Ubuntu Installation :: Installing U 10.10 Alongside Windows 7 On A Custom Made Pc?

Apr 13, 2011

My pc is custom made with the following config:

MOBO: Asus p7p55d-e pro BIOS 1502
GPU: Asus GTS 450 1 Gig
CPU: i7 860
2 1TB HD, one dedicated to Windows 7 64bit Ultimate
Connected to my LG 42" LCD TV

I asked my friend who is a contributor to ubuntu, and runs a cyber security company to install it on my computer and he said that he will charge me $375 to do this. And then he said that it is not such a difficult thing, however, it will need a lot of tinkering with ubuntu before it works flawlessly. I didn't know what he meant and didn't want to get into it with him. I was wondering if you could direct me to the threads that discuss installation of Ubuntu alongside Windows 7 already installed and on a separate hardware. I don't wanna pay him that money and I'm very new to this. Also, I hope someone could explain what kind of tinkering is done before it works flawlessly.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing UNR 10.10 Alongside Windows XP?

Jan 10, 2011

When I get to the "Allocate Drive Space" section, I have only 2 options, namely "Erase and use the entire disk", which alarms me because I want to install UNR alongside Windows XP on my ASUS Eee PC 1005HA. The other option is "Specify partitions manually (advanced)". For obvious reasons, I am reluctant to try this. I have a C Drive (Windows) and a D Drive (mainly for Backup of Windows). Each drive is about 72GB with about 60GB free on my D Drive. Obviously, this is where I would like to install UNR, but will I have to clear my D Drive completely? I still have about 27GB free on my C Drive.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing 11.4 Alongside With Mint And Windows 7?

Apr 26, 2011

i am using mint 10 and windows 7.i want to add opensuse 11.4 to that.is there any chance to do this?i don't want to use virtual box.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Alongside Windows Vista And Now Cannot Reboot Windows?.

Feb 2, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu alongside windows vista and now cannot reboot windows

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General :: Installing Ubuntu From A Flashdrive Alongside - Ngside Windows - Error Message - No Root File System Is Defined

Jul 8, 2011

I can use Ubuntu from my flash drive, but I want to install it in a partition alongside windows. When I try to do this, I come to an 'allocate drive space' window, but whatever I do I get the error message: 'No root file system is defined. Please correct this from the partitioning menu.' I just don't know what this means, or what to do next. I'm loathe to ditch windows, and I don't want to have to use a flashdrive all the time.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Using Alongside Windows?

Mar 12, 2010

I have been using ubuntu for about a year while still allowing mself to boot into Windows if I wanted to. Now I just want to switch over to Ubuntu completely. If I do the normal isntallation process, will that wipe off all my current ubuntu and windows stuff? I just want to clean up my computer and don't mind about losing all the files, because I have them backed up. I just wanted Vista off my computer!

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Ubuntu :: Installation Of 64-bit Alongside Windows?

Jul 29, 2010

first of all I am a casual PC user so I apologise if this is a stupid question. I was using Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit alongside Windows, choosing between them each startup. It was easy to install and all, but Ive recently found out I was using 32bit version, unlike my 64-bit Windows. Therefore, I guess I didnt get all the performance I could. So I downloaded the 64bit one, butned it to a CD and rebooted PC (I formatted all before so now I have only Win). However, when trying to install Ubuntu64 there was no option to install it side by side and choose on startup. So I went to advanced and there was the partitioning thing. Now I have C and D, each by 120GB for windows and I had left 240GB for Ubuntu. It is disk E, however when I chose to install it there it says there is no root file. I want the whole E disc to be used for Ubuntu and I dont know what mount point and the root thing to choose.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Alongside Windows Not Showing

Feb 8, 2011

I'm not very experienced in working with Ubuntu. I did try it using Wubi to install and that I liked very much. But now with the latest version (10.10) the wubi installer isn't showing every option. How do I get the old interface where you can install it alongside Windows? The first attachment is what I get when opening wubi.exe and the second one is what I would like. That is a 10.04 version.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Install Alongside Windows 7 / Make It Possible?

