General :: Booting Windows 7 With Fedora 15?

Jun 26, 2011

I was not sure which forum to post this in, so will go with general. I am not absolutely new to Linux, but it has been a long, long time, so please assume I am a novice.I recently installed Fedora 15 on the same disk with my Windows 7 installation,and assumed that I would be able to dual boot. But no joy. Here is the pertinent info from fdisk. Guess /dev/sda3 is my Windows partition.

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 63 112454 56196 6 FAT16
/dev/sda2 112640 20269055 10078208 7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
/dev/sda3 20269056 523837439 251784192 7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
/dev/sda4 523837440 976773119 226467840 5 Extended
/dev/sda5 523839488 524863487 512000 83 Linux
/dev/sda6 524865536 976773119 225953792 8e Linux LVM

I added the following to /etc/grub.conf

title Other
rootnoverify (hd0,2)
chainloader +1

But Windows 7 will not boot. Obviously I have something wrong, but do not know where to start. So if someone could point me in the right direction I would be humbly grateful.

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General :: Failed At Dual Booting Fedora And Windows XP

Jan 31, 2010

I have just installed Fedora 12 on a 10GB partition separate from the pre-existing Windows XP partition. My problem is that when I turn on my aspire one ao751h it doesn't give me the option to boot Windows XP even though when I mount the partition with XP on it the files are all still there. I think it has something to do with GRUB which I have never dealt with before or the way I set up the partitions when installing Fedora 12. How would I change the start-up screen to allow me to boot from my XP partition as well?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Dual Booting SL6.1 And Windows - After Editing The Grub.config To Include Windows

Jul 2, 2011

i am having some issues with dual booting my SL6.1 and Windows. The situation is that i recently acquired an old hard drive from a non-working computer of mine with Windows already installed (i know the windows is functional, as i tested it on my new PC with SL6.1 currently installed & everything runs fine)

The problem is that after editing the grub.config to include windows, windows will no longer boot after an attempt to install a legit version of McAffee anti-virus software which coincidently was only after the first attempt at running both OS's in a dual-boot fashion. Except past the windows start up screen before the dreaded blue-screen.
Which is weird because SL6.1 OS will still boot & works perfectly fine like always, so it doesn't really make sense.

My current setup is:
Disk 1: Solid-State:
Boot Partition
SL6 LVM1: Root Partition
Disk 2: Hard Drive:
SL6 LVM2: User, Temp & Swap Space Partitions (Different LVM to Root)
Disk 3: Hard Drive:
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

My guess is its windows MBR. The reason i say this is because the Hard Drive contents of the Windows software still appears intact when accessing the drive from the Linux OS. I don't won't to go through the rigmarole of re-installing both OS's. So hopefully their is a relatively simple solution.

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General :: Dual-booting Windows : Why Install Windows First?

Apr 1, 2011

I've read that, when configuring a dual-boot system, you should install Windows first to avoid any issues.Some questions: I'm assuming this has to do with the boot loader so: How is Windows boot loader so different that this matters? If I'm totally off, please explain.Is this the same case with Windows 7 and Windows XP? Depending on question 1 of course: Will installing Windows later on mean that it will definitely not work or just that you might encounter issues later on? Some tutorials are kind of ambiguous about that point.

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General :: Booting Live Cd Of Fedora 15 / Change Argument During Booting Mode?

Jun 1, 2011

I am in a situation to boot fedora 15 live cd in to command line mode, not graphical mode, for some testing purpose. how to change argument during booting mode

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Fedora :: Windows Is Not Booting

Jul 21, 2010

I have purchased one new HP Laptop dv6 pavillion and installed Fedora 12 along with Windows 7 Now the Windows is not booting.. Before installing fedora it was working fine.. System Configuration: 320 Hard disk, 2.13 GHz, Nvidia Geforce Graphic, Ram 3 GB while giving fdisk -l command in Fedora windows is showing below System as SFS...

