General :: Mailx Script Using Unspecified Recipients

Mar 1, 2010

Red Hat.
bash script.

I know there are several posts to do with mail and mailx, but nothing obvious in terms of my problem. Below is a small excerpt from the script that runs, but seems to have developed a problem.

###### Email Parameters ######
SUBJECT="${HOSTNAME} Subject Line"


The email is sent, but with numerous recipients, rather than the one specified in the RECIPIENTS variable, and because most of these aren't valid, getting a dead.letter. I've put in some debugging to check values of recipient and subject, and they show as expected.

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General :: Windows - Why Does E-mail Render Incorrectly Only For Certain Recipients - When Use A Certain Server

Mar 11, 2011

This has been driving me absolutely crazy for a few days now. I have an e-mail. If I send it from a Windows Server 2003 server via MailEnable, a certain person receives it using Outlook 2003 just fine. If, however, I send the exact same message from an Ubuntu 10 server using SSMTP to relay the e-mail to the exact same MailEnable queue, the recipient receives a messed-up-looking e-mail. There are all kinds of "= " all over the place. The exact same e-mail looks fine on my Ubuntu computer, as well as my Mac, and all of the Windows/Mac computers here at work. Here is an excerpt from the copy they receive:

COMPANY has been communicating with COMPANY as they Agency worked to develop the= COMPANY permit, knowing that this would impact aquatic pesticide applicat= ion. But in December, COMPANY advised us that the COMPANY permit would = also cover any pesticide applications made "on or near any water or water c= onveyance." They described a scenario in which a pesticide applicatio= n made in a field or pasture that had a waterway or ditch in it (even if th= e waterway or ditch was dry) would need a COMPANY permit. This meant th= at the majority of pesticide applications made to crops would need a COMPANY = permit, and would have to comply with all the burdensome paperwork requirem= ents plus all of the pesticide application records would be available to th= e public for review.

What on Earth is happening? I'm using PHP's Mail_Mime to send the mail, if that matters.

I have tried testing this on an in-house netbook, running XP and Outlook 2003, same as them, and it looks fine. Unfortunately though, it's happening for more than one person, with different companies, in different states. Is it maybe an Outlook thing? Or a firewall?

Here are the headers they sent me, when I requested them earlier:

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General :: Regular Expression To Match Unspecified Number Of Characters Until A '>'?

Jul 7, 2010

I'm attempting to search through a rather large assortment of html files created in Word using 'save as html'. what I'm trying to do is find and delete these tags (they're causing browsers to display black diamonds with white question marks):

<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> </span> Tags contain from 1 to 4 spaces between opening and closing. I get positive results from this:

grep <span style='mso-spacerun:yes'> filename.html but once I attempt to tell it to match any number of characters up until the next '>' symbol, it tells me I'm using an invalid regex: grep <span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>[^>]+> filename.html

I've been nose-deep in regex tutorials for the past day or so, and I'm still not understanding why this doesn't work. If I put the pattern (without backslashes) into a separate file and use `grep -f patternfile filename.html`, I get no error but no matches either. So far as I can figure, the above regex boils down to:
Match the string "<span style='mso-spacerun:yes'>", followed by any number of characters that are not a ">", followed by a ">". If someone could tell me where I'm going wrong with this,

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General :: Mailx Doesn't Send Mail

Mar 1, 2010

I'm having issues sending mail on a Debian (Lenny) box using mailx.

root@deity:/# mail root
Subject: Hai
Hi, root!


Does anyone have an idea what might be causing this?

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General :: Control Sendmail Or Mailx From A File?

Oct 14, 2010

I need to control sendmail or mailx from a file. The file will have the receprent as the first line, Subject: has the second line, etc. From what I can find with Google the only why to define the target and subject is on the command line? Does any one know of a way to make a mailer use the data in a file? The file would look like this:



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General :: Sending Mail With Mailx Version 12.1

Jul 2, 2010

GNU/linux kernel 2.6, Slackware 12.0.

I ran mail (aka mailx) and opened an account foo. If I remain inside the program, the command 'account foo' prints the account data. Good. But if I exit the program, and rerun it, then the command 'account' has no output which is to say I have no account.

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General :: Mailx Cmd - How To Ignore The Machine Name Getting Appended To The Receiver Mailaddr

Mar 12, 2011

I am facing some problem with the mailx commmand. When i run the mailx command from the command line it sends it to the correct mail address which i mention.

#cat mailbody | mailx -s "Test"

But when i run the same command from a perl script, it appends the machine name ( to the mail address, and the mail address ( - which i entered) becomes invalid [URL] - found in the maillog), failing to reach the receiver. I am running it from the csh shell. how to avoid this addition.