Mar 19, 2011

I just downloaded the Netbook edition of Ubuntu 10.10, and created a bootable USB disk as per the instructions on the website.
I open the OS through my USB, click the "Install Ubuntu" button, click forward, and then comes my problem.
I don't have an option to "Install alongside other OS"

I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium on an HP Mini 210..

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 To Dual Boot Alongside Windows 7?

Sep 1, 2011

I installed 11.04 to dual boot alongside windows 7. I have a toshiba laptop with 2 125gb hdd. I'd like to split the space between the two os's. However, I have a wubi partition and some other ones I'd like to be rid of. When i boot i get four different ubuntu options, a window loader, the grub again. How do I clean this up?

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Booted Alongside Windows 7?

Mar 11, 2011

i heard this can be dual booted easily alongside windows 7 how do i do this and can it also be done with XP. i would like to keep XP and windows 7 on hand for games and other thing i know i wont be able to do on linux.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Alongside Windows 7 - Partition Before Downloading Ubtunu?

Feb 3, 2011

I want to install ubuntu and have boot up option. Do I need to partition before downloading ubuntu? Will I be able to access my face book and other chrome pages when I open chrome in ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Just Installed On New Machine Alongside Windows 7 - No Boot Menu

Jun 9, 2011

I've just installed 11.04 on a new machine, to be dual booted with Windows 7. The installation process completed, popped the disc back out, but when booting up I get no boot menu and just load Windows 7. I don't get any error messages or any sort of feedback. If i go into BIOS, I only have Windows 7 as a bootable option. I presumed grub or an equivalent would be installed as part of the installation.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Ubuntu Netbook Alongside Windows On Different Partition

Nov 11, 2010

I want to install Ubuntu Netbook Edition alongside Windows 7. My netbook has a manufacture partitioned drive. I deleted the second partition and it is now free space. When I go to install Ubuntu, I am only given one drive: /dev/sda. What partition is this. I want to install this on the free space area that was originally the second partition. I originally tried to do this, before I deleted the partiton, however, I still had the same issue.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Windows XP On Different Hard Drive Alongside Ubuntu

Mar 8, 2011

I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I can't seem to find any definitive instructions. What I'd like to do is pop a new hard drive in one of my Ubuntu PCs and install Windows XP on the new hard drive. (Don't worry, I'm not going back to XP... I just wouldn't mind playing some old games again.) This machine originally had one hard drive with Windows 98 SE installed. When I starting using Ubuntu, I just added another hard drive and installed to that. Now I boot from the Ubuntu drive and have Windows 98 as an option in the Grub menu. If I add another hard drive and install Windows XP, how can I update the Grub menu? I realize that it's possible to manually edit the menu.lst file for Grub, but I didn't have to do that in order for Grub to recognize my Windows 98 drive. Would running update-grub as root do the trick?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Install Ubuntu Alongside Windows

Apr 2, 2011

I am unable to install ubuntu on my system. Lines of installation logs are. P.S if thread has been posted in wrong section.


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OpenSUSE Install :: Configure The System To Automaticly Change Wallpaper And The Standard Icon Theme To A Custom Made?

Apr 8, 2010

How do you configure the system to automaticly change wallpaper and the standard Icon Theme to a custom made.

-If Im not mistaken, it must be something to do with the option to make a script at the end of the installation, -Ive seen the option in the creation,

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installed Ubuntu To Run Alongside Windows 7?

May 10, 2011

I downloaded and installed Ubuntu (most recent version) today from the website to run alongside my Windows 7 operating system. I restarted as requested, and chose Ubuntu, and it said, "Finishing installation" (or something to that effect), counted down from 5, reached 0, hovered at 0 for a minute, then the screen went black.

