Ubuntu Multimedia :: Skype Crash When Starting Full Screen Sharing?
Feb 27, 2010
i just found out (late i know) that the knew skype beta 2 now comes with the awesome screen-sharing feature that skype for mac and skype for win comes with..so i uninstalled the old skype and installed the new beta version with lightning quickness to try that out.. (and show off my compiz effects to all my friends lol!!)anyway, it seems to only work halfway for me. sharing the FULL screen will cause my skype app to crash and close instantly. but sharing a screen selection works just fine... even though i can't resize the screen selecting area.. but it's not that big a deal for me.
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May 9, 2011
I'm running Xubuntu 11.04 with Skype 2.2 (although the problem presents in 2.1 as well). I've found that when I'm in a call with another person, and BOTH of us are using our webcams, Skype will randomly crash the entire system and force me to hardboot. I say randomly because A) it doesn't always happen, and B) it happens at random intervals. Sometimes as quickly as a few seconds, and sometimes several minutes. The crash appears differently each time. Sometimes the entire screen just freezes, sometimes it goes black with a white cursor, sometimes it goes to a CLI with what appears to be a kernel panic, and one time it even causes a CLI with what appeared to be flashing/scrolling text. I've check syslog and kern.log, as well as Xorg.0.log.
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Jan 25, 2011
This obnoxious bar has just appeared in Smplayer at the top of the screen. It stays there even when I go full screen. Now full screen isn't full screen and there are black edges on both sides of the screen. I have not be able to figure out how to hide it. I do not need or want this onscreen display. How can I configure Smplayer to make this go away? How can I get my 16:9 full screen aspect ratio back? I have done nothing to mplayer or smplayer as far as editing any or changing any configuration files. I tried several videos and it displays on all of them. It was not there last time I used Smplayer.
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Jun 21, 2011
I'm having a strange problem with KDE, to which there may be no solution but thought I'd ask anyway. I play several games (Neverball, several MAME games and even ZSNES and others) and it seems that if I have desktop effects turned on, KWIN will crash every time I exit a full screen game such as those mentioned above and others. If I disable desktop effects before starting the game, everything is fine. The games themselves run fine while desktop effects are enabled, I don't have to remember to disable desktop effects before clicking on a game.
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Jan 20, 2015
I recently "upgraded" to the latest skype and now every time I open an interactive root shell, up pops skype. I can close skype then control-C in the terminal window to get the shell I want, but this is annoying to say the least. Maybe my google-foo is off, but all I can find is articles on how to run skype as root, which is no use. I've tried searching the startup files for "skype" (case independant), but so far all I can find is "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ /usr/bin/skype" in the root .bashrc which shouldn't be starting the app.
what could be causing this?
(Running Wheezy)
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Jul 18, 2010
OpenSuse 11.3 with nVidia drivers.I have the screen working fine though it only runs in 1600x1200@75 using the nVidia driver (GTX260 card).When I play a game in full screen mode all seems OK but when I exit the game then I just get the mouse pointer on a black screen.There must be something present since the cursor changes as I move it, normal pointer -> hand over a link etc. It's just that black on black isn't very readable.
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Apr 18, 2010
I'm running Jaunty, and I'm trying to play a film that is .mkv format through VLC. Everytime I try to play it, the screen either freezes up completely, or it sends me to the login screen. It's only with this one film, though. I have a number of other films in this format, and they all work perfectly.I'm a bit of a newb, so I'm not entirely sure where I would find out what went wrong
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Jul 29, 2010
Ive installed Lucid in my vaio. The vga is 4350 ATi.
The videos and games have two black stripes at the monitors edges this is due to Widescreen monitor.
At windows you can go at catalyst control center and in monitor configuration has the option for scaling so i can configured my vga to play the videos and the games at full screen with out any black gaps (right-left)
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Dec 28, 2010
Recently upgraded from 9.10 to 10.04 64 bit. Update went fine with the exception I cannot get full screen with my programs such as firefox, open office, picasa, or any other program I open. Cannot drag the window open to full screen. Changed the nvidia driver from Preferred to the nvidia 173 driver in system, administration , hardware drivers. Neither seem to workto get full screen. Hit F11 and that does not work either.
Here is my system:
MSI P55-GD80 1156 RT
INTEL |CORE I7 860 2.8 G
SEAGATE 7K ST3100052
MSI N94GT MD512 9400 GT
Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit
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Feb 4, 2010
I have a laptop and desktop both with basic installations of 9.10 (Karmic). And, they are networked with a Mac running OS X 10.6.2. Screen sharing simply worked right from the beginning, to and from the Mac, and of course to and from both Ubuntu installs.
