General :: Moving From Fedora To CentOS?

Mar 31, 2010

I have Fedora installed and I am trying to change to CentOS. Can't boot from live CD I download

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Fedora :: Moving Cursur Its Moving But When Clcking On Touch Pad To Open Anything Its Not Opening?

Sep 13, 2009

I have installed fedora 11, now i want to install touch driver for my dell 15 laptop. when i m moving cursur its moving but when i m clcking on touch pad to open anything its not opening, to open i have 2 select any file then i have to click touchpad keys.

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CentOS 5 :: Moving Files From CentOS VPS > Windows Home PC?

Jun 11, 2011

I am wondering what is the fastest way for me to move files from a VPS running CentOS to my home PC? I do not have FTP or anything like that installed. Are there commands I can enter in putty, for example, that will simply download an entire directory on the VPS onto my home PC?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Moving Centos From Intel To Amd?

Jul 14, 2011

I got a crash on intel machine running intel cpu (CENTOS 5)I would like to know if i can move hdd to new machine with amd cpu? 3 hdd (raid 0 on 2 of them)system is on hdd without raid.

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CentOS 5 :: Moving From Centos 5.2 To 5.3 Breaks USB HUB Use?

Jul 4, 2009

I help develop an Asterisk channel driver that uses USB audio devices to link amateur radio stations via the Internet.All worked well under Centos 5.2 but I recently upgraded to Centos 5.3. I now get either "cannot submit datapipe for urb 0, error -28: not enough bandwidth" followed by a kernel panic or choppy audio depending on the use of either single or multi-TT hubs. For at least 4 devices, things do work under Centos 5.3 if I have a PC with 4 USB ports and do not use a hub. Of course I need to use a hub in most cases errors but even with a single device connected, data seems to be lost resulting in choppy audio. We need the hubs to work for larger systems and PC's with only 2 USB ports.Hardware:

USB 2.0 Audio Device Class 1.0, C-Media CM108
USB 2.0 HUB, 7 port with one TT, NEC UPD720113 or
HUB 2.0 HUB, 7 port with multiple TT's, Genesys Logic GL852.


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General :: Where To Switch Window Focus By Moving Mouse Over (in Fedora / Gnome)?

Oct 18, 2010

I am using Fedora11/Gnome and I frequently use several windows for input. I would like to focus on a window just by moving the mouse over it (but not pop up). However, I can not find anywhere to set up this option.

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CentOS 5 :: Moving RPM On Disk To A Dir?

Aug 19, 2010

What I'm doing is attempting to create a minimalized CentOS which only installs the base components.

I decided that I'd install everything I need, then I did a ..

rpm -qa > installed-packages

I think used this new file to move all the RPMs that were used during the installation from ~/CentOS/disk/CentOS/ to ~/CentOS/graveyard

[root@localhost CentOS]# cat installed-rpms-no-vers | while read file; do mv disk/CentOS/${file}* ~/CentOS/graveyard/ ;done
mv: cannot stat `disk/CentOS/iptables-ipv6*': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `disk/CentOS/nss-tools*': No such file or directory


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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Moving From IDE To SATA?

May 27, 2009

This might be a common topic but searching yielded me no results. I am trying to take one of my NAS servers from an IDE hard disk to a new SATA hard disk. Reinstalling the OS is not an option. I have a working system and have cloned the disk using Acronis True Image to a SATA hard disk.

First, Grub has to be reinstalled which is no problem. I have done this and it works just fine. My SATA drive is booting through Grub and attempting to load CentOS. Obviously the problem lies in that my original drive is /dev/hda and my new disk is /dev/sda

I have changed the following to try and correct the issue:

The new disk is still having problems booting. I have attempted before to create a new inittab but I am not sure it was successful and I encountered the same issues. After booting via Grub, here is the message that I receive

Unable to access resume device (LABEL=SWAP-hda3)
mount: could not find filesystem '/dev/root'
setuproot: moving /dev failed: No such file or directory


There must be some places that still reference hda. That first line of the panic message talks about SWAP-hda3. I have changed an entry like that in the Grub config but it still shows up at boot time.

