General :: Install Mod_proxy Module Into Apache?

Feb 11, 2010

Just followed the link [URL] for installing apache with --enable-so only. How can I install mod_proxy into the same?

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Server :: Apache Mod_proxy And Virtualhost ?

Nov 3, 2010

I have figured out how to use virtualhost, proxypass and proxypassreverse. So far, so good.

The problem I'm experiencing is this:

I have a reverse proxy server running apache (

Behind this proxy server I have a http server running apache (

This http server has multiple sites (virtualhost), it's only reachable via the proxy server.

If i run a nslookup on I get (Not really but you understand what I mean)

I put my proxy to have the IP, so far so good. The requests come in to the proxy server.

I want my http server to be named

In the http server I wish to set up my virtualhosts like this:

How do I get my proxy to grab the data from the http server?

If I do like this I will only make another request to my proxy server.

If I do like this, only the first page in the httpd.conf in my http server will work.

Do I need to setup a different DNS server for the proxy server? I would hate that. Perhaps use hosts-file in proxy. Or maybe I can use sub-domains?

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Fedora Servers :: Apache Mod_proxy Abuse?

Mar 29, 2009

I'm running Fedora 10 with Apache 2.2.11 and I noticed something a little strange going on. This morning, logwatch alerted me to the following concerning apache:


Sure enough, the apache access log file shows the following:


mod_proxy is disabled in the apache config file anyway (default mod_proxy commented out):


When I tried to access my web server to check, it was down, and I got the following when checking its status:


So I checked the apache error logs and found the following:


There's nothing wrong with line 188 of the config file:


It seems fairly apparent that there has been an attempt to use my web server as a proxy to gain access to other servers, so I have a couple of questions:

1) I presume that the attack failed, since mod_proxy was disabled?

2) Why did my web server crash? (It has never done this before). It seems very suspicious that it tried to restart, but failed to load proxy_module modules/ on the same night that someone had attempted to use mod_proxy. I have since successfully started apache without making any configuration changes.

3) Do I need to worry that any part of my system has been compromised?

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Server :: Disabling Apache Mod_proxy Features

Mar 31, 2011

I'm using CentOS 5 and just found out that there are people using my Apache Web Server as proxy (version 2.2.3 the OS's default).

I've checked out that my mod_proxy is already disabled but the unauthorized incoming request is still very large.

So I tried to compile an Apache from raw (2.2.17) just enabling mod_rewrite and then found out that the 'proxy' request is still there.

Tried httpd -l and here are the modules inside the Apache :

# /opt/apachew/bin/httpd -l
Compiled in modules:


There should be no mod_proxy but why should it still accepting proxy request? I checked the access_log file and still found [URL] and so on.

My question is : - How to block all the proxy request and only accepting the normal web server request? I also have tried to enable proxy in the previous Apache and then setting up "ProxyRequest Off" and Proxy * only from localhost but the request is still there.

I tried by myself using the webserver as proxy in browser and all the URLs I opened including the false URL will be redirected to my index.php and this should show me that 'you-can't-use-this-as-proxy-anymore' right?

Insane people still believe they could use my server and they keep trying and trying.

I couldn't block the IP addresses because some of them are using the mobile data (GPRS/UMTS) and that is our market for the website.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache Mod_Proxy - Reverse Proxying And Mod_proxy_connect?

Aug 22, 2010

I am trying to create solution with Reverse Proxy, mod_proxy and mod_proxy_connect. I haven't really used this before so I am just curious if I am doing it right. I have attached what I am trying to do plus a copy of the config:Here is my current requirement

We are going to have 3 servers, right now our top level domain is[URL] We have an E-Commerce Server in Production Right now that already has an SSL Cert on it so right now the production server for E-Commerce is [URL] However, as we are growing, we don't want to use subdomains, so instead, we want to use the reverse proxying feature on apache. We are running mostly windows servers and IIS for the E-Commerce, CMS and the Wordpress Server. Assume the following -

Apache Proxy Server
E-Commerce Server (
Content Management Server (
Word Press Blog Server (

1) We need the following mapped

[URL] - maps to ecommerce server - since ssl cert is going to stay on the server, on the proxy we just create a static host that points to the e-commerce server


All of these should be pretty easy to reverse proxy

2) We need to be able to proxy the SSL connection or have it pass through to the server on the back end with the domain [URL] right now we are getting some errors Here is the error I get with SSL [Sun Aug 22 01:51:30 2010] [warn] proxy: No protocol handler was valid for the URL /. If you are using a DSO version of mod_proxy, make sure the proxy submodules are included in the configuration using LoadModule.

