General :: Listing Cpu Usage With Top Command?

Apr 13, 2010

Im trying to list the cpu usage of all process that have a cpu usage of 10% or more. Im not interested in the lower usages. Im using the top command and can get a list of all the cpu usage for all the process but cant only get the processes with 10% or more. I'd want these processes sent to a new file. Would I be able to cat the cpu usages and PID into a file?

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General :: Command Line Options - Listing MP3 Over Certain Size

Jan 6, 2011

How would I list every mp3 over a certain size on an entire hard drive?

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General :: Command For Listing Files/dirs Recursively Of Specific Directories?

Jul 22, 2011

suppose in my current directory, I have 50 sub-directories. Now, I am interested only in about 20 of those sub-directories (whose names match a pattern). I would like to recursively list the contents of these 20 sub-directories. How do I do that ? I would like to do this in Solaris 10 and Linux(RHEL 5.x).

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General :: Top Command Usage ?

Aug 11, 2009

Does top command find out cpu time and process time for an interval and then calculates the process's cpu usage

eg: process time(interval 5sec)/cpu time (interval 5 sec)*100 %

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General :: Usage Of Man Command In Red Hat?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm need how to use the man & cat commands in red hat linux

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General :: TOP Command Memory Usage?

Apr 13, 2011

Under SuSE, (Mem: 31908592k total, 31421504k used,) how do i know which process or program using my memory?

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General :: Usage Of AT Command To Schedule A Program?

May 13, 2010

i want to use the command at to execute a script on a specific time FOR EXAMPLE :at 12:30pm but the script does not have to ececute at all, I DIT IT BUT THE SCRIPT EXECUTES EACH 12:30pm (that'sy problem) i want to write a script that will execute each two months from a specific time . for example: from january 12, 2010 the script has to run before march 12,2010

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General :: Usage Of Sudo Command In Ubuntu And Red Hat?

Apr 18, 2010

In Red Hat, suppose if root user wishes to give a privilege to run the fdisk command to a user named sam.And he makes appropriate configuration changes in /etc/sudoers file. Now when sam wishes to run the fdisk command, then he has to issue:

[sam@system43~]$sudo /sbin/fdisk -l
Password: But in ubuntu, after the same configuration being done, what sam needs to do is:
[sam@somesystem43~]$sudo fdisk -l
Password: ***

That means, in ubuntu the user need not type the full path of the command. I wish to know how can I make red hat system work like ubuntu as far as the sudo usage is concerned.

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General :: Checking The Disk Usage Of Different Servers Using Df -h Command?

Jan 7, 2010

how to Check the disk usage of different linux servers using df -h linux command. My host server is, I can check its disk usage by using df -h command. I got my disk usage. Now using my host server Im going to check the server disk usage. Is its possible to check the disk usage of using my host server?

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General :: Different Space Usage (Discus Program Versus Command)

Mar 24, 2011

I have a debian linux on my server. My disk space is only 10GB. When I check the space usage with discus program, it says:

Mount Total Used Avail Prcnt Graph
/ 9.39 GB 8.30 GB 1.10 GB 88.3% [*********-]
+ib/init/rw 124.3 MB 0 KB 124.3 MB 0.0% [----------]
/sys 0 KB 0 KB 0 KB 0.0% [----------]
/dev 120.1 MB 92 KB 120.0 MB 0.1% [----------]
/dev/shm 124.3 MB 0 KB 124.3 MB 0.0% [----------]

But when I use this command:
du / --max-depth=0
It says:
1860864 /

Why the stats of discuss is not like du command?

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General :: Command To Check Specific Processes That's Using The Most IO/disk Usage?

Apr 12, 2011

Is there a command to check specific processes that's using the most IO/disk usage? I know sar and ps but I want more specific details on IO on individual processes

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Fedora :: Mv() Command - Tedious Directory Listing?

Oct 22, 2010

Within the mv() command is there any way to not need to type the entire directory location? In the example there are directories with varying depths... I want to move a file from depth 2 to a directory of depth 3 when the directory of depth 3 is within the directory of depth 2. Basically, can I cp() andor mv() a file to a subdirectory without having the enter the entire directory location?


[root@xxx dir]# ls
[root@xxx dir]# cd dirD1/dirD2
[root@xxx dirD2]# ls


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General :: Status Of Memory Usage And Disk Usage Using Sigar In Windows And Ubuntu

Mar 15, 2010

I was trying to get the status of memory usage and disk usage using sigar in windows and ubuntu. done this in windows by just copying the sigar library into jdk library. But i was unable to do so in ubuntu. I've copied the library to java-6-sun library but still can't run the program.

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General :: Unix - Monitor Average CPU Usage And RAM Usage On One Process System?

Nov 15, 2010

Is there any way to monitor one process' CPU usage and RAM usage over time on Linux? I am trying to change to a cheaper VPS and need to work out what level of CPU and RAM I need!

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Opens File Listing Instead Of Nautilus Opening File Listing

Jun 20, 2010

Firefox opens file listing instead of Nautilus opening file listing.When I access a folder via "Places" -> "Home Folder" or "Places" -> "Downloads", Firefox opens and list the contents of the directory.I have re-installed Nautilus, un-installed Firefox and then going to "Places" -> "Home Folder" or "Places" -> "Downloads" launches Nautilus and I can view the contents normally. Anybody else had this problem with Firefox ? Anybody know how to fix this Firefox problem ?Running Ubuntu Desktop 9.10 64bit.

