The command time shows the time taken by a command to complete. Is there a command that shows the change in disk usage caused by a command? I would like to know how large a package is when I install it from source.
how to Check the disk usage of different linux servers using df -h linux command. My host server is, I can check its disk usage by using df -h command. I got my disk usage. Now using my host server Im going to check the server disk usage. Is its possible to check the disk usage of using my host server?
I regularly use 'df -h' to check usage on each of my primary directories and mount points.
I'm currently somewhat confused by disk usage within my filesystem, so I'd like to do the following:
Display directory size of all, or say, the 10 largest, subdirectories to a specified directory. So, if I passed the root (/) directory, output would list the subdirectory of / with the largest disk usage first and its associated disk usage listed in human readable format (either M or G suffix as appropriate), followed by the subdirectory and usage for the second largest directory and so on.
Can anyone suggest a command or series of commands to do this?
Is there a command to check specific processes that's using the most IO/disk usage? I know sar and ps but I want more specific details on IO on individual processes
I was trying to get the status of memory usage and disk usage using sigar in windows and ubuntu. done this in windows by just copying the sigar library into jdk library. But i was unable to do so in ubuntu. I've copied the library to java-6-sun library but still can't run the program.
I'm running into a problem where my system is running out of disk space on the root partition, but I can't figure out where the runaway usage is. I've had a stable system for a couple of years now, and it just ran out of space. I cleaned some files up to get the system workable again, but can't find the big usage area, and I'm getting conflicting results.For example, when I do a df it says I'm using 44GB out of 58 GB:
Code: [root@Zion ~]# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
I feel shy asking this question but, 90% of the applications I install in Ubuntu (last release), do not show up later on in the applications menu, so I cant run them. I know it seems silly, but I can't find the way to handle this inconvenience. Is there a place (like Start> All programs in Windows), were I could find and run all the programs I install?
Some thing is using up a huge amount of my disk space about 10G and I can not determine what it is. When I look at my disk usage in system monitor it say I have used about 25G and when I scan the directory in disk usage analyzer the entire file system used is 15G.
So a few weeks ago a Linux server was having high CPU usage, but we weren't able to determine what program was causing it. The top and ps commands (and others) didn't show any programs using a huge amount of CPU resources, but %idle was at 0 and our monitoring software showed 100% usage. Yet no process was found by ps and top to explain it. The usage was caused by a DBA doing some work, but we never found out why we could not see the application causing the usage.
Now here I am several weeks later and I have the same problem, but this time it is on my Palm Pre. I upgraded to 1.2.1, and now it runs very slowly.
A quick top in an SSH session shows:
Now, assuming I'm not just being stupid (which is always a possibility) the first two values on the CPU line show a total of 100% usage, yet no process shows that. The ps command shows a similar result.
So, what is causing the high CPU usage? Why doesn't top and ps show it?
I have a 2 TB disk in an external SATA dock, formatted with a single ext3 (Linux) partition, which doesn't show up in the Windows 7 Computer Management->Disk Management utility, even as a raw/blank disk. I've verified that there's nothing wrong with the disk by connecting it to my Linux machine and mounting it, and I've verified that the dock is functioning properly by connecting a different FAT32-formatted disk, which mounts flawlessly as expected.I realize that I can't actually read the ext3 partition without additional software (e.g., Ext3IFS), but why doesn't the disk show up at all? Is there some sort of stupid anti-Linux filter built in? Is there any way to force Windows to recognize the disk, so that I can at the very least use direct block access with it?
Background: I want to clone an identical 2 TB disk onto this one. Due to my hardware layout, it's much easier to have the source disk attached to one machine and the destination disk connected to another, and do the clone over the network (the network is not a bottleneck with switched gigabit ethernet), than it is to hook them both up to one machine.(1) I did this once before when both machines were running Linux, but I've since upgraded the destination machine and decided to switch back to Windows for regular desktop use. I've got Cygwin installed, and have verified that the same basic method (dd + nc) will work, but I can't do anything if Windows doesn't even consider the destination disk to exist.I only have one eSATA port on each machine. Opening them up just to do this clone is a rather large annoyance. Also, since this is my backup disk, I'd like to eventually automate the cloning from the active disk to another one that I regularly swap with a third disk that I store off-site.
I don't understand disk sizes in Linux. I have a 500GB drive. It's ext4. I have run "tune2fs -m 0" on it to reserve the amount of space reserved for root to 0.
