General :: Install Webmin On Thinstation Lightweight OPerating System

Aug 21, 2010

can i install webmin lightweight linux O.S thinstation ?

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General :: Fail Webmin Install - E - Package Webmin Has No Installation Candidate

Apr 6, 2010

I have had webmin running previously but i just recently installed Unbuntu server and i am now trying to install webmin. after typing this to install webmin sudo apt-get install webmin it started doing its thing and then it halts.

Giving me the following message: "Package webmin is not available, but is referred to by another package. this may mean that the package is missing, had been obsoleted , or is only available from another source."

The first thing i did after installing webmin was edit the sources.list

Then i tpyed sudo nano sources.list I uncommented everything with "deb" in front of it

I also uncommented

deb cdrom:

I then typed this sudo wget [url]

After getting that i typed this apt-get install perl libnet-ssleay-perl openssl libauthen-pam-perl libpam-runtime libio-pty-perl libmd5-perl

Then i tryed to install it and got that error.

I also tryed install it using this tutorial [url]

When i got to the part when i need to type

sudo apt-get install update this is what happened

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General :: Uses Of Operating System Compared To Windows Operating System?

Jul 24, 2011

could any one tell me about the uses of linux operating system compared to windows operating system

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General :: How To Install Two Operating System

Aug 14, 2010

How to install two linux operating system when i am using the windows xp

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General :: Install A Operating System On Desktop?

Oct 4, 2010

i want to install a linux operating system on my desk top can somebody recommend a linux system that supports a dial up connection i cannot get broadband

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General :: Windows - Install 2 Operating System In One Drive?

Oct 7, 2010

Windows XP is installed in my C drive. Can I install an another fresh copy of Windows XP or Linux or Windows 7 in same C drive without formatting the previous one?

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General :: Install CentOS On A New Computer Without Operating System?

Feb 22, 2011

I am new to Linux. I will receive a new Dell desktop without any operating systems. Can anybody advise me how to install CentOS 5.5 on it?

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General :: Install A New Operating System (Fedora Or Ubuntu)?

Jun 3, 2010

I want to install a new operating system (Fedora or Ubuntu), so I'm learning about them.

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General :: Install CentOs5.5 On A New Dell Without Operating System?

Feb 23, 2011

I will receive a new Dell without any operating systems. I will need to install CentOS-5.5 on this machine. How can install it? What files do I need to download?

My computer will have no OS installed. Which is the easiest way to install, using CentOS-5.5-i386-LiveCD-Release2.iso or CentOS-5.5-i386-bin-DVD.iso? What are the basic procedures?

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General :: Install A Rootkit Or Keylogger On The Unix Operating System

Jan 24, 2010

I have a projet at university, and i need to install a rootkit or keylogger on the unix operating system, i have searched over the internet and i have found names of rootkits but i couldnt download or get the source code for the rootkit. Does anyone know where to find a rootkit or keylogger to use?

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Ubuntu :: Operating System Lose Data During A Power Failure As Windows Operating System?

Jan 13, 2010

Will a Linux operating system lose data during a power failure as does a Windows operating system?

(If yes.) This has not come up before but I'm going to be doing some work I don't want to lose.

Could you either point me to a backup tutorial or give me the quick overview of preserving stuff with Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Webmin Dependency - Install Webmin On Edition 10.04 ?

Apr 3, 2010

I encountered a a dependency issue when trying to install Webmin on Ubuntu Server Edition 10.04 Beta1.

When you try to install webmin, libmd5-perl is not available in any of the lucid repositories:

I resolved the dependency prob by adding the following repository to my /etc/apt/sources.list: deb [url]

Then I did a sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get install and libmd5-perl installed fine along with webadmin. BTW. I got a GPG error when doing a apt=get update because I did not import the public key for the debian repos I used to get libdm5-perl, which doesn't matter to me as I commented out the repos once I got libmd5-perl installed.

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General :: Lightweight Ubuntu Install Using Alternate Install CD?

Jan 19, 2011

I am trying to do a 'light' install of Ubuntu 10.04 using the alternate install CD. Here is how i am planning to do it:

1. Perform a console only installation(Standard system only on d-i tasksel)
2. Install gnome-core
3. Then install the packages i need using apt.

1. Would such an installation lead have any significant performance(RAM usage) advantage over a full fledged installation?

2. Is there a way i could install gnome-core from the installation CD instead of downloading them from the repository?

3. Would installing just gnome-core mean that synaptic & update-manager wouldn't be available? i am hoping that it wouldn't be the case I checked their dependencies from, it doesn't look like they need gnome-desktop-environment to be installed first.

4. Would such an install have any more device driver related issues (eg.display drivers) than a regular install?


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General :: Autostart Application In Thinstation

Sep 3, 2010

How can i do autostart my apllication in thistaion (light weight OS) i know i have to write script, but i am confused how to write? my application is squid 2.6.

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General :: Make Thinstation As A Proxy Server?

