General :: Partition Unusable After Filesystem Creation?

Nov 26, 2010

I have newly created filesystem on one of my partitions. After that I am not able to paste anything into it. What is the reason?Even after mounting it also?

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General :: Automatic Creation And Formatting Of Home Partition

Jan 14, 2011

I'm a big fan of the NSLU2-Linux project so I've been doing some developments for this platform for the last three years. In order for the end users to test my applications, I initially created an USB image with everything bundled into it. Then, they only had to download the image and decompress (dd) it into an USB pendrive with capacity equal or greater than 4 GB. The fact is that this has brought me lots of problems in the practice since my Web server hardly accepts long file transfers.

Moreover, flash spaces beyond 4GB are wasted. As result, I'm now considering a different approach as I don't know how to do it. Well, I've thought that I could maybe create an USB disk image only with the root file system partition. Then, the first time a script runs, it creates a home partition and formats it into the rest of the space available in the pendrive. There is maybe some command-line alternative to fdisk without having the user to interact during the format process... ??

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General :: Creation Of Swap Partition During Ubuntu 9.10 Installation

Mar 26, 2010

When I do a "clean" install of Ubuntu 9.10, Step 5 of 7 is when you choose how to partition your hard drive. My Acer Aspire Desktop has 8GB of RAM and a single 160GB SATA hard drive. If I choose to let Ubuntu do the partitioning, only three partitions are created and one of them IS a Swap partition. However, if I choose the second option to manually create my own partition tables, there is NO Swap option listed in the drop-down list of partitions to create!! Why in the world not, considering the importance of this partition and the fact that the first option DOES automatically create it? A second related (I think) is about the Live System Rescue CD and GParted 4.9. When do you use either of these utilities? After all, GParted is included System Rescue CD.

So, if I want and choose to do a manual/advanced partitioning of my hdd, the only time I can see using either utility is after the complete installation of the Ubuntu distro. Yet, choosing to manually partition my hard drive always results in an error or warning message that I haven't created a Swap partition before proceeding to Step 6 of the installation. Well, of course not since the choice isn't even possible. Good grief, what am I supposed to do when I arrive at the step where I am supposed to choose and then create the partitions for my hdd? Choose the first option, which I don't think is wise/good at all, especially with security in mind. Or choose the second option of using a program like GParted at all? It is hard enough for me to choose a partitioning scheme at all, since opinions on how many partitions are needed and what sizes they should be.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Possible To Rewrite Filesystem Creation?

Mar 5, 2010

I am creating a raid10 for our studio. I just realized after creating the filesystem that I would like modify one of the parameters - the blocksize. My original command:mkfs.ext4 -b 2048 -L insightRAIDvol /dev/md0I know want:mkfs.ext4 -b 4096 -L insightRAIDvol /dev/md0Is it ok to just issue this command even though a filesystem already is in place?I am hesitant to try this without knowing what the ramifications of this might be for the superblocks or some other unknown parameter to me that might cause problems in the future.As well I know I could rebuild everything from scratch but that's a day and a half of rebuilding

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Server :: Increasing Size Of Extended Partition To Allow Creation Of New Partition

May 18, 2010

I've got a server that needs more space. To achieve this we added space (by extending the VMware disk attached to it).Normally this isn't an issue, because we just add an new partition and LVM it from there, but this host predates our deployment of LVM everywhere.

Our current theory is that the unallocated sectors can not be assigned because they aren't part of the extended partition, and thus ... we go in a circle.So what i believe the way forward is to extend sda4 so that i can then create an sda10 inside of it. Anyone have any ideas on how to do this? I was thinking gparted may do the trick ... but being a server i'm in runlevel3, with no X...

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General :: Windows - NTFS Partition Keeps Becoming "unusable" On Ubuntu?

Jun 16, 2010

I just purchased a new 2TB Drive External Seagate, My main system uses both Windows and Ubuntu So I am pretty much stuck with keeping my drive as NTFS. I have done this without any problems before but since I got this new drive I have been having issues. When I first load up Ubuntu the drive mounts and runs fine, after an unspecified amount of time i start getting Input/Output errors when accessing the drive. When I goto the Disk Utility I get a message stating the drive is "Unknown or Unused", If I disconnect and reconnect the drive or reboot everything is fine again. There's no errors coming up with S.M.A.R.T and it seems to work fine while under windows.

