I have 4 Linux machines with cluster.My target is to find all kind of IP address (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) in every file in the linux system remark: need to scan each file in the linux system and verify if the file include IP address if yes need to print the IP as the following
when I execute the command from the shell command line - it works and no error code.if I do the exact same command from a perl file - it fails with code 32512.the file is created from the same perl script that runs the command that fails. file permission is 0664.
I'd like to use pyRenamer to identify and rename files with reserved characters in the file name. The files came from windows where I'm guessing the characters didn't cause problems. For example, I want to replace the ? (question mark), ' (single quote), etc. I tried using the escape () character before the special character in the replace field on the substitutions tab, but for some reason I don't believe that method was identifying the special characters. What is the correct way to identify a special / reserved character within a file name and replace it?
I am trying to fix a perl script, and I really suck at perl. But I think this problem will be easy for people who know it.
The problem is, I have an old setup script someone wrote many years ago. It fails if the standard shell is dash and not bash. The only way I've gotten it to work is to point /bin/sh to bash. I looked thru the script and it uses "system" many places, and I think that's the problem.
I searched for it and found this link:url
My plan is to include this function:
Code: sub system_bash { my @args = ( "bash", "-c", shift ); system(@args); } Then I could simply change all calls to system into system_bash and it should work?
The parameter to the system calls is usually some variable. What if the parameter is a list already? Do I need to test for it somehow, and if it's a list, prepend "bash" and "-c" to the list? How do I do that?
In the script there are lots of places like this:
my $error = system($cmd); if ($error) { die/warn "some error message"; }
Shouldn't there be a return in the system_bash function?
Part of a perl script I am writing need to change the character at an index to upper case. Now i am new to perl and i am having some trouble getting it to do it. In c++ i would do something like
Now from what i understand the same thing is possible in perl using regular expressions. But i cant get it to work.
I'm writing a Perl script to find an old key in a file and replace it with a new codefirst the program should find the old key in the input file. here is the way I used in my script. but it doesn't work.May you please let me know what is wrong and how I can correct it?the key is stored in the file in the following format:
PHP Code: Key=("1234567" , someOtherVrable) I want 1234567
I've found the following script to copy files specified by a find output into a target directory.Code:find $SOURCE -name "*.avi" | xargs -i cp -v {} $TARGETWhat exactly does the colored expression mean? Does it refer to an array?
Note: I have made a thread similar to this before, but the title/contents were too botched to repair.I know that using C-r you can search for past bash commands containing a particular string, but how would you search for past bash commands matching a particular regular expressionIs there a keyboard shortcut for that or do you have to use a shell command?
I am a bit worried about my linux vserver box. No more memory is left. To investigate this issue, i was looking at "top". But it deeply confuses me. It seems that no more memory is left, altough the process list in top never adds up to 100%
I've been trying to identify all files on my cut-down version of Damn Small which contain the text string "User Agent:" in them. Because it's only 120Mb in its entirety, I'm quite happy to have grep search the whole system. I'm using this command, but it just generates errors as you can see:
sed -i 's/EXTRAVERSION =/EXTRAVERSION = -$(date +%D)/g' file would search in the file, file for the string: 'EXTRAVERSION =', and change every instance it finds to 'EXTRAVERSION = -02/20/2010'. BUT IT DOESN'T.It changes it to 'EXTRAVERSION = $(date +%D)', literally. I've tried single and double quotes in almost every possible configuration. Is there any way to tell sed that one desires the command output, not the literal text?
I named a number of files with spaces in them, and I want to replace the space with "_". However, every time I write a command in the shell with the file name (eg "Spring 2011"), the shell doesn't recognize the file or directory. What can I do about this? Is there any way to use the unicode character for a space?
I have one directory with 3 level sub-directories, and about houndard files under those directories. I need a shell script to rename all patern mateched directories and files.
For example: the patern is AA in the directory or file name.
i want to run/call shell script from perl, i used this system( "sh", "script.sh", "--help" );The 'script.sh' contains IPTables firewall script, but that's not run.i test 'script.sh' with a simple thing such create a chain only, but it not doing.How to run a shell script from a Perl program?
quick guidance on running a bash script using Perl. The script is calledarchive_web.sh.The regular script I have and use now (archive.sh) creates an archive directory (uses the current date as the dir name) and moves all existing files there.The script is cronned to run every day before midnight. I'd like to be able to run this "archiving script"manually, from the web, at my own discretion, rather than necessarily wait till midnight (but want it to run then, too, in case any new files present themselves in the directory).These shell scripts sit in an .htaccessed directory. Talk about making up verbs all over the place.
i used ldap for authentication.now i have a perl script that users use it for login(contact.pl),then this script calls a shell script(ip.sh) for create iptables chain.
when i call that into contact.pl ,it just prints: usr/sbin/iptables but ip chains didn't change.what is problem? whenever run ip.sh in bash it works correctly
In a moment of madness I decided to reorganise my mp3 player. I am putting everything into one folder (called 'all'), but first I am renaming the files to the following format:
artist ## songtitle
where ## is a number like 01, 02. This has been pretty straightforward with the songs that already started with a number, because then I could just
rename 's/(dd)/artist $1/' *.mp3
but I have a problem with those tracks that don't already have the track-numbers at the beginning. I suppose what I am asking is: can I turn
All Along the Watchtower.mp3 Purple Haze.mp3 Hey Joe.mp3
01 All Along the Watchtower.mp3 02 Purple Haze.mp3 03 Hey Joe.mp3
I recently set up an automated shell script (bash on Ubuntu 8.10) to download new files from a server using ftp. Unfortunately the other end of the link is not terribly stable (and there is nothing I can do about this) which has resulted in the script hanging sometimes and then being kicked off again at the time set in the crontab.
This has resulted in multiple hung sessions taking up all the system resources.
The offending section of code is given below.
I'd like to know if there is a way I can force an exit if the connection hangs or alternatively if something like the Perl Net::FTP can handle these sorts of errors internally.
I want to compare the following two tab-delimited .txt files (both were subsets of the original files) by comparing Columns 3 and 4 simultaneously. It is easy to compare C3 because both C3s are just numbers. But how to compare C4s?Basically, in File1, "G,G" = G in File2, "C,C" = C in File2, "A,A" = A in File2, "T,T"= T in File2.In File2, A/T in Column4 just equals "A,T" or "T,A" in Column4 of File1. C/T in Column4 just equals "C,T" or "T,C" in Column4 of File1, and etc.
I'm trying to rename all files in a folder as such:
1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg
Renaming them is no problem, the problem I have is, they need to be in order of the datetime that they were taken, so that the 1.jpg would be the oldest file there. The difference in filetimes is going to be very small, around 3 or 4 tenths of a second.
The reason I need to do this is that I have another script (not quite finished yet), that takes the next three files in a loop and applies qtpfsgui to them to output an HDR image to another folder, then move on to 4,5 & 6, and: repeat.