General :: Connect To A Networked Printer On A Different Subnet?
Oct 10, 2010
While I was setting up CentOS 5.5 for my first time I faced this problem which is connecting to a printer is not possible, my tutor told me you need to change from eth0 to eht1 or eth2, what does that mean? And if I do this, how can I connect a printer which I have its name and IP address.
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Oct 13, 2010
Is there any way to make it so I can let my laptop go into standby that is connected to my printer and make it so that I can still see the printer from my other systems. Then if I print something it brings the networked printer/laptop out of standby and prints my job. I just ran a test and when my system went into standby the printer went "offline" and I couldn't print from it. I don't want to be forced to leave my computer fully on 24/7 to have a networked printer.
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Aug 19, 2010
I have some trouble setting up a printer on my network. My network is divided so that all wired connections are in one subnet, while all wireless devices are in another. My printer is Canon MP640 and is connected via wireless. When I use the network printer scanner utility from Canon, it will only scan my wired subnet, and is thus unable to see the printer. I can ping the printer, so there is no problem with subnet segregation.
On my router, I have Debian and iptables. My initial thought was that I could somehow set iptables to just forward all packets to an address to my printer. This address, of course, wouldn't exist "physically". But I have no idea whether or not this is the right approach. A suggestion I received from a colleague was to set up forwarding of broadcast packets. However, I am unsure whether this will have an impact on the wired subnet. If any of you could conjure a magical iptables rule for this or have suggestions other than plugging the printer into the wired net
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Jan 3, 2011
I've bought a HP Photosmart printer, HP Photosmart wireless e-All-in-One printer - B110a and i've got a problem installing it properly. I'm using Debian 6.0 Squeeze. When i connect the printer, Debian doesn't recognize my printer as the Photosmart B109 printer for unknown reason. When i go to the site of HP and search for a driver, it directs me to this site:I've downloaded that latest hplip file as a .run file and installed it. My printer is recognized proparly, but when i try to print a colored image, it comes out black/white. Something is not crrect. Does anyone recognize this problem with this type HP printer?
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Feb 23, 2011
Searched this forum and Brother's resources but still can't get the Brother HL-2070N to play on 10.04. Especially troubling since 10.04 is an LTS. Wether throught SPM or Brother's PreInstall followed by an RPM converson I still can't locate the correct drivers. Done it countlees ways and still have never seen HL-2070N show up on the driver screen. Still stuck with HL-2060 whose best match flags "out of paper".
BTW; using a "reserved" IP under DHCP for the networked printer. Essentially a fixed IP.
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Jul 22, 2011
I have TWO L3 + router switch (say switch1 and switch2). I created VLAN100 with VLAN ID 100 in both the switches. I created router in Switch1. I created router in Switch2. Switch1 is connected with 1.x/24 PCs. PCs are configured with 1.1 gateway. Switch2 is connected with 2.x/24 PCs. PCs are configured with 2.1 gateway. Both Switch1 and switch2 are connected by a trunk to carry VLAN100 data.
1)I have few PCs of 1.x connected to say Switch1 Is it possible for PC with IP to ping PC with IP are the configuration required in both switches to make them communicate ? All the device in both the subnets should ping/communicate with each other.
2)Move PC ( to switch2. Move PC ( switch1.What will happen when PC(1.100) ping (2.100) and vice versa?What will happen when PC(say 1.80 in switch1) pings PC (say 1.100 in switch2) and vice versa? What will happen when PC(say 1.80 in switch1) pings PC (say 2.100 in switch1) and vice versa?
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Jul 4, 2011
I installed Redhat Enterprise linux server5. it has two LAN card and two subnet connected to these two LAN card. i can browse network from these two network easily. But i created VLAN on one network card.Now i cant browse network from these VLAN subnet.
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Feb 24, 2011
i have some problem that difficult to solve.i'm using linux can i get sharing printer from windows 7??
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Nov 23, 2009
I just upgrade to Fedora 11.
I have problem in installing the printer, no matter add printer in local network or Windows Printer via Samba.
The summary is as follow:
I have download a printer driver and had installed but got error when I tried to printer a test page.
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Jun 23, 2011
I am unable to connect to my printer wirelessly. I get this: Idle - "Connecting to printer..." The computer never connects. I can print a configuration report and get the ip address. If I type that in a webrowser, I get an error: unable to connect. Even if I plug the printer into the computer by a usb, I am unable to access the printer's ip address in the webrowser. I'm not sure how to proceed on getting the printer working wirelessly. It is a hp 6940 I use the HP Deskjet 6940 Series hpijs, 3.10.2rc1.9 driver. I have only recently been having printer problems. The printer has been hooked up on the same network for years. It still prints via usb.