Jul 24, 2010

how can i make thinstation as a proxy server

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OpenSUSE Install :: No Operating System Found?

May 20, 2010

ich habe Probleme mit dem Booten meines Computer.Auf dem Laptop ist Windows 7 Starter sowie Suse 11.1parallel installiert. Als ich nun in Suse die Bootreihenfolge (vorher Suse jetzt Windows) �ber Yast ge�ndert hatte.Zeigte mir mein Computer nur noch"no operating system found" an. Mit der Software Super Grub Disk konnte ich das Suse wieder starten (dann erscheint auch die Boot-auswahl). Daduch konnte ich auch alle nderungen rckgngig machen. Trotzdem bootet der Computer nicht mehr

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OpenSUSE Install :: Error No Operating System?

Sep 8, 2010

Several months ago I installed Suse on my box...setup a dual boot with Windows XP. By default it booted into Suse. The problem is that the company I work for, not a science company, is VERY windows-centric, so nearly everything I do is in windows. The IT people here periodically reboot the computers which creates a problem for me since I often work remotely and this results in my computer booting into Linux.

So, to fix the problem I went into Suse, opened Yast, and changed the default boot to windows, and restarted.Now it won't boot into anything and not even the boot menu comes up.I get the following message:Error No operating systemIntel(R) Boot Agent GE v1.3.22Copyright (C) 1997-2008, Intel CorporationCLIENT MAC ADDR: 00 1C C0 E2 61 31 GUID: CAB279BC 5BF7 11DE 8A18 0007E9BECBF3PXE-E53: No boot filename receivedPXE-M0F: Exiting Intel Boot Agent.Boot FailurePress any key to continueIf I push any key, the same error repeats. Really, I truly couldn't care less about the stuff I have on the Linux partition; however, the Windows partition has TONS of data and programs I've written that would be an enormous loss.

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General :: Thinstation Bootable Cd Stuck At 'Booting Kernel'

Jan 14, 2011

First off im very new to linux and have only been involved with linux for a couple days. Anyways, let me explain what i'm attempting todo. I want to make a DVD to automatically restore a partition without any human interaction other than inserting the dvd and turning the pc on. I'm using norton ghost 11.5 to restore the image and im using thinstation 2.2 as my OS.I have a cd that will boot up thinstation but then i would have to type in a command to have ghost start restoring the partition. so basically i figured i would put a script in the etc/init.d folder of initrd. so i extracted the contents of initrd using 7zip, put the script in the directory and then compressed initrd into .gz format. however now when i put the newly made dvd in i get stuck at "Booting the Kernel."

is this a problem with initrd format? if so what format does it need to be in and how to i get it into that format?is there some way to set the parameters of the kernel to fix this problem? and if so how do i go about doing that?

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Debian Installation :: USB Install 'Operating System Not Found'

Jun 7, 2011

I've decided to move to Debian because I have noticed Ubuntu releases getting progressively more unstable.I am following the official Debian installation guide. Just did this with the Debian 6.0 Net install .iso: 4.3.1. Preparing a USB stick using a hybrid CD or DVD image. Debian CD and DVD images can now be written directly a USB stick, which is a very easy way to make a bootable USB stick. Simply choose a CD or DVD image that will fit on your USB stick. See Section 4.1,Official Debian GNU/Linux CD-ROM Sets to get a CD or DVD image.

Alternatively, for very small USB sticks, only a few megabytes in size, you can download the mini.iso image from the netboot directory (at the location mentioned in Section 4.2.1,Where to Find Installation Image).The CD or DVD image you choose should be written directly to the USB stick, overwriting its current contents.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Error Loading Operating System?

Apr 24, 2010

I'm trying to install 11.2 Gnome from the live cd on an HP n410c laptop. The install seems to go smoothly until I'm told I must reboot without the cd. I've tried three or four variations of the process and each time I see, "Error Loading Operating System."I've reloaded the live cd and examined /boot/grub/menu.lst. It appears to be correct. It seems like the initial GRub loader isn't found in the MBR.If I run grub-install, the graphical interface comes up then complains, "Because of partitioning, the boot loader cannot be installed properly."

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Debian Installation :: No Operating System Found After Install UEFI?

Jan 30, 2015

I'm trying to install debian and when the installer starts it UEFI at the top, instlal completes however on reboot it says 'no operating system found' i've read it can be because of UEFI but I have tried different bios options but to no avail.

Bios options

Sata mode: AHCI/IDE (haven't tried IDE yet)
Tried various combinations of the below
CSM: enable/disable
Boot Priority: Auto/legancy first/uefi first
Quick Boot: enable/disable
Boot up Num-lock Status: on/off

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OpenSUSE Install :: Error Loading Operating System On First Reboot?

Jun 29, 2011

Installed 11.4 on a machine with two SATA drives which had previously been running Windows 2003. I deleted the Windows partitions and created a new partition scheme: Swap, root and one additional partition on the first disk, one large partition on the second disk. Install runs fine but upon reboot I get "Error loading operating system". Booting off a Windows floppy and running FDisk shows that the root partition is marked as active.

