General :: How To Access Mailserver

Aug 29, 2010

I recently set up a mailserver on ubuntu using postfix. I set up the MX record with my router's ip address and I have port 25 forwarding all the mails to the ubuntu server. Everything works fine but I am unable to access my email using from any other machine apart from the server.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Mailserver Have To Have Direct Access To WAN Or Can It Be A LAN Device With Just One NIC ?

Apr 22, 2010

Does a mailserver have to have direct access to WAN or can it be a LAN device with just one NIC ?

We have two WAN access points.

One is an adsl router joined to the switch and all seems fine for internet browsing.

The other is a wireless system with a linksys router joining by way of PPPoE and this appears to connect fine.

This PPPoE is direct to our ISP and where we need to downlod our mail to our pending mailserver.

When the linksys router is also joined to the switch all devices can use either the adsl or linksys to roam the net. linksys & is adsl.

When I join the linksys direct to the mailserver I will then need two NIC's. One for the Linksys and one for the LAN.

This is where the fun has started.

So.... Can I just have one NIC (connected to the switch) on the mailserver?

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General :: Mailserver On Ubuntu Server ?

Jul 21, 2010

I am trying to set up a mailer server on Lucid Lynx using mostly this guide: [url]

I believe I have most of the basics covered. But before launching into the the advanced set up, I want to see if I can get help with one thing I am finding difficult to understand.

In terms of my domain name, do I have to do anything on my hosting company's side? That is, currently have my web site and it is hosted on a private server at a hosting company. I have the ip address of the server. When I configured postfix, i used this same domain name in the configurations so I want to know what else to do to get it working.

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Networking :: Routing To Internal Mailserver ?

Jul 26, 2011

I have two boxes, 1- Centos router, 2- centos web/mail server..

When trying to receive mail using in the mail client server settings, it will not resolve to any machine on the internal network... I have to enter the internal IP address in the incoming and outgoing email settings..

Same with the website I host.. I have to enter the internal IP to get access..

It just will not resolve the DNS on the internal network.

Everything works as it should outside my network.

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Server :: How To Check If Mailserver Is Running

Sep 27, 2010

I am using this command (inside a bash script) to check if mailserver is running correctly (port 25)

# echo | telnet localhost 25 | grep "Connected to "

If it does not respond I receive an email alter.

It works good , but sometime it NEVER respond (neither after 1 hour) , so I receive no notification . DO you know alternative command to the command above ?

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Server :: Overloading In Mailserver - Get Hang ?

Jun 23, 2011

Iam handling mail server in redhat.MTA using is qmail.since last 1 month it get overload and get hang...since in morning its time for user to loging into mail through web interface.though suddenly login in to mail it get overload and server got hang.we need to restart the server...did not get time to kill https also some time MP port work to save us...still didnot get command to overcome the over load in server...

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mailserver On Server Edition ?

Feb 20, 2010

I have Ubuntu Server Edtiion on my server. During the installatino, I choosed to install the mailserver.

I have already configured the MTA.

I also configured the MDA(Dovecot). After I configured the MDA and tried to login on squirrelmail, plenty of MySQL error was generated.

I deleted Dovecot and tried again to login on squirrelmail. Now, this message appears:

Error connecting to IMAP server: localhost. 111 : Connection refused

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Networking :: Running A Mailserver Under Vmware Workstation ?

Jan 4, 2009

I want to run a mail server from within debian linux guest with vmware workstation xp host. The setup is a bridged network connection

Here are things that need to be done:

a)Configure the Guest with a static IP on my home network. Verify that I can telnet to port 25 of the Guest from a system on my home network.

b)Then configure my home firewall/NAT box to forward incoming connections on TCP port 25 to the static IP address I gave my Guest. Then test that I can telnet to port 25 from a system outside my home network.

c)After that I need to configure the appropriate DNS records for my domain so that outside hosts know how to contact my mailserver.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Mailserver Setup Clamav Won't Install

Apr 25, 2010

Still trying to get that elusive simple mail server. Have install Centos 5 (20 time!) and updated software. Have got the system to see www and now about to do the mailserver thing. One of the first steps is to install Clamav yet this does not show on the package list for the program add delete gui. Tried yum install clamav and got message back that it wasn't available.

Google advises that I must first install rpmforge but at the same time has a warning from the maker of yum that this is dangerous to do Clamav is clearly a very popular antivirus scanner yet Centos 5 does not include it or allow you to install it?

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Server :: Dovecot Mailserver Sending But Not Receiving?

Jan 22, 2011

I have followed the guide for "The Perfect Server - Debian Lenny (Debian 5.0) With BIND & Dovecot [ISPConfig 3]" and all is well, except.

I can send mail (to GMail) from commandline. I can send mail (to GMail) from any of the domains configured in ISPConfig3 through SquirrelMail (how ever terrible that looks, but functions) or IMAP/POP.