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Fedora :: Dual Booting Windows XP ?

Jun 26, 2009

I run an Intel DP35DP motherboard with 3.0 gig Intel processor with 4 gig of ram. Two 500 gig Sata hard drives. The first hard drive is for Windows XP. The second hard drive is four 6 different flavors of Linux and Data backups. Drive 2 the first 120 gigs is split into six 20 gig partitions with a 2 gig swap file. The second 370 gig is for file backups and Norton Ghost 2009 images.

Install Fedora 11 on the second hard drive and use the automatic partitioning tool but don't put grub on your Master MBR put it on the root partition on your second drive. When you get to the Boot Loader Configuration screen make sure you check the Configure advanced boot loader options. The next screen will give the option where to put Grub Boot Loader. It should say like sda or sdb. Sda is usually your XP Drive. From their finish loading. Put Grub on Sdb?.

Now duel booting using XP boot manager.

Go to [url] and download (It's freeware) Unzip the file and it will make a directory called Bootpart. From the Windows command line change directories to C:ootpartootpa26. Run the command bootpart. This is what you should see.

If youll notice I highlighted in red. That is you�re first Linux root partition 1: D:* Type=83

Run the command Bootpart 1 fedora11.lnx Fedora 11 Leonidas

This will add a boot line to your Boot.INI file.

My file looks like this:

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Booting Windows 7 And F11?

Sep 1, 2009

I tried to dual boot Windows 7 and Fedora 11 following the instructions in the link at the bottom of this post. Now fedora boots great, but when it tries to boot 7 i get the message "Disk Read Error Hit Ctrl+Alt+Del To Restart" is there anyway to fix this with out reformatting?[URL]..

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Fedora :: Booting From Windows Install Disk?

Jan 19, 2011

I have been using Fedora 13 for about 3 and a half months now maybe more and i have made the decision to switch back to windows. It is not that i have any complaints about Fedora but trying to get vent to work has been an uphill battle and i like to try many diffrent games and Fedora is just not compatible with all the games i would like to play, anyway my problem is that i cannot boot from the windows install disk i have it just loads Fedora no matter what i do.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Windows Partition NOT Booting After Installation Of F10

Jan 20, 2010

I have upgraded my F8 installation to F10 installation recently. After this upgrade, I am able to access the windows partition, and add remove files in the same.Today, I tried booting into my windows partition and I was unable to boot into it. My laptop tried to boot into it, but crashed and came back to the grub selection screen...I did not have this issue previously, with other Linux installations..

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General :: Windows - Booting From A Partition?

Aug 16, 2011

I have a system on which multiple operating systems are installed. Let's say:

C: Windows
D: Linux

I have a bootable USB drive, using which I can boot both into to Windows and Linux. I don't want to use this USB drive any more.

Is there any way I can create the same image as that of the USB drive on a new partition (e.g. E:), so that the system will then boot from that partition?

install Grub or some other popular multi-OS selectors; I have to boot from my own partition having the same image as the USB drive.

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Fedora Installation :: Windows Not Booting After Installing 2nd Distro?

Apr 18, 2009

I had setup my system for triple boot with Windows, F10 & Suse. I had the Windows partition and then installed F10 setting up Grub to load the other two. All went fine and was able to choose to boot to Windows which worked. I then installed Suse, choosing the bootloader to be on the partition for Suse. This installed fine and can now choose to boot into Suse which works. F10 still works as expected, but when I choose to boot Windows, I just end up with a Grub command line. I can't see how the Windows partition could have been affected. I can still see all the files in there, but it just wont boot.


This is not really a Linux issue but does anyone know how I can 'repair' this Windows partition without affecting any other partitions. I don't have a Windows install CD. If I boot off FreeDOS, is there a command to repair the 'bootability' of the Windows partition only?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Booting Windows 7 Ultimate?

