General :: Multiway Desktop Screen Sharing App?

Feb 9, 2010

Is there a free screen sharing app for linux ? I'm not talking about controling a desktop from remote, but simply viewing someone else's screen, quite useful for a teleconference.

The newest version of Skype has a "share screen" feature that uses its webcam channel, it's not bad but the picture quality is rather low so it's actually difficult to the see the details... and actually it's impossible to read text... Also, it's only on the windows version.

I recently found mikogo which seems really nice but again, only for windows or mac

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Fedora :: Desktop Sharing In F12 With KDE

Mar 16, 2010

For some reason I can never seem to get the desktop sharing going on Fedora. I have F12 installed on the ESXi server at work, but I also tried this on my laptop at home this weekend same result.I'm currently following the Fedora 12 users guide, section 15.2 KDE

When I open Desktop Sharing (Krfb) I go to set an invitation, connect in TightVNC, Failed to Connect. If I goto security> Allow Uninvited Connections, I set a password, same thing.I'm using the most current version of TightVNC and I know it's works because I don't have any problem VNC into my OS 10.5 box.

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Fedora :: Webex Desktop Sharing F14 64 Bit

Aug 5, 2011

Do any of you know or have any of you been able to get webex working on 64 bit Fedora 14. I can make the connection but when I try to share my desktop all that gets shared out is a blank screen.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Sharing Over The Internet?

Nov 27, 2010

a friend of mine who is currently living in a different country has just installed ubuntu on her computer and I am having a very frustrating time finding coherent/useful information about how to set up a remote desktop connection with her over the internet with. Right now I'm trying to set up a remote server on MY computer so that I know the process and can tell her what to do. Particularly annoying is the erratic behaviour of Ubuntu's default remote desktop function. The results are erratic, sometimes instructing me to connect to localhost, other times to my IP address, and usually informing me that I can only connect to this computer over the local network. At one point this summer i actually succeeded in getting a friend to connect over the internet to it, but that has not happened again. Why is it doing this?

I get the impression that VNC is the best method for connecting remote desktops, but I haven't had any luck with that either. I assume I must be doing something wrong setting the servers up: i just run vncpasswd to set the password and then vncserver. What else do I need to do? I couldn't find any simple or clear tutorials. Some places seemed to suggest I would have to configure the router if I have one (which I do), but I didn't have to do that in the summer. Although, it was a different router then.Do you need more information on anything? I can't think of anything right now, I'm very tired. If you can point me to any helpful tutorials then that would be great. I have a decent amount of experience with the command line in general, but I'm not very knowledgeable about networks.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Sharing Using Dayon

May 6, 2011

I just found Dayon wich is an opensource desktop sharing tool using java that do not need Nat configuration on client. [URL]

Does someone already test it or use it?

It try to get it working on ubuntu. I followed instructions on chmod scripts and configure java path, but I am unable to get it launch.

When I execute script into console, I just get instructions about java syntax. With verbose it just say java is loading correctly, but not launch and show syntax instructions.

I think it is an excellant alternative to all VNC like that need NAT config.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Desktop GUI File Sharing

Feb 27, 2010

I just installed 9.10 and I tried to share specific folders by right clicking and selecting share. Not a problem.

However when I goto a Windows machine I see the share but cannot connect, says incorrect login/ password. I used the same login/ pass for the linux box and I created a new user and I still get the same results. What am I doing wrong?

I want to use the GUI for this please. When I edit the smb.conf I don't see the share.

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Ubuntu :: Disable Desktop Sharing On Startup?

Aug 17, 2010

I was experimenting with desktop sharing on my kubuntu and now the 2 windows opens after every login.How to disable it?

Also whats with the keyring manager? can I configure so that it does not ask password every time I login? It feels like I have gone back a decade in desktop computing dealing with these nagging features.

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General :: Trying To Desktop Using VNC / Getting Different Screen

Aug 8, 2011

I have a SUSE desktop Linux system running. Now when I am trying to vnc into that system from a VNC client (from a Windows XP box), all I get is a blank desktop with a XTerm running on it. My SUSE desktop had loads of apps and terminals running -- can't see any of them. Any idea what might be going wrong here?I had earlier invoked vncserver on my SUSE desktop as "vncserver" and no options. Maybe I need additional options to make the desktop visible? Or maybe tweak vnc script or xinitrc files, not sure.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Any Software Product For Desktop Sharing?