I can't receive mail (from GMail) on any of the domains configured in ISPConfig3 in SquirrelMail or IMAP/POP.

I have my domains configured with proper MX records (just like I have them configured at work). I have all ports (80, 143, 110, 25, 22, etc) forwarded on my router that are needed.

I can Telnet to localhost and all checks are fine. I can send and receive from and to local domains on the same server, which makes sense. but

I can't Telnet from any external server to my server behind NAT.


I figured it MUST be a network/port-forwarding problem as the external Telnet requests fails to my machine on port 25.

Tested my router if it would let met communicate through port 25 and it would.

So it must be my ISP, as I read in different posts.


Maybe I'm a n00b, but in all other posts the problems were with receiving AND sending.

My ISP responded that port 25 is blocked because of spam issues.

But I can mail (and even spam if I would like to) to external domains while I didn't do anything weird to make that happen.

The only thing I wish for is to receive mails and if you'd ask me, port 25 would be solely for outgoing mails, not for incoming mail deliveries throught MX?

An ISP surely wouldn't disable their customers in having a mail-server for incoming mails, as long as they would send out through their own smtp server to make sure they wouldn't spam the world?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mailserver With Data Store On Database?

May 29, 2011

Please tell me spesification if i want buid mail server on ubuntu 10.04 with good features :

1. For MTA ??
2. For Mail Filtering ??
3. For MDA ??
3. For Webmail ??
4. For Mailling List ??

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Server :: Postfix Mailserver Randomize Transports Using Regexp (using N)?

Jun 5, 2010

Im using posfix as a outgoing mail server, here i want to distribute the mails to different ips to avoid the ip blacklisting. I found a solution by using multiple transports , but here one thing blocking me was i could not able to select a transport using regexp or pcre matching pattern, log says that

Jun 5 07:12:49 server postfix/trivial-rewrite[6079]: warning: pcre map /etc/postfix/transport.pcre, line 1: regular expression substitution is not allowed: skipping this rule

the transport used for this purpose is:-

#cat /etc/postfix/transport.pcre

/^.*@([a-z])$/ transport$1:

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Programming :: Created A Script To Flush Sendmail To Another Mailserver?

Jan 7, 2011

I created a script to flush my sendmail to another mailserver. Because it takes some time I want to give some simple feedback using a rotating bar.


I'm convinced this can be done much nicer with 'awk' and printf, but somehow awk makes me dazzle..

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Ubuntu Servers :: Creating MailServer Using Postfix And Gmail SMTP

Mar 1, 2011

I recently created a webserver to host my website, using a Ubuntu 8.10 based system. (With some help from my experienced brother of course).I now want to create a mailserver to go along with my website. In setting up postfix to work with gmail smtp servers, I ran into a lot of permission errors.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Zarafa On Lucid - Setup Mailserver To Receive E-mail?

May 2, 2010

I hope someone can help me setting up receiving e-mail on my home server. Ubuntu Lucid and Zarafa from repository. Zarafa is running well. I can send e-mail via the relay smtp host from my ISP. But though the e-mail address should be correct I never see this e-mail appear in zarafa inbox.The e-mail reaches the server via an open 25 port forwarded to my server, but it seems postfix does not know how to handle it. Or is there something else going wrong here? Below are my settings. These are the settings I added or edited. the rest is Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) standard.

myhostname =
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases


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Server :: Copy / Backup Postfix Mail Queues And Paste Folder Back In After Done Migrating All Users And Mails To A New Mailserver?

Apr 25, 2010

can i just copy/backup postfix mail queues in /var/spool/postfix and paste that folder back in after i done migrating all users and mails to a new mailserver?

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General :: Restrict Web Access So *only* Firefox Can Access The Web

Nov 15, 2010

I'm a terrible procrastinator, it's awe-inspiring annoying and stressful. This in combination with being a information-holic makes the Internet fairly lethal to me; I risk failing my college course because of it, so trust me when I say I'm deadly serious about this.

However, I think you guys may be able to help out, and maybe this will also help some people here with similar problems:

Because so much of my time is taken up with Interwebz, I thought to carefully restrict my internet use. It's not prefect, but it's part of a solution.

To date: I have Firefox and the ProCon extension which uses a whitelist of websites I can access. The extension cannot be uninstalled/disabled and I use a long hex password split into 3 parts, two of which my friends have (so I have to ask my friends for the password parts in order to update the whitelist, hence making it socially awkward to fritter away time online).

So far, it has worked a treat and I'm really pleased with it.

However, this is the problem:

I need to restrict web access so *only* Firefox can access the web. That way I cannot use Chrome/Opera, or even (shudder) use wine to run Internet Exploder.

