General :: Mint Does Not Boot (on Specific Hardware)

Apr 23, 2011

I am having a Lenovo Thinkpad SL400c laptop running on c2d (64 bit) processor. The problem is, Linux Mint doesn't boot in this laptop but boots well in other laptops( I tried it in dell inspiron and compaq ones)and desktop. I tried all versions (from Linux mint 7 till 10 and both 32 and 64 bit versions). What actually happens is that, the BIOS loads the CD (doesn't even asks "press any key to boot from CD" as it asks for Windows) and abruptly results in a blank screen. It remains blank even for hours. But Opensuse, Ubuntu, and even open solaris all run fine on this system. Don't know why it resists only Linux mint.

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General :: Tri-boot Installation Mint -> Win7 -> XP?

Mar 3, 2010

have my workstation dual-booting Mint 7 and Windows 7. I had no problems installing either OS. But now I need to run some software that just won't run on Win7, not even in compatibility mode. So I have to use XP. So I installed XP Pro on a 1TB drive connected by eSATA. Again, no problems with the install, smooth and easy. BUT, and I'm sure you know where I'm going with this, XP jacked up the booting. I lost the grub menu, of course, and I had a hell of a time getting my system back to where I started. I removed the eSATA disk (with XP on it) but could not use the standard grub fix (find /boot/grub/stage1, root(hd0), etc, etc.). I used the Win7 repair utility and that restored my ability to boot into Win7. I then was able to use the grub fix and was back to square one.

I tried adding XP to the menu.lst (using the correct hd address and all) but when I selected XP from the grub menu it said BOOTMGR was missing. I'm assuming Win7 wiped it out when I ran the win7 repair utility.So, does anyone have any idea how I can "easily" boot XP from the eSATA disk? I've searched the forums here and I think my scenario is a bit different than other tri-bootonfigurations.I can't install the drive in the workstation because there are no more slots left for an HD to fit. So it has to be eSATA.

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General :: Put Windows Xp In The GRUB Boot Command For Mint?

Apr 3, 2010

I have Microsoft Windows Xp installed on my Primary Drive C: and I had a Mint boot disc that I would pop in and load from. Well I got tired of this disc and installed a new hard drive in my computer so I could use Mint as a secondary OS. Everything went good in the install, and I put Mint on the second drive. But when I boot my computer the GRUB menu only shows Linux Helena Mint 8 to load from and no Xp. Xp is still currently installed on the computer in the Primary drive, but how do I inlcude it in the GRUB boot menu or boot it at all?

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General :: Uninstall Mint 9 From Dual Boot Machine?

Jun 28, 2010

Recently, my Mint update informed me it had an upgraded kernel version of Mint 9 and asked did I want to upgrade. Me, not being an old hand at things Linux, upgraded. Instead of overwriting the older version, it put the upgraded version of Mint 9 BESIDE the older one. So now I have, actually, 4 versions of Mint 9 on my PC,(generic plus recovery mode for each) which is dual booted with Vista Home Premium.

I don't want this. I have had weird problems and hiccups since I upgraded. I want to get rid of the newer kernel version and use only the older one. How do I uninstall the upgraded version of Mint 9? I have tried to boot into the older version, but there is no desktop and I have to type on the boot screen and in the terminal. It wants commands I don't know how to give. How do I restore my older version of Mint 9?

I just want one version on my PC in the dual boot with Windows Vista. Can someone tell me how to accomplish this? If you give me terminal commands, please make sure they are copy and paste ready. lol.

If uninstalling involves deleting partitions and doing a manual partitioning and formatting, I'll need easy instructions for that also.

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General :: Can't Boot From Arclinux Or Mint Getting Error_code+0x73/0x78

Dec 23, 2010

i have tried to install linux mint 10 and archlinux. i keep getting the same error. error_code+0x73/0x78 note: udevd[904 exited with preempt_count 1 i hve ran memtest86+ on both and checked cd!

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General :: Installing Mint On An HP Laptop With Windows 7 For A Dual Boot?

