General :: Disable The Copy-on-write Features Of The MMU?
May 11, 2010
Is if an existing option for me to disable the copy-on-write features of the MMU? I'm doing this for a project. I do not see this on the config menus (or I did not find the correct place). If it's not an existing option, do anyone know how can I change the kernel so that it can do non-copy-on-write fork?
I am using Xubuntu 9.10 on a nettop as a X11 terminal.In order to do that, I created a custom session script that runs some commands instead of starting xfce4-session and the likes from GDM. When I boot this nettop, GDM automatically logs a dummy user in (called "test"), and runs a script that does "xhost +", and opens a small X Terminal to keep the X session alive, while some other computer sets the DISPLAY environment variable to point to <nettop>:0 and runs gnome-session.
My trouble is that after 10 minutes of idle, the screen is blanked(power saving I presume). I tried to add "xset -dpms" and "setterm -blank 0 -powersave off" to my startup script, in vain. I want my power saving options to be configured on the remote computer, not the nettop. How could I prevent X/GDM/Whoever from blanking the screen ?
How do i disable the linux file cache on a xfs partition (both read an write).
We have a xfs partition over a hardware RAID that stores our RAW HD Video. Most of the shoots are 50-300gb each so the linux cache has a hit-rate of 0.001%.
I have tryed the sync option but it still fills up the cache when copinging the files. ( about 30x over per shoot :P )
I am using Ubuntu 10.04. I want to disable the cut, copy, paste options in the Edit menu when my system is connected by rdesktop. I want to make a write/copy protected session in the rdesktop. I have disabled the keybord shortcuts like Ctrl+X ,Ctrl+V, Ctrl+C by disabling their Keysyms in the rdesktop code. Now I need to disable the options in the edit menu.
I have problem with umounting usb flash drives. When I insert usb flash and copy big files to it ( 400MB ) copy process is quick ( system use cache to store files ). After this when I umount this drive, after 1 minute I got error that this drive cannot be unmounted ( because cache is not stored in drive, umount time limit I think ). How to disable write cache to usb flash drives, change its size or change umount timeout.
I believe this to be a gnome issue because it happens on both my Ubuntu 10.04 systems and my Fedora 12 system. What is happing is that it auto copies any text that I highlight, in any app, so, for example, if I highlight a URL on a web site, copy it, then highlight the URL in the address bar and paste it, it will have auto copied the URL that was already in the address bar overwriting the one I just copied of the web site. This is starting to drive me nuts.
I am a novice to the shell script. In my system from db server the log files are enerating with the name log1.txt,log2.txt..... It is capable of keeping 10 files at a time in dir called /db/sis/log1.txt. I want to copy the log1.txt to another directory when ever it generating by attaching the time stamp to it for the back-up purpose. this files will be there for a period of 24 hours. after that the back-up dir should be cleared and it start copying again the fresh file from the same dir.
how to make removable media (e.g. USB sticks) not have any write caching. I want to prevent data loss when they are removed after file copying appears done but before write caches are written. I'm using Gnome on Squeeze.
I've found suggestions of adding the 'sync' mount option to /system/storage/default_options/vfat/mount_options in the Gnome configuration. However this doesn't seem to completely eliminate write buffering, as the drive activity light continues for several seconds after file copying appears done, and unmounting drives produces a dialog box which says to wait whilst data is written to disk.
How do I prevent/disable a file from being copied?
I would want someone to be able to see the content of a directory, then open the relevant document, but just for viewing purpose. They cannot copy the file, either through copy + paste or File/Save As.
I have installed opensuse 11.3 64 bit. For many years was able to connect to a file server within our domain via konqueror in all previous versions of opensuse using: smb://user@server.ip.adress/userdata/user_name/ This would ask me a password and then I would be able to move, read, create and delete files. I never configured samba on the linux client because this method always worked. However very recently (I suspect since I installed 11.3) I am facing a problem I cannot resolve. I can still log in, browse the remote folder, read files, create new ones (for example a txt file), delete them, but I cannot copy into that remote folder files larger than about 20KB (I try copying or moving files by dragging them from my desktop into the konqueror window that shows the remote folder contents).
Small files are OK, but for files are larger than ~20KB there is an error saying: Could not write to file smb://{path_to_my_file_in_the_remote_folder}. Strangely, the file is nevertheless created in the remote folder, but with a fixed length size of 32KiB.
I'm testing OpenSUSE 11.3 on a server and I'd like to disable the write cache on all of my drives. In Ubuntu Server I was able to accomplish this with hdparm by adding the appropriate settings to /etc/hdparm.conf
As far as I can find the only thing that OpenSUSE offers is /etc/sysconfig/ide which allows you to force particular DMA modes. I could just put the hdparm commands in /etc/init.d/boot.local but I'd prefer to do it the right way if there is a right way to do this in OpenSUSE.