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General :: PPPOE Server Access Internet Clients Fail To Access Internet

Aug 26, 2010

I have a linux box (fedora) with two ethernet cards eth1 and eth2. On eth1 I successfully configured a PPPOE internet connection. Such that from the server I can browse the internet. On eth2 I wired it to a wireless router essentially to provide the wireless cloud. On eth2 I also configured dhcp, such that the Linux box is both PPPOE and DHCP server.However my clients on the LAN cannot access the Internet.

On passing the routing command I get
Destination Gateway Iface
196.44.x.y ppp0 eth2 (my subnet) ppp0.

The router (functioning as a wireless access point mainly) has a fixed IP address of and eth2 has IP address The dhcp file running on Linux has been set with option router (Gateway) I cannot figure out how to correctly set the routing table such that my clients on wireless can access the internet cloud. I googled and googled but no solid solution. Any suggestions?

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General :: Access To Squirrel Main Without A KDE Or General Account?

Jun 27, 2010

A friend of mine helped me set up a server which includes Squirrel Mail.It?s CentOS 5.3.I have a person who would like to access Squirrel Mail at remote sites.My questions is, I can create an account on the server which has KDE and the usual general applications and he would have the remote access Squirrel Mail but he doesn?t need nor does he want to access KDE or anything else on my server. He just want an account so he can use Squirrel Mail.

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General :: Access NAS Other Than Through FTP?

Jul 30, 2010

I have 2 desktops, 1 windows 7, and the other is Fedora 13. I also have a NAS installed on the network.

In windows, I had it setup so I could simply point to //nas/folder/file.txt and it would work fine. My NAS's hostname is "NAS".

How can I do this on Linux? I can see the files if I want to go through the NAS's FTP service, and I also tried mounting it as an NFS resource which works too (sort of).

Whenever I mount it in a folder (/mnt/nas) for example, I cannot access the directories unless I'm root. What's the point of that? I need full access to my NAS contents.. is there anything I'm missing? Do I have to mount it each time I start fedora?

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General :: Can't Access O.S.

Oct 25, 2010

i cannot access my Linpus linix lite v1.0.9.E operating system. i used it after accessing the internet now i cant even work on it.

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General :: Access Wi Fi In The Red Hat 5.5?

Sep 27, 2010

how to access wi fi in the Red hat 5.5?

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OpenSUSE Network :: 11.3 Amd64 - Having Internet Access But Cannot Access Repos - IPV6?

Aug 26, 2010

I installed 11.3amd64 as a VM under Vista/VMWare Player - all worked fine. I have now installed it as a physical system. It nstalled cleanly BUT during first boot it could not access the repos. With each repo it gave the message

- download (curl) error for (repo)
- error code connection failed
- error message could not resolve host (repo)

This was followed by a message box containing

- UI syntax error
- no widget with ID 'contents

Firefox could not access the internet (cannot find server) until I disabled IPV6 (I used about:config), now it works fine. I think the repos problem is because of IPV6 - I usually have trouble with IPV6. I tried disabling IPV6 with the following (How To Disable ipv6 on SuSE Linux | Linux Poison)


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Ubuntu Servers :: Webdav Access - When Connect From Nautilus - Says - Access Was Denied

Mar 26, 2010

I'm having a problem with my webdav share. I have a secure webdav folder that gets accessed via a non-standard port and requires basic authentication. I can connect and interact with it fine via cadaver. However, when I try to connect from nautilus, it says "Access was denied." To make it even stranger, sometimes I can click on the folder in nautilus (it still mounts) and access it. Sometimes not (just repeats the error message and won't show me the contents). I may not even un-mount it, but just look at other folder, then click it again and be able to access it, but again - only rarely.

I asked a friend to try connecting from his windows vista computer and it would not work. It would not work from my windows XP virtual computer either. However, it mounts and works just find from my work computer (also Windows XP).

So it seems to be a 50/50 chance that the drive will mount on any given computer/system and work. Do anyone know what the problem may be? I'm guessing user permissions, but I can't figure out what.

I've made sure the webdav folder is owned by www-data and www-data has read access to the password file as well.

When I try connecting from nautilus, I get this in the log file:


Here is one of the (many) sites I've tried looking at: [url]

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Ubuntu :: Using Web Min To Access Server \ Unable To Access Email Account From A Web Page?

Sep 12, 2010

ok so i ran into a problem, im using web min to access my server, and im setting up postfix and, dovecot first problem is i want to be able to access my email account from a web page, with log in, so my question is how can i do that?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Named And Access Rights / SELinux - Access Denied

Aug 24, 2010

I configure named and stumble upon the following problem: named is serious about user rights, every config file named uses should be named:named. I set rights to named:named as follows, but they get changed to root:named when I restart named as root. The same thing happens with SELinux context. This results in access denied type errors.