I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 that comes with a Disk Utility. When I run "System->Administration->Disk Utility (palimpsest)" the disk shows up as 500GB (see picture). But when I run df -h it shows up as 459GB. So, I don't understand the discrepancy.
When I run df I get the following:
Question: Why is Disk Utility showing me something different than "df"?
I have a home PC which connects through internet via a Zyxel ADSL router. I use Fedora 14 as my one and only operating system and sometimes I am seeing the LEDs of my modem blinking very fast which means that something is downloading. I want to know which application download what on my PC. Is there any tool in Fedora that can show which application uses my network?
I have run into a problem with my desktop using roughly 50% RAM (w/o buffers or cache) while running a limited set of applications (fbterm, tmux, weechat, ncmpc, rtorrent) on the command line. This usage only increases roughly 5-10% when starting X (an addition of xcompmgr, awesome wm, zim, parcellite, 2x conky (one replacing root-tails functionality), plus firefox and other apps that may or may not be running from time to time). (h)top is reporting programs only using roughly .1-.2% per proccess and roughly 100 processes (current look at top shows 120 processes, only 32 of which are registering any usage over 0.0%) The RAM usage when in the console (which I will add is about 150MB after boot) is totally unreasonable and I need some direction on trying to find out what is using all of this RAM.
System: Distro: Arch Linux RAM: 2G CPU: AMD 64 x2 4800+ HDD: 3x WD Black 750G (RAID 5 on partition 2 (swap) and 3 (root), RAID 1 on partition 1 (boot). LVM over root partition) GPU: Nvidia 8400 GS
Often I open FireFox, get information, which I want to save in an OpenOffice Writer or Calc file.So I go to the left lower corner on the screen, tap on Computer, and then on OpenOffice Writer.When the OpenOffice window has opened, I do not see, as I used to do, the FireFox button on the taskbar (or panel), I have to drag the OpenOffice window, so I can access my FireFox window. When I do that, the OO window bounces, which makes me feel rather sea-sick.Is there a way to have the button for the open applications visible on the task bar (or panel) so that I can go immediately to the other open application ?
Happened to me several times already. When I try to launch any application it starts process but there is no window. The only thing that helps is logout/login. I use opensuse 11.4 with kde 4.6. Is there anything to do about it?
I have just installed Ubuntu 10.10 the other day and learned a lot about it. One thing I noticed quickly is that, the applications to not show up in the task bar, so I have to switch from one to another via ATL+Tab.Many times I accidentally open another thing of Firefox and have two of the same thing open. How do I get it show you can see which apps you have open in the task bar?
I've recently tried to install various well known programs however they do not show up anywhere. Even in the home folder they do not show up. It's like they were never installed, but I know for a fact I watched them being installed in the terminal and everything. The application I am most concerned with is ies4linux(mainly because its in the way of my WoW playing). I did the whole cabextract (already have wine) and downloaded the ies4linux file.It runs the installer for it, however it doesn't show in the applications or home folder.
I need to install Fedora on 4GB SDHC card, so the space is limited.My question is what files (documents, manuals, temporary files, logs, unused packages etc) I can remove, without harming the system?So far I cleaned /tmp, /var/log, trash what else?
I realize bleachbit is supposed to "clean files", but my disk usage is at 11.8%. My disjk usage was at like 6.0%. How in the world did it jump so much? It doesnt appear to be right. The only thing I did not check were the Firefox checkboxes..
I have benn using ubuntu on an old laptop to run a samba server and a torrent server and it has been working fine till a few days ago when it stopped letting me write any files to the disk, So i tried deleting some of the files i no longer needed to free up some space and the disk usage didnt decrease so i checked it out using the disk usage analyzer and it says its full but i know for sure its not.
How can i limit disk space usage for one user? Like.. User john123, you can only use 100mb of my harddisk. User jake155, you can only use 250mb of my harddisk.
I am trying to get the total file size for certain files per directory.I am usingfind `pwd` /DirectoryPath -name '*.dta' -exec ls -l {} ; | awk '{ print $NF ": " $5 }' > /users/cergun/My Documents/dtafiles.txtbut this lists all the files in the directoriesI need the total per directory for all dta files.
I want to get the disk space usage of each user on the machine. I Have found the command -du but how can I consultate the usage per user? The only thing I can is to consultate the usage of maps...