General :: Ohphone - Where To Download For CentOS/Fedora Distributions

May 17, 2011

I'm using a project which mentioned I need to used ohphone. However I can't find any Fedora/CentOS versions of ohphone that work with OpenH323.

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General :: Distributions Like Ubuntu And Fedora Costomize Their Own Kernels?

Aug 14, 2010

As I was trying to do some patching on Ubuntu's kernel I've found out's patches cannot be merged correctly with the kernel source. I'm wondering if distributions like Ubuntu have their own kernels different from official ones?

Another thing that I think could be related to this question is the name of the directory of source tree in Ubuntu that is linux-headers-2.6.31-21. What does that 21 stand for? Also there is a directory named linux-headers-2.6.31-21-generic. What's the difference between these two?

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General :: Fedora 13 Installation / Unable To Install Multiple Distributions / Partition?

Dec 19, 2010

I am trying to install 2 or 3 versions of linux on my hardisk of 500GB capacity.The configuration of my machine is Intel Dual Core, 4 GB Ram, 3.0 Processor Windows XP is not installed on this.I tried to use a tool called GParted but was unable to use as it was not able to bring up the XServer So I booted the machine with fedora14 installation CD and chose "Custom Layout" After reading about the partitions needed by Fedora I created 3 partitions in /dev/sda

/dev/sda1 the boot of 500MB formated as ext4
/dev/sda2 the swap of 6096MB formatted as swap
/dev/sda3 / size 150GB formatted as ext4

The installation went well and fc14 runs well on this.

However when I went to install the other linux version ....the installer was not able to recognize the unallocated space of nearly 350 GB on the hard disk.....So I am not able to create new partitions and then install the new linux on the newer partition.As a result I am unable to make use of the remaining space on the HDisk.I think I should have created /dev/sda4 /dev/sda5 etc when I installed fc14 itself....

Would appreciate some tips on how to install the other versions of Linux on this HDisk....

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Red Hat / Fedora :: How To Obtain Older Distributions

Dec 12, 2010

I just been given a project to compile code to run under Red Hat Enterprise Desktop 5.3.

Does anyone know if Red Hat sells older versions of Red Hat Enterprise Desktop? RHEL 6 was just released last month. As I understand it, code compiled under RHEL 6 will probably not work under 5.3 due to difference in glibc.

Can I compile code using a Fedora distribution and run the code under Red Hat Enterprise Desktop 5.3 without recompiling the code? If so, does Fedora offer older versions of their distribution?

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General :: Use X86 Distributions Have An AMD QL-64 Processor?

Jan 28, 2011

I was wondering if I would be if i able to use x86 linux distros with my 64 bit processor, or do I have to use the 64 bit version?

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General :: Do You Think Distributions Should Use Promo Videos?

Oct 6, 2010

And I mean what the thread title is sayin', when new version of the distribution is released? But I don't think that it would be bad if they all would have some general promo video. I think of it as a nice way to promote your distro and I also think that that kind of promotion would attract more users. As an example, here's the link to Sabayon 5 promo video; [URL].

I find it to be very simple, short but at the same time great. And I like it very much. In my opinion, all that should be said, considering all the facts that is, was said in that video and in a very nice way. I think that there was no inner distro things in it for a reason, if you understand me. Anyhow, my vote goes for that kind of promotion, but sadly I have seen only few of that kind of videos on the net.

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General :: Compare Distributions By Ram Usage?

Jan 20, 2011

compare the best ram memory usage among linux distributions?

At the moment with some live linux distributions I run "free -m", on the terminal of the graphical dektop environment, without running any other command or application. Is "free -m" the rightest way to evaluate the amount of all the available ram memory left by a linux distribution? Which are the values to sum to evaluate all the available ram memory for the operating system?

free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 499 451 47 0 23 229
-/+ buffers/cache: 198 300
Swap: 1027 0 1027

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General :: Distributions Allow An Install Without GUI Desktop?

Jan 7, 2010

I've got a great little Thinkpad X22 laptop that I hate to put to rest. It isn't really any good for the latest and greatest Linux distro since it's something like 10 to 12 years old. What I've been wanting to do for quite a while, now, is build a text-base laptop that I can run VI, Emacs, Mutt, etc. I'm looking for some recommendations for distributions that will allow me to do an install without a GUI desktop. Also, a distro that, in this form, will still have good support for wireless. I figure that if I can get my wireless card(s) working, I can pretty much do anything with it. I've been running Slackware, Ubuntu, and Fedora 12 on my Thinkpad T41. Do either of those distributions allow an install without a GUI desktop?

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General :: Can Binaries Run Across Distributions - E.g. Red Hat 7.2 And Ubuntu 10.04 ?

Jul 21, 2010

I have no real LINUX system experience and therefore the company has tasked me to get a VMware Appliance running in which they can build their product.

The product runs on Red Hat 7.2. I have attempted many times to get Red Hat 7.2 installed on VMware player. It always fails when I get to Xwindows. I need Xwindows as the company is going to use NetBeans 6.9 for development.

I downloaded an Ubuntu 10.04 Appliance, which runs fine.

The idea is to build the product on the Ubuntu and run it on the Red Hat target.

All systems are x86 platforms.

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General :: Distributions With Copy To RAM Support?

Jun 22, 2011

Is there a list of linux distributions that support copy to ram so that you don't have to use a live cd or usb? I would like a distribution that has lots of features instead of something like dsl.

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General :: System Command Same In All Distributions?

Mar 26, 2011

Just started with Linux and am eager to increase my knowledge in Linux. My question is, Are Linux command same in all distributions?

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General :: Download Centos Using Bittorrent?

