General :: Update Ubuntu 1010 To 1104 Without Physical Access?

Jun 23, 2011

I have rented a server in a datawarehouse to host my mysql databases, subversion repositories, websites etc. I don't have physical access to this server (I don't even know the location of the data warehouse).

I connect over SSH (Putty) to this server.

When I login I get the message that new release "natty" is available (1104). Run "do-release-upgrade" to upgrade to it. I've never done an upgrade, so I'm afraid there has to be a reset during the upgrade process and a manual action on the machine itself to restart it.

Is it possible to do this upgrade without manual intervention, can somebody give me perhaps a pointer to a location of a good "howto"

For good understanding: I don't have a graphical user interface, just the command line through Putty. I've installed the utility "screen",

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Ubuntu Installation :: Blank Screen After Update To 1104 / Get GUI Back?

Jun 20, 2011

.I am new to Ubuntu. Installed and got 10.10 working fine with wireless network. Tried to update to 11.04. Due to flakey wireless connection I only got a partial update downloaded. Tried to insatll what I had but that didn't finish either. On boot up I had a completely blank screen. Tried restore (multi boot system with WIN98SE Separate partitions) but don't know enough about command line tools to know what to do with what comes up. BTW, WIN98SE comes up fine. If I am understanding what the restore screen shows, it is coming up in TTY1. How do I get the GUI back?

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General :: Virtual Address To Physical Memory Access ?

Feb 21, 2010

A process is trying one access to memory, for example through an array (ex.: vect[0]=123. What happens?

Here below what I guess but I'm not sure and accept any comment (please, distinguish between "the system" and "the CPU" in case).

Let's suppose swapping to disk disbled.

We have two scenarios: without and with cache.

If no cache is present in the system:
1. The CPU must discover the phys addr of vect[0] virtual addr. To do that, has to read from 3 (or 2 depending on the system?) pages tables, stored in memory as well.
2. The CPU writes to the final address.

These mean 4 memory accesses.

If cache is present:
1. Like above but, if the pages tables are in cache, we have 3 accesses to that.
2. If the req. page is not in cache, it's reads from ram and transferred to it. Afterwards, cache is written.
In the best case we have 4 cache accesses.

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General :: Deploy Windows Onto Server With No Physical Access To Machine

Jul 30, 2010

I need to deploy Windows Server 2008 R2 onto a server that is currently running Linux. Effectively, I want to restore a Windows disk image onto the Linux system hard disk.I don't have physical access to the machine, so I need to find a way to do everything remotely, using SSH (no KVM). And the Linux machine only has one hard disk - the one containing the OS. However, I might be able to create a partition in free space at the end of the hard disk to store the image (I might need some help with the Linux commands). Or perhaps the image file can be pulled via FTP.

I tried Acronis but was disappointed to find that it doesn't seem to allow me to overwrite the system partition (unlike the Windows version of Acronis, which is capable of doing this with a restart).

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General :: Security - Securing A Server When There Is Potential Physical Access?

Jun 9, 2011

We want to set up a Linux server (hosting Git or later SVN repositories) which should have all stored data strongly encrypted, so that if one steals the server the data cannot be read. For example, our notebooks have all important data stored on a "true-crypted" partition.

We plan to access it with SSH private keys and only after successful login should the data be readable. The server would be located in our office, shut down at night and not be connected to the Internet directly, but only accessible in our intranet.

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General :: Machine Act As Both A Wireless Client And Access Point Simultaneously Using A Single Physical WLAN Interface?

Jun 23, 2010

If I have only 1 physical WLAN interface, is there some hackery that can be done so that it can be a client of an existing access point and at the same time also act as an access point for other clients? I have an existing 802.11g ADSL router, and I'm going to be building an HTPC which will have 802.11n. My laptop also has 802.11n, but at the moment it only connects at 54Mbps because thats what the AP supports. I'd like to be able to have the HTPC be a client of my ADSL router, but have my laptop be a client of the HTPC, so copying files to it will be faster.

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General :: Cannot Install Printer HP-laserjet 1010 On Red Hat El5

Jun 21, 2011

how to install my hp laserjet 1010 printer on red hat el5.when i connect my printer, a new window pops up detecting a new hardware but my printer's name or the driver is not listed. i have the printer's driver cd which is for windows.