Jan 21, 2011

I'm having trouble dual booting Windows 7 Ultimate and Fedora 14. I am using Grub 0.97 (The grub before Grub 2). I installed Windows 7 after installing Fedora 14 so the damn Windows BL covered up Grub. But I can't get into either Windows or Fedora. I get an Error 17: Cannot Mount Selected Partition. And the system can't find the BL for Windows so it always tells me to restart. And I have both OS' on the same hard disk.

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Installation :: Dual Booting Windows Vista And Fedora 11

Apr 11, 2010

I had a fresh copy of Windows Vista installed (original from the factory)- and I followed a document of dual booting - however I think I did some mistake or automatic skip of install Grub boot loader-

Now my fedora 11 is running smoothly but windows vista is gone or does not boot - I don't have any boot disks- they give examples having floppy disk a boot disk- my laptop doesn't have floppy drive- I guess I could manage in cd or flash drive.

I see my computer's config in fedora desktop as

I noticed that the partition NTFS still exists and it has not been erased. I did install linux on hda5 since hda1 was partitioned with NTFS

Is there any manual and precaution to be taken while doing the same dual boot system ?

Or is it possible to have dual boot with the present config- although i am ready to install fresh window vista and fedora as my dual booting systems...

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General :: Dual Booting Windows 7 And OpenSUSE - 11.3 ?

Feb 28, 2011

My PC is an older model Toshiba Satellite that I've upgraded a bit to handle Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

Recently, I joined a CST program at a local college, and there is an entire mod on Linux. I'm at the top of my class, and I aim to stay that way, so I found out what distro they were using, and downloaded openSUSE 11.3. I tried to install it once, and I failed, though I didn't screw up my Windows...much.

I've created an entire 132GB partition, and a 3 or 4GB swap, but I keep getting an error about the boot loader not being on a partition entirely below 128GB. So, I set the partition for 127.98GB, and still with the error.

I'm no slacker when it comes to working with Windows, but when it comes to Linux, of any type, I'm horrible. I need to be able to install the fully functional openSUSE OS alongside my Windows 7 Ultimate, without completely screwing my Windows install up. I can recover, so I'm not afraid to try new things.

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General :: Pardus2011 And Windows 7 Both On Same HD - Dual Booting?

Jul 27, 2011

What happens if I write over Pardus2011 with another OS such as Fadora or Suse? Does the boot loader stay? I really can't risk losing everything on my windows partition. If I can, when installing do I ignore installing a new boot loader? It usually asks...

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General :: Slax Iso And Windows 98 Dual Booting?

Sep 26, 2010

I have a windows 98 box.I have a slax ISO and a slax TAR. My slax TAR has all the modules I want.

My windows 98 hard drive has only 1 partition and is fully formatted.I have used windows 98 to download my TAR.I want to dual boot slax and windows 98.How do I go about this? So do I have to repartition?

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General :: Triple Booting - Windows With Gnome And KDE

Aug 1, 2010

I'm trying to install (k)Ubuntu 10.04 side-by-side via Wubi, so that I can triple-boot Windows with the GNOME and KDE flavors of Ubuntu. Is there a way to install an OS to another folder?

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General :: Booting Old Linux Partition After Installing Windows 7

Oct 9, 2009

I have an old linux partition (fedora 10) that used to start from the MBR. Now I've installed windows 7 on a new drive (overwritning the MBR, autostarting windows). Is there a neat program availible that somehow enables me to choose to boot back into linux?

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General :: Multi-booting, Can't Boot Windows 7 Anymore?

Aug 2, 2011

I have Linux Mint and Windows 7 installed on my laptop, and recently tried tinkering with EasyBCD, to use the Windows multi-boot loader instead of grub. Well, that didn't work out too well, because I ended up with the Windows boot loader with two options, Windows 7 and Linux Mint, however the Linux Mint entry just redirected me to grub, which wasn't what I intended.

