General :: Commands For Changing Directories In Fedora

Jan 19, 2011

What are the commands for changing directories in fedora linux i wanted to install something so i put it in my desktop and documents folder but i couldn't install becuase i couldn't change directories.

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General :: Minimize Typing When Frequently Changing Directories?

Aug 4, 2010

What are some good Linux commands to make switching between different directories on the command line easier?

I often have to switch between different directories with long names, e.g.

Typically, I use tab completion, so it's something like this:

But it's annoying because all these names are so similar, so tab completion doesn't really save much work.

What tricks do you use to minimize typing in such situations?

I do use pushd and popd sometimes, but here it won't help much because I don't visit the directories in a given order.

For a nice solution, see the accepted answer to my other, related question. Basically, just create an alternative cd command:

function cd2 { select a in $1*; do cd $a; break; done }

It will list all possible completions at once:

And you can pick one by typing its number.

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General :: Changing User And Running Commands Inside Of A Script?

Feb 22, 2011

My current script is as followed:


su et
cd "media/ET"


I want ET to be run as the user "et" and for some reason, I can't directly su/sudo to run the file without being in the user "et" and the "/media/ET" directory.

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Programming :: Print Message When Changing Directories

Jul 21, 2010

I need some direction on a small scripting question. I've been doing some development and storing the code on a network drive with multiple user access. My development is getting complex enough that it is time to set up a svn repo for it. I would like to set up a little script (if possible) that prints a message/reminder to whomever is accessing the code directory stating that the code is ultimately stored in svn and any changes need to be checked in, etc. Is there a way to have linux print a message to the screen based on a 'cd /specific_dir/' command? So far google is mum on the topic. Using Debian and bash shell.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Changing Software Install Directories ?

Jan 6, 2010

If it was possible to move the software install directory from the main drive to a secondary drive

I am using a ubuntu fork (mint linux) with a eee pc the primary drive is very small at around 3GB I've added my second drive to the fstab file in etc so it mounts on start up is there anyway I can make programs install to that second drive or to move my current applications to that drive?

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Ubuntu :: Commands For Changing Desktop Settings?

Feb 28, 2011

Does anyone know where I could find the commands with which you use to change the desktop settings.

I want to write a script which changes my monitor settings on Kubuntu 10.10 and redraws the taskbar.

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Security :: Group Write Access For Newly Created Files / Directories Without Changing Umask

Apr 3, 2009

I have several directories, each owned by root and a group of the same name,By setting the sgid bit, I made sure that newly created files and directories are owned by the correct group, and that directories have the sgid bit set too.On each newly created directory or file, the permissions are set to 755. This is because this is the default umask, and I cannot change a users umask. I actually only want files created below a particular directory to have group write access, inheriting this behaviour to newly created directories properly.I'm not on samba or NFS, I have to do this for SSH users.The filesystem is ext3.I started to fool around with ACLs, but couldn't find what I was looking for.

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General :: Create A Backup Directory And 3 Directories Within That And Some Files Within The 3 Directories And Then Back Them Up Ot Restore Them?

Dec 19, 2009

i am in need of linux help. iam at college and i need this back/restore script to pass this final part of an assessment. i require a backup script that will not only backup but also restore files to the relevent directories. e.g. users are instructed to store all wordprocessor files in a directory named wp. so i am needing to create a backup directory and 3 directories within that and some files within the 3 directories and then back them up ot restore them. l know i should/have to do this myself by been trying to get/understand info for the last few days and came up with zero.

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General :: Multiple Users To Create Directories Over SFTP So The New Directories Keep The Same Permissions?

May 15, 2011

I want to make a webserver with multiple users allowed to login through SFTP to a specific folder, www.Multiple users are added, lets say user1 and user2, and all of them belonging to the www-data group. The www directory has an owner www-data and a group www-data.

I have used chmod -R 775 on the www folder, but after I try to create a folder test through my SFTP server (using Filezilla) the group of the directory created has only r and x permissions, and I am not able to log in with the second user user2 and create a directory within www/test due to a lack of w permission to the group.

I also tried using chmod 2775 on www directory, but without luck. Can somebody explain to me, how can I make it so that a newly created directory inherits the root directory group permissions?

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OpenSUSE Network :: SAMBA - Changing Default Permissions On Files And Directories Created From Windows Clients

Mar 9, 2010

I have a fileserver running openSUSE 11.2 and samba services for file access from MS Windows based workstations. My question relates to changing default permissions on files and directories created from the windows clients.