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General :: Replace Windozed7 With Ubuntu 1010 On HPg62 Notebook

Feb 8, 2011

Used ubuntu to wipe my brother's new laptop of bloated non-responsive windozed7 and use entire drive for linux. still trying to sort what files to download to make the transition. Sharing internet for search and downloading, but this notebook will not be connected where it is going, so I'd like to have a comprehensive collection of required software to support and enhance the learning curve. He wanted Knoppix, but I read that Ubuntu was a good choice for this machine and we both want to make the switch to Linux. just too many flavours to choose from. I also have Knoppix 6.4 on disc, but haven't used it on any machine yet. My desktop is next ASUS P7P55D wintel 4-core. Can I use Ubuntu 1010 on it as well? I'm willing to surf and follow the links to learn, but my brother is off-grid and would need some offline documentation to be on the hard-drive.

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General :: Can't Load Ubuntu 1010 From CD And Save Old Ubuntu At The Same Time?

Apr 20, 2011

I've been using Ubuntu for a couple of years and like it just fine. However I updated to Ubuntu 1010 and started downloading most recent updates and now when I turn on my machine the cursor just flashes and Ubuntu won't load up. I sent off and received a Ubuntu 1010 CD, but can't figure out how to load it up without loosing all my data from my previous Ubuntu. I think somehow my GRUB got corrupted, because I can still get the information when I look at it from a second harddrive that I also have Ubuntu on.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 1104 - Can't Install Anything

Jun 4, 2011

I go to install packages, or even updates. and it comes up with this..


installArchives() failed: Setting up tzdata (2011g-0ubuntu0.11.04) ...
Use of uninitialized value $reply in scalar chomp at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/FrontEnd/ line 66.
Use of uninitialized value $reply in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/FrontEnd/ line 67.


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Ubuntu :: HDMI On 11.04 With Dell Mini 1010

Aug 20, 2011

I have a Dell Mini 1010 (came with windows) that i have installed Ubuntu 11.04 on.

I had to update the graphic drivers to the EMGD to get video to work and not be jumpy and it also gave me more options of resolution.

The problem i have is that HDMI out wont work at all. When plugged into my TV it wont pick it up as a second monitor.

xrandr gives me: [URL]

Monitor settings shows: [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Editing Right Click Menu In 1104 Classic?

May 2, 2011

As Unity have too much serious regressions to be usable desktop (I'll list some so maybe somebody could get an idea what to change for Ocelot 1110 edition):desktop switcher is obnoxious for somebody who is used to having 8-12 virtual desktops and to see in system tray what desktop is taken and what desktop is free. I do not see Pidgin icon in system tray anymore. And I hate (not dislike, but hate) Empathy, so I do not want to hear "Install Empathy". Have empathy for users who just want their apps in system tray! Launcher is bugged. I added Synaptic to it, place in launcher was taken, but there was no icon until restart. I added dconf-editor, there was no icon for it also after restart. weather applet is no more part of date/time tray indicator, but you can install it separately. Yes, you can install it separately, but you can not add your location, and that applet is not smart enough to read your old settings of weather and 1-5 locations for time zones should I go further? In short, 1104 is stable but default login (Unity) is not functional. It is better than M$ Vista which was not stable, but I expected that Ubuntu would adhere to higher standards than one shitty commercial company which wants only money of users and therefore rushed non-functional software to market.

My question (finally): In Ubuntu classic items I added to right click menu using nautilus-actions are not there anymore. They are still present in Nautilus, but not in desktop right-click menu. I googled a bit and found zilch, so I ask here. Please share how to do it (scripts folder is still there, but that would be regression to be unable to edit right click menu, FFS Ubuntu is not proprietary software so we would be helpless and could not tweak our favorite OS how we like it).

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Ubuntu :: In 1104 Under Root Windows Looks Gray / Solve This?

Aug 5, 2011

When I open any prog under root it uses default grey scheme and icons, as it is impossible to make root user and enter x as root, i do not know how to fix it

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Installing GMA500 Drivers On WEBS 1010

Apr 3, 2010

I have a portwell WEBS1010 mini PC [URL] which I tried to install ubuntu 9.10 on. It contains the cursed GMA500 chipset and supposed to be similar to all the other devices containing it I tried everything there is, all the posts and methods


all getting the same results, some of them are installing fine but when I reboot, I get an error message from X telling me there was an error and I can only move to low-graphics mode.