I tried to put things the way they were, with grub as the only boot loader, and figured I'd do so by setting EasyBCD to skip the multi boot screen and going straight to the Linux Mint entry, which corresponds to grub.Well, now when I boot, I get the grub screen, but if I select the Windows 7 entry, it just redirects me back to grub, so I can't access Windows 7 right now. What can I do to fix this? Can I edit the Windows boot loader from within Linux?

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General :: Set Windows As Default OS When Dual Booting Ubuntu 10.10?

Nov 12, 2010

When you install a dual-boot of Ubuntu, one of the frustrating things that you'll immediately notice is that Ubuntu is now set as the default operating system in the Grub loader. There's an easy way to switch back to using Windows as the default.

There are many way to change bootup options

This is one way to change bootup option

First you have to go system --> Administration and see for Startupmanager if it is not their

Now go to Applications --> Accessories --> Terminal and type

sudo apt-get install startupmanager It will ask for your password give it now It will ask Do you want to continue {y/n}? Type "y" and press Enter After installation is over close the terminal.

Now once again you have to go system --> Administration ---> now you will see a new Startupmanager button, just press that startupmanager button it will open a window

Enter your password to perform administrative task "now you have to give your password and press enter
now you will see startUp-Manager window in that you will see Timeout

Timeout in seconds: by default it is 10 second if you want, you have to increase the second 10,20 etc.,

Default operating system: by default it is Ubuntu

if you want to change click the Tab and you will see five options that is

Ubuntu with Linux generic
Ubuntu with Linux generic(Recovery mode)
Memory test (memtest86+)
memory (memtest 86+, serial console 115200)
Microsoft windows xp professional (on/ext/sda1)

and now you go to Microsoft windows xp professional (on/ext/sda1) and click it now it will change Ubuntu to windows just press close tab after closing that window you have to restart your system just wait for 10 second and see now your system will boot windows xp by default

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Fedora Networking :: 12 Booting In VMWare WS But Cannot Mount/access Windows Host

Apr 1, 2010

I have Fedora 12 (Fedora-12-i686-Live.iso) installed and booting in a VMWare workstation (version 6.5.3). I am able to login as the LiveUser.

I need information on how to access the drives on my host which is WindowsXP. My C: on the host is shared, and my network adapter for the VM is "NAT".

The only directory listed in my /mnt directory is "live".

My Fedora enviornment is "bare bones". There is nothing installed except for the original files from the "iso" loading procedure.

I also have been unable to get the VMWare tools installed, and I don't know if this is related. I don't mind bypassing this if this isn't required. My only desire right now is to access my C:

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Fedora :: Office Dual Booting 14 + Windows 7 In Laptop Lenovo G550?

Jul 29, 2011

I have at office dual booting Fedora14 + Windows 7 in Laptop Lenovo G550. I am using it regularly for work. Recently it stopped normal shut down. It showed some panic message first time and i have to force shut down.It boots normally. Now it does not give any message during Shut down but it does not shut down properly. Every time i have to force shut down.I am ready to follow instructions from forum members. I want to know that how much serious this panic is. Will it result in corruption of installation?

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General :: Installing Ubuntu 10.10 On A Windows 7 System (Dual Booting)?

Nov 20, 2010

In my first article that is posted at 29.10.2010 "Installing Ubuntu 10.10 on a Windows 7 System (Dual booting) with Radeon X300/X550/X1050 SERIES Graphics Card". I got most of email in that most of the people are asked me to give step by step Installation method for Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10 in dual booting. So am trying to give you to installation method for both Operating Systems. I hope it will help to you for easy installation for Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10 in Dual booting method.

I have installed Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10 on HP dx 7200 micro towers.
System Information :-
Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit (6.1, Build 7201)


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Fedora :: When Booting Back In To Windows Partition It Doesnt Recognize The Free Space?