Except there was no feedback from one Ubuntu desktop screen being shared. Mouse clicks, mouse movements, and keyboard presses all seemed to have their correct effects. It was just that the results were not fed back to the remote screen.
During troubleshooting, I de-activated (removed) the nVidia accelerated graphics driver (version 185) that had been installed with 9.10 (Karmic). Then screen sharing started to work with the proper feedback to the remote screen.
I tried the pre-upgrade nVidia driver (version 173) and again no feedback from the screen being shared. De-activate the driver and again screen sharing started to work with feedback.
The bottom line seems to be no nVidia proprietary drivers if I want remote screen sharing to work. But this desktop is primarily used as a HTPC with a HDTV monitor. No games. No 3D. Screen sharing is probably more important, but essentially what am I giving up in graphics capabilities by not using those nVidia drivers?
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Mar 3, 2010
I followed the wonderful guide in this section with all of the steps and whatnot (I forget what it is called) and I got my DVD player working. I have used both the built in DVD player, and VLC with all the required codecs and whatnot. But when I go to full screen, the player (both of them) crash and I have to eject the disc and start over. It is actually kind of weird because I can resize it larger to a certain extent, but I feel once it gets over about 50-75% of the screen, it crashes.
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May 16, 2010
After upgrading to Lucid, I've found that when using the OpenOffice Presentation in a full screen slide show, that the presentation itself does not maximize over the gnome panel anymore (I have a slideshow with my panel showing on top). Quite annoying.I am able to work around this by auto-hiding the panel, but would rather be ableo simply run the presentation without having to do so. I can't find anything in OO's settings to resolve this
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Oct 31, 2010
I'm just on ..... and half of the videos I try to put in full screen work and the rest just freeze the frame but the audio still plays and the video continues in the background.
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Nov 12, 2010
I have installed ubuntu 10.10 on my laptop (a thinkpad L412). It works, except for video problems : - when I want to read a DVD, I can very well see and use the menu (where it is proposed to watch the movie or choose a scene), but when I launch the movie, theplayer stops. It happens with both VLC and Movie Player (I have not yet tried other player). - If I watch a video on ..... (or other websites), it is OK when I watch it embedded in the page. But if I want to put it full screen, the sound is still OK, but the image is frozen.
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Jan 22, 2011
I have two 1680x1050 monitors running from the same graphics card, using xinerama. The left hand one is rotated portrait, while the right hand one remains landscape.
Some flash videos will full screen fine (4od,iplayer,.....) but some will not; in the attached screenshot you can see that there is a small section of the screen displaying the video while the video controls are correctly at the bottom of the screen. The grey block on the right flashes rapidly light and dark.
Another issue I have is that flash will not stay full screen if I move focus to something on the other screen, is there a workaround for this?
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Apr 19, 2011
today in the morning I upgraded several gstreamer related packages (I suspect from the Gstreamer Developers PPA; list and versions see below). Now I just noticed that in the Movie Player (Totem Movie Player 2.30.2 using GStreamer 0.10.32 (prerelease)), when viewing a video in full screen mode, the whole screen is filled with black as expected, but the video itself now remains at its original size in the center of the screen, it is not being resized to the size of the screen. This was not the case two days ago, and I suspect the gstreamer upgrade.
Does anyone have any pointers on this, before I file a bug report? As the Movie Player itself doesn't provide any further options on video scaling (yeah, what a nice GNOME philosophy...), there's not much I can do from within the GUI..
Upgraded the following packages:
gstreamer0.10-alsa (0.10.32-1~lucid1) to
gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad (0.10.21-1~lucid1) to
gstreamer0.10-plugins-base (0.10.32-1~lucid1) to
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Jun 22, 2011
After 2 months without any problems, my second screen plugged on my laptop has stopped working. It works on my windows partition. When I start the computer, I see the login screen on both screens. When I enter the password, both screen turn to black. If I unplug the extra monitor, the laptop start normally.I'm on Ubuntu Natty, my laptop is a Thinkpad E420s with Intel HD graphics, i5 cpu, 4gb ram.
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May 1, 2011
I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04. I didn't really find the Unity interface useable (I didn't like Ubuntu Netbook Edition for this exact reason) and am running it in Classic mode. I have a Acer Aspire One D255, Intel Atom processor, etc. When I start the computer up from a hibernate, the screen goes black with a set of random colored pixels at the top corner. I have a mouse but nothing else.