Here is a copy of the config

<VirtualHost *:80>


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Programming :: Install PHP Which Is Run As An Apache Module Or Run As CGI On Detain

Aug 12, 2010

how to install PHP which is run as an Apache module or run as CGI on detain.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Enable The Rewrite Module In Apache To Enabled The Module?

Jan 28, 2010

I'm trying to enable the rewrite module in apache, to enabled the module I followed the last entry in the fist page this thread:[URL]...When I restart the apache all works fine, so I supose it's enabled

Now I create .htaccess in my apache folder (/home/user/apache), and I write this:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^link([^/]*).html$ test.php?link=$1 [L]
And I try to execute this: ./.htaccess, I have this mistakes:
./.htaccess: 1: RewriteEngine: not found
./.htaccess: 2: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
What are I doing wrong?

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Software :: Install The Ssl Module For Apache - Invalid Command 'SSLEngine'

Oct 17, 2009

I compiled a fresh install of httpd on a new linux box, added a virtual hosts entry for an https site, but when I try to start apache I get the error:


Invalid command 'SSLEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration Is this because I don't have mod_ssl compiled in?

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General :: Install Module U32 Into The Netfilter Module For Kernel 2.6.27

Jan 30, 2011

I need to install module u32 into the netfilter module for kernel 2.6.27.

I did not see the source code in the kernel version I have. where can I find the code for U32 module.

I have checked "" and looks like POM is discontinued. Is the u32 module committed to kernel version 2.6.27 or need to patch it. If yes, where can I find the patch?

I building the kernel for a MIPS processor.

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General :: Loading Php Module Without Restart Apache / Load Zend Extension Using '-z'?

Sep 23, 2010

I need to load php module without restart/reload apache, is there a way to do that, php has its option to load zend extension using '-z',

php -z <filename>

is there anyway because I need to load php module in runtime, that I don't want to loose the live running session.

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CentOS 5 :: Installing PHP Module For Apache?

Jul 21, 2009

I have installed CENTOS 5.3 on my machine and am running the new version of Subversion which comes bundled with Apache. I noticed in the httpd.conf file there is no module for PHP which is a problem. How do I install the PHP module for APACHE in Centos 5.3?

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CentOS 5 :: Apache Can't Load Module?

Feb 12, 2009

I installed svn. it works but apache can't load modules

i installed svn using yum :

#yum install subversion mod_dav_svn

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Server :: Enable The Rewrite Module For Apache 2.0.53 In Redhat?

May 27, 2010

redirect a domain name with /abc to external ip of web server. Now I can made sure that I should use the rewrite module to achieve this issues. But I don't know how can I enable this function in my apache web server. I will post my httpd.conf for your reference.

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Software :: Compiling Mod_auth_mysql Apache Module On ArchLinux?

Nov 2, 2010

I've never compiled/built/installed any Apache module before, and I just can't seem to get it working on ArchLinux. I got the source code from here: [URL] Then I tried doing this...


apxs -c -L/usr/lib/mysql -I/usr/include/mysql -lmysqlclient -lm -lz mod_auth_mysql.c

And I get this...


/usr/share/apr-1/build/libtool --silent --mode=compile gcc -prefer-pic -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -DLINU X=2 -D_REENTRANT -D_GNU_SOURCE -pthread -I/usr/include/httpd -I/usr/include/apr-1 -I/usr/include/apr-1 -I/usr/incl ude -I/usr/include/mysql -c -o mod_auth_mysql.lo mod_auth_mysql.c && touch mod_auth_mysql.slo mod_auth_mysql.c:591:2: error: expected expression before


I would eventually like to modify the mod_auth_mysql.c source code so I can append a salt/padding to the end of the hashes (that mod_auth_mysql reads from the database), but I will be happy if I can just install the damn thing.

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Server :: Apache 2.2 AuthType Digest, PAM Module, MySQL - Configuration?