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Server :: Postfix 2.6.5 Rejecting Email To All Recipients If One Recipient Is Bad?

Oct 6, 2010

I have an ubuntu server running postfix 2.6.5 (configured using DTC). If a user tries to send an email to more than one recipient, and one recipient address is bad, then the server returns an error and no mail is sent (even to the good addresses), rather than letting the good ones through. Error displayed by thunderbird is


"An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: 5.1.1 [URL]: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table. Please check the message recipient and try again." and mail.log shows ...


Oct 6 20:35:08 www1 postfix/smtpd[22716]: connect from xxxxxx []
Oct 6 20:35:08 www1 postfix/smtpd[22716]: B62F92A44: client=xxxxxx [], sasl_method=PLAIN,


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Software :: Jabber: Client's Messages Don't Reach The Recipients?

Apr 26, 2011

The next problem I faced is that the Jabber-client sends messages but the recipients do not receive them.The server is Openfire 3.7.0. And our users use it without any problems.One user has Kubuntu 10.10. Pidgin 1:2.7.3-1ubuntu3.2. The connection passes well. The contact list loads well. The incoming messages are received well.But the messages which are sent to others - do not reach them.His Jabber-client is configured as others'. I tried Pidgin 1:2.7.3-1ubuntu3.2 (which is used in our company) and Gajim 0.13.4-1ubuntu1 .What can it be? And what should I do?I compared the openssl version on my computer and on problem computer. I have 0.9.8o-1ubuntu4.4. He had just 4. I upgraded his system. Now he has also 4.4. But the problem is still with us.

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General :: Fax Server / Getting Message "requeued" And Error Unspecified Transmit Phase C?

Mar 7, 2010

I am facing the problem with fax serevr linux suse, we have installed Hyla fax for send fax. wehen we sending the fax always getting message "requeued", and following errors

1.Your job to 9 xxxxxxx was not sent because:

Unspecified Transmit Phase C error

The job will be retried at 17:09

2.Your job to 9 04xxxxx failed because:

Unspecified Transmit Phase C error; too many attempts to send

3.Your job to 9 0096xxxxxx failed because:

Fax protocol error (command repeated 3 times); Giving up after 3 attempts to send same page

4.Your job to 9 0439xxxx was not sent because:

No local dialtone

The job will be retried at 17:05

5.Your job to 9 0096xxxxxxx is delayed in the scheduling queues because:

Blocked by concurrent calls

The job will be processed as soon as possible.

6. Your job to 9 0096xxxxxx was not sent because:

RSPREC error/got DCN (sender abort)

The job will be retried at 14:33

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OpenSUSE :: Not Able To Start MySQL - Unspecified Error

Jan 5, 2011

openSUSE 11.3 (x86_64)
Linux x86_64
mysql-community-server_64 5.1.46-2.18-x86_64 from vendor openSUSE
php5-mysql 5.3.3-0.7.1-x86_64 from vendor openSUSE
Apache2 2.2.15-3.7-x86_64
apache2-mod_php5 5.3.3-0.7.1-x86_64 from vendor openSUSE

Trying to start mysql in YaST > system services (runlevel) >
Expert mode
gives following message
/etc/init.d/mysql start returned 1 (unspecified error):

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Fedora :: When Run Software Update There Are Get An Unspecified Transaction Error?

Aug 18, 2011

The details of the Unspecified Error are belowQuote:could not add package update for fedora-release-rawhide-15-3(noarch)updates: fedora-release-rawhide-15-3.noarchThe screnn shot attached of the error message!How will I able to get my system updated.After sometime it is today that I installed Fedora 15 and there are 316 updates to take place

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: DVD Reads / Does Not Write - Unspecified Error

Jan 11, 2011

Problem: MATSHITA DVD RAM UJ-851S ( rev 1.50) reads dvds and plays audio/movie (.avi,.mp4,mp3,etc) but refuses to burn.

Media: Taiyo Yuden DVD (always excellent!!)
Sony DVD+/-R (w/"AccuCore" technolgy; recent purchase 3 days ago)
Sony CR -R (previously flawless, at least for audio, doc backup)

Notebook: HP Pavilion dv9000 series (dv9310us)

Symptoms: 1. Reads all media
2. Starts burn w/acetoneiso, brasero, nerolinux 4.0.0;
3. Gets to 35% - 90% complete; then each app above reports:
"unspecified error.. .. .." or words to this effect, asks for log/bug report, etc.