Oct 7, 2010

I have install bittorrent in my rhel5 box.Now i want to know how to download centos using bittorrent.even i dont know how to use bittorrent.

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General :: Need Info On Default Tools Used By Distributions?

Dec 19, 2010

What are the default tools used by most distributions? This includes, embedded distros, BSD's systems, Unix-like...I'm asking this because nowadays distributions come with more and more software. But as far as I know "binutils", "bash", "grep", "ed" and "awk" are standards. What are the standards utilities to start learning that are most cross-platform [i.e.: the "shells", "services", "editors" and others].

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General :: Two Different Distributions Sharing The Same Home Partition?

Jan 23, 2011

Is it practical to have 2 different Linux distributions which share the same home partition? I know that programs save their configuration in home directory and that can mess up, yet I would like to play with different Linux distros at the same time while always finding my files at home.

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General :: Fundamentals Of Downloading Distributions Using WinXP

Mar 16, 2011

I use Ubuntu, DSL, Puppy Linux, and PCLinuxOS. I bought the CD's and, not for the price by any means, wish to learn the ABC's of downloading - just to know how.

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General :: Where Download CentOS-only Basic Packages?

Aug 28, 2010

I am thinking in starting a CentOS based distribution for communication (call center) and collaboration (IM, email, calendar) tools. What I want to find is Where to get CentOS-only base packages?Any post related with creation of a CentOS based distribution?

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General :: Download Tacacs And Install In Centos Pc?

Jul 29, 2011

how can i download tacacs and install it in my centos pc?is it possible through terminal,i.e,command line mode?i wanted to learn through it so...

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General :: Compiling Latest Kernel On Older Distributions

Sep 28, 2010

I would like to add latest tc+esfq functionality to machines running older distributions, FC3, FC5 etc. I am told I should down load the latest kernel and recompile with the proper patches which I can do. Are there problems with using latest kernels with older distributions, they are all running 2.6.x, but the x has of course gone up since FC3.

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General :: Difference Between Distributions (RedHat / Slackware Or Ubuntu)

Oct 14, 2010

I want to know what are the difference between redhat, slackware, ubuntu and others distributions.

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General :: Download And Install Mozilla Firefox For CentOS 5.3

Oct 4, 2010

How to download and install mozila firefox on my centos 5.3.

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General :: Download And Install Solaris Software For CentOS VM?

Apr 30, 2011

My VM image is Linux Centos 5.2,I need to download some software from the internet to run on my VM's OS. The available download is for Solaris x64. Is this compatible with my OS?

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General :: Download Centos Based Rpm But Only Find Redhat Rpm's On The Net?

May 26, 2010

my problem is sinple, I want to download centos based rpm but i can only find redhat rpm's on the net. can I use redhat rpms for centos?

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General :: Ubuntu Distributions - Put Multiple Virtual Desktops In Panel

Oct 22, 2010

I first tried latest version 10.10 desktop. very slow booting in a Centrino CPU laptop not booting at all in a N455 CPU netbook. Tried version 10.04 which seems to work better fast booting in Centrino CPU laptop. fast booting in N455 CPU netbook. From Centrino Laptop with Windows XP on HD, once loaded Ubuntu as persistent live program from a USB drive, tried to install the program on SD memory card in PC slot. Upon request, installation made onto that memory only, not on inside HD, hence formatting only that memory. Upon completion, after removing the external memories and booting again the PC it does not boot of its own any more. XP OS damaged. I have recovered the system with a Toshiba backup CD but the HD has been formatted and all data lost. How can this happen ? I'll never try anymore to permanently install Ubuntu. I'll use it as persistent live on an external memory. I only have an old PC laptop with 128 MB RAM for further installation testing but no Ubuntu release can boot there. By the way, Lubuntu 10.10 look more fast and safe although appears to have more limitations then Ubuntu 10.10.

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General :: Successfully Boot And Install Centos If Download 3rd Disc From Net?

Aug 13, 2010

if i download 3 disc from here [URL] will i be able to sucessfuly boot and install centos?

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Installation :: Create Common / Home Partition For Multiple Distributions Like Fedora / Ubuntu / OpenSUSE?

Mar 15, 2010

Can I create common /home partition for multiple Linux distributions like Fedora, Ubuntu, openSUSE?

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General :: Monitoring Users' Download Information In The Proxy Server - OS Is CentOS

Jan 24, 2010

I have configured the proxy server. I want to observer users's download information. What should I need to do? Shall I install squint? what is the process? How do I monitor the users?

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Fedora Installation :: Find A Download For The Desktop Version - SERVER X64 Download

Jun 5, 2010

This is our first time choosing and installing linux. Our other servers are all windows 2008 x64. We were told to install fedora 13. I can only find a download for the desktop version and we're looking for the SERVER x64 download. Could I please get a link?

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General :: Alternatives To "Distrowatch" Where The Various Distributions Are Responsibly And Unbiasly Discussed?

Dec 24, 2010

I was wondering if there are alternatives to "Distrowatch" where the various linux distributions are responsibly and unbiasly discussed?

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General :: Unable To Download Mepis 3.3 From Download Sites Listed By Grim322

May 31, 2010

How to repartition a hard drive using Mepis 3.3, none of the listed sites will open to me. Is this the best software to repartition a new Windows 7 hard drive? I notice there are later versions of the Mepis software.

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General :: Installing CentOS - Get Hung Up At "package Download"

Jun 9, 2011

I have tried to install CentOS about twenty times. Each time it hangs up at package download. I says that file rsh-o,17-40.e15.i386.rpm cannot be oppened Due to a missing file or corrupt package or corrept nedia.

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