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Networking :: Unable To See Shares On Samba Server - No Authentication Access Desired (open Access)

Jun 12, 2009

I've been running a Samba server under RedHat 8 for five years without a hiccup. I want to cut over to a F10 box but cannot get shares accessible. smbclient attempts fail over NT password error. SELinux is disabled. Server is visible on the network. Users require no password access to shared data.

smb.conf follows:

# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from UNKNOWN (>)
# Date: 2009/06/12 14:15:15


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Software :: Office Access 2007 Launch - Openoffice Doesn’t Support Access Databases

Apr 2, 2011

i need office 2007 to complete school work as openoffice doesnt support access databases. i switched to linux as i didnt have my recovery discs for windows and wanted to start afresh. my problem is that i have got word,excel,powerpoint & publisher working but access just wont load. i click the logo and it does say starting access on the bottom taskbar but then it disapears and nothing happens. ive tried google and havnt really found a answer im running ubuntu 10.10 and i have wine installed This is kind of urgent as i have a deadline fast aproaching and need access at home to progress in work

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Ubuntu Networking :: The Phone Can Access The Internet Through The Computer Unable To Get Access To Https Sites, Like Webmails

Dec 31, 2010

I managed to configure my W890i phone to get access to internet through an ubuntu-based computer. It's very easy to use the phone to give internet access to the computer, but the opposite is quite more tricky. For that I've done the following

----On the phone---

-Set the USB network option to "through computer", so that the phone uses the computer's internet connection and not the opposite.

-Decide and set "Shared Network" parameters: user, pasword and workgroup.

-In "conectivity-> internet connection" set "allow local network" to "yes"

----On Ubuntu 10.04---

-Install samba, samba-client, smbfs, smbclient, firestarter and dhcp3-server

-Configure Samba (System-> Administration-> Shared folders): same workgroup as in the phone, add new user (the phone), passwd this new user. In my case the user was called "w890i" and the password given was the same.

-Once the phone is connected to the computer through USB (then select "phone mode"), a new connection appears in NetworkManager: usb0.The aim is to create a shared network that gives internet access to this device. Edit the IPv4 parameters of this new connection, set them to Manual and give an IP adress ( and a subnet mask (; the rest of the fields are left empty.Connect this network.

-Set firestarter to use dhcp3: sudo ln -sf /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server /etc/init.d/dhcpd

-Launch firestarter and follow the wizard. Set "allow internet shared connection", choose the device for the primary internet access, and then the device for the shared network (usb0). Then change the settings for firestarter: activate DHCP for local network, set IP to the one we gave before (

-Open dhcp3-server config file sudo gedit /etc/default/dhcp3-server And set INTERFACES="usb0"

-Set the policies of firestarter: in incoming connections, allow connections from the IP adress given to the phone ( Then add rules for the ports that need to be open for this connection. I opened HTTP, HTTPS, SMB, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, IMAPS, DHCP for all the connections in the local network.

-Apply policies and start the firewall.


After all this, the phone can access the internet through the computer. Two problems appeared:

1. I couldn't get access to https sites, like webmails. The phone gave a "communication error". But then I tried with Opera instead of the browser built in the phone's firmware, and I could finally get to https sites.

2. I couldn't retrieve mail, neither POP nor IMAP nor IMAPS. I thought it was a firmware problem again, and I tried out several mobile phone email clients written in java, but none of them worked.

So this is at the moment the problem. If I connect from the phone to the internet directly through 3G, the email clients work for all my accounts. I don't think it's a firewall problem, because the ports are opened for this connection

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Software :: Squid 3.0 Access List / Remove Redirect Statement From Iptables All Internet Access Is Blocked?

Jun 11, 2010

I have an old FC2 box running Squid version 2.5. It has been running since 2003 so I am in the process of replacing it. I have a new machine with FC11, iptables, and Squid 3.0 installed.

On the old machine I use iptables to intercept Port 80 traffic and send it to Squid. By default I block all internet access and allow only sites that are in an Allowed_Sites.txt file. Within Squid I also have statements to allow certain users to bypass Squid based on their IP address.

I have set up the same thing on the new box. I have iptables intercepting the Port 80 traffic and sending it to Squid. That is working because if I remove the redirect statement from iptables all internet access is blocked.

The problem I am having is that Squid is not blocking any websites. It acts like the ACL is set to http_access allow all. I have worked on this for several hours and am stumped.

These are my Squid rules:
acl allowed_sites url_regex "/etc/squid/Allowed_Sites.txt"
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src
acl to_localhost dst
acl SSL_ports port 443
http_access allow manager localhost
http_access deny manager
http_access allow Bypass_Users
http_access deny !Safe_ports
http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
acl our_networks src
http_access allow allowed_sites
http_access allow our_networks
http_access deny all
icp_access deny all
htcp_access deny all
http_port transparent
hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?
access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|?) 0 0% 0
refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320
visible_hostname FC11.proxybox
icp_port 3130
coredump_dir /var/spool/squid

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