Following are extracts of the /etc/samba/smb.conf file :

Even with the above entries, sometimes there are files and directories created by the windows clients having permission

Probably my lack of understanding in ACLS.

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General :: How To Store Files / Directories In Different Different Directories?

Mar 23, 2011

I am writing a script, in that my requirement is, if all the fill types stored in one directory from that we need to separate different different directories based on the file types.

for example in a directory(anish). 5 different types files
1- directory
2- .txt files
2- .sh files

like that and my requirement is the (1- directory is moved to one new directory(dir) which we are given in the script)and (2 .txt files are moved to another new directory(test) which we are given in the script)and ( 2 .sh files are moved to another new directory(bash) which we are given in the scrip)finally the directory anish should be empty..using bash it is possible !!

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Restrict Users To Their Home Directories And Allow Admins To Have Different Home Directories?

Jan 20, 2010

Is it possible to restrict users to their home directories and allow admins to have different home directories? Essentially I want users to have a folder in /var/www/html/$USER and admins to have either unrestricted access or have their root directory be ./ or /www or /etc. I have is set now so users have access to thier home direcotry but I need to upload web files as admin.

So far I have created:


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General :: How To Perform Root Level Commands - Fedora - Live Media

Jul 21, 2011

I need to use Live Media to make changes to a hard disk drive. I tried to sudo to no effect.

Seems like it would be troublesome to authorize root access on Live Media or have sudo allow commands such as pvcreate,lvcreate,vgcreate, especially if the hard disk is not encrypted.

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General :: Changing Desktop Of FEDORA 12 From Gnome To KDE?

Dec 2, 2010

I have checked the thread about the referred subject. However, I cannot find the gdk in /etc/sysconfig. I have fedora12 i686.

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General :: Networking - Changing MAC Address In A Machine (fedora 8)

Jun 24, 2010

I am doing a test on MAC learning and for that ,I need to change my MAC address of linux machine while the interface is UP. To be more clear, consider eth1 in a fedora core 8 machine. And while the interface is UP. I am running a script which changes the MAC address from 10:1:1:1:1:1 to 50:50:50:50:50:50 (i.e 50 times MAC address is changed) . When I try to change the MAC address when the interface it UP, it gives me the following error :

siocsifhwaddr : device or resource busy

I know the way of changing the MAC address by bringing down the interface but I need to know if this can be done while the interface is UP.

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General :: Prevent Changing Wallpaper/Desktop Background On Fedora 14?

Jan 10, 2011

Is there a way to avoid changing the wallpaper/Desktop background other the onces which come as default on fedora?

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General :: Mysql Not Starting After Changing Mysql Admin Password In Fedora?

Feb 19, 2010

Mysql starting problem after changing mysqladmin password.I tried all the solutions available on forums, but not solve the problem.At last I restored the mysql db backup, this make mysql service start, but till other databases not showing all tables.

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Fedora :: Edit The Permissions For Directories In 12?

Mar 22, 2010

I tried using Nautilus - nada (under root no less). Tried using file browser (nada again) Tried going to "places" and the directory I wanted - right click, permissions won't let me change squat. The folders I want to change are shared folders on my network at home and sometimes I transfer files between computers to different places. Can't do it tho, cuz of the permissions. Is CHMOD the answer? If so, how do I do it? For instance, In terminal, I issued the command (as root) chmod 777 movies I thought this would allow any device in the house to write to this directory, but the permissions didn't change at all. So what do I have to do?

On my Ubuntu machine I simply run Nautilus as root and it allows me to do this.
So what's different in Fedora?

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Fedora :: Where Deleted Files And Directories Kept?

May 1, 2010

Fedora 13

I recently deleted some files. I would like to know are the files kept in a directory? Like in windows recycle bin. I would like to know where these files are?

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Fedora :: $PATH Is Repeating Directories

May 13, 2010

I'm running Fedora Core 12 x86_64. I started out using the default bash shell (and customized the .bashrc, etc. as necessary) but had to switch to csh for this one scientific package that requires that shell.

The issue is that my $PATH has unwanted redundancy and I can't figure out how to fix it:


The csh shell was completely new to me so I'm sure I made a mistake somewhere.

Below are the files that might be relevant for diagnosing this problem. I don't think I touched /etc/csh.login or /etc/csh.cshrc but I might have accidentally done so.



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Fedora :: Add User For Ftp To Limited Directories?

Jul 22, 2010

How do I create a user with ftp access and/or Putty access that can only see and change certain directories. I want to create users to work on my website but I don't want them to have access to all of the folders.

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Fedora :: Accessing Directories From Terminal?