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Fedora :: "find" Lockup \ Opening Another Xterm Window And Killing The Listing Command?

Oct 12, 2009

I have a problem that I'm not sure how best to debug. About every other time when I boot my system, I get a condition where listing the files in /root locks up that xterm session.This can be cleared by opening another xterm window and killing the listing command. This happens on "ls -a", "find", "tar" and I think "stat" also. The locked up xterm echo's chararcters but does not respond to any control sequences. This is new with FC11.This has only been seen to happen for root. And once a system is booted with this problem it seems to persist until you get it booted without the problem.

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Ubuntu :: Find List Of Ubuntu Command Listing For Terminal?

Jul 23, 2010

Where can i find a list of Ubuntu command listing for the Terminal?

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Server :: TOP Command Showing 130% Usage?

Mar 8, 2011

In my server java based application is running and java usage showing some time 300% of usage in top command. on that time java application is getting some types errors. at that time i checked vmstat and sar commands also but they showing the free CPU. My server configuration as given below


Processor Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPUX5670 @ 2.93GHz
No fo Cores 8
Ram :64GB


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Ubuntu :: Log From Command Line - Free RAM Usage?

Sep 1, 2011

Is it possible to narrow down the ram command to give me JUST the free ram? Both commands that I know give me much more information that I would like to log.

free -m

This line gives me this. I really only want the one under "free"
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 1262 612 649 0 250 114
-/+ buffers/cache: 247 1014
Swap: 4010 6 4003

cat /proc/meminfo

This line gives me this. I really only want "MemFree"
MemTotal: 1292372 kB
MemFree: 636088 kB
Buffers: 279032 kB
Cached: 118768 kB
SwapCached: 532 kB
Active: 191408 kB
Inactive: 324684 kB .....

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Applications :: Show Disk Usage Of A Command?

Jan 9, 2010

The command time shows the time taken by a command to complete. Is there a command that shows the change in disk usage caused by a command? I would like to know how large a package is when I install it from source.

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Ubuntu :: Command That Shows Current Network Usage?

May 27, 2010

is there a command that shows current network usage, similar to the way htop shows memory and processor usage?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Not Found A Command To Monitor Cpu Usage

Jun 20, 2011

I'm monitoring all kind of things like ( Mem, network, cpu, IOPS,..) But still not found a command where i can see the CPU usage but in MHZ ( or Hz). Using top or looking into /proc/cpuinfo doesn't give me the info i want.

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Hardware :: Basic Usage Of Lsof And Fuser Command?

Jul 19, 2010

the basic usage of lsof and fuser command in linux

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Ubuntu :: Terminal Command To List Disk Usage In Order?

Mar 29, 2010

I regularly use 'df -h' to check usage on each of my primary directories and mount points.

I'm currently somewhat confused by disk usage within my filesystem, so I'd like to do the following:

Display directory size of all, or say, the 10 largest, subdirectories to a specified directory. So, if I passed the root (/) directory, output would list the subdirectory of / with the largest disk usage first and its associated disk usage listed in human readable format (either M or G suffix as appropriate), followed by the subdirectory and usage for the second largest directory and so on.

Can anyone suggest a command or series of commands to do this?

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Ubuntu :: Command To Determine Memory Usage On Hard Drive?

Jan 8, 2010

When at the console, what is the command (if there is one) to determine memory usage (used/free) on the hard drive that is being used for one's OS?

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Ubuntu :: Correct Usage Of Perl Expression In 'rename'-shell Command

Jan 21, 2011

I want to rename some files in one directory and found the command 'rename' most appropriate.

Changing the file extension is easy since there are lot of examples for this.

But now I want to rename my files like this:

'somePrefix_blablabla.ext' --> '0_blablabla.ext'
'somePrefix_blablablablabla.ext' --> '0_blablablablabla.ext'

I DON'T want an incrementation, just the leading prefix '0_'

correct perl expression syntax for this?

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General :: Possible To 'hide' A Process From The Listing Of `ps` Or `top`?

Oct 13, 2010

I presume that if this is possible it would need to be done as root (or as a user who shares root's UID of 0).How can a process be launched so that it does not show up in a ps aux or ps ef or top listing if the command is run by non-root?Is this even possible?The distributions I typically run are RHEL/CentOS and Ubuntu - so if there is a distro-specific answer, that's ok, too.

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General :: Hide A User From The Who Listing?

Sep 3, 2011

Is it possible for a non-root user to hide themselves from the output of who/w, so that they can be logged in without other users seeing it? I think that the file /var/run/utmp might have something to do with this, but it's not writeable by non-root users (permission 644). I'm fairly certain that this can be done by a non-privileged user (because someone told me that they were able to do so), but I don't know how they did it and can't ask them right now.

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General :: Listing All Linked Files

Jan 21, 2010

I can't seem to find a way to do this, so maybe it's not actually possible, but I was wondering if there was a way to list all files that link to a file.

For example.

touch a
ln a b
ln a c

I want to find out what files link to a (not symlinks, mind you), assuming that this is more complicated (they are spread around to different directories).

I kind of understand about the filesystem storing links in one area and data in another, so I understand it probably takes more work to find a link from a file location than the other way around.

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General :: Listing Of Zip File Contents Using C?

Oct 20, 2009

how to do the listing of zip file contents using C?

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