General :: Remove Old Software And Install New In System?

Jan 11, 2011

I am using currently squid 2.5 version in my red hat Linux box. I want to uninstall it and install 3.0 version. Being a new user I want to know

1- How to uninstall previous software packge like squid using terminal ?

2- To install new version of squid?

If I go to web sites i can see
diff Download
diff(sig) ar.gz(sig) / tar.bz2(sig)

I am confuse under differ column i can see diff(sig) and under Download column ar.gz(sig) / tar.bz2(sig).
what means by diff(sig)and ar.gz(sig)/ tar.bz2(sig) ?

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General :: Remove System To Install Windows Xp?

Jan 17, 2011

How do I remove linux so I can install windows xp?

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Ubuntu :: Remove System 10.04 And Install Windows [ASAP]?

Oct 16, 2010

I recently installed Ubtuntu Linux 10.04 and like it but want to go back to Windows. I tried booting from an XP CD-R I have but I got some error while @ a blue installation screen. So I made another CD-R WinXP again (bootable) But same problem. I really want to go back to Windows without messing up my Laptop.

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General :: Remove A Bad Link In System?

Apr 16, 2010

Can anyone tell me how can i remove a bad link in linux
i have created one link to a file now i shifted that file to some other location .Now i have to delete that delete the previous link ie bad link

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General :: Remove A File On System Using Inode Number?

May 19, 2010

If you create a file on UNIX/linux with special chars, like touch "la*, you can't remove it with rm "la*. You have to use the inode number(you can if you add the before the name, I know, but you'd have to guess as a user that it was used in the file creation).

I checked the manpage for rm, but there's no metion of the inode number. Doing rm inodenumber doesn't work either.

What is the command for this?

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General :: Remove Unwanted Output That Comes From Executing System Api?

Apr 27, 2010

How to remove unwanted output that comes from executing system api?

for eg:when i execute system("telnet") i want the output to start with login and then password and then directly the command prompt,how can i remove the output that gets generated before showing the prompt?

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General :: Rm: Cannot Remove '/home/ridwan/.serverauth.3457': Read-only File System

Mar 10, 2010

I am using Slackware 13 x86_4. I have it set so that when I close my lid, it suspends to RAM. When I open my lid, it asks for password, but after I enter it, it freezes. I force KDE down by Ctrl+Alt+Backspace then read the errors. It says:


xauth: error in locking authority file /home/ridwan/.Xauthority
rm: cannot remove '/home/ridwan/.serverauth.3457': Read-only file system

When I try to startx again, it says


/usr/bin/startx: line 158: cannot create temp file for here document: Read-only file system
/usr/bin/startx: line 174: cannot create temp file for here document: Read-only file system
/usr/bin/startx: line 174: cannot create temp file for here document: Read-only file system


It forces me to power off the laptop by holding down the power button. When I try ctrl+alt+delete, I get an error saying "can't execute from /sbin/shutdown/"

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OpenSUSE Install :: Uninstall / Remove OpenSUSE On Dual Boot System

Sep 5, 2010

I would like to remove openSUSE (11.3) from my dual boot (/Windows) system. In the old days, the install CD used to have an option for that, but now my DVD doesn't have anything, or perhaps I overlooked?

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General :: Apt-Get Tries To Remove Packages On UZBL Install?

Jan 12, 2011

When I try to install uzbl, a minimalistic web browser with apt-get, apt tries to remove all xserver-xorg packages that can't possibly have any relations to the uzbl package - since it's only a web browser.

[ ~/downloads ] % sudo apt-get install uzbl
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done

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General :: Install A Distro On A Macbook And Remove The OS X?

Jul 11, 2011

I've been dabbling into linux by installing Wubi on my main computer, out of ease to install, but I use windows to do many things I'm not sure if I could do as easily in linux. Anyway, I had a macbook before I got my new main computer, and have been wondering if I can install linux on my macbook to test out other distros without potentially endangering my main computer (out of complete idiocy on my part, of course). Is this possible? Is there any specific "guide" out to do this?

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General :: Multi Boot - Install A New Distro And Remove The Old One?

