General :: Registration Of Server In RHN?

Jan 21, 2011

How a new server can be registered in RHN to get the updates & packages ?

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Server :: DNS Hook For Client Registration?

Feb 2, 2011

Is there a hook thing in the Linux DNS. What I mean here is - in Linux hooks are called when the status of the network changed - like dhclient-enter-hook, exit-hook etc - is there similar thing when a dhcp client registers itself with the DNS?

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Server :: FreeSWITCH Not Responding To Registration Request - SFLphone Returns A 408

Jul 8, 2010

Distro: Debian Testing (Squeeze)
FreeSWITCH ver.: 1.0.6

Client (Dual-Boot Setup) Problem: Both Windows Vista Ultimate 64-Bit and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS versions of Ekiga, including SFLphone in Ubuntu 10.04 seems to be ignored by FreeSWITCH. FreeSWITCH fails to register. In the client side, the Windows firewall gets turned off for testing while everything in iptables under Ubuntu has everything set to accept in the filter section. In the server side, the firewall configuration is quite basic.eth0: Cable Modem plugged in via USB cable eth1: nVidia Gigabit that connects to my 1Gbit switch


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Ubuntu Security :: GNU-PG Registration Process Asked Real Name?

Jan 27, 2011

I have a question about GNU-PG security for email clients. I have read that this is the best email protection available. I have it among available Ubuntu packages, too, but when I wanted to use it the registration process asked my real name. considering full or the best possible privacy claim, why real name? or is it ok just not to give the real name? I am not advanced in cryptography, could/can this not be avoided?

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SUSE :: Registration Error - Curl: (7) Could't Connect To Host

Feb 17, 2010

I have two suse linux server. Recently we got the license key. In one server i could able to register successfully. Another server is throwing an error.i am using yast-software- Novel customer center configuration. After selecting configure now, i am getting error has follows Execute curl command failed with 7 curl: (7) could't connect to host.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Registration - Execute Curl Command Failed With 7

Feb 16, 2010

I have two suse linux server. Recently we got the license key. In one server I could able to register successfully. Another server is throwing an error. I am using yast-software- Novel customer center configuration. After selecting configure now, I am getting error has follows
Execute curl command failed with 7
curl: (7) could't connect to host.

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Networking :: Configure An Application That Requires To Send Mail Notification On Registration?

Jan 13, 2011

I am trying to configure an application that requires to send mail notification on registration. But the application shows warning

Net::SMTP is installed in this environment, but {SMTP}{MAILHOST} is not defined, therefore the program listed at {MailProgram} will be used.

How to setup SMTP:MAILHOST

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General :: Access Remote Mysql Server Through Socks Proxy Server?

Aug 25, 2010

Scenario:A - Local Unix machineB - socks proxy server port 1080C - remote mysql server port 3306I want to connect to the remote mysql server(C) from local unix machine(A) using sock proxy(B).

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General :: Run Rsync On Server A To Copy All Files From Server B When They Are Newer Than 7 Days

Jun 14, 2011

I want to run rsync on server A to copy all files from Server B when they are newer than 7 days.(find . -mtime -7) I don't want to delete the files on Server B.

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General :: Fatal Server Error:PAM Authentication Failed, Cannot Start X Server

Jun 29, 2011

When I am trying to run the Xserver using the command startx I am getting the below mentioned error

xauth: creating new authority file /oracle/oracle10g/.serverauth.22555
Fatal server error:PAM authentication failed, cannot start X server. Perhaps you do not have console ownership?


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General :: Mount The File Server Share On Application Server And Execute

Jan 8, 2010

i have purchased sun server for my visualization project. Request you to help me finding the io for disk .I have put storage(disks) on different location (File Server) and on server (Application) i have configured 4 virtual machines.

How would i monitor the io for file server from the Application server where i have configured 4 virtual machine. one way to mount the file server share on application server and execute

dd if=/dev/zero of=/share/test.out bs=1024 count=1024 to check the read and write Is there any other way of doing this.

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General :: Setup Dedicated Server Using Ubuntu Server Or Equivalent Opensource OS?

Jan 16, 2010

How to setup Dedicated Server for Web Hosting using Ubuntu Server or equivalent opensource Operating System? And how to make secured my Dedicated Server on public?

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General :: Setup Remote Access Server On Red Hat Enterprise Server Release 5.1?

Aug 30, 2009

how i have a machine installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.1 with 2 modem (usb & com port) still i want to configure RAS server so some pple able to connect my server and send me some files.

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General :: Setup Server To Automatically Synchronize Its Server Clocks?

Oct 5, 2009

How can I setup my Linux server to automatically synchronize its server clocks? We need to ensure our server clocks are set to the correct time always.

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General :: Cannot Ssh Into RHEL 5.5 Server Unless SSHD Server Debug Is Enabled?

Aug 11, 2010

I cannot ssh into an RHEL 5.5 server ( from another RHEL 5.5 server ( unless server debug is turned on, and even then, I have to wait several minutes before the connection is established. scp to and from the 104 server is also not working.Here is the debug output on the 101 server when server debug is not enabled on the 104 server-:

[applmgr@tclg-clone-01 ~]$ ssh -vvv
OpenSSH_4.3p2, OpenSSL 0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 01 Jul 2008


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General :: Send SMS Upon Server Crash / Process On The Server Dies?

Aug 14, 2009

Is it possible to like have SMS sent to your cellphone when the server crashes or a process on the server dies?