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Fedora :: Shrinking Disk Partition In Fedora Makes NTSF Partition Unusable

Aug 5, 2011

I am completely new to Linux in general, and have recently downloaded Fedora 15 KDE spin. I tried dual-booting between Windows 7 and Fedora by shrinking one of my Windows partitions (I have two, this partition not containing the Windows installation). I tried shrinking it to 30 GB less than the total space available on the partition, and after pressing continue, received an error (which I unfortunately dismissed quickly and can't remember). In the file manager, Fedora showed that my partition changed from 1.3Tb to 1.2 Tb, but I couldn't access it. Upon rebooting into Windows, I still can't access it, receiving a "format drive before use" popup and then error stating that it is possibly of a different filesystem or corrupt.

Unfortunately, I stupidly didn't backup any of my data (which I will be sure to remember to do in the future). I installed EASEUS Partition Master 8.0.1 Home Edition, which states that my drive is still of NTFS filesystem and has the total space it should. However, upon clicking "check drive," it states there are no errors and when trying to "explore files," it doesn't find any (yet it shows the correct amount of used and unused space). I then tried running TestDisk, but only allows me to check my media drive E, which is my dvd drive that has my Fedora Live CD in it (which cannot be ejected manually or through Windows, an error stating it cannot be ejected). I didn't go through with TestDisk for my DVD drive because I needed to verify the type of partition (which to my knowledge shouldn't even exist). It shows 700 something MiB / 600 something MiB. Although I have decent general knowledge about computers, I am a complete novice when it comes to doing something like this.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Create New Partition / Unusable Space

Jan 19, 2010

Im running a dell studio xps 16 computer with windows 7. Im now trying to install a dual boot with ubuntu. My problem is that ubuntu refuses to create a new partition, claiming that i already have 4 main partitions. According to any partitionprogram run in windows I only got 3. It looks likt this in Gparted (from live cd):

dev/sda1 | fat16 | system reserved | size: 40 MiB
dev/sda2 | ntfs | size: 797.5 KiB
dev/sda3 | ntsf | size: 100 MiB
dev/sda4 | ntsf | 87.56 GiB

The 40 mb partition is probably for some dell recovery stuff. The 100 mb partition is some windows 7 backup, it is also flagged as "boot".. The 87 gb partition is my main windows 7 disk. I have no clue what the 797.5 KiB is for. It dosnt show up anywhere when looking at partitions in windows. I also tried deleting it from ubuntu (live cd) and then booting windows again, and when I booted ubuntu again it was there even tho i deleted it last time. What the hell is this? Can I just delete it and move on with installing ubuntu? Or should I instead delete the fat16 system reserved partition?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Create Partition To Install To Unusable Space / Resolve This?

Jan 25, 2010

When I boot the ubuntu live cd (9.10) and attempt to install it only gives two options at the partitioning screen. One is to use the whole disk and the other is to manualy assign partitions. I told it to resize one of my partitions and created 18GB of free space. However, it tells me this space is "unusable". It wouldn't let me do anything with it and I used windows vista disk manager to add it back to the original partition. I have one hard drive with four partitions. One is a restore partition, one windows partition, one storage partition, and one that says xp although i don't have xp installed. It might be used by the acer restore program. It's an acer aspire 6920.

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General :: Cannot Determine Filesystem Type Of Partition?

Feb 27, 2011

As per these instructions, I got up to the end of the "Acquiring an Ubuntu filesystem" step (where it asks you to mount the newly created Ubuntu partition) and ran into a problem: The partition won't mount, as the file system type cannot be determined because I cannot remember the file system used during installation. Is there any command that prints the file system type of GPT partitions?

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General :: Cant Read Filesystem Type On Windows Partition?

May 27, 2011

I had installed ubuntu 11.04 on my system along with windows vista. After a few days, i decided to remove ubuntu so i just logged into windows and formatted the ubuntu partition using the windows partitioner, then extended my main c: drive to span the whole disk so that i was left with a single partition with only windows vista on it.Later when trying to restart my system couldn't log back into windows.I kept getting a prompt sayinggrub rescue>After googling around a bit i shrinked and created another partition the disk again and installed ubuntu on it again.still. =/GRUB doesn't show any windows entry.I noticed something strange though that when i tried viewing my partitions using parted i didnt see any filesystem type listed besides my windows partition (/dev/sda3). I doubt that is why GRUB does not show any windows entry.Also i manually tried to boot into windows from the grub prompt using commands...root(hd0,3)chainloader +1bootbut it says 'invalid signature'Did i somehow corrupted my windows partition during resizing and installing/un-installing? Plus i also booted with the windows installation dvd and when i typed bootmgr /fixbootit said something like no valid filesystem found.