Mar 9, 2010

I got to the part where I'm supposed to partition Mint. I've got a 500GB hard drive, and I thought I'd give 300GB to LM--but I'm unclear about using ext2, 3 or 4. What about the swap file? Is that automatic?

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General :: Ancient Thinkpad Running Mint 9 Cannot Get Sound To Endure Re-boot?

Dec 6, 2010

with the help of others (to whom grateful thanks), I've managed to get this distro installed and my PCMCIA Wireless card working without a LAN connection!Result......well it was for me!next big prob is sound.......any sound at all!This command sudo modprobe snd-cs4236 sometimes gives me some, just for the current session, if it don't want to play, it just ignores me!Two main questions,

1) How do I get the attention of the "Alsa Mixer"? (the GUI is normally just blank and may or may not be activated by the above command!)
2) Once I have the attention of the "Alsa mixer", how do I maintain it upon re-boot?

Some one guided me to this post and despite it's age, I appended my plea for help....but I fear it is not the correct place............I just hope I'm now in the right place.url

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General :: BM4321 Wireless Chip Won't Load On Boot In Mint / Solution For This?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a Realtek WN511b wireless card with a BM4321 chip.
It runs on the wl driver but when I boot the system the card won't install.
With help (I am noob) we have figured out that the ssb and the b43 drivers are installing even though I have them blacklisted. I have seen similar problems described elsewhere but no real fixes.
I can boot the system (Dell d630) then pop the card out and re-insert, enter password and it connects no problem.
It would be nice if it simply installed on boot.
Wondering if anyone had a solution?

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General :: Can I Uninstall Another System Distro Directly Over Mint On Dual Boot

Feb 18, 2010

I think the title says it all really - I've installed Mint onto a Acer aspire 5315 laptop. Its a dual boot system using Vista Basic. Grub works perfectly and to be honest Mint is great. really enjoying playing and learning. My problem is that the laptop overheats when using Mint - the cpu fan doesn't cut in and the laptop shuts down to protect the system. According to a swift google this seems to occur with mint (possibly particularly with Acer's) and maybe with other distro's too. However I'd like to keep trying to see if i can find one that works.

So my rather obvious newbie question is can I just get another distro dvd and install this onto the partition containing mint thus deleting the previous install? If I did this would Grub show the new distro ok or would it keep searching for Mint. I have a back up so if all else fails I can reinstall everything but that will have to wait till I get home

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General :: Tried To Install Mint To Flash Drive / Can't Boot From Main Hard Disk

Jan 15, 2011

I wanted to install a Linux distro to a flash drive so that I can have a portable OS with all my settings, programs, etc. wherever I go. So I fired up a Linux Mint Live CD and installed Mint to the flash drive, and this seems to work OK. But now, whenever I try to boot up my system normally without the flash drive plugged in, it doesn't seem to work. It basically hangs for a bit, and then I get the following prompt:

However, when I try powering my system up when the USB is plugged into the computer, it gives me an option between using the OS installed on my USB and the OS installed on my HD. Selecting the latter, everything loads up just fine. I'm guessing that installing Mint to the flash drive somehow messed with my native Grub installation.

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General :: Run Application Or Boot As Specific User

Apr 18, 2010

I have a need to run a specific app as a specific user when the machine boots into init 3. I can not run this as root so I need to specify a user. Can someone tell me how to accomplish this?I usually have to log in and start this application by typing check -D which starts this app and daemonizes it. I want to be able to run that at boot with my normal user not root.I hope I explained this correctly.I have added it to rc.local but it runs as root.

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General :: Starting VNC Upon Boot-up Using Specific User

Oct 27, 2010

So right now VNC is starting a session using :1. When I connect to that session, the terminal is logged in as root. I'd like for the terminal to be logged in as a different user as some of my end users are going to be using this and don't require such privileges. I found that I can "su" to a different user and start a new VNC daemon on :2 and when I connect to that session, the terminal is logged in as that user. What I want to do is get that to run at boot-up.

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General :: Change A Specific Characters To Capital In A Specific Text?

Dec 2, 2010

for example

else {
for fileDOC in $location/*.doc


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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Freeze On Boot (also 10.04 And Mint 10)?