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CentOS 5 :: Moving Files To Second Partition?

Dec 8, 2009

Here is a dumb question (For some reason I can never remember Linux commands but can always remember DOS commands). I don't know what it is, but I think it's the "everything is a file or a directory" nature of Linux that I can't remember it.

Anyhow, I have an instance running on Amazon EC2. I have noticed recently that FreePBX (an Asterisk GUI) is warning me of shortage of disk space. So here is the output:

[root@ip-10-251-123-3 ~]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1 9.9G 8.8G 621M 94% /
/dev/sda2 147G 188M 140G 1% /mnt


So, it seems that I have a lot of space in sda2 but I don't know how to access it. how to do a symbolic link (or I can search with google) to move some folders to sda2 and then link them.

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CentOS 5 :: Moving Logs Automatically?

Mar 8, 2010

I have a logserver.log located at /usr/local/logserver. It's NSLOGDEPTH=100. I'm not sure if this is the reason but my log file is only up to 100 only..samplelogserver001.loglogserver002.log......logserver100.logThe other logs were already removed. I do not have any scripts on logrotate for this specific logs. My question now is: How can I move some logs automatically so that it will not be removed totally from the system. I'm planning to move it locally on the server and compressed it at the same time. My second plan is to move it on another server. Do I need to create a script on this or can be done on logrotate? (note: i do not want to remve old logs)

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CentOS 5 :: Moving Drives To New Hardware?

Jun 22, 2011

I have recently lost quite a bit of electronics around the house to a power surge/lightning strike (all items were on APC backups). The drives from my server were undamaged and I have a new server to host them in. I am having a hard time getting the new server to boot up with the old drives (trying to avoid a fresh install/rebuild of server). The hardware is very similar but not identical. At this point it gets to the following during the boot process:

Scanning and configuring dmraid support devices
md: Autodetecting RAID arrays
MD: autorun ...
MD: ... autorun DONE.
MD: Autodetecting RAID arrays.


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CentOS 5 :: Moving /var And /usr Partitions To Different Hard Disk?

Apr 3, 2009

Especially /var because I am running a MYSQL server on this box. I want to know if there is a safe procedure to follow to move these partitions from the current sda2 and sda3 that they are now to sdb2 and sbd3 because this is a much bigger disk. I don't want to break MYSQL and I don't want to be down for a long period. I have heard of some people suggesting a sym link to a /newvar and /newuser on sdb but I have also read this will not work when moving to a different physical drive.

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CentOS 5 :: Moving Root Filesystem To Another Disk?

May 19, 2009

Ive setup a filesystem on a RAID 0+1 and am looking at moving root filesystem from a single disk to the new one. I could not install CentOS on mirrored filesystem as the RAID card did not have a pre-built driver for CentOS 5.3, so I had to compile the driver after installing the system.

What Im going to do now is:

1.Mount the new mirrored filesystem under /root1
2.use find | cpio to copy everything from the existing / to /root1
3.use grub to create a boot record on /root1
4.edit /root1/etc/fstab to point / to the new disk
5. reboot the system and keep my fingers crossed

Is this the way to go? Am I missing anything?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Moving System From Usb To E-sata?

Nov 11, 2009

I've a pc running Centos 5.4 with an uniq external hard disk hooked by USB (no internal drive). I'd like to hook it through e-sata to get performance improvment. So I am using a sata->e-sata connector to plug the disk.The disk is well detected by the bios, and Centos begin to boot but when it wants to mount the volume groups I've a kernel panic.VG and LV names are detected, but the system says it can't find them (there is a /dev/root not found error message)If I boot the system through a live cd I can mount and access VG/LV without problem any hint to get the system up and running through sata ?


# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE: You have a /boot partition. This means that


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CentOS 5 Networking :: Moving Interfaces At Boot?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a series of four config scripts which all run in sequence of each other.first occurs during the whole kcikstart thing.Kickstart then tells rc.local to run step2, which then tells rc.local to run step 3. No steps are repeated, after they are run they delete themselves from rc.local.After each step, it reboots.Step 3 is responsible for creating the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 file, and populating it. It greps ifconfig -a for the mac address of USB0.

#! /bin/bash

# Check to see if the usb nic takes eth2, if it does, move it to eth1[code]............

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Ubuntu :: Moving Buttons To Left - Keep Moving Back

Mar 27, 2011

I like the buttons on the left. I'm running 10.04 & I know how to move them. The problem is that changing themes will move them back right. OK, if the new theme has them on the right that's OK. But going back to the other theme doesn't change them back. They don't seem to be controlled by the theme, or I'm just not doing it right.

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CentOS 5 :: Ext4 And Moving Items To The Trashcan In Gnome Results In Nothing Showing In The Desktop Trashcan

May 21, 2010

On my home test 5.5 VM, after converting to ext4, moving items to the trashcan in Gnome results in nothing showing in the desktop Trashcan. Looks like a bug in gnome-vfs' support (or lack of it) for ext4, or have I got some other more subtle corruption going on? It's of little importance to me as I'm rarely in the GUI, but it would be nice to see confirmation or otherwise.

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Fedora :: Moving From 32-bit To 64-bit With A New Motherboard

Mar 17, 2011

I am currently running Fedora 14 on a 32-bit AMD XP motherboard. My plan is to replace the motherboard w/an AMD 64-bit (multicore, prob'ly) version (most likely w/a different h/w architecture) and I'd like to make sure my current applications and configuration (if that makes any sense) are moved en masse to the 64-bit version.

Is there an easy way to do this? What are my "gotchas"?

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Fedora :: Moving /usr To A New Partition

Jul 31, 2011

I'm running Fedora 14 as a KVM guest on a CentOS host. I decided to give preupgrade-cli a shot to get Fedora 15.

After reboot, I got a not enough free space error, so I decided to add another virtual drive and move /usr to it.

The partition on the new drive is ext4 formatted (just like my / partition)


Then I mounted the new partition on /newusr, and copied the files using cp and rsync



I also tried rsync without the HAX options, same results.

I then changed my /etc/fstab to reflect the new /usr


Then I reboot and watch the booting process, it fails first at loading NetworkManager, then elsewhere, and system stops. Of course I could revert back using a live CD and try all the other options, but nothing works for me.

There is an error in /var/log/boot.log, but I don't think it is related, as it shows when booting normally as well.


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Ubuntu :: Moving Files In Terminal \ Moving Files That Have Root Permissions?

Mar 4, 2010

I have limited experience in terminal, but let me first explain what I am trying to do to see if there is some easier way to do it. Basically I want to change the skin in aMSN. I downloaded the new skin but am unable to unzip or move it without /root permissions. I don't know how to acquire this without being in terminal. So I figured there had to be some way to go into the terminal and use it to move the unzipped folder from the desktop to the aMSN skins folder.

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Fedora :: Moving System To Another Harddisc?

Jan 18, 2010

i have an fedora system, with no separate /boot partition. there is only one big / partition. I think this is the reason that preupgrade does not work. So I decided to build an own /boot partition. Could anyone give me a hint how I could do this easily? My idea is:

get a second hard disc and format this with 2 partitions (/boot and /)dd the partition1 to the new one.

is this a nice idea? my only problem is that my second hard disc is smaller then the current one. but the current one is not filled up total. but I can not dd to a smaller partition or? is it possible to boot with an live-cd an copy the partition with the cp command?

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Fedora :: Moving Files To Another Directory?

