General :: Changed The Bios Setting To Start Booting Form CD
May 11, 2010
I have CentOS 5 running on my machine "Appro 1122hi". Now i need to replace centOS with RHEL 4.
Steps Followed is, i changed the bios setting to start booting form CD.
when i try to boot form CD i get "PXE-E61 media test failure, check cable" error
Hardware details. AMD opteron processor 248, 64 bit machine and 16 GB ram.
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Apr 15, 2010
Normally I use disper to enable my external monitor, but I don't think I can force the 2nd monitor to be primary. [URL]
I've played around with nv-control-dpy included in the nvidia-control source, but I haven't figured out how to do it yet. How to get: [URL]
This is a laptop, to which I connect an external hdmi display when I get to work. dipser -e extends the desktop for me, but the laptop remains the primary desktop (holding the panels etc). nvidia-settings can set primary monitor for me, but I want to use the cli.
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May 6, 2010
I donwload the Ubuntu 10.04 *32bits ISO image, and i burned each image with diferent speeds. Then, i tried to install, appears the Language Selection screen, all good. then, the Localization screen, I select Colombia (I'm from Colombia), clic on forward and the mouse shows the "loading animation", but the PC doesn't do anything (I let it for 30 minutes). I tried with the 2 CD, but ever the same result. And in some times when I try to out and reboot appears an error, so I have to reboot manually (with a button ).
And other problem, is that my BIOS doesn't let me boot form USB, so I can't install form USB. The last opportunity, and tried to install it, upgrading from Ubuntu 9.10, but in the instalation it gave me some errors, and in the 80% (or something like that), appears a window asking me to install GRUB AND EVERYTHING FREEZES, so I had to rebbot manually, and reinstall Ubuntu 9.10.
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Aug 1, 2011
I want to go back to Windows. However I can't uninstall Ubuntu since I can't boot up from CD nor USB no matter how I change the BIOS setting. I chose CD or USB but it will go straight to Ubuntu. How can I get rid of it without taking out the hard drive and have it formatted from another computer.
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Jul 14, 2010
Is it possible that grub can load usb driver because BIOS of my computer is 10 or more years older. Currently in grub if I run
root (<press tab>
I get
fd0 hd0
meaning so far floppy & hard disk can be accessed. I am using ubuntu 8.04 .
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Feb 19, 2011
How can I Bios configuration and check USB setting?
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Nov 24, 2010
I'm about to install the Smart Boot Manager rpm so that I will be able to boot from my usb. My bios doesn't support booting up from the usb port. Will this cause conflict with grub?I currently have Fedora 14 installed and about to install CentOS 5.5.
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Feb 18, 2011
I probably have not done any serious programming for 20 years, not counting a little HTML.
I stumbled onto an old FREESPIRE disk my bro sent me several years back -- and tried installing it on a Sony Vaio PCG FRV 28 I had crashed a few years back. The Sony bios is still aboard, but old enough to not have USB "booting" as part of the boot menu. I don't even know if one can easily hack into the BIOS on an old sony Vaio but changing the BIOS would solve lot of problems.
Does anyone have any ideas or certain knowledge on rewriting or modifying the Master Boot Code or an idea on making my USB [with Ubuntu or any other Linux implementation visible] and bootable to the bios on powerup?
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Feb 9, 2011
I'm trying to boot an SD card on a notebook that does not have BIOS support for booting from the SD slot. Using various how-to's I've figured out how to add additional SD card modules to the initrd.img file on a bootable USB drive such that I can boot Linux installed on the SD card.
However, best I can tell, it loads the kernel and initrd.img from the USB and everything else from the SD card. What I really want is to load the necessary SD modules from the USB and then chainload the SD card such that whatever kernel is on the SD card is loaded instead. Is it possible to chainload to another bootable device after the kernel (with the SD module additions) has already been loaded?
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Jan 18, 2010
I've been searching the forums for any posts that cover my problem, but most of the booting problems I've found are different from mine.Anywho, the situation:ell laptop, 2 partitions, first is Windows XP, second is Ubuntu Karmic.Whenever I turn on my computer the first loading screen that shows up (is this the BIOS? Excuse my little knowledge of this stuff), before GRUB loads, is really slow. It takes about a minute to load.However, whenever I restart from my XP partition, it suddenly loads fast! And this does not happen when restarting from my Ubuntu partition or anything
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Oct 16, 2010
Long story short, I changed these BIOS settings (and changed them back), but now Ubuntu won't boot: SATA RAID/AHCI Mode: from Disabled to AHCI
Onboard SATA/IDE Ctlr Mode: from IDE to AHCIThe last thing it says is "Init: ureadahead-other main process (nnn) terminated with status 4". Booting off an Ubuntu CD and entering Rescue mode gets me to a shell; the file systems are still there, but Reward for first solution (other than reload): $10 Starbucks card!