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Ubuntu :: Upgraded To 1104 Now System Freezes Often When The Screen Saver Comes On?

Apr 30, 2011

upgraded to 1104 now my system freezes often when the screen saver comes on

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Desperate To Get Video Import Working In 1104?

Jun 1, 2011

I have been trying to get video import to work on Xubuntu 1104 for nearly 2 weeks without success. All I am trying to do is to drag video from my Sony Digital 8 Handycam via firewire onto my PC for safekeeping and editing.

- Installed Kino, then found it did not work because of a permissions error. Used gksudo to get around that then found it was giving me a firewire error..raw 1394 kernel not loaded or failure to. Did a load of research and de-blacklisted the ohci drivers. Also installed dvgrab to make sure this aspect worked ok

- Used the list command to determine that the PC could see the firewire card, all OK

- Went back, using gksudo, etc to drag the video files in, same error as before

- Went onto the Kino website [URL].. (seems not to be updated that much) and , again, de blacklisted the firewire drivers

- Went to the Ubuntu website and found this.[URL]...but none of that worked for me.

- Searched through the Ubuntu help forums, not yet found a solution that works for me. Installed Ubuntu studio to see if that worked, no joy. I am now at a complete dead end. I am simply trying to find a piece of software that plugs in, works first time without issues, and allows me to initiate video imports as outlined above. Is anyone able to help me resolve this problem please?

My only other option, if I can't solve this, would be to install a copy of Windows 7 on my machine and use e.g a Pinnacle product to solve the problem. That would be a major failure as I much prefer to do this using my current set-up.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: M-audio Delta 1010 (break Out Box) - Add?

Feb 8, 2010

I am using m-audio delta 1010 ( break out box) works perfect with opensuse 11.1 and 11.2 but is is not on the hardware compatiblitiy list. How to add? it is using alsa-tools.

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Programming :: Access At Physical Address - I/O Address In My Map Memory?

Dec 17, 2008

When I try to access at physical address (0xD0000), we known that it is necessary to convert physical address to virtual address using function IOREMAP(0xD0000, 1024) and return me 0xC00D0000.

Now our doubt is when I have a board with I/O in address 0x150, is it necessary to convert this address to other virtual address??? or with inb(0x150) return me state of I/O in this address? How can I known where is this I/O address in my map memory?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: M-Audio Delta 1010 LT - No Sign Of Sound Card To Be Found

May 10, 2010

I encounter many problems, the most pressing now is the lack of my Ubunto-PC to make use of my M-Audio Delta 1010 LT Soundcard. I installed ALSA package yesterday, but there's still no sign of my Soundcard to be found. sudo aplay -l delivers: aplay: device_list:223: keine Soundkarten gefunden ... (no soundcards found)


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General :: Access Each Drive Of A RAID Array In Order To Update The Firmware?

Feb 2, 2011

I need to access each drive of a RAID array in order to update the firmware - I am completely new to linux. I think there are probably some potential challanges along the way to get this "working" For example, it seems to me that the array may present itself to application code as a single device. I need to drill down into the RAID and talk to each physical device in turn via some sort of pass-through mechanism. I'm currently pretty lost - can anyone point me in the "right" direction

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General :: Update Standard Fedora Library Package Without Internet Access?

Apr 26, 2010

I need to get the library ( on a computer with Fedora 8 and don't wonder why it's so ancient,-there is a good reason for it) but I don't have Internet access from that computer, so I can't get to the online repo's.

However, I do still have the installation disk, and I'm typing this from a computer (SuSE 10) that is half a meter from the Fedora box.

I tried the "ADD/REMOVE Software" option on the menu, but it keeps on looking for the online repo and then if it doesn't get it, it fails.

Is it possible to get this library from the installation disk. How? Could I download the single package from the online repo onto the SuSE machine and then move it to the Fedora machine? How do I then tell the Fedora machine to "incorporate" it.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 1104 On HP Desktop - Error Code = 1001 - Doesnt Start - Just Appears A Black Screen

Jun 2, 2011

I install UBUNTU 1104 on HP Desktop PC, but now it doesnt start. Just appears a Black screen with this msg: Error Code = 1001.