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General :: Puppy LiveCD Partition - Choosing Filesystem?

Jan 23, 2011

Ext2, ext3, or ext4? I first used ext4 with Slackware, but when I tried my Puppy live CD the only partition I could mount was the Windows one. I started over and used ext2 and Puppy will mount it. I'm willing to start over and use ext 3 if it will also work with Puppy and there is an advantage to using ext3 over ext2. Puppy saw the ext4 partitions, but wouldn't mount them.

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Fedora Installation :: Post Partition Creation In F10

Jun 18, 2009

I installed Fedora on IBM desktop PC with 40 GB. During installation I only created Boot and swap partitions and remain 30 GB as free space and now I want to create partitions from 30 GB free of Harddisk and I do in Windows XP and use Administration TOOL and create an other partition. so How I can create partitions on fedora after completed installation of Fedora Desktop. Need steps of post harddisk partition tool in Fedora.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Defragmentation/Partition Creation In OS X?

Mar 30, 2011

I'm trying to repartition the 60gb hd on my macbook 1,1 so that I can triple boot os x, ubuntu, and windows. When I try to repartition it all at once with diskutil resizeVolume, I get the error: "Resizing encountered error on disk disk0s2 gunton: No space left on device (2"

Everything I've found through google indicates that this means there is not enough contiguous disk space available to resize and create those partitions. I defragmented my harddrive using the online mode with idefrag, unfortunately that didn't work. I also tried boot camp to just do the windows partition first, but it says it that it cannot move system files or something, basically the same error as above.

My thought was whether or not I could either create an os x bootable cd (no dvd-r) and fully defragment it while it's offline, but a du -chs of the necessary directories was well beyond 700mb.

My next thought is the pertinent question: is there a disk defrag tool on the ubuntu live cd? if not, if i downloaded one and placed it on a usb drive, will it mount from the live cd? or is there another way to combat this partitioning problem that i'm unaware of? (i don't have an external harddrive, so i can't timemachine/reformat/restore system).

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CentOS 5 :: When To Skip Swap Partition Creation

May 10, 2009

Are there any general recommendations on skipping creation of swap partition on servers? If I am sure that server will be ok with it's RAM is there any benefit in skipping swap partition creation or making it the least size possible other than saving disk space?

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Fedora :: Home Partition And Create Logical Volume Out Of 53 Gb Filesystem Partition?

Aug 24, 2010

I installed fedora 13 64 bit and it works great but I encountered several issues when setting up guest OS with KVM. The problem seems to be related to selinux. But let me first ask question about logical volume. By Default fedora created logical volumes:


"If you expect that you or other users will store data on the system, create a separate partition for the /home directory within a volume group. With a separate /home partition, you may upgrade or reinstall Fedora without erasing user data files." seems to suggest I have to create a separate physical partition and assign that to /home. But reading elsewhere it seems to suggest logical volume acts like a partition. My goal is to make it easy in case fedora is hosed and I have to re-install it without affecting /home where my cirtical data resides. Given above do I need to create a separate physical partition or I am just fine?

I have a second hard disk that originally had windows and all my data. Windows is hosed but I can see my data from within Fedora and Windows is gone and I created created new partition in its place which used ot be the C:/ drive appears as 53 Gb filesystem. My data which was originally D drive appears as 215 GB filesystem. As given in [URL] I want to create a new logical volume in 53 Gb filesystem which I want to use as space for virtual disk to install guest OS's in KVM. Currrently 53 GB filesystem is mounted as /media/3467BH89JK789 but this does not work well with KVM. how do I create this logical volume out of 53 Gb filesystem partition and add proper selinux info and do I add to vg_vostrolx volume group and in a different volume group?

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Fedora :: Ln Command For Link Creation To Folder On Windows Partition

Jan 16, 2010

I have a question about the ln command for link creation. I have both Windows and Linux partitions on my system. While I'm working on linux, sometimes I need to access the data stored on my windows partition. Yet, the access is provided through /media directory and I often, I have to click on several folders in order to access windows "My Documents" folder. So, in order to avoid this, I decided to create a link to "My Documents" folder directly from my $HOME directory.