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Dropping Connection After Unspecified Time

Mar 21, 2010

Toshiba A215 laptop
Driver is rtl8187
I really need to make the connection constant and non-dropping. I've had opensuse 11.2 since march 7 2010, figured out most of it by lurking and reading threads didn't want to make threads but I really don't know what to do to make this connection stay on. I am posting Terminal commands from when I am both on and offline.

How I attempted to fix this issue myself: I downloaded wireshark, wicd,knetworkmanager. Tried running all of them nothing worked. I went into Yast and switched off networkmanager and went traditional still nothing. Tried adding opendns to traditional. nothing. Went back to NM would get online then after an unknown time I'd lose connection even though NM said i was still connected. Offline running terminal commands from what I read on here in other threads and stickies

:~> ping -c 5
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 0 received, +2 errors, 100% packet loss, time 4000ms
, pipe 2
:~> /usr/sbin/iwconfig wlan0 | grep Mb
Bit Rate=11 Mb/s Tx-Power=20 dBm

:~> sudo /usr/sbin/iwconfig wlan0 rate 24M

:~> /sbin/lspci -v
00:00.0 Host bridge: ATI Technologies Inc RS690 Host Bridge
Subsystem: Toshiba America Info Systems Device ff10
Flags: bus master, 66MHz, medium devsel, latency 64 .....

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Ubuntu Servers :: 554 5.7.1 Relay Access Denied - Error "Your Message Did Not Reach Some Or All Of The Intended Recipients"

Jan 4, 2011

i have search for a long time regarding this matter but i couldn't found nothing.... The facts are like this:

1. I have a server on Ubuntu Linux 10.10 with the following modules installed:
- Webmin 1.530
- BIND DNS Server
- Fetchmail Retrieval
- Dovecot
- Postfix
- a domain ( - the website it's not hosted on my machine

What i did until now:

- establish a local mail network like user@testserver.local
- successfully installed and configure Fetchmail Retrieval. like: mapped to user@testserver.local

2. The problem: Sending an e-mail using a POP3 client like Outlook from an local account! If i use the local address and try to deliver a message outside my local network the following error is sent by System Administrator: Code: Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.


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Fedora :: Mailx Command Isn't Working?

Jan 28, 2010

I am trying to email some log files from my RHEL 5.3 server to my Outlook corporate account and nothing happens. Here is the command I use:[root@server1]# mailx -s "server info" my_id@my_corporate_domain < server_infoThe file server_info does exist and is a small log file. I checked for sendmail and seems to be running OK as follows:

[root@server1]# ps -ef | grep -i mail
root 13954 1 0 2009 ? 00:00:00 sendmail: accepting connections
smmsp 13962 1 0 2009 ? 00:00:00 sendmail: Queue runner@01:00:00 for /var/spool/clientmqueue

I'm not at all familiar with mail clients or mail system in Linux. Is there anything missing? I don't have to use mailx, I could use an alternative. Just please let me know how to sent a simple mail from this server to my corporate account using any tools possible (and maybe how to set it up)

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Slackware :: Setup For Mail - Mailx ?

May 18, 2010

I was wondering how to setup slackware such that I can send and receive local mail using the commandline "mail" command.

I tried sending a sample mail this way:

And it looks like the message was sent, but when I then go check:

it says there is no mail.

Do I need to have sendmail running for just local mail calls?

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CentOS 5 :: Mailx And Sendmail Not Working?

Feb 19, 2009

Im unable to send mail using mailx or sendmail. The sendmail daemon is running.

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Fedora :: Inconsistent Delivery With Nail Or Mailx ?

Sep 5, 2011

I have a script that sends short reports via the mailx command which is failing a lot lately.

Syntax used is basically: mailx -s "the subject" -r < textfile.txt

For what ever reason this command has become very unreliable lately. I've tested on the command line and sometimes it works but frequently fails. The -r address seems to cause problems as it always fails with a -r set to my work address. I've read several theads and tried adding a .mailrc file but couldn't get past the NSS configuration setting. (Using my mozilla x123x.default dir results in Error initializing NSS: Security library: bad database. )

The nail command behaves about the same. what would make email sending so intermittent?

I've checked the /var/log/maillog but see each mail session end with the following and no errors reported:

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.4 - Mailx Not Working (Message Not Sent)

Apr 25, 2011

I am running a opensuse 11.4 with mailx 12.2. I am trying to sent emails via command line using mailx. I have not configured any mail server in yast. My .mailrc in my homefolder looks like this:

set smtp-use-starttls
account gmx {
set smtp-auth=login
set smtp-auth-password=mypassword
set from="My name <>"

Unfortunately when I use the command
mailx -s"Test" -A gmx [Return]
I am getting only the message
Unexpected EOF on SMTP connection
"/home/myname/dead.letter" 11/338
. . . message not sent.