I want reinstall but PC is not reading CD, But the CD drive is working.

I install UBUNTU 11 in other 6 PCs, and work fine.

PC inf.: HP Compaq dc5800 Small Form Factor

I never install Windows on this PC. The original OS was UBUNTU 9.04 and updates.

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General :: XP Crashing In VMware Player With Ubuntu As Physical OS / Fix It?

Nov 16, 2010

it?I have Ubuntu 10.10 (and Ubuntu Server) on a factory Dell Inspiron 530. It's running an Intel Pentium Duo Core CPU (1.6GHz), has 1GB RAM, and VMware Player installed. When I boot XP SP3, it runs, but randomly crashes. I managed to update IE6 to IE8 without crashing, but when I tried to download MS Office 2010 Professional (Trial), it crashed near the end of the download. I got a blue screen with the following:

"STOP: 0x0000000A, 0xB2EEf304, 0x00000002, 0x80508008

It then begins a physical dump of memory, completes, then automatically reboots XP in the virtual machine.

Every time it does this, it shows different memory addresses.

BTW, I also watched performance while doing this. As soon as CPU hit 100%, the download crashed, and soon after, XP crashed, sometimes locking up the physical machine.

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General :: Configure Physical Memory Map?

May 18, 2010

I am trying to build and bring-up Linux (embedded) for a piece of hardware which have MIPS 74K proccessor 16MB Flash, 128MB DDR and network/usb support. How to configure/set into the kernel the exact addresses of the physical memory map? How does the kernel know where is the system ram, i/o memory, root FS? I have read some book and I found how the applications can go and read some special files like /proc/iomem to find out info about memory but what I need is how to set those addresses at the beginning when I build the kernel and FS in order to boot the kernel on my h/w.

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General :: Physical Drives Need To Use The Same Interface?

Feb 5, 2011

I understand the software RAID partition types on two physical drives that will be paired must be set to the same size. However,

1. Do the physical drives themselves need to be the same size?

2. Do the physical drives need to use the same interface?

e.g. Can I setup mirroring with one 80G SATA, and one 320G PATA? (And is this reliable/stable?). The use is for an asterisk server which came with the 80G, I can't find anything smaller than 320G for the 2nd drive, and the free connector inside is PATA.

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General :: Why Set Swap Space Twice Big As Physical Memory

Sep 12, 2010

When we want to setup a linux system, there is a common a suggestion like set the swap space as twice as big than your physical memory, I want to know why do we need this and how is this suggestion come from?

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General :: Extending Partition Into Another Physical Drive?

Oct 4, 2010

Is it possible if I am only using ext3 and no LVM or anything else to re-size the partition into another physical device? I am pretty sure the answer to this is no but I was still curious as I am facing a full 1tb disk and need to add a new drive and unsure how to do this due to shared folders existing on the old drive and no way to actually expand them without linking in new files or something.

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General :: Get The Physical CPU Socket Count In RHEL?

Jun 30, 2011

We are working on our subscription renewal and now since Red Hat has changed their subscription model we need to give them the number of physical CPU sockets on each system.I have tried looking thru /proc/cpuinfo as well as tried to parse data out from dmidecode but both of those solutions count each individual core as a CPU.Is there a clean and easy way to determine the number of sockets on each system? We also use RHN Satellite to manage our systems but I believe that is pulling the same data from dmidecode

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General :: LVM Removing A Physical Volume Safely

Aug 7, 2010

Let's assume I have a volume group (VG) with six physical volumens (PV) - sdb1, sdb2, sdb3, sdc1, sdc2, sdc3..I want to remove one of the PVs from the group in order to use its space elsewhere - how can I know if it's safe? How can I do that without losing data and without first "pvmove"ing it elsewhere?Reading a bit more, my guess is using the result of pvscan, but I thought I'd ask before removing keeping it safe as I'm not an LVM expert.

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General :: Change Physical Extent Size ?

Jun 19, 2011

The default physical extent (PE) size is 4MB in LVM (I am using CentOS 5.x). How to change physical extent size to 128 MB?

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