We have 10.x ubuntu server with XP clients. We have samba share folders at LAN. Is there any possibility that we can disable copy and paste option for some specific folders, while other data folders remain as usual in our shared data?
When I try to upgrade, I always get this message: "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64_2.6.32-35_i386.deb: failed in write on buffer copy for backend dpkg-deb during `./lib/modules/2.6.32-5-amd64/kernel/drivers/net/s2io.ko'"
I'm looking for a way to remove embedded features from a PDF document. I recently purchased a Kindle DX. When I try to open some of my PDF files on the device, I get a message saying: this pdf cannot be opened due to embedded features not yet supported by kindleI'm looking for a way to remove the use of these features from the document so I can view it on my Kindle. I'm a Ubuntu Linux user. (I tried opening the PDF in Document Viewer and printing it to a PDF file by going to File->Print. This make it so I could open it on the Kindle DX, but the font is messed up and very difficult to read. This won't do.)
How to connect HDMI camera to Linux? I have tried a few cameras such as the Bullet HD. I was never able to make it work in my CentOS, Fedora, I returned their product finally, it was a nightmare. Therefore instead of risking for next failure I am looking for a definitive answer on this, so that no driver issues arise under Linux and finally allow me not to use Windows or Mac anymore. Has anyone ever had success with making a very very good quality camera work in Linux, such as for example this one? Which HD cameras are there for Linux? There should be no driver issues and they should also allow me to perform pan/tilt/zoom actions using USB, Firewire or the S-Video interface.
I just installed Arch Linux, and then GNOME. But now I am regretiing the GNOME decision for one main reason; it works against the idea of K.I.S.S. and technical transperancy.But, I do like having a fully-featured GUI DE.
So, which Desktop Environment best follows the K.I.S.S. philosophy, without compromising on features? All opinions welcome, and maybe even a screenshot
I want to write a shell script which will simultaneously collect OS user information and write in an individual text files.Can anyone tell me the syntax of the script.N.B. The user name will be mentioned in an array within the shell script.
Everything's working fine except for this error I get during bootup: udev: missing sysfs features; please update the kernel or disable the kernel's CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED option. udev may fail to work correctly
I don't know what to do with this. I built the kernel using the genkernel script. I'm using kernel 2.6.31-gentoo-r6 on an amd64 processor
Using Arch Linux. I am looking for a good word processor. I don't need a lot of file format support. Only RTF (for WordPad on W$). I want one that it is easy to use. I've been searching on Google and these are the ones that constantly show up. I have tried them, and don't like them. (Abiword was OK, but I couldn't get spell-check to work...)Just something light and easy to use, with just the usual features. I don't want a billion features. All I want is something I don't have to fight against to get a nice looking, presentable document. Emacs, Vi and *TeX* are not very easy to use, so don't mention the 'advanced' ones like that.
How to copy a Read-Only file in Linux and make the copy writable with a single cp command in Linux (Ubuntu 10.04)? The --no-preserve and --preserve seemed to be good candidates, except that they should "and" the mode flags, while what I am looking for is something that will "or" them (add +w mode).
More details: I have to import a repository from GIT to Perforce. I want that all Perforce depot files are Read-Only (that is how Perforce was designed), while all other files that were derived/copied from depot files are writable. Currently if a Makefile tries to copy a Read-Only file then the derived file will also be Read-only. This leads to build-errors when cp tries to overwrite Read-Only file second time. Of course the --force is a workaround here but then the derived file is also Read-Only. Also I do not want to mess with "chmod" after each "cp" command - I will do that only as the last resort.
I have Ubuntu 10.04 with Gnome. Whenever I put in a blank CD/DVD an icon on the desktop appears named "Blank CD/DVD" and a window appears asking me what I want to do with it. How do I disable the window and the icon from the desktop?
Is there a terminal emulator which works well in an Ubuntu desktop and provides the following features which Mac OS X's Terminal application has? Re-wrapping text when the window is resized.A Clear command which clears scrollback (as the shell clear does not) and does not clear the cursor's line (typically containing a prompt).
I'm currently running 9.10 and I'm wondering if it isn't possible to turn certain features on or off. For example the dock that appears at the bottom of the screen, I don't dig it but it isn't under System ---> Preferences ---> Startup applications. Also when I connect/disconnect my modem, can I change the size of the notification window and how long it stays on the screen? Another is how to stop everything I plug in appearing on the desktop. I prefer an uncluttered desktop and would like to open plug-in devices through Places.