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Jul 16, 2010
I have a Dell ml6000 as a network accessed tape library, I need to mount the tape library on my RHEL5 server as a nst* so I can setup backup crons. What is the process i need to follow to set thsi up?
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Jul 6, 2011
I have two NIC Ethernet card (eth1 and eth2) on the same computer (linux) connected by a cross cable.
The two interfaces are on the same subnet :
eth1 :
eth2 :
Then i add a route for each interface :
route add -net netmask eth1
route add -net netmask eth2
Finally,i'm trying to ping :
ping -I eth2 or ping -I eth1
Ping command reaches error : Destination Host Unreachable
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Feb 11, 2010
for providing an earlier solution from which I have modified and butchered the below script.The intended purpose of this script is to take a subnet mask for example and turn it into the corresponding wildcard mask value in this case it would be /24I have got to the point where I have the binary value, the script is
#takes mask from ifconfig
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Jun 27, 2010
Computer A has two network interfaces. One is on a subnet and has an IP of and the other is on subnet and has an IP of
eth1 can communicate with modem(, which also acts as a gateway to the Internet.
eth0 can communicate with my internal LAN, which consists of several computers including Computer B. This subnet has it's own gateway to the internet at However gateways will not apply to this scenario. I just added them to help paint a picture of my network.
What I am trying to do is tunnel http from a web server running on the modem( across to Computer B within my internal LAN and be able to view the http content via a browser. Sure I can just open a browser on Computer A, but I'm running Computer A headless. I can also curl it from a command line, but I'd like to learn how to tunnel across a subnet. If I get this to work, would I be able to interact with the site(i.e. make modem configuration changes)? or would it just be one way? How do I tunnel data from the eth1 subnet over to the eth0 subnet and over to Computer B on my internal LAN?
What I tried was the following:
I setup a proxymini to run on Computer A and have it listening on the eth0 interface on port 8080 by using this command 'proxymini -l -p 8080'.
Then on computer B, I setup httptunnel -a 80 -p -d
Then I should be able to view the site through a browser on port 80 on the computer I run httptunnel? This setup isn't working.
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Apr 8, 2010
Two servers, one is RHEL 4, and the other is RHEL 5. They are both on the same subnet, one is 10 the other is 11. I added the Webmin rule to the iptables config file but for some reason, the RHEL 4 server, I can access Webmin but the RHEL 5 server I can not. I checked the iptables file and they are the same for both servers, except two rules which are for other ports.
I'm reading about the iptables and had a problem when I manually added the port 10000 entry after the REJECT entry, but wondering if I need to move it up higher or maybe there's another possible block?
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Nov 4, 2010
how to write a command (for loop) that would ping a Class C subnet to make it so that it only replies once and does not show the statistics?
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May 14, 2010
My Operating system is Ubuntu 10-4 that I have just installed.
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May 13, 2010
I have a question on how to connect to my printer. I have theBrother HL-5250DN and I cant connect to it automatically.
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Jun 19, 2010
I inherited a HP Deskjet 5940 printer from a girl who live here before I moved in. I have Etch (4.0) Debian. how to get the printer to print from my computer?
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Apr 2, 2010
I'm running Ubuntu 10.04. I've looked in the fourms, on Google, and the Ubuntu site itself. I'm completely blind when it comes to finding things to fix my problems. I cant seem to connect my wireless printer to my laptop. It is an HP Photosmart C6380 All-in-one Printer-Scanner-Copier. I have CUPS and Samba installed but have no idea how to get them to work.
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Jun 16, 2011
I have a file server running 11.04 w/ a shared printer connected to it, all my windows machines see it as shared & connect to it no prob. My laptop running the same OS 11.04 can see all the shares but no printer?
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Jul 8, 2011
I have a network printer which is on a windows domain/workgroup. Earlier I use to connect to the printer with URI socket://10.x.x.x:9100 and it worked fine. Then I after some time the going got tough and at the moment I am not able to print.
Initially I thought that I need to upgrade CUPS and even downloaded its latest version (did not installed it though).
My trouble shooting started with the ping then telnet followed it. Following is the output of telnet
****@linux-rafr:~> telnet 10.x.x.x 9100
Trying 10.x.x.x...