$ mkdir /home/dariyoosh/MyDocuments
$ ln -fs /media/disk/Users/dariyoosh/Documents/MyDocuments/* ./MyDocuments

The link was created without any problem and now I have a direct access to that folder just by a click. Yet, there is a problem. If I update any file of the windows MyDocuments folder within this linking directory, the file is actually updated on the windows partition, which is of course what I want to do. But If I decide to create a new file on the windows "MyDocuments" folder by using this linking folder, that is, /home/dariyoosh/MyDocuments, the file is put actually on the linux partition instead of the windows MyDocuments folder. So, having created a directory linking to another directory, is there any way to proceed so that any file operation, in particular, creation, affects directly the linked directory?

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Icons Creation And Panel Content Creation After Login Getting Slower

Nov 17, 2010

I've been running 10.04 since September on my new MSi i3 notebook and about two weeks ago I noticed that when I login after system boot, propagation of icons on my desktop and the content of my Panel have become slower and slower.If I logout and login again the propagations are not slow.

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Ubuntu Installation :: The Ext4 File System Creation In Partition Failed?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a Dell Mini 9 netbook. The SSD took a dump, so I ordered a Super Talent 16gb replacement. I put it in yesterday, tried to install 10.10 and constantly get errors. The first error, which I haven't had since, was [ERROR 30] Read-only File System. The install obviously failed. Wondering if perhaps the file got messed up in translation, I redownloaded 10.10, reformatted the flash drive (sandisk cruizer 4gb), put 10.10 back on via the program on the Ubuntu site. No luck, but no longer the [error 30]. Tried again using Unetbootin, no luck. Rinse repeat a few times, no errors just a working cursor spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning and.. you get it.

Tried to put WinXP on it just because I was that frustrated, no luck.

Now I'm back to Ubuntu (because let's face it, who wants to deal with Windows, christ they make it so complicated). I'm currently using 10.04 because I was hoping (praying) it might just be a 10.10 thing.

No such luck, now it goes to step 7/7, starts, and 5% of the way thry "creating ext4 file system" it says "the ext4 file system creation in partition #1 (0,0,0)(sda) failed." I have checked the SSD in the Disk Utility, SMART tests are clean. I have gone to terminal and run fdisk and had a smarter person than me look at the copypasta, no errors, I have deleted all existing partitions in gparted and started fresh. I have tried the auto partitioning, I have tried manual, I am going insane. Literally insane. My preschooler thinks I've leaped off the deep end.

Could it be my flash drive? Could the SSD be defective despite the tests coming back clean? What do I need to type into terminal? Is there a way to entirely entirely entirely wipe the SSD to make it fresh-out-the-box clean? I will happily provide whatever you need if it means I can get my husband off my back about this stupid netbook with its stupid tiny keyboard.

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General :: How To Repair Filesystem - Appearing As Free Space - Recover The NTFS Data Partition ?

Feb 16, 2010

Original disk:
XP NTFS primary
Linux / ext4 logical
Linux /home ext4 logical
Win 7 NTFS logical
NTFS data logical
swap space
NTFS recovery partition

I tried to install linux, as there was a problem with XP overwriting grub, I chose write grub to /dev/sda8 (which is where the linux install was appearing earlier).

I guess this borked the filesystem somehow. Now the NTFS data partition and the swap space are appearing as one free space.
Well actually before that some linux live CDs (including gparted were seeing the entire drive as unpartitioned). I had to go into XP and delete the /ext4 partitions.

Is there any way for me to recover the NTFS data partition ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Post Install Root Home Dir Creation On Separate Partition

Jun 25, 2010

Looks like I missed defining a /home dir during installation. It's been a while I have a spare partition now that I'd really love to use. Can you specify this still, or is it only allowed during an install?