After waiting a very long time, I pressed ctrl+alt+delete twice and it rebooted the computer. This time, after doing everything like before, it went into Ubuntu and everything worked normally (as if installing properly) and performed a mandatory reboot. Now whenever I try to boot Ubuntu, it gives me a list of things to do on boot (I can't remember them but off the top of my head it is something like

-Ubuntu (recovery)
-Windows 7
-Windows 7 Recovery [the ones with windows 7 take me back to the page where I can initially choose which OS to run]

Choosing either of the Ubuntu ones causes a very fast string of words to fly across the screen (too technical to understand and too fast to read, but the word 'failed' jumped out a lot) and then the screen goes black. The computer remains on but the screen remains black until I (regretfully) force off my computer.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install Ubuntu Alongside Of Windows?

May 15, 2011

I noticed that in the past, someone mentioned that I could install Ubuntu inside of Windows 7, so if I wanted to get rid of Ubuntu, all I would have to do is go to the Windows control panel and uninstall it. How do you do this?

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Fedora Installation :: Installing Fedora Alongside XP ?

Jun 24, 2010

I am completely new to linux and I want to install Fedora on my older PC. The PC is running 2.3 GHZ pentium 4 processor, 512mb Ram, and about 80GB free on the harddrive.

The PC is a Dell 8300 series and is already running Windows XP. I want to be able to dual boot Fedora and XP. I was following a tutorial but I cannot find the link anymore otherwise you would be able to view it and see if its a bad tutorial.

The tutorial had it so that I was downloading and creating and ISO Disk from here [url]. The next step was that I boot from the newly created disc by changing the setting in the BIOS. Then the tutorial instructed that I change the partition size for windows inside fedora after it boots. however I never got that far

When I booted off of the Fedora disk that I created the machine would get a message that said "Missing operating system"

I also tried booting from a flash drive but it did the same thing

It would be great if anyone could help me out, or point me to a better tutorial. Please take note that I am very green. I am not a programmer and I have limited skills on the computer. I just wanted to get my hands dirty by playing around in Fedora. So I may not understand all the Linux lingo yet.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Ubuntu Alongside Windows 7 64-Bit?

Aug 23, 2011

I was wondering if I should install Ubuntu alongside my Windows 7 64-bit. I have a few options, I guess.I could install it on my D: drive (apparently a Local Disc partition of my physical C: drive), install it in a partition on my C: drive,or just try and buy an external hard drive and install it on there.

My C: (main partition) has 225GB free space; my D: (Local Disc) has 7.87GB free space (out of 8.23GB).I also heard that installing it with Wubi can sometimes cause problems for Windows users and the best way to install Ubuntu is in an actual partition than with Wubi.

My specs:

Windows 7 64-Bit Professional
ATI Radeon Mobility HD 3470
Realtek HD Audio
I have previously installed Ubuntu on my older PC (which is crap, btw), and it worked fine on it, but I really liked it, so I got the idea to try and install it on my laptop, too.

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General :: Install Ubuntu 11.04 From Cd Alongside Windows 7?

Jun 28, 2011

I want to install ubuntu 11.04 from cd alongside windows 7. I get to the choose partition screen, which looks like this.

Size Used
dev sda
dev sda1 ntfs 314 MB 105 MB
dev sda2 ntfs 301501 MB 39823 MB
dev sda3 ntfs 16106 MB 13282 MB
dev sda4 fat32 2142 MB 32 MB

When I click Install Now, I get this error message. No root file system is defined

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Software :: Run Fedora Alongside Microsoft Windows?

May 14, 2011

I see on the Fedora website the text "Fedora is a Linux-based operating system, a suite of software that makes your computer run. You can use the Fedora operating system to replace or to run alongside of other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X. The Fedora operating system is 100% free of cost for you to enjoy and share." Ok great having said that I have tried to go through this to install this on to my toshiba satelite laptop C650 and cant quite grasp the proscess.....having said this im so used to Ubuntu wubi installer for windows. is there something siliar for Fedora ? if not what do I do to have fedora run alongside windows ? will this be easy ? will it provide me with a similar boot option to either boot windows or boot Fedora ? also can I easily delete the Fedora like another program from windows like the Ubuntu wubi installer for windows ?

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General :: Checking Changes Made Before/after Installing Application?

