :
sendmsg(); if(recvmsg() < 0) goto err; I need generic netlink recv() function, or some mechanism to implement it. I just want to stay in "recvmsg()" function until i have answer(until call_back function invoked).
I wrote a C program using Pthreads to compute the product of 2 matrices. Each element in the product matrix is computed in a separate thread. Eg: Thread (i,j) computes the element C[i][j] of the matrix C, where C=A*B. A is m*n, B is n*p, C is m*p. m,n,p are given as command-line arguments. A and B are initialized to random values from 1 to 10, while all elements of C are initialized to -1.But some threads do not get their arguments (i,j) correctly. So some elements C[i][j] still remain as -1, even after the program is over. My OS is Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) 32-bit.I ran the program on another computer and it worked correctly. Is it due to a problem in the Pthreads library in my OS? Please help me. I have attached the source code.
I looked on the net for such function or example and didin't find anything, thus after having made one i guess it would be legitimate to drop it to see what others thinks of it.
#!/bin/bash addelementtoarray() { local arrayname=$1
I've been reading about getopt and getopts but it doesn't seem like it's possible to parse arguments like --foo or even -foo. I've started my own script trying to achieve this, but I'm still wondering if I'm losing performance and if there is a better way to do this task.
Also I'm using the [[ =~ ]] regex syntax which seems to be available only in newer bash versions, should it be a big issue? My bash version: GNU bash, version 4.1.7(2)-release (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
My hosting server does not allow exec() or system() calls, for security reasons. I can call a cgi process in two ways. From a .shtml page, i can issue a directive like code...
I want to know how to get eg. the contents of a form on a webpage which has been passed to a server side PHP script, inside for example an array which I can read. I've been reading a ebook on PHP which as far as I can see doesn't cover this inside it.
what I am trying to do is to pass an argument to the standard input stream of a child process. I mean I create two programs .. first one invokes the other. second one contains something like
scanf("%d", &n);
now I want my first program to be able to pass a value to the second one so that it gets stored in n.
I am calling another executable in my application (C programing) using "system" command which is user interactive program. now i want to pass those args in system command only.
system(" executable ");
Executable will expect 1,2 or 3.
1 is to continue 2 for do changes in settings 3 exit from application
I want to write a little time-saving alias for my .cshrc file that will move files and then cd to the directory I've moved them to. What I can't quite figure out is the syntax to say 'move all the arguments except the last one.' Here is what I have:
alias follow 'mv !:1-$-1 !:$; cd !:$'
This actually seems to work, but it also gives me an irritating error:
mv: cannot stat `destinationdirectory/-1': No such file or directory
Similarly, I tried:
alias follow 'mv !:*$#argv-1 !:$; cd !:$'
Again the move and cd are successful, but again there is an error:
mv: cannot stat `destinationdirectory/0-1': No such file or directory