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General :: Recovering Data From Ext3 Partition With Hardware Errors - Recovery Required On Readonly Filesystem

Jan 10, 2010

I have an external 3.5" USB 250Gb HDD which is showing symptoms of hardware problems (repeated /var/log/messages errors of "reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd"). This was originally plugged in to my NSLU2 running Debian Etch. I have just installed Ubuntu Desktop 9.10 to a spare Pentium-3M laptop and was hoping to copy the contents of this HDD to a fresh drive. However, I cannot mount it even read-only; mount -o ro /dev/sde3 /mnt/disk fails, and the /var/log/messages error is "recovery required on readonly filesystem", "write access unavailable, cannot proceed". I cannot understand why mounting a disk read-only should require write access. Following advice I googled elsewhere, I tried running mke2fs -n /dev/sde3 to try to list the alternative superblocks - but once again I got the error that the device was read-only. How can I go about accessing the data on this disk?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome-panel Is At 100% And Completely Unusable Rendering Gnome Unusable

Nov 19, 2010

I recently bought a second monitor and I had this set up perfectly fine with two panels on my primary display and one on my secondary. I've now gone away for the weekend (leaving the monitor) and I went to turn on my laptop and it didn't work.

When I login to a gnome session (or indeed a failsafe gnome session) I just got two horizontal white bars (where the panels would be). I switch to a terminal, login and run top and see that gnome-panel is on 100%. Running 'killall gnome-panel' does nothing (tried a few times).

I've had to install xfce4 just to type this message. Is there any way I can 'reset' gnome-panel or any other fix? Or even a workaround would be nice. I'm on 9.10 by the way. I am going to upgrade at some point but its not really an option yet.

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Ubuntu Installation :: The Ext4 File System Creation Fails On Single Partition (no Raid)

May 14, 2010

I can't seem to get past step 6 of he installation of Ubuntu 10.04. I get the error: The ext4 file system creation failed... on single partition (no raid). I chose ' / ' as the mount point, and have tried with and without a swap drive. I'm installing on a Sony VAIO VGN-NS160D, and the HDD was previously formatted to NTFS. There's no other OS so I don't see any way of getting a command line to try a sudo fdisk..

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Ubuntu :: Get An Error Message That Reads "the Ext4 File System Creation In Partition #1 Of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sda) Failed?

May 15, 2011

When reinstalling ubuntu 10.04, I get an error message that reads "the ext4 file system creation in partition #1 of SCSI3 (0,0,0) (sda) failled.

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General :: Allowed Filesystem-type For /boot Partition: Journaled Or Non-journaled?

May 24, 2011

Until now I always used a non-journaled filesystem for my /boot-partitions.But as it would make system restoring much easier after crashes I would prefer to use ext3 for my /boot-partition as well.Is this possible, and before all, recommendable?

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General :: Detect Filesystem Type (can't Mount Filesystem Image .img)

Mar 11, 2011

I am trying to mount a file image, like this

mount -o loop /tmp/apps.img /media/apps

But I get the following:

mount: you must specify the filesystem type

I try ext3:

mount -o loop /tmp/apps.img /media/apps -t ext3

dmesg says:

error: can't find ext3 filesystem on dev loop6.

I've also tried ext2, vfat etc. How can I detect the filesystem type of apps.img?

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General :: External Drive Read Only - WARNING! Running E2fsck On A Mounted Filesystem May Cause SEVERE Filesystem Damage

Mar 24, 2010

I've had a look at some similar threads but as I'm very new to linux they're already a bit technical for me. Sorry, this calls for someone with patience. I gather from other threads that disconnecting an external drive without unmounting is a no-no, and this seems to be the likely cause. Now the disk is read only and I'm unable to change any settings through the usual control panel on ubuntu. I'm just not familiar with the terminal instructions. I tried to cut and past a few command lines from other threads but I got some warnings that proceding could damage data. Like this one: WARNING! Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause SEVERE filesystem damage.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Error "the File System Creation In Partition 1 Of Sci1 (0,0,0) (sda) Failed"

Sep 6, 2010

I have searched for answer to this question but cannot find one. I am trying to install ubuntu 8.04.2 on my Acer TravelMate 290 but when I get to the install stage I get the error message "the file system creation in partition 1 of sci1 (0,0,0) (sda) failed". I am dedicating the entire HD to ubuntu, no windows and no dual boot.

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General :: Mark A Portion Of The Screen As Unusable

Dec 12, 2010

I have a laptop of which a large part of the screen is broken (shows garbage). Fortunately the broken area is a clean rectangle, the bottom 1/3 of the screen or so.

The laptop is running Ubuntu 8.04, but I plan to reinstall it with 10.10. The graphics are provided by an Intel 915GM or something in that direction.

Knowing this, do you know of a way to tell the system about the broken part of the screen, so it will simply not use it? I don't really care whether it's done at the hardware, X or window manager level, though as low as possible is preferred.

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