Apr 11, 2010

I have a laptop dual booting to Windows 7 and Opensuse 11.2. However, I'd like to switch to a different Linux distro (probably Ubuntu, that's what I'm used to)

Is there a way for me to do it without losing the Windows 7 setup/data?

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General :: Install - 'boot Error' And Must Restart And Remove Usb

Feb 22, 2011

i got a new laptop today, i bought it just to use linux. i but the iso on my usb and it works fine on the pc, but when i try it on my new laptop i am getting 'boot error' and must restart and remove usb. iso: ubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64.iso laptop: [URL]

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General :: Install Remove Software Hang In Opensuse

Feb 7, 2011

when i try to install the flash plugin and chromium in the open suse install remove tool it installs well and downloads but if i do anything else it hangs and makes all the OS unusable and i have to hard shutdown .. i tried to leave it to see if at least like that it can install but then the screen went blank(cause of power saving) and i oved the mouse to continue watching the progress and again it hanged... i am running opensuse 11.3 on an usb stick which i did using the dd_rescue seems it has persistence.

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General :: Unable To Remove Grub And Install Windows OS

Mar 26, 2010

I am using Lenovo Laptop. Initially I had Dual boot with Windows Vista and RHEL 5. I deleted Vista Partition. If I try to install Vista using Vista Bootable DVD, The Vista Bootable DVD is not getting detected! Now I want to remove everything (RHEL 5 & Grub Boot loader) from my laptop and install fresh OS.

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General :: Remove Gnome Windows Manager And Install Xfce

Apr 15, 2011

Is it possible to install a different windows manager? Currently I am using an HP Netbook 210. The windows manager I am using is "gnome-shell" that comes as default with Fedora 15. However, I am wondering if I could completely remove this and install a different windows manager, such as Xfce 4.8. I am not talking about completely removing Fedora 15 and then installing Fedora 15 xfce spin. Just the window manager. How easy would it be to remove the gnome-shell windows manager and then install xfce 4.8 windows manager? Any steps to do this?

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General :: Bash Command Needed To Remove Failed Install?

May 11, 2010

An app failed to load properly and now i'm stuck in a sequence I don;t understand the solution for.

sudo apt-get autoremove

dpkg was interupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.

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General :: Getting All RPMs By 'yum Install Pkg1 Pkg2 Pkg3' To Install On Offline System ?

Jun 12, 2011

I need to somehow do a yum installation (or equivalent of) on a system that is offline with no access to the internet. (I do have access to another Linux system that has internet access, but the Linux installations on both systems have different packages installed and enabled.)

Let's say the command to enter is 'yum install pkg1 pkg2 pkg3' (the documentation for some applications I need indicate the installation instructions this way, and not as the actual RPMs I need). Is there a way for me to run that on my offline system?

e.g. one way I can think of is to run that command on the online system, somehow if possible take note of what RPMs get installed, then transfer them to the offline system via USB and install all the RPMs via rpm command.

The problem with my above idea is that the two systems have different packages enabled, so even if yum on the online system shows a few dependencies being downloaded, I could run download and install all these RPMs and their dependencies on the offline system only to find several more missing dependencies, and dependencies of those dependencies.

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Debian :: Remove PHP 5.3.x From System Via Apt-get?

Feb 6, 2011

I have upgraded my server to Debian 6.0 Squeeze but it looks like some of my sites are not compatible with PHP 5.3.x so I would like to revert to previous 5.2.6 version.So my question is what to do?a) Remove PHP 5.3.x from system via apt-get and install my old 5.2.6 from old archives at /var/cache/apt/archivesb) just try to update from archives PHP to 5.2.6?