Dec 26, 2010

I have a Toshiba Satellite A205 laptop 2GB RAM, running Meerkat 32bit. Used 2 previous versions of Ubuntu also.For the past few months, about 75% of the time, on boot up the screen will freeze before I get to the login screen. No key combos (ctrl alt backspace, alt prnt screen, REISUB) work, I have to take out the battery, unplug and restart. It always boots normally the second time, whether I boot normally or attempt repair.I recently installed Linux Mint 10 on dual boot, and the same thing happens with Mint.I connect to the Internet via wireless, not sure if that is significant or not.The problem does not appear immediately after installation, but only after updates and a couple reboots.

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Ubuntu :: Mint Won't Boot / Solution For This?

Jan 16, 2011

Yes, I'm using Mint. It's practically the same as Ubuntu, but the Mint forums have much less people. Hear me out.

I'm dualbooting Win7 and Mint 10, each on their own disk. Mint will not boot. It was working fine a couple days ago, but now only Windows is working.

When I tried to boot Mint recovery mode some of the last lines were code...

I think that it could be a GRUB (GRUB 2) problem because when I booted up this morning GRUB did not have the 5-second timeout it was supposed to have. Minor things like this have happened to me in the past � once, by itself, it changed the default boot to memtest, and I had to change it back with the StartUp-Manager.

I would try using the StartUp-Manager or running sudo grub-mkconfig with my live CD, except that my live CD will not boot. The drive seems to be fine, because I just tested it with The Fellowship of the Ring.

The only thing I have changed recently (to my knowledge) is my CMOS battery, yesterday. Windows is working fine, and it can see the drive that Mint is on (meaning the drive IS connected and does exist!).

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Installation :: Mint 8 Live Cd Will Not Boot?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a very infuriating problem. I recently got a new computer and I wanted to put Mint 8 on it (as I already use it on my laptop). I tried to boot the live cd and the screen displayed the ISOLINUX version and then just went blank. After a few attempts I gave up and put in a Fedora 12 live cd I had lying around and it booted and installed without a problem. I really would prefer Mint to Fedora but it still refuses to boot from the Mint live cd. Is there any way I could install Mint from within Fedora? I want to use Fedora's partition for Mint.

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Installation :: Dual Boot Mint On External HDD

Apr 19, 2010

I'm new to the world of Linux, but am intrigued by the variety and functionality it offers over Windows. I have an external HDD from which I would like to dual boot Linux Mint, with Windows Vista (64 Bit) remaining on the primary internal HDD. I know that my BIOS supports dual booting and booting from USB devices (my external HDD). Are there any specific dangers I need to be aware of? Is it as simple as putting in the installation disc and selecting my external HDD?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Set Up A Triple Boot With Fedora 12 And Mint 8?

Jan 14, 2010

I had Win7 installed on my Laptop and wanted to set up a triple boot with Fedora 12 and Mint 8.So I installed Fedora 12 and it worked loading grub and offering Win7 and Fedora as choices.Then I installed Mint hoping for the Grub2 to recognise Fedora and set up the triple boot but it didn't and I can now only boot into Win7 or Mint.sudo update-grub doesn't help.How can I configure grub2 to offer me all three OSs?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove UNR From Dual Boot (Mint 10)

Dec 22, 2010

Recently installed Mint (Julia) alongside Ubuntu Remix and I want to uninstall UNR completely and re-install.

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Debian :: Live USB Doesn't Boot But Ubuntu / Mint Does - Sort It?

Feb 15, 2011

I am very much new to Debian. To have a feel and check if my laptop (HP Elitebook 6930p) is supported I decided to use a live USB option. I know how to create a live USB disk using Ubuntu and using the same knowledge I created the USB disk and tried to boot using it. The system starts to boots off the USB drive and then is stuck at a point where it fails to identify my HDD. Here is what I did
a) downloaded the debian-live-508-i386-gnome-desktop.iso/debian-live-508-i386-gnome-desktop.img/debian-live-507-i386.iso (I tried with all 3)
b) created a live USB using unetbootin
c) tried to boot from live environment

My laptop's hard drive is encrypted using SafeBoot.
After all the 3 debian images failed to boot I tried with other Linux flavors such as Mint and Ubuntu. Interestingly Mint and Ubuntu boot. Is there some thing I need to take care of?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Fresh Install 10.04 - Unable To Boot One Of OS (Mint)?