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Jun 10, 2009
Server has DQ35JO board, 8GB memory, multiple SATA hard drives. It was happily running Fedora 10, and Fedora 9 before that. I downloaded and burned the F11 DVD, booted it, did an install which is:
-- delete the LVMs
-- create a 200 MB /boot on ext3, the rest of /dev/sda on ext3 as /
-- reformat the swap partition on /dev/sdb1
-- leave the other file systems alone (they are all ext3)
I chose no optional packages and let it install. It finished normally and got to the "click to reboot" screen. Now, my server is completely bricked. When I power it up I get a blank screen with a blinking cursor. I cannot even get to the BIOS, or boot my Fedora DVD, much less boot the boot drive.
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Jun 21, 2010
One of our client was complaining that their server was down and mysql and apache services were down. The server is Ubuntu 8.04. When we checked, the permissions of /etc/init.d/mysql and /etc/init.d/apache2 were changed to 644 from 755. How could this be possible?I need your valuable suggestions on how can i monitor whether any malicious intrusions or scripts are running.
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Jul 25, 2011
Vmware tells me it cannot start services.I believe the issue is tied to permissions because the message indicated the log with the full details was located in /tmp/vmware-root/setup-4772.log but when I go there I receive a message telling me I do not have permission to the directory and there's a lock symbol on the directory from the File Browser utility.What do I need to do to unlock the folder and get vmware working again ?
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Nov 23, 2010
how to set the tcp ip parameter while linux boots up in my board.
Currently i am giving it like : tcp ip=:::::eth0:dhcp
If i have my own static ip and its corresponding mac-id can i change it for my board when i boot up.
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Apr 21, 2011
I have a computer with several Linux variants installed, each of them using a GRUB or GRUB2 setting.
How can I identify which GRUB setting is used when booting my computer?
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Apr 17, 2010
I am trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 on a laptop. The laptop does not have working cd-rom or an operating system installed. I was hoping to install via USB cd-rom. The bios is an old one and will not allow booting from USB. Does anyone know of a way for me to install?
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Mar 3, 2010
do you mount a dvd when the BIOS does even have a setting for DVD's?
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Mar 17, 2010
i have a peguin computing 130 server running ubuntu server 9.10 and today i open the box to removed one of the hard drives that wasn't being used and the server is no longer booting to the bios.
i have removed the ram and placed it back but notting is showing up. Every time i turn it on it doesn't show anything not even the bios.
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Mar 19, 2010
I just purchased a shiny new LG 10x BD-ROM Combo drive. I installed it without problems. The rest of my system consists of:
MSI k9a2 platinum mobo
AMD Phenom 9950
nvidia gtx260
That's probably everything pertinent. I have the SATA HDDs installed on SATA ports 1, 3, 4 (not the promise slots, 5 & 6), and the BD-ROM installed on SATA 2. I don't think that's an issue, though. I did replace a working sony opiartic (sp?) DVD-RW, so I don't suspect any cable issues (for that and for other reasons).
note: "restart" = "reboot via restart", as opposed to power down & turn back on.
1. I turn on the power. BIOS posts that it sees the BD-ROM in the SATA 2 spot.
2. I boot into Ubuntu 9.10 (updated with the latest x.20 kernel). It does take a little longer than usual to load between the grub menu and the login.
3. After login, the device shows up as cdrom0 in the "Places" menu. Clicking on it returns an error whether a disc is in the drive or not. At this point, however, the open/close button on the drive no longer works. Its as if it's lost all power or connection or something.
4. When I restart, BIOS hangs a while while posting. It shows only devices on SATA ports 1, 3, & 4. It's as if the BD-ROM doesn't exist anymore.
lspci and lspci -vvnn show nothing... well, technically they show everything BUT the drive. I'm planning on purchasing a second BD-ROM (different manufacturer, if I can help it), to test later, but I don't have high hopes. It could be a motherboard issue, I suppose, but updating the BIOS from 1.4 to the latest version (1.9) solved nothing. I don't suspect it's the hardware, though, since it works fine in Win7. I imagine that the culprit is linux/ubuntu, and I need some help figuring out if this is a fixable problem. I've been really, really happy with Ubuntu and linux in general. Ubuntu is my primary OS, with Win7 as my backup in case of emergencies, but I'm seriously considering wiping linux & using Win7 exclusively altogether with this severe hardware issue.
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Mar 31, 2011
I know Ubuntu can be installed from a USB thumb drive but I have a unique problem. My CD drive in my laptop doesn't work any longer and I have no way to replace it. I know I can place Ubuntu on the flash drive but the bios in my laptop does not allow booting from USB and not ROM update for the laptop. So my question is, since this laptop does have Win7 on it, I can partition the drive to make room for a dual boot, but how do I get Linux on the new partition with out a CD Drive or bootable usb?
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Oct 18, 2010
I have an issue where the CPU isnt running at full capacity. I there some way to enable all the CPU, is it a power setting in the BIOS?
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Feb 11, 2010
I recently put together a new machine with Ubuntu 9.10 I couldn't boot it even live (or any live distro for that). It wound up being either a ACPI or APM setting in the BIOS that got it to boot, I say either because I spent probably 10 hours in there turning things on and off until it worked. It was about 4am so my memory of it ain't that great. TO get up to date, I was adding a HDD and having some issues with it being detected right. So back in the BIOS I was and accidentally loaded the defaults! Now I can't figure out what I did last time I've been at it for hours with no luck.