-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2413316 May 11 2008 libapache2-mod-php5_5.2.0-8+etch11_i386.deb
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 2413290 Oct 6 2008 libapache2-mod-php5_5.2.0-8+etch13_i386.deb


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Debian Configuration :: How To Remove VM From System

Jan 10, 2016

I would like to remove a specific domU (test01--pv--guest) from my machine. I am not sure how far/to what extent to remove files. Here are the files and properties it seems I should remove:

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 9 11:05 /dev/disk/by-id/dm-name-xenvg-test01--pv--guest--disk -> ../../dm-3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 9 01:03 /dev/disk/by-id/dm-name-xenvg-test01--pv--guest--swap -> ../../dm-2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Jan 9 11:05 /dev/mapper/xenvg-test01--pv--guest--disk -> ../dm-3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Jan 9 01:03 /dev/mapper/xenvg-test01--pv--guest--swap -> ../dm-2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Jan 9 11:05 /dev/xenvg/test01-pv-guest-disk -> ../dm-3

The above link to dm-2 and dm-3.

brw-rw---- 1 root disk 254, 0 Jan 9 01:03 /dev/dm-0
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 254, 1 Jan 9 01:03 /dev/dm-1
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 254, 2 Jan 9 01:03 /dev/dm-2
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 254, 3 Jan 9 11:05 /dev/dm-3
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 254, 4 Jan 9 01:03 /dev/dm-4
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 254, 5 Jan 9 01:03 /dev/dm-5
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 254, 6 Jan 9 01:03 /dev/dm-6
brw-rw---- 1 root disk 254, 7 Jan 9 01:03 /dev/dm-7

Will they be deleted automatically or should/can I remove them? How do I check the need for the other dm-? files? As indicated below, it seems like some may be duplicates.

I also found this set in /etc/lvm/archive/:

-rw------- 1 root root 2909 Oct 17 00:41
-rw------- 1 root root 2929 Oct 24 22:08
-rw------- 1 root root 2924 Oct 25 19:33
-rw------- 1 root root 2901 Oct 26 19:53
-rw------- 1 root root 2902 Oct 26 19:53

[Code] ....

Some of these seem like duplicates. This may be due to multiple attempts to build the volumes. Is there a way to determine if all of the are useful?

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Fedora :: Can't Remove Akonadi From KDE System

May 17, 2011

I'm using Fedora 14. I need to install an older version of MySQL for some testing at work. To do so, I go to remove the existing MySQL 5.1.x that is installed - a dependency of Akonadi. Well, the ensuing chain of dependencies ended up essentially killing KDE. I don't suppose there is a convenient way to get KDE back without Akonadi? I really don't care if I have PIM storage services.

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Ubuntu :: Remove System And Unpartition HDD?

Jan 4, 2011

I'm not leaving linux but i have a new system just for linux. so first i need to remove linux from this system. it was quite some time ago i did all this partitioning so heres a screen shot of my current partitions

i want to remove the linux partitions and give the space back to C: but without any data lose on my C: drive, is this possible ?

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Ubuntu :: Need To Remove Some Things From System

Mar 31, 2011

I've been running Linux for about 3 years now. I still am having difficulties understanding some of the basic unix and linux software and their dependencies.

What I am wanting to do, simply for my own amusement, is to strip the OS down so that I am only running software that I need. Then I want to build it back up with X and some sort of desktop.

Right now I have a stock Ubuntu 10.04 installation from the alternative DVD. Right now I sit at 643MB and 14MB of ram. Of course I would want it to be lower.

Here are the programs currently on the chopping block. I need to now if I honestly need them or not. I state next to the software whether or not I know what it is. code...

So obviously I have not a clue about many things still, and if you've caught an error in my descriptions then I have less of a clue than I thought.

I just need to know what the system needs to run. I like the basic commands like less, grep, free, df, du, adduser, usermod, apt-get, dpkg, cp, mv, rm, mkdir, ect. What I don't need are things like w3m telnet(Unless someone knows something I don't), memtest+, and I don't ever use cron, but I also don't know if it does something behind the scenes that is vitally important. I remember trying to get rid of memtest one time and it wouldn't boot after that. Any idea why?

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Ubuntu :: How To Remove Sidebar From System

Apr 21, 2011

How can i remove it , i installed docky , and i only want to use it

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Remove X From System Distribution?

Jun 8, 2011

How to remove X completely from the system?

As a Security practice I wanted to disable X from loading.
So i modified following line from /etc/inittab.
I was then able to start my machine in terminal mode(runlevel 3).

I wasn't satisfied at this stage as i was able to get the graphical console by merely typing code...