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Install :: Opensuse Not Letting Me Reistall Original Operating System On It / Fix It?

Aug 23, 2011

I recently installed opensuse on my computer due to it contracting a virus and not letting me reistall the original operating system on it. but i know nothing about this program. i have almost everything up to date and working on it. one thing i find strange is when i try to update the flash or java on it that i have to do all this extra stuff to get it to run. i do not know what programs to pull up to type the stuff down thats given in the java installation instructions. the movement of the webpages when scrolling is running slow and videos on ..... do not have as good of quality to it as it did on windows. so im assuming something is out of date or there are settings i need to adjust.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install 10.10 Wiped Drive \ No Operating System At All?

Dec 25, 2010

So I was installing 10.10 to be my only operating system on my 3 year old custom built computer and all of a sudden it stopped working at the point of "whenever you are ready" but not letting me go forward because it still was loading. I waited a long time and it was frozen so I restarted my computer and now I don't have anything on it. No operating system at all. Except the symbol " _ " blinking rapidly. Nothing is working and I just want to run 10 on my desktop

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install 10.0 Over A Windows XP Operating System?

Jan 3, 2011

I am unable to install 10.0 over a Windows XP operating system. I receive the error "Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on//filesystem.ashfs

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Ubuntu Installation :: Operating System Crashing / Freezing After New Install

Feb 16, 2011

I have a fresh install of Maverick on a Toshiba r700 laptop PT310A-05N011. I am experiencing constant freezing. The computer will without warning completely freeze. Can not move the mouse or even drop to a tty shell. After about 5 seconds the fan will spin up to full speed. I then have to do a hard shutdown. Every time this has happened i have been connected up to a wireless network with firefox open while actively surfing the net. This issue did not happen before I installed the wireless driver (Broadcomm proprietary, downloaded through ubuntu Additional Drivers).

I'm not sure how relevant that is though as 90% of what i do on this laptop is surfing and i installed the driver a few hours after install. This freezing does not happen in windows 7 and I have left it running prime95 overnight once in both 7 and ubuntu without error. Does anyone know what this may be, how i might resolve it or steps I can take to diagnose it, logs i can check?

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Installation :: Install A Version On A Computer That Has No Operating System Pre-installed

Jan 14, 2010

Can you install a linux version on a computer that has no operating system pre-installed i.e wiped hard drive

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Debian Installation :: USB Stick Install Fails - Missing Operating System

Nov 18, 2014

I want to try Debian on my Asus Eee netbook and I'm trying to follow the instructions in URL... But just copying the ISO file to the USB drive then trying to boot from it doesn't seem to work. I just get "Missing operating system".

The Eee can use an external optical drive as well but that failed also. I'm sure I need to do more to prepare the USB drive or CD? Can I prepare the USB Drive or CD on my Windows system, and make it boot on the netbook (which has another Linux distro on it now)?

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Fedora Installation :: 'Missing Operating System' After 10 Install On Dell M6400?

Jan 31, 2009

I have installed Fedora 10 on a Dell M6400. It has 2 disks in a mirror raid. It came with Windows Vista, but I am not doing a dual boot setup. I have formattet the disk with this installation.I downloaded, burned the DVD and did the install check. It passed the check.The installation went fine, but after the first reboot I am getting "Missing operating system".

I have no idea where to begin... Could the installation media be faulty after all? I there anyway to get passed this, without reinstalling? I know this may have something to do with the boot loader, but I don't know anything about it.I have installed Fedora 4,5,6,8,9 and this never happened to me before, but then again, I did all these installations on my old Dell Latitude.... Could this have something to do with the new hardware?

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Fedora Installation :: Unable To Install In System As One Of The Multiple Operating Systems

Mar 13, 2009

I am unable to Install Fedora10 in my system as one of the multiple operating systems and it gets hanged after probing for Hardware devices and so ...I get fedora trademark sought of symbol and even after waiting any amount of time it doesnt go further..neither the keyboard works nor the mouse pointer moves... I am stuck at this screen shown in the installation screenshot...I get this screen however I dont get the options back or next or its that I am unable to see this options on the screen at all and mouse gets hanged and even keyboard doesnt work...


Initially after booting with the media it doesnt even prompt me to press any key to boot from CD or Dvd or I get any screen to select the option for the mode of installation like text based installation or graphical hardly shows me this screen for even a fraction of second as well...

It takes me to the screen

1) Install or upgrade fedora
2) rescue existing installation...
4) Memory test

when I click on install fedora I am taken to the fedora splash screen and nothing goes ahead... I tried in rescue mode as well... In rescue mode it asks me for language selection...keyboard layout... later it doesnt go ahead as well... I have checked the installation media and it confirmed that the installation media is good... I use Redhat 4.1 version and It works fine except for the message drivers/usb/hid.c core message received at :75 while trying to restart shutdown or access a virtual console... Along with Redhat and while trying to install fedora I have windows server 2008,Windows vista on that harddisk...

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