If I jump into grub b4 it boots and add the acpi=off the system boots up but with the side effects of no pwr mgmt. I need it to be able to sleep and shut itself off. I've always had good luck with Ubuntu in other machines so I'm not that great in there, and honestly don't know the difference between apm/acpi. The MOBO is an ASUS P4C800 Deluxe, AMI Bios. I'm gunna keep at it in the mean time, if by any chance I figure it out I'll post what it was (after I write it down).
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Dec 9, 2010
hi everybody i am using red hat linux 5.0 & i unable to start the network configuration form the system->admnistrator->netowrk actually by running system-config-network cmd i am able to edit only gateway but not the primary dns
i also tried from the /etc/resolv.conf. by editing the resolv.conf & after restarting the netowork the resolv.conf remove the chages & it become as like previous. actually there is some problems with the starting services form the panel->system->administration->serversettings->services some of the services are stopped can anybody tell me which are that services for system-config-network
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Aug 5, 2011
So, I've done a lot of stupid things, but this one ranks pretty high. So I'm looking at files here and there, fooling around and tweaking things if I can, but after a while, I get sick and tired of having to fiddle around because a file's owner is root. So, completely ignoring the fact I could start an x session as root, I perform the following command:
chown -hR MY-USERNAME / I'm thinking to myself, "Oh look at me, I'm so smart" until I turn off my laptop for the night and come back this morning, and ubuntu (10.10, 32 bit) says it could not change ICE authority (or something like that) and a few more error messages. Then, I boot into the recovery console, and again, not even bothering to think anything through properly, I chown everything back to root, then chown my home folder back to me. Anyway, I still get the error message, execpt now I can't alt-c to close the first windows that talks about the ICE authority file.
One of my friends has an ubuntu partition, so I can ask him about certain ownerships, but that could take a while and I don't know where to start.
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Jul 10, 2010
I have an HP motherboard w/P4 with 40 GB disk another Maxtor 500GB Hard disk on the usb. Problem: On start up with device selection for booting, my pen drive always gets listed as USB HDD0 and USB HDD1 and Iam able to boot thru' them. However my Maxtor HDD in the first partition of which I have installed FC 13 after much pain,so as to not disturb my existing installation FC 11 in internal drive. This device itself is not visible, nothing to have to say about its partitions in bios list of devices to select. Whether this is a drive related problem or bios related. How may I make it visible in bios list.
Further note: Fedora core 13 installation didn't worry about the windows XP and Fedora 11 installation in main drive. It allowed for installation of the individual boot loader in the installation drive itself.
Bios not recognising this drive precluded access at boot from grub.conf of the exising FC 11 installation too.
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Jan 31, 2009
While building my new server I grinded ta hold shortly after inserting the FDR10 DVD.
Chenbro es34069
Albatron KI690-AM2
AMD Athlon X2 64 4850E
IDE 2.5" HD (master)
IDE Slimline DVD (slave)
4x SATA II swap (still empty)
It stops at the message "net: Registered protocol family 2" but in one of my desperate attempts I changed almost every setting in my BIOS (updated to 1.07) and all of a sudden it passed on. Stupid enough I figured it would be a small effort to find the setting and figure out the problem, so I changed them one at a time after loading the defaults....
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Feb 8, 2011
I have a Dell Windows7 PC configured with BIOS RAID1. I want to install SLES10 and configure it with Software RAID1. My question is: Do I need to reconfigure the BIOS RAID setting and if so What should it be.
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Jun 8, 2010
I have some trouble booting the current KDE Live Cd (11.2) on my Laptop. I tried USB and CD both. The laptop hangs on the bios bootscreen and I cant select any further option like a boot device. No problem I have with an Ubuntu CD.
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Jul 17, 2010
I have a Sony VAIO AR series, it contains two separate 120GB hard drives that were originally configured in a raid. They're called hd0, and hd1. I disabled the raid and partitioned hd1 in 3 ways, one medium sized partition for the operating system (ext4), one large partition for storage (ext4) and one small partition for Swap space. I then installed Ubuntu onto hd1 with help from UNetbootin. After installation went fine I loaded up Windows installer, created two NTFS partitions, one medium and one large, and installed Windows 7 of the medium sized partition. Now I can't figure out how to boot into the Ubuntu side on hd1. Needless to say, in Windows, hd1 is not visable at all. I can see my two NTFS partitions fine.
When booting up I go through two main screens. The first screen "Matrix Storage Manager Option ROM," lists the physical disks (0, and 1.) and gives me the option to enter configuration with [cntrl+i]. The second screen gives me a list of options to boot from, Yet they are all Windows options and many are redundant. The list includes "Enter Command Line," which when selected tells me "Boot failed! Press any key to enter command line." command line brings me to "grub>" I tried booting Ubuntu from this command line, but don't have much to work with here. I followed this guide, but it didn't take me to completion and I'm not sure where to go from here.
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