Jun 7, 2010

I am using a touch command to setup a specific range of names, identifiers, etc. Now I am trying to move the files from a certain range to another directory I created. Sorry to post just can't remember how to do this but I know it is fairly simple for you guys. I have the output set as fred*_[!g].* and I am trying to get these files to my created directory.

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Fedora :: Selection Moving Upward Itself

Jul 9, 2010

Fedora core 13 1) Input focus move upward by one line itself and continues moveing upward with some delay. 2) It also happen with mouse selction focus move upward and put focus on above icon after some delay. what this error.

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Fedora :: Moving Toolbar Taskbar?

Feb 3, 2011

I'm a recent convert from Ubuntu (my company uses Juniper VPN and FedoraRHEL is the only certified OS for the client) and I'm having an issue that I can't seem to find the answer to.I installed Fedora 14 and have dual monitors running on a GeForce 8500 GT with one DVI and one VGA connection. VGA is the left monitor, DVI is on the right. After install, Fedora was defaulting to the DVI (right) monitor as the primary, so I used the Monitors utility to rearrange them so they went left to right. I even selected the left (VGA) monitor as the primary. I was hoping that the top and bottom bars would follow.My issue is that both the launch bar on the top, and the task bar on the bottom are still on the right-hand screen, and I can't for the life of me figure out how in the heck to get them both over to the left-hand screen. Am I missing something horribly obvious?

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Fedora :: Moving Install To A New Disk?

Mar 25, 2011

Currently, my disk layout is as follows:


/boot /dev/sda1
/ /dev/sda5
windows /dev/sda3
/home /dev/sda4
/dev/sda2 is currently an extended partition.

I purchased a small SSD, and I'd like to move most of the root partition and my home directory over to it. Assuming the new drive is /dev/sdb, my desired layout is this:


/boot /dev/sda1
windows /dev/sda3
/data /dev/sda4


What's the best way to go about this with minimal downtime? Second, what configuration files would I need to update?

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Fedora :: File Vanished When Moving?

Apr 28, 2011

I had need of putting a file in one of the directories of the $PATH.The echo $PATH is/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/Majara/binI did in the terminal:mv file /home/Majara/binI have learned now that /home/Majara/bin isot a directory, but the file is not anywhere

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Fedora :: Moving Files Between Folders

May 14, 2011

I feel like this is probably a dumb question but regardless, I don't know the answer and my eyes will start bleeding if I keep trying anymore. How do you move files between folders? Dolphin's layout (unless I'm not figuring it out, which is probably the case) doesn't seem to let you drag from one folder to another and there's no other pane to see another folder to drag to.I have an mp3 file in my download folder that I want to move to my music folder but I can't get it to move.

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Fedora :: Files Moving Themselves Back Again?

Jun 11, 2011

F15 Gnome edition. I am trying to move files, no big deal, except they keep moving themselves back again about 4-5 seconds later. This happens in nautilus, gnome-commander, or even at the command line. See the following output. The volume is NTFS, but I have ntfs-3g installed, and i've never had this problem before with NTFS volumes.

[root@kermitfed store]# ls
animalstore Cymande Groundation Mutiny


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Fedora :: Moving /home To Its Own Logical Drive?

Jul 15, 2009

F-10 default installation is /swat /boot and the rest /

Many on this site recommend setting up separate partitions for /home

Does making a separate logical volume and putting /home in it do the same in allowing one to do an install to the original logical volume without affecting /home?

If it does, how does one get the 2nd LV recognized in the file system?

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Fedora Hardware :: Moving From ATI To NDivia Card?

Jan 28, 2010

I am currently running Fedora 11 in a box with ATI x1650 graphic card, but I am planning the installed hard drive to another box with nDivia GeForce 6150 card. Do you think Fedora will detect the new card and install its driver? I don't mind getting a driver and installing myself as long as I can log on to Fedodra with a generic graphic driver. What difficulty do you think I will run into initially?

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