Mar 3, 2010

Microsoft has a product called Microsoft SharedView. This allows me to see the other person's desktop to do some troubleshooting. Does Ubuntu have a similar software product?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Sharing Folder & Printers On 9.10 Desktop

Mar 18, 2010

Can I share Folder & Printers on 9.10 Desktop? I want to use that shared folder & printers from windows.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Sharing Files Between Desktop And Laptop (Windows 7)

Sep 11, 2010

I followed these steps to try and connect my Desktop(Ubuntu) and Laptop(Win 7) together so they could share files.


sudo apt-get install samba
sudo su
cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.comf_default
gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf


sudo su was not originally in the steps but it wouldn't give me permission to edit the samba file unless I did.Also at the end it said command not found or something like that when I tried to restart samba, so I just logged out and then back in.So now I can identify Ubuntu and Win 7 from on each other, but I can not access either of them. Ubuntu goes into windows network, then workgroup, shows the computers on the network but when I try to access one this comes up:When windows tries to access Ubuntu it request for username and password. I type it in but it does not recognize it.

P.S. I allowed the Documents folder on Ubunto to share across the Network, and while it shows up in along with myshare on Win 7, it still requests for username and password.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Personal File Sharing Between Desktop And Laptop

Jan 31, 2011

I have two computers on my Wireless Local Area Network. One is a desktop and the other is my laptop, once I have enabled file sharing on my desktop, How do I connect my laptop to the file share?

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Networking :: Sharing Internet Connection - Using My Desktop As A Wifi Hotspot

Dec 27, 2010

I have two computers:
- one is my desktop, running ubuntu. it has two NIC's one is wired (eth0), the other is wireless (wlan0).
- the other is my laptop, running archlinux. two NIC's as well (eth & wlan).

I would like to connect my desktop to my router via eth0 and connect my laptop to my desktop via wlan0, providing internet access to my laptop. i would like both computers to be able to use the internet simultaneously (not all packets would be forwarded).

Any manner of doing this would be ok, but if this is a simple enough task to do it by simply configuring some files (e.g. /etc files) rather than installing some unnecessarily big application, then that would be wonderful!

Also, not really as high a priority but if possible, i would like this to perhaps not be limited to my laptop. connecting any device (a psp or pda for example) to the internet this way (making it a hotspot in a sense) would be super! encrypting the connection (WEP for instance) would be ultra-mega!

Miscellaneous info:my desktop uses dhcp to connect to the router.

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General :: Access Desktop Over VNC At A Different Screen Size?

Apr 14, 2011

I've already installed x11vnc and have it running well on my laptop upstairs. I can access my existing desktop session with no real problems, it works great. The problem I'm running into is the fact that I'm accessing my computer upstairs which is driving two 1920x1080 monitors, accessing it by VNC on my 1280x800 laptop (meaning I have to scroll a 3840x1080 desktop on my 1280x800 screen. I've looked into running multiple VNC screens, but this doesn't seem to be the best solution, and I don't know if I can do this with x11vnc. I know that I can run native VNC screens at different geometries, but I don't think that this helps much, as each VNC screen is essentially a new session running basically nothing.

A while back in my sys-admin days, I remember having to set up a desktop environment on a Fedora machine. What was cool was that each VNC screen I created launched the default desktop environment. It "just worked," no fuss. Mind you, it wasn't the same desktop on each screen, but it worked.

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General :: Kde Desktop Is Shows Black Screen?

Mar 19, 2010

whenever i open my kubuntu desktop it brings a black screen. the pointer of the mouse is active but i cannot see anything.but my gnome desktop works well.what might be wrong?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: VNC Screen Sharing And NVidia Drivers?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a laptop and desktop both with basic installations of 9.10 (Karmic). And, they are networked with a Mac running OS X 10.6.2. Screen sharing simply worked right from the beginning, to and from the Mac, and of course to and from both Ubuntu installs.

Except there was no feedback from one Ubuntu desktop screen being shared. Mouse clicks, mouse movements, and keyboard presses all seemed to have their correct effects. It was just that the results were not fed back to the remote screen.

During troubleshooting, I de-activated (removed) the nVidia accelerated graphics driver (version 185) that had been installed with 9.10 (Karmic). Then screen sharing started to work with the proper feedback to the remote screen.