Aug 5, 2010

I need to know which files were added/modified/moved/deleted after compiling and installing an application from source code, ie. the command-line, Linux equivalent to the venerale InCtrl5.

Is there a utility that does this, or a set of commands that I could run and would show me the changes?

The following is sort of OK, although it includes the lines where changes occured

(eg. "@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@"), and "." and ".." that I don't need: Code: # ls -aR /tmp > b4.txt
# touch /tmp/test.txt
# ls -aR /tmp > after.txt
# diff -u b4.txt after.txt

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General :: Checking Changes Made Before / After Installing Application?

Aug 5, 2010

I need to know which files were added/modified/moved/deleted after compiling and installing an application from source code, ie. the command-line, Linux equivalent to the venerale InCtrl5.Is there a utility that does this, or a set of commands that I could run and would show me the changes?

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Ubuntu :: Download Wubi To Intstall - To Run Alongside An Existing Windows Intallation

Aug 15, 2010

I have been trying to download wubi to intstall Ubuntu to run alongside an existing windows intallation. However, it was taking ages so I cancelled and tried again and each time it seems to be requiring more time. I'm now up to 200 hours of required time!

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General :: Ubuntu 11.04 Installed Alongside Windows 7 Resized Partition / Cannot Access

Apr 29, 2011

I have already done the installation process following the guide on Ubuntu's site, got everything up and running but the partition that I made in the installer was too small. I was then directed by a friend (a slightly less inexperienced newbie) to modify this through Easeus Partition Manager. I shrunk the Windows 7 partition to only the space that was in use, giving the newly unallocated space to the Ubuntu partition. Set the changes and rebooted the computer, then got the message "unknown filesystem, grub rescue". Now have no idea what to do with this. What happened??

I've been scouring the forums for something helpful but I can't find anything that is a comparable circumstance.I can still access Ubuntu through my flashdrive.

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Ubuntu :: Frozen Panel - Messing Around With The Alternate Character Panel App And Made A Custom Character Set

Jun 12, 2011

I was messing around with the alternate character panel app and made a custom character set. I then wanted to put it on a new panel and created a new panel. I moved the character set to that panel, and then started to mess around with the panel settings (auto hide, show hide buttons, and expand, to be specific.) So far so good, until I moved the panel from the right side of the screen to the top. I already had a panel here, and it seemed not to like hiding a panel when there was already one on the top.

When the new panel hid itself, all my panels stopped responding (any clicks on them did nothing) and my processor started going at 100%. I tried a reboot and the only thing that changed is that now I can't even see my panels. I'm guessing I need to change the settings back manually through the prompt, but I don't know how to do that. I am using 10.04 and have not upgraded gnome since upgrading to 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 LTS Vs 10.10 Almost Made Me Go Back To Windows?

Nov 16, 2010

Back in July I bought an Acer Aspire ONE KAV60 with Xubuntu installed on it. I used to run Linux a long time ago but had not messed with it for a couple of years and I was surprised to find out how much more "user friendly" Linux had gotten (With Ubuntu anyways). There are more and more GUI programs/processes now days which makes everything easier to do, however there are a couple of things that I have found in the last few months running Linux only on my little netbook.

When I downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid and installed it from the Xubuntu, I was quite satisfied with the general desktop setup and ease of the operating system. I loved it, it was like going from OS/2 to Win95 all over again! (I'm not that old, I just started young). Here recently, I ran into a little problem with 10.04 and had to re-format, but when I went to re-download it the new 10.10 was available instead. I threw it on a flash drive and installed it on my netbook only to have "problem after problem" upon installation and had downloaded and installed 10.04 from the archives in a matter of a few hours after messing with 10.10.

There were plus sides and down sides to both right off the bat. I am a nerd I suppose and I have started to play a game called Runescape. After installing 10.10, I opened up Runescape and was able to use the "Re-sizable" screen option! That's an amazing option with Runescape on a netbook. I then opened up my favorite and most used program suite called aircrack-ng. I had the apparently infamous problem titled "fixed channel mon0: -1" and was completely unable to get it working (even after reading the SOLVED article on here.) I spent probably 2 hours trying to figure out that problem and was unable to do so. I cannot be without the aircrack-ng suite so I decided to revert back as I fore mentioned.