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Sep 1, 2011
I installed debian 6.0 and have a problem with mplayer running in fullscreen/maximised window. Basically whenever I want to play a film in full screen or maximised window the view/film area remains a small rectangle and there's a big black area around that makes up the full screen.I'm running a nouveau driver and the video settings in mplayer are set to xv ( I also tried gl).
That's what happen when I run mplayer from the command line (eg. mplayer film.avi), which is my preferred method. When I want to play a film by opening it from a file browser, it starts mplayer but there's no video at all, just the sound.
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Feb 28, 2010
I found a few threads dealing with this subject about a year ago but none seem to have come up with a simple answer. I use vlc and one writer indicated there was an option in vlc to disable the screensaver when in full screen mode. However, I've checked all over vlc and can't find this option.I'm not interested in creating a switch using Terminal to do this manually. I just want to know if disabling the screensaver can be automatic when in full screen mode - like in Windows
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May 14, 2010
im running ubuntu lucid here, and on both firefox and chrome.....after i watch somthing in a full screen...i have to restart the browser to be able to type somthing with keyboard!
its wierd, i dont know if its veetle problem or ubuntu problem!anyone is facing this issue?
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May 23, 2010
Just got my EeePC installed with the latest release of ubuntu netbook and have used update manager to get the system to the latest versions including the latest Adobe flash player.
I'm having problems with BBC iPlayer though. When I watch in full screen mode, it only lasts for 10 minutes then reverts back to the Firefox browser.
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Dec 8, 2010
I've been watching movies alot at night and the thing that is urksome is that when I wake up the computer is still running even though the movie quit playing like 5 hours ago while I was asleepI have dbus plugin for totem installed, and totem isn't set to be ontop always. Also in powermanagement I have it set up so that the screensaver kicks on at 3 minutes after movie, screen shutsdown after 5 minutesand the computer should be put to sleep after 30 minutes. Which the last part is the only part that doesnt seem to work
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May 2, 2011
I really don't know where I should ask this question. When I'm watching a video in full screen (ex, avi or h264 file) I am seeing random horizontal bars where there is action on the video like where a head is turning.When the motion is slow I am less likely to see these lines. Faster the motion, lots of lines or shaky motion. I was using my onboard Geforce 6150 GPU but thought it was because it was underpowered. I then bought a GT220 thinking that it was the problem. It is still but less frequent. Using the built in player, VLC... I don't know where to look, what to search for...There is my setup:
AMD Athlon II x2 255
nvidia GT220 512mb
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Jul 16, 2011
I do quite allot of screen tutorials, and i am always useing this FMMPEG script.ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -i pulse -f x11grab -r 30 -s $(xwininfo -root | grep 'geometry' | awk '{print $2;}') -i :0.0 -acodec pcm_s16le -vcodec libx264 -vpre lossless_ultrafast -threads 0 -y video2.avi.I was just wondering if someone knows a script that i could put in a text file, make it executable and it would ask me what i wanted to save the file as, and it would put that text where "Video2.avi" goes, and then it would just run the normal FFMPEG script.
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Apr 25, 2016
I'm running Debian Stretch on my notebook
4.4.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.4.6-1 (2016-03-17) x86_64 GNU/Linux
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Jan 7, 2010
I am running 9.10 on a laptop with an external monitor. when i run a flash video in full screen on the external monitor and click anything on the workspace of the laptop screen, the flash video on the external monitor will revert back from full screen.
this did not happen a couple of weeks back. i have not used it for 3 weeks. maybe one of the updates in between changed some setting?
does anyone now how to fix the problem?
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Feb 6, 2010
What I mean is I'd like to watch stuff in its original size but with the rest of the screen black, the way it is in full screen view (but I don't want it zoomed). RealPlayer calls this option "theatre view". Is there a line I can put into terminal? I tried
sudo gedit /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf
and changing commenting in zoom=yes and changing it to zoom=no. Made no difference.
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Sep 27, 2010
We should find a way to patch Flash plugin to inhibit the display of the warning "Press ESC to exit full screen mode". On Windows it's possible to perform the trick perfectly by patching the DLL using a Hex editor, but on Linux? I'm unable to correctly alter the binary /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so .
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Oct 22, 2010
Am supposed to hand my lord and master an ubuntu laptop tomorrow morning with a presentation on it that includes two short movie clips. Impress will import the movies, they play in the edit mode but when I actually show the presentation in full screen mode the video doesn't start, it just sits on the first frame and I can't for the life of me figure out how to make it play rather than switch to the next slide.
I'm using maverick meerkat on a dell mini 1012 and oo 3.2
edit: this works (specific movies and version of OO) on my Macbook running Lucid
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