Connected to 10.x.x.x.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
I tried to telnet by turning off the firewall but no good. Hope someone has a solution to this issue.
BTW when test page print job is viewed in CUPS the following is the message.
Unable to write print data: Broken pipe
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Aug 23, 2010
i am using ubuntu lucid lynx and the latest verdsion of virtualbox and i have this lexmark printer which lexmark doesn't provide drivers for, so i installed windows xp pro in virtualbox and granted my user account the permission to use the usb interface with virtualbox but one problem it won't let me connect the printer while it lets me connect all the other usb devices (flahs drives and web cams) it worked when i was using pclinuxos but now for some reason its not letting me
i am doing this because my version of windows 7 just crashed anmd will not come up and i have no other choice
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Jun 7, 2011
I am attempting to connect a CentOS VMWare VM to a networked Brother HL5170DN printer. The printer is located at It is available and I can connect to it with various Ubuntu and Windoze VMs.
I have searched for instructions on how to do this and it SEEMS rather simple. However, it does not work. Here is what I have done:
System; Administration; Printing to launch the printer configuration wizard
supply root password New Printer Provide printer name, description etc. Select Connection - LPD/LPR Host or Printer Hostname - supply a printer name again select Brother HL5170DN BR-Scripts3 from the footmatic database complete creating the printer
The printer appears as a local printer, however, I cannot print a test page. Nothing happens when I click the button to print a test page. I can ping the printer by IP address. So I deleted the printer and tried again.
At the screen which asks for Hostname and Printername I entered the printer's IP address in Hostname as I had done before. I then clicked the Probe button. At this point Printer configuration freezes and I have to do a force quit.
I just tried the same thing on a physical CentOS 5.6 box - just in case the problem was a VMWare thing. Same symptoms. Probe freezes the Printer configuration program. I then recalled that the printer uses port 9100. I opened 9100 on the firewall (I think) but no improvement. I temporarily disabled the firewall and went throug the proces. I now have the printer defined at "socket://" and recognized as "Brother HL-5170DN BR-Script3"
I still cannot print a test page. I tried to print from gedit and it shows the printer with 1 job in the queue. The gedit print bumped that to 2 jobs in the "printing" state. Looks like I am communicating with the printer. Just not printing.
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Aug 2, 2010
I installed recently opensuse 11.3 and then Virtualbox from Sun Webpage. I have a local printer connected to one of the usb ports. With 11.2, VBox saw perfectly that printer and I could connect normally to it. Now, VBox sees the printer: if I click on the usb icon in the status bar it appears, but dimmed, and I cannot connect to it. I tried to disconnect and reconnect the printer physically, but nothing changed.
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Feb 5, 2010
I've run into a slight problem. As you can tell, I cannot connect to my HP printer through bluetooth. I've followed the Ubuntu documentation: [URL]... but I get stuck at actually connecting to the device. Here's the terminal output:
robertneville777@robertneville777:~$ hcitool scan
Scanning ...
00:17:D5:06:3D:8CSAMSUNG SGH-T509
00:1A:0E:C3:F7:29Photosmart C5500 series
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May 20, 2010
I intalled Ubuntu 9.10 and i am trying to connect a network printer which is on Win 7, i was able to share files but not the printer.
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Jun 12, 2010
I have been fiddling around with getting my printer (HP Officejet 6500 Wireless All-in-one Printer - e709n) connected to laptop (Toshiba Satellite L455D) for nearly a month. I am running Ubuntu 10.04. I have never been able to successfully connect it using the ad hoc but the printer always worked using a USB connection. It is a shame because this may be the only thing preventing me from going all Linux.
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Jul 4, 2010
I give up.. after an hour trying to get my HP 7600 to network connect
My main box is usb connected to my HP Photosmart 7600 and works fine, my daughter has her winxp box connected to it over network as well. My wife's Ubuntu box (same OS and version as mine 9.10) CANNOT connect in any way, shape or form. I've tried every protocal, port, helper program (hp-setup, cups local webpage etc..) and nothing. I have the printer shared.
why connecting to a network printer in the same OS and version would take so much work?
Also we're all on the same network, & subnet with no filtering or firewalling in between the boxes.
*resolved* After trying everything else I restarted cups on the box the printer is attached and everything mysteriously works.
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Aug 25, 2010
I need a printer to connect with my Dell studio 15.I choosed this hp printerim not sure whether it works.
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