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Ubuntu :: Sending Attached Files With Mailx?

Jan 5, 2010

Formerly it was possible to send attached files using the "-a" option eg. mailx -a /home/yan/textfile [URL]. (I think -a stood for "attached". At the time the "-a" option figured as an option for sending attached files.Now it is an option for sending headers. how one can now send attached files using mailx?

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Slackware :: Instruct Mailx To Use Postfix Instead Of Sendmail?

Jun 22, 2011

im just wondering is it possible to instruct mailx to use postfix instead of sendmail while have sendmail and postfix installed? like system-switch-mail way in other distros. basically i would like to be able to use mailx when i uninstall sendmail and keep postfix only installed, so i dont get msg after i press . to send email from mailx

/usr/sbin/sendmail: No such file or directory

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CentOS 5 :: Set Mailx To Use External Smtp Server?

Jan 14, 2011

In Red hat i used the nail command to send mail using an external smtp server without sendmail or other mail services active. My question is: In Centos 5 nail is not present but is present mailx in version 8.1.1-44.2.2

Is there a way to set mailx to use external smtp server ? because in many forum i get the string mailx -S smtp= etc.etc. but in my case the -S parameter generate mailx: invalid option -- S antoher question is there a an official repository to download rpm nail for centos ?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Using Mailx To Send Mail To Gmail?

Oct 11, 2009

I have a couple of servers that are scripted to send cron script output logs to my email address (a Gmail address). Mailx is what I am using, but I didn't have to configure anything; I installed it, and it just worked with the following command: mailx -s "SUBJECT" -r FROMMYADDRESS TOMYADDRESS < FILETOCATANDSEND

This occurs every Saturday and Sunday at noon after my backup scripts run.
I noticed yesterday that I did not receive these logs, so I logged into the machine, started 'mail' and saw messages like this: This is the mail system at host media.deagle.lan.


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OpenSUSE Network :: Mailx Creates Unwanted Attachment

Sep 9, 2010

I run in a script a mailx command like this:cat logfile | mailx -s'the logfile' to-me@..This works most of the time, but in some cases mailx automagically turns logfile into an attachment called 'attachment.bin'.I think this may be because 'logfile' contains a few control characters or escape codes?How can I tell mailx to be less intelligent and treat it as an ASCII text file?

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Ubuntu :: Bash Script For Sending Email Using Mailx?

May 8, 2010

I'm trying to send an email using mailx, in a bash script, but I can't get it to work. In the terminal I can, and this is how I do it:

$ mailx

Within seconds of doing this, I get sent an email. The problem is with the bash script I'm trying to make. Among other things, I tried this:

#!/bin/bash mailx < "Message" I honestly don't know what I'm supposed to do, and I've Googled a bunch of things too, and didn't have too much luck. Is there anyone who could help me out?

Edit: Figured it out. This is what I did, and it works for me:

echo "Message" | mail -s "Subject" ""

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General :: Safe To Remove Sendmail By Running "yum Erase Sendmail" And Let Postfix Handles "mailx" Also?

Sep 5, 2010

I have installed postfix and dovecot on my server and thought postfix will not only take SMTP connection from my e-mail client like Outlook, but also handles "mailx" commands from the server. However, it looks like sendmail is still responsible for sending mails from "mailx". I tested this by turning it on/off using "service sendmail stop" and "service sendmail start". Mails sent using "mailx" will only be sent when sendmail is up. When I did "yum info sendmail", it lists sendmail as an installed package. Is is safe to remove sendmail by running "yum erase sendmail", and let postfix handles "mailx" also?

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Fedora Installation :: "Unspecified Transaction Error" On Update?

Mar 14, 2010

I'm trying to get the first update. I'm getting looped with "Transaction error," and it won't start.

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Software :: Fedora 15 Software Update Unspecified Transaction Error Occurred At System Info

Jul 14, 2011

Fedora 15 software update "unspecified transaction error occurred" at system info before installing updated list. After unchecking every (no arch) update, all the rest (i686) were installed. now all (no arch)updates remain on the list to be installed.

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CentOS 5 :: Error "DSN: Service Unavailable" In The Maillog When Trying To Use Mailx

Feb 21, 2009

I get this error in the maillog when trying to use mailx. (DSN: Service Unavailable)

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