Aug 29, 2010

o, incredibly simple problem that I am having a terrible time finding an answer to. I am trying to setup a program in Fedora to be redirected to a folder in my 64-bit Window$ partition, however I am not sure how to tell Terminal that it has a "(" and ")" in the path name.

The exact path in standard value is as follows: "/media/12842F85842F6A85/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps" What SHOULD this look like in Terminal?

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Fedora :: CLI :: Ls -d Command :: Won't Display Directories

Oct 22, 2010

I want it to only display the directories in the folder, but when I use ls -d, it tells me the only directory is '.' .But, if I use ls -p it recognises the directories for what they are.


[root@xxx test]# ls
dir1 dir3 file2.txt file4
dir2 file1.txt file3.txt file5


I have also tried dir -d, with the same results...

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Fedora :: Ls Flag For Listing Directories?

Oct 31, 2010

Is the command "ls -d" meant for only listing directories? Because i tried it and it ALWAYS display just a blue dot. If not what is the correct way to show only directories? I.e. MSDOS equivalent "dir /ad".

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Fedora :: Can't Change Directories In Console

Feb 16, 2011

I tried the cd command the way it ussualy works and nothing , Im new to fedora is there something else to it

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Fedora :: Shortcuts To Local Kernel Directories

Jun 7, 2009

When the kernel is updated, directories matching the new version name are created for documentation and source, for example /usr/share/doc/kernel-doc- and /usr/src/kernels/ Shortcuts to accessing these directories could be handy but the directory names keep changing. A simple way to capture the new names is to assign the most recent to environment variables. This can be done in /etc/bashrc to make them available to all users and subshells. Additionally, the shell option cdable_vars is set to make the kerneldoc and kernelsrc variables useful as arguments to cd. At the command line, cd kerneldoc or kernelsrc changes the directory to the proper directory for the current kernel version.

shopt -s cdable_vars # cd searches env, e.g. cd kerneldoc, kernelsrc
export kerneldoc=$(ls -dtp /usr/share/doc/kernel-doc* | grep -m1 ".*")Documentation
export kernelsrc=$(ls -dtp /usr/src/kernels/* | grep -m1 ".*")

ls is applied to the parent directory of the kernel version directories. -d tells ls to output directory names instead of their content. -t tells ls to sort by time, most recent first. -p tells ls to use a slash for directory delimiter (this is the default and rarely changed but the argument is included to be sure). The ls output is piped to grep. -m1 tells grep to stop after the first match to ".*", which is the first directory in the ls output.

Symbolic links can provide convenient GUI access to the directories but these need to be updated along with the kernel. I use a directory called /shared for my files that are accessible to all users. I have placed in it a bash script called kernelref, which takes advantage of the kerneldoc and kernelsrc variables to update the links. This script should be run whenever the kernel is updated.

/bin/rm /shared/kerneldoc
/bin/rm /shared/kernelsrc
ln -s $kerneldoc /shared/kerneldoc
ln -s $kernelsrc /shared/kernelsrc

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Fedora Servers :: Samba Will Not Open Up Sub-Directories?

Nov 7, 2009

I have it set right now to be open so that there's no need to type in username and password information. It works great. I can type \*IP Address* on my WinXP laptop while on the network, and it brings me to the Public folder that I'm trying to share. But, when I click on the folder to open it up, it just sits there and eventually will give a userid/password prompt or will give me an access denied error.

Here is my smb.conf:


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Servers That Allow You To Share Directories Between Systems?

Jul 28, 2010

What is the name of two servers that allow you to share directories between systems?

what is NetworkManager? What does it do when you install a new NIC?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Windows Cannot Access Samba Directories?

Sep 12, 2010

I am trying to set up samba on my CentOS Linux 5.5 server, and I've gotten to the point where the Windows Sharing Center recognized the server, can even connect to it with credentials, but when I try to access a directory, I get this Message:Code: Windows cannot access \HOMEpublicCheck the spelling of the name. Otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. Try to identify and resolve network problems, click Diagnose. When I click diagnose, it does not fix the issue.This happens with any directory I create. I chmod the directories to 777, so I don't see the problem with permissions.

This is my config file. (smb.conf):
Code: # This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the
# smb.conf(5) manual page in order to understand the options listed


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Red Hat / Fedora :: Create This Link Between The Two Directories Shown Below?

Feb 7, 2011

I need to create this link between the two directories shown below.... So I assume everything that is put into the outgoing directory is copied to

# pwd
ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 Jun 25 2008 outgoing -> /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/

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