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General :: Setup A Sendmail Server On Dedicated Server And Exim

Mar 16, 2010

I am trying to setup a sendmail server on my dedicated server. It was pre-configured to use exim from cpanel. Is it possible to use exim for all emails from a a certain domain i setup on the server and sendmail for others?

ex. -> exim -> sendmail

If it is possible can someone let me know how i would go about doing this? If it is not how would i disable exim and use sendmail for all mail?

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General :: How To Connect To A Remote Server And Run Some Code On That Particular Server

Jun 30, 2011

I am implementing an automated backup scheme so I created a shell script which first creates SQL dumps for all MySQL databases, then retrieves all websites from the /var/www directory of a remote server. The latter is working as I am using rsync to get the remote files.However, the MySQL dumps being retrieved are the ones from the local server which is not what I want. I want to get the SQL dumps from the remote server as well.I have a tunnel between the local and remote server which I can connect to without using any password (I added the public key to the authorized_hosts), so I tried to add the following code to the script:


I then attempted to retrieve the SQL dumps and exited from the remote server. However this does not work as I still have to enter exit manually in the terminal for the SQL dumps to be retrieved from the remote host. I don't know why this is happening. This is what the script is trying to do:

//connect to remote server
//retrieve SQL dumps


Is there a way to connect to the remote host AND run the script's code on THAT remote host?

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General :: Connecting From A Windows7 Client To A Server Through Vnc Server?

Jul 29, 2011

i tried to connecting from a windows7 client to a linux server through vnc server.But its very slow , is there any alternative for vnc . i heard that samba can be used as a remote desktop tool if its true please reply with configuration details.

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General :: Mirror Microsoft Server 2008 To A Server?

May 17, 2011

We are using Linux as our database server and Microsoft Sever 2008 as our file server. Both are on independent servers. We would like to be able to mirror each server on the other for disaster recovery purposes. I am completely new to Linux.

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General :: Cannot Install Ubuntu Server 9.10 To Vmware Server 1.0.6

Apr 28, 2010

I cannot install ubuntu server 9.10 to vmware server 1.0.6.. is it the version of my vmware? everytime i try to install ubuntu 9.10, nothing happens..

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General :: Full Fledge Mail Server With Web Server?

Apr 14, 2011

explain the full fledge mail server with web server.

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General :: Can Move Windows File Server To Server

Oct 21, 2010

we have moved to linux platforms now. can i move my windows file server to linux server,main work on this windows server is sharing folders which having secure permissions to respective groups & users.i knew we can share folder on linux. before formatting my windows server i want to know can we create new users to access particular folder?. users will not have any other kind of access except accessing there data folder. currently we have below scenario :users named a,b,c,d & e. all users having their folders to access. a & c are in the same group & they have common access to other common folder. please help me to change my server in ubuntu, i have planned to migrate in ubuntu server 10.04 (64 bit).

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General :: Difference Between Ip Based Server And Namebase Server?

Jun 9, 2010

What is difference between Ip based server and Namebase Server in (Linux)?

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General :: Run OS As Server Either As Application Server Web Server

Feb 5, 2011

I am currently running Ubuntu version 10 as a desktop workstation. I would like to run a Linux O/S as a server, either as a application server or an web server. Can I do this effectively with Unbuntu?

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General :: Move Files From One Server To Another Server Using Scp?

May 25, 2011

I am trying to move uploaded file to another server using scp. following is the script i am using and error;

now=$(date +"%y-%m-%d-%M")


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General :: Can't Setup DNS Server On Ubuntu Server 10

Oct 8, 2010

I'll try to describe my question as clear as possible.

- I have purchased a domain name : *****.md
- In the panel of registrar I have only the following options to complete :
Primary NS Hostname
Primary NS Netaddress
Secondary NS Hostname
Secondary NS Netaddress

- At home I have :
a)a WiFi router that is getting an external IP from my ISP provider (internal address of router is; External IP from ISP is STATIC.

b)a computer which I use as server (ubuntu 10) with internal IP (I get it by DHCP from Router but it can be set as static of course);

- On server are installed :
a) Apache + Mysql + PHP
b) Ftp serv
c) Webmin
d) SSH serv
e) Bind9 DNS serv

- On my WiFi router there is an option "Forwarding -> Virtual servers" where I setup the ports 53 + 80 to forward to my server and I can access from external my site by IP.

All I want is to have my site *****.md to run on my server and to be visible to external world.

I have searched Google for last 2-3 days for a solution but everything I try doesn't help.

I'm new in Linux ( 1 week probably). Everything except DNS server Bind I was able to setup and are working well.

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General :: Error In IBM Server X345 Server?

Jan 12, 2010

I am having a problem with our ibm x345 server, we cannot acceess the bios how to enable the bios tnx

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General :: Cannot Connect To Server But Can Ping To Server

Dec 26, 2010

I created an account called adminftp on a local Linux server Centos.Added this user to FTP group.When I use Filzilla from another computer in the same network, it cannot connect to the server but I can ping to the server.

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General :: How To Check Which Web Server Is Installed In Server

Mar 25, 2010

I have developed a small website using jspx pages.Now i want to host the website to a server which is a linux machine.The linux machine which i m referring to is already hosting some web pages(jspx) through a web server Which is running at port 8888.My first question would be "How would i check which web server is installed in the server?"Due to my little knowledge about linux machine .I have copied some simple html pages to /var/ www/ html location. The pages are getting accessed correctly on port number 80.But how would i go about hosting jspx pages.

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