Feb 18, 2010

Just setup an Apache2 server, and I would like to setup a login. I also wanted to use the same method that is setup for vsftpd For vsftpd I've created a mysql database.... structured as:

mysql> use vsftpd
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
mysql> describe accounts;


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Fedora :: Mysql / PHP / Apache Installation Configuration Module / Library Update

Dec 20, 2009

how to do Mysql, PHP, Apache installation configuration, module/library update

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General :: Adding A New Kernel Module To Wireless Driver Module?

Apr 22, 2010

I want to add some code in existing linux2.6.33.2 to enhance kernelI want to know how to start and where to add code.

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General :: Install The Python Module For Gnash?

Aug 5, 2011

How do I install the Python module for Gnash?

But apart from that, what basic concept am I not understanding about installing packages on Linux?

I am used to installing packages using package managers - mostly apt-get and zypper. I have occasionally installed from source, often with no trouble. However I recently installed Gnash and discovered that it has a Python binding that must be compiled from source and this has led down a rabbithole making me feel stupider at each turn.

First, I attempt do a ./configure --enable-python in the gnash source dir. This ends up failing with an error that

package pygtk-codegen-2.0 isn't found

The lead developer, Rob Savoye, was kind enough to point me at, telling me I just need to locate this package. After many failed searches, I found that the python-gtk2-dev package contains this ... file? script? Great, but I couldn't figure out how to obtain the python-gtk2-dev package. It doesn't exist in any of my openSUSE configured repositories.

So I headed to the GNOME site and searched, found that the PyGTK package contains pygtk-codegen. Download the tarball, cd, ./configure, and this fails because I don't have GLIB. After some more searching I use zypper to install glib2-devel (libglib-2.0 was already installed), and now PyGTK fails to configure because I don't have GObject.

Find that, download tarball, cd, ./configure, fail. I don't have gobject-introspection-1.0, apparently. I DO have gobject-introspection installed, and it's version is ≥ 1.0, but that's what the script says.

So I will readily admit I am new to Linux, but I have to be missing some basic step here. Can anyone give me a clue about any of the above? Is it normal to have to install one dependency after another like this? Is OpenSUSE the wrong distro? What would make this process not so horrible?

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General :: Install Acpi_memhotplug Module In Ubuntu 8.04.4?

May 27, 2010

installing the particular module into Ubuntu?

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General :: How To Install New Nvidia Module In Chakra

Apr 17, 2011

I used ubutu as my os previously.But i like to learn linux more deeply. so i install chakra in to my laptop.Then i update it.During updating i got a error massage

ERROR: Module nvidia is in use In order to use the new nvidia module, exit Xserver and unload it manually.

I want to use that new nvidia driver .But i don't know how to do it.How should i do it.I am not an it.

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General :: Install New Module On Newly 2.6.35-rc5 Kernel?

Jul 16, 2010

Recently I was trying to look into vmware pvscsi modules for newly announced linux kernel 2.6.35-rc2. I compiled the kernel with option: make oldconfig where it asked me for various interactive options and all I did is Kept pressing the Enter ENTER key(Donno if that is the correct way to slect default ).The Kernel Compilation anyway went fine and I can see new kernel at grub screen, booted and it went fine.Now when I explored I found that nor the vmware_balloon and vmw_pvscsi modules are present which means I need to install these modules.I came to know that recently a new version of the vmware memory drivers being included through this page:


where you can see an entry like:


MODULE_AUTHOR("VMware, Inc.");
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("VMware Memory Control (Balloon) Driver");

Doesn't it mean that the new kernel has new driver version inboxed?Also, I tried to install modules through modprobe and insmod(seems that this doesnt work) but couldnt do that.

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General :: Not Able To Install Bugzilla Module In Perl

Jul 21, 2011

I am using RHEL5 64 bit. I am trying to install bugzilla. While installing i am getting error.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Failed To Load Module "fglrx" (module Does Not Exist, 0)

May 8, 2011

I've installed openSuse 11.4 server-mode (text only) on my desktop, and I'm trying to configure IceWM so i'll eventually have it set up so it always boots into text only mode, but I could be able to quickly start icewm via the command line.using Yast, I installed the Xorg server, and icewm.when I type X, the screen goes black and it just doesn't seem to do anythingI found if I hit ctrl+alt+f1 it kinda puts me back into text only mode, but I can't put in commands anymore. The last thing it says on the screen is:

Failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist, 0)

I've goggled that error message and the discussions that popped up around it made no sense to me at all. I've never configured X from scratch before, can someone point me towards a tutorial or something?