Now i have made the above line commented and removed execute bit of the file .
System is now behaving as i wish it would.

I have 2 questions here.

1)Is this Method considered to be stardard while removing X in linux distro.
Will it make any difference?
I m not using any application that explicitly use graphical user interface and i can work in runlevel 3.

2)Is any package responsible for loading X .If yes then removing shall remove X from the system,correct me if i m wrong.code...

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Server :: Cannot Remove Old Ip Address From System

Dec 21, 2010

I have built a CentOS server, as many times before, and have has to move it to a new location/network. I had changed the virtual site that was configured with a virtual ip address on the same nic. I have since removed the virtual nic, checked my host files and network files and nothing now has the old ip address. I had issues I believed caused by dns or ip address so I finally uninstalled Apache. Reinstalled it. I still cannot access the site that was there. I have cleared all the data I can from the Firefox browser such as histoy. However when I go to "http://localhost" it says it cannot connect to the old ip address. WHERE IS THAT BEING SENT FROM??? It's driving me crazy. I really don't want to rebuild the server as there are other things that took some time to get configured.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Moving A Moderately Complex System From An Old System To A New System

Sep 25, 2010

My problem is that I need to move a moderately complex system from an old system to a new system. The old system is a core 2 duo running on an asus p5k-se (p35 chipset) M/B, Nvidia 8500 gt, 3 x sata II hard disks, 1 x sata dvd, 1 x ide hd, 4GB ram. It runs opensuse 11.1 kde 4 as a desktop system + samba server, apache server, database server + other non-opensuse software. In addition some of the opensuse software is not the default 11.1 versions as later versions were required. The nvidia driver is from the nvidia repo. There are several file systems, some under LVM.

The new system will be a core5 760, asus p7p55d-e M/b (p55 chipset), nvidia 240, 3 x sata II HD, 1 x sata dvd, 4GB ram and possibly 1 x ide HD. This M/B also includes USB 3 & sata III. I have no USB 3 devices but this may eventually change. I have no plans for sata III and believe that it may be better to attach any sata III SSD to the sata II bus.

What I would like to do is to move the hard disks from old system to the new system. What I would like to know is, if the system is left at 11.1, is the system likely to work with the new hardware. If the answer is no, if the system was upgraded to 11.3, would the transfer of the hard disks then work? In order to upgrade from 11.1 to 11.3 using the DVD i believe I should get rid of all non-default repos. I assume that I should also get rid of anything that was installed from them, e.g. the nvidia driver and any software versions installed manually outside RPM. Also is there any default 11.1 software that should be removed either before or after the upgrade to 11.3

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Debian :: How To Remove Packages From Unresponsive System

Apr 23, 2015

Since I'm running Sid. Let's assume package foo has been upgraded via apt-get dist-upgrade, and it causes a serious bug so that Sid is never able to fully start up, and is not even able to get me to the console to remove the package.

(Reword: let's assume that I upgraded the system despite apt-listbug warning me that foo had serious issues.)

Is it possible for me to remove the package and get back in? Everything I've seen online assumes that I could at least access console--but this hypothetical bug doesn't allow that.

If it were in Arch, I would just boot from the live dist, arch-chroot into the / directory, and try to remove foo via pacman. But Debian doesn't offer a live disk past Stable, so I suspect that this wouldn't work with a Wheezy disk?

Am I asking for an impossible situation, or can a troublesome package be removed from an unresponsive Sid?

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Fedora :: Remove Effects Of Last System Update In 11?

Sep 11, 2009

is their any method to remove effects of last system update in fedora11?

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OpenSUSE :: Could Not Remove A Protected System Package

Apr 4, 2010

This happened when I tried to update automatically. Tried using zypper too and failed: Code: Subprocess failed. Error: RPM failed: error: package krb5-1.7-6.3.1.x86_64 is not installed.What is wrong here? How do i remove a protected system package?

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OpenSUSE :: Remove Wallpapers From The System In KDE Suse 11.3?

Jan 18, 2011

Right click on desktop gives us the option of "Desktop activity settings". There is an option of "Get New wallpapers". But there is no option of Removal of these installed wallpapers. How can I remove them.

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