I tried the pre-upgrade nVidia driver (version 173) and again no feedback from the screen being shared. De-activate the driver and again screen sharing started to work with feedback.

The bottom line seems to be no nVidia proprietary drivers if I want remote screen sharing to work. But this desktop is primarily used as a HTPC with a HDTV monitor. No games. No 3D. Screen sharing is probably more important, but essentially what am I giving up in graphics capabilities by not using those nVidia drivers?

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General :: Messed Up And Lost Graphical Desktop And Login Screen?

Jun 14, 2010

I was in the middle of deleting the Xine movie player, and clicked a box wrong. I lost everything possible on the graphical desktop as well as a log in screen for Ubuntu 9.10 (karmic). Since then I did a few things:1. apt-get install ubuntu-desktop2. apt-get install kubuntu-desktop3. apt-get remove kubuntu-desktopAfter all this, I still have the login screen for Kubuntu. But I don't want that. I want to get back to the Ubuntu login screen, and the orange colored desktop. Right now -- after I log in -- I only have a terminal to use. And I have the blue background of Kubuntu. What do I need to do to get rid of the Kubuntu graphics and back to my original login screen, plus the Ubuntu (karmic) graphics and toolbars / menus?

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General :: Black Screen On Reboot In OpenSuSe Enterprise Desktop

Jan 13, 2011

So I updated my software using Yast. One of the updates failed to install. I rebooted and then was in black screen hell with the following information:

Neither the variables MOUSEDEVICE and MOUSETYPE nor the variable GPM_PARAM is set in /etc/sysconfig/mouse
Run 'yast mouse' to set up gpm
Starting hpssd: Checking/updating CPU microcode unused
Starting nfsboot (sm-notify) done
Loading keymap i386/qwert/ done
Loading compose table winkeys shiftctrl latin1.add done
Start Unicode mode done
Starting hotkey-setup done
Starting cupsd done
Starting powersaved: ###################################
# ACPI system but acpid not running. #
# Start acpid first, then restart powersaved! #
############################################### skipped
Mount SMB/ CIFS File Systems unused
Executing suseRegister (looking for new update channels): skipped
Starting SSH daemon done
Starting ypbind.....................No domainname set skipped
Starting service automounter ("files nis" does not provide any mounts) skipped
Starting Firewall Initialization (phase 2 of 2) SuSEfirewallZ: Warning: ip6tables does not support state matching. Extended IPu6 support disabled.
SuSEfirewallz: Warning: no interface active done
Master Resource Control: runlevel 3 has been reached
Skipped services in runlevel 3: nfs gpm microcode powersaved smbfs suseRegister ypbind autofs
Welcome to SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 SP1 (i586) - Kernel (tty1).
linux-bvuz login: Starting ZENworks Management Daemon^[^[^[

I don't have a CD drive attached to the HP 2133.

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General :: After Booting Logging Into The User A/c - Gives A Blank Screen With The Desktop Wallpaper

Jan 8, 2011

I just put on my Linux PC now and after booting logging into the user a/c, it just gives a blank screen with the desktop wallpaper - no menu's or anything, so there's pretty much nothing I can do. I know I had removed the menu and replaced it with the dock (awn dock or something).

However, I can log in as root and root works fine (so I'm doing the update at the moment).

Coming back to my question, I used to know an Ubuntu command which I put in as sudo (terminal)and it used to work like a magic command which would literally restore and repair my linux installation - I even used it when I bought a new system and transferred my linux hard drive from my previous machine to the new one and this one command actually setup and prepared my linux installation to work smoothly in my new PC - just one command after connecting my h/drive in the new PC.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Skype Crash When Starting Full Screen Sharing?

Feb 27, 2010

i just found out (late i know) that the knew skype beta 2 now comes with the awesome screen-sharing feature that skype for mac and skype for win comes i uninstalled the old skype and installed the new beta version with lightning quickness to try that out.. (and show off my compiz effects to all my friends lol!!)anyway, it seems to only work halfway for me. sharing the FULL screen will cause my skype app to crash and close instantly. but sharing a screen selection works just fine... even though i can't resize the screen selecting area.. but it's not that big a deal for me.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Dual Screen Launcher - Right Hand Screen Displays Everything Except The Desktop Launchers

Apr 25, 2011

I have a dual screen setup with one card NVidia 8400GS.