Apr 22, 2011

Whilst in fedora i deleted files off my second hard drive to free up some space, i deleted over 10gb worth of data. When booting back in to my windows partition it doesnt recognize the free space instead it thinks the hard drive is still full even though i deleted the data.Not to sure as to why this has happened, as im sure i have deleted stuff of this hard drive before from my linux partition.Any help would be greatly appreciated as my 70gb hard drive is full with only 20gb of data to show for it

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General :: Boot - Updated, Grub Menu Not Booting To Windows Partition?

May 24, 2010

I have just updated my Ubuntu linux to Ubuntu 10.4, not my grub menu isnt letting me boot to Windows Partition.The problem seems to be with grubs new update from using an editable menu.lst file to using a non editable grub.cfg file. Everywhere I look it states "DO NOT EDIT THE GRUB.CGF FILE". I am at a loss as what to do. I figured that the new configuration has screwed up the Windows Boot File. Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this. I am not sure if it is a windows issue or an issue with the Grub boot menu.

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General :: Windows 7 - HP Laptop, Corrupted Graphics, Not Booting Win System Board?

Aug 3, 2010

My friend has a HP Pavilion dv2699ea (dv2500 series - somehow *shrugs*) that has stopped working. It's a Core2Duo laptop with a Nvidia GPU. The unit is no longer under warranty. Problems first started a few days ago with the laptop showing corrupted graphics in Windows and BSOD'ing after a few minutes of use. I tried booting to an Ubuntu LiveCD which worked for a while before succuming and crashing as well. The freezing/graphics corruption/BSODing does seem somewhat heat related (CPU runs at ~95'c under load) however I believe that if it is heat related, then it's already damaged components inside.

Now the system has corrupted graphics on bootup[1], including booting Ubuntu[2], and neither operating systems will boot at all (Windows can sometimes get logged in before showing a black screen and becoming unresponsive. Ubuntu just looks like [3] after X starts). (See comment below for links.)

The fact the problem occurs both under Linux and Windows says to me this is not a driver issue. I have run Memtest which passed fine and none of this seems HDD related as I managed to get ~30GB of data off the system before it finally gave up the ghost.

She has been using it repeatedly without giving it adequate ventilation for years (i.e. on the bed, or on a pillow), so it's my opinion that the system board has probably warped over years of cooling/heating and that's causing this current problem. If that is the case, then I can buy a replacement system board and fit it myself, saving about £200 over the cost of an out-of-warranty HP repair. Of course, I don't want to make her spend £100 on a replacement part for it to be the wrong thing, hence asking for a second opinion here!

Hopefully I've covered all the bases here. I'm a former IT support guy myself, so I've tried all the dumb stuff (driver updates, examining memory dumps from BSODs [one 'unrecoverable hardware error', three relating to the graphics card], etc).

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General :: Dual Boot / Linux Partition Formatted But Not Booting Into Windows.

Aug 11, 2011

I have Vista Home edtion and Linux, I have formatted Linux partions and now that Grub is not letting me boot into Windows..I had C:wIndows D:New Volume and rest of the space was E:

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General :: Syncing Time With Windows Server Dual Booting Systems?

Aug 11, 2011

I am about to work on getting the workstations on my network here to be connected to the Active Directory on my Windows 2003 server using Likewise Identity Service. of the security requirements is a good time sync, so I am trying to setup my Windows server time server on my CentOS machines. These machines dual boot Windows 7 and CentOS 5.5. I am using the Windows server as a time server and it's getting its time from its CMOS.llowing a microsoft kb article. I removed all the time servers from the CentOS box I am experimenting with and added the IP of my Windows server, it seems to connect ok but theime never gets updated.Oh, and this network has no connection to the internet it's cut off from the world, so sad and lonely and cannot get internet time

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General :: Ubuntu No Longer Booting From Windows Boot Loader After Update

Feb 2, 2011

After installing recommended updates for Ubuntu, Ubuntu would no longer boot from Windows Boot Loader. It looks like an error about some missing NTFS4 files briefly flashes on the screen.

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