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General :: Failed To Load "canberra-gtk-module": Libcanberra-gtk-module No Such File Or Directory

Mar 25, 2011

i installed firefox 4 and removed the old 3.X version. did a general update that my computer showed me was available then i noticed the first problem. firefox 4 would not launch when i clicked it, it would only launch when i clicked the gnome 3 applications button and then clicked and dragged the firefox logo to the desktop, then it opened. the second problem i am now having which at the moment is more bothersome is that after i closed the lid to my laptop and opened it up again after a while and logged back in and noticed that the ENTIRE gnome 3 environment was gone. no panel no menu nothing just the desktop and a few desktop icons. i tried the command "yum install gnome-shell" but it just sed that gnome 2.31.5-7 .fc14.i686 was already installed so it wasnt gonna do anything, then i tried the "gnome-shell --replace" command and it just said

failed to load "canberra-gtk-module": libcanberra-gtk-module no such file or directory.

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Software :: Mod_proxy With ActiveX ?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a proxy with SSL that forward any request to a backend platform. In this moment I have a problem if I'm trying to execute an activex on the backend platform. I'm reading that the mod_proxy blocks any activex request because it don't trust for the system. How I can do? I'm reading about mod_security.


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General :: (EE) Failed To Load Module "vmwgfx" (module Does Not Exist, 0)

Jun 23, 2011

I cannot find the Xorg configuration file on my newly installed Debian on my tablet-pc, so I followed this tutorial [URL] and ran the command "Xorg -configure", to which I got the following error messages:

(EE) Failed to load module "vmwgfx" (module does not exist, 0)
(EE) vmware: Please ignore the above warnings about not being able to load module/driver vmwgfx
(++) Using config file: "/root/"
(==) Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"


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Server :: Apache2 Mod_proxy Failing With Ssl

May 14, 2010

I seem to be having a problem with mod_proxy and https websites. A simple connection to port 80 works fine but all calls to 443 fail.

I had a look at my firewall but can't see anything that would block port 443, although I get no tcpdump traffic on that port on the deb01 client when I try and connect to it. I disabled the firewall but still no luck.

My configuration consists of 3 VMs (KVM) each running a different website.

I get the following error when connecting to ssl deb01

Code: An error occurred during a connection to

SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length.

(Error code: ssl_error_rx_record_too_long)

The following is what can be found on the host


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Software :: Mod_proxy - 70007 - The Timeout Specified

Apr 15, 2010

I have an httpd server with mod_proxy that forward any request to an another server.

the flow is: client --> requesto proxy [url]forward to server [url]

I'm reading this error in my httpd log in LogLevel debug (after some request):



and this is my ssl.conf in /etc/httpd/conf.d


how I can find the root cause?

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CentOS 5 :: Set Up A Reverse Proxy With Mod_proxy

Nov 19, 2010

I'm working on setting up a hosted OSS app on a VPS and have a question about doing some proxying. I have Centos 5.5/Apache 2.2 running on 2 VPS's, in different locations, accessible from the net. One of these hosts the app itself, the other will be used as a web portal where the end user will login to auth and then be able to access the app. Now, since I don't wan't access to the app server from the world at large, I want to firewall it and only allow access from the portal machine. So what I think I need to do is set up a reverse proxy with mod_proxy, and then if the end user auths forward them to a specific url on the app server.

So when they connect to [url] and log in I need them to be redirected to

So the questions I have are:

1) Can this be done? If so, is mod_proxy the way to do it? Configuring Apache isnt a problem, but I havent worked with mod_proxy.

2) If this does work, will it also work with SSL?

3) I've seen a few small tutorials on the net, but not doing exactly what I want to. They all use the reverse proxy with a public IP connecting to a server with a private IP behind a firewall, while I have public IP's on both ends. From a network standpoint I know this shouldn't matter, but I'm not familiar with mod_proxy's particulars itself.

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General :: Install Any Web Stress Tool For Apache 2.2.14

Jul 2, 2011

I'm using ubuntu 10.04 LTS, I need to install any web stress tool for apache 2.2.14 good and easy to install web stress tool.

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