Both screen are identical 22" LCD LG W2246 Monitors.

I have Dual X-Display setup.

I am using Gnome Desktop.

The left hand screen displays everything, menus, panels, background and of course desktop launchers.

The right hand screen displays everything except the desktop launchers.

If I create a new launcher on the left it appears on the left desktop when created.

If I create a new launcher on the right it appears on the left and can not be dragged over to the right screen.

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General :: Configure Kde 4 To Resize Windows To Half Desktop Size When Moved To Side Of Screen?

Feb 7, 2010

I have just noticed a nice feature in Windows 7 - when you drag a window to the edge of the screen (the mouse pointer must touch the edge), windows offers you to resize the window to exactly half of the screen size. This is actually very handy on the wide screen monitors.

Is it possible (and how) to configure Kde 4 to do the same thing?

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Screen Position - .The Top Bar Of Any Screen Image Is Just Off The Top?

May 20, 2010

I am very happy with Ubuntu 10.04 that I downloaded, burnt to CD and installed (I am a newbie to Linux), but I am finding a little problem on an old Sony lap-top, with a rather old-fashioned almost square screen.The top bar of any screen image is just off the top, and I can only see a quarter of it, which makes using the max/min and cancel buttons a bit hard to use. I know I can resize the screen, but it goes back to the original next time it is used. Is there a permanent fix?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Client PC Sharing Key With Access Files / If Not File Sharing?

Jul 7, 2011

Im using WPA with a TKIP pre-shared key...Can a client pc im sharing my key with access my files if im not file sharing? Router config?

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Debian :: Activate "Remote Desktop Sharing" At The Login Mask?

Apr 10, 2011

I have squeeze with gnome and vino-server installed. Howto activate "Remote Desktop Sharing" at the login mask, so I can put login and password per remote.

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Ubuntu :: Samba Stalls - Link Desktop "Karmic" Up To An XP Laptop "homegroup" For File Sharing

Jan 30, 2010

I am trying to link my desktop "Karmic" up to an XP laptop "homegroup" for file sharing. Both computers are on my wifi served by a router. The following plugins were installed via Synaptics:


Initially clicking on "samba" brings this up: "warning: some lines couldn't be understood while reading the configuration file /etc/samba/smb.conf. these may be unknown configuration directives samba plugins but could also be configuration errors." You ignore the warning and continue on. The results are a static "samba server menu" accepting what you type ...but doing nothing with it upon pressing OK.

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General :: Sharing A Modem INTERNET On LAN

Mar 11, 2010

My computer is already connected to a 100Mbps LAN. I can use wvdial to connect to internet using a modem when I have my LAN disconnected. Now, I want to share this modem internet to one of the IP addresses available on LAN. Say for example.

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General :: Printer Sharing From Ubuntu 10.04 To Mac OSX

Oct 4, 2010

So I have a Ubuntu box with a printer trying to share it's printer with a Mac using cups over ipp. Has anynone else had trouble with this?At first the printer would be stuck in the busy state according to the Mac. Any attempt to change it's state would only work for a split second. Then I found on the ubuntu help site ( a command the run on the Mac,
cupsctl BrowseRemoteProtocols=cups

This works temporarilyand allows printing, but then it fails again some time later, seems to last only to the next restart (which isnt a long time for a laptop).

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General :: Sharing CPU Cycles Between Two Systems?

Apr 21, 2010

I've somehow got it into my head that it's possible to share CPU cycles, though I've no idea where from.So basically that's what I'm asking - is it actually possible to tell one system to 'donate' it's unused CPU time, cycles, whatever they are, for another's use?

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General :: Sharing - Home Partition ?

Oct 26, 2010

I have used linux on and off for a few years now but still jump between distros.

I have just got my old toshiba laptop working (got lucky and got given another broken laptop for free and managed to merge them into one working laptop )

I am about to install mint 10 RC and fedora and just realised why on earth have I not created a seperate partition for /home?

I have done a quick google and I know it can be done but I thought id ask you guys if you had any tips or advice on sharing files between 2 or more distros?

I have found a how-to for this but if there is a specific tutorial that you would recommend?

Doing some more research into it and I have found that sharing the /home file is 'not adviced' unless using differant user names for each install... so I am now planning on making a /data partition instead.

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