Upon reverting back to Lucid LTS from the archives, I was happy with the smoothness of how it runs on my netbook compared to 10.10, but as soon as I logged onto that damn game Runescape, I was on a mission to figure out how to correct the "fixed channel mon0: -1" issue on 10.10 so I could have the re-sizable screen option again.

I finally figured out that I needed (from a fresh install on 10.10) to do apt-get install patch and apt-get install gcc before I could complete the steps of the SOLVED issue guide. This was never mentioned and it made me realize I still need to know what I'm doing if I'm going to run Linux and then maybe I won't have all these issues.

Out of all this, I have a couple of questions and would like to learn more about Linux so I do not have these problems in the future. Here are a couple of questions I would like to mention first: What is gcc? I had all that trouble just because I didn't know to install gcc to do the tutorial.

I believe the re-sizable screen option is available for me in 10.10 and not 10.04 because of Java. I did not have to install Java in 10.10 at all, I just opened up Runescape "out of the box". In 10.04, I use Sun Java with the apt-get command in Terminal. Does anybody have any information to confirm or deny this?

Once I got aircrack-ng working in 10.10, I was surprised to find out that it is amazingly fast compared to 10.04. I believe this has to do with drivers. I was able to use aircrack-ng (after install) "out of the box" with 10.04 so I did not download the "compat wireless" drivers that had to be used in 10.10 to get it to work.

If I were to revert back to Ubuntu 10.04 (I much prefer Lucid for my netbook, runs much better), would I theoretically be able to download a different Java and use the re-sizable option on Runescape? Would I also be able to use the "compat wireless" drivers in 10.04 to make aircrack-ng send and receive arp's and ack's so much quicker?

Last but not least, I would like some sources if possible to better learn Linux from. I mean Terminal type Linux, I do appreciate (as I said earlier) the new GUIs that are available now and I didn't have before, but I still feel the need to know my way around the system and I just don't have that knowledge.

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Fedora Installation :: Erratic Install Results W/initrd - Custom Spins With Custom Drivers - Modules?

Dec 28, 2009

Just spent three whole days barking up the wrong tree, solving Fedora 11 and Fedora 12 boot failures because the correct hypothesis was illogical: installation did not update/modify the initrd.

The first couple of times I installed Fedora 11 on the HighPoint Technologies RocketRaid 2640x4, the installation inserted my "custom" driver module (rr26xx) into the initrd, permanently, so that the system booted off the controller card for which the custom driver was inserted. (I yelled about this success in this thread: [url]

My most recent installs of BOTH F11 and F12 on the RocketRaid failed to properly set up the boot. It turns out that the "rr2640" module I "slipstreamed" into the installation process was *NOT* permanently added to the initrd by anaconda. (F12 gave me "no root device found boot has failed, sleeping forever", on boot; F11 hung also, without such error, I presume, during the init script execution). Because of limited resources and time, I only know for sure the module was missing from the F11 initrd, and am ASSUMING the same was the case with F12.

The only difference between the successful installs and the ones with failed boot is that the successful installs were made on a single-drive (JBOD) mode on the controller; whereas, the failed ones were placed on RAID 5. But, AFAIK, the created logical device for the card is "/dev/sda", in both cases, and the kernel can not distinguish between the two cases (or can it?). Thus, the inconsistency cost me a lot of time, and is still inexplicable to me.

Question: What is the best way to deal with custom drivers, today? There are custom spins, and many tools, like isomaster. Stupid question: Is there a way to modify the initrd inside an installer ISO -- be it for CD/DVD/USBboot drive -- beefing the init RAM disk with whatever modules you'd like, for the boot process (using, say, isomaster)?

And what makes anaconda understand that a module must be added to the initrd ? How can one force anaconda to do so?

How does moving to dracut as the initrd tool affect any/all of the above?

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