May 10, 2010

I admit that I am a noob - knows a little which makes it more dangerous than not knowing at all. in brief, I am unable to boot one of the OS out of 3 I have installed. Everything is fresh install on newly formatted partitions.

Here are the details:Two HDs - one is Sata and second is IDE. Win7 installed on IDE (sdb2) then Ubuntu 9.10 on Sata (sda2) and lastly Linux Mint on Sata (sda3). Everyone was on its place - that is - Ubuntu 9.10 on sda2, Linux-Mint on sda3 and Win7 on sdb2.

Future of the day was bright and promising until I upgraded online to 10.04. After that, I was only able to boot to Win7 (IDE drive - sdb2 - not sure if it changed at that point or not) but no nix OS on Sata sda2 & sda3. I downloaded 10.04 and installed from CD again on sda2. Well, now I am able to boot into Win7 and Ubuntu 10.04 but no Linux-Mint. Another interesting thing is that sda and sdb have interchanged/swapped. So now if I chcek it thru gparted or run boot script, Sata drive shows up as sdb and IDE is now sda. In another post, I read that grub2 does that and make IDE drive as the first drive and Sata drive as second. Well, I buy that but why I am unable to boot to second OS on the same Sata drive? Evidently, I am missing something and I take that it is mostly user error but please


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Ubuntu Networking :: Accessing Files In Dual Boot( 10.04 And Mint)?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a dual boot ( Ubuntu 10.04 and Linux Mint), but I spend most of my time in the Ubuntu 10.04 partition. The point is that I have a huge files in the Mint compartment and I would like to gain access to those files from my Ubuntu 10.04 partition. I have tried samba and could not get the file sharing system to work. I had used samba when I was dual booting between Ubuntu and Windows and it worked but not in my present Linux dual boot.

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General :: Run A Program For A Specific Amount Of Time Starting At A Specific Time?

May 18, 2010

I want to record an internet radio station starting at 2:00am tomorrow morning. The specific program on the radio station lasts until 6:00am. The command I need to run to record the station is: Code:mplayer -ao pcm:file=indie_heat_of_the_night.wav -vc dummy -vo nullI'd use cron, but 1. I'm not sure how to and 2. it seems unnecessarily complicated for something that I only want to run once. If cron is the only/easiest solution, I guess I'll just have to resort to that, but I'd rather not.

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Fedora Networking :: Can't Connect To Internet After Adding Mint To Boot Menu

Sep 28, 2009

I recently installed Fedora 11 onto my computer on top of Linux Mint. Originally I was using Mint's bootloader, but I'm ditching Mint soon for another OS so I'm migrating to Fedora's bootloader to make the transition easier. For a while I couldn't get Mint to appear on Fedora's Grub menu, but during that time I could still access the internet on Fedora. However, once I successfully added Mint to Fedora's grub menu, the wireless suddenly stopped working on Fedora (though it still works on Mint.) I can connect to the network on Fedora but it gives me the awesome "host does not exist" message when I try to ping anything. Any insight as to why this might have happened after I managed to successfully boot Mint from the Fedora boot menu?

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CentOS 5 :: Direct PXE Boot To Specific NIC?

Aug 27, 2011


What/where is this eth0 interface? Is it possible I can direct PXE boot to use different interface?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Boot Computer Unless That Specific Usb Is Connected?

Mar 19, 2011

i installed kde to my usb drive but i think the grub also went to it because im running windows 7 and now kde but would like to know how to uninstall it if i ever have to. and also i cannot boot my computer unless that specific usb is connected

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Ubuntu :: Launch Some Programs At The Boot (in Specific Places)

Nov 11, 2010

My wish is to launch some programs (chromium, pidgin and xchat on the first virtual desktop and the terminal, the file manager and geany on the second one). I also wish them to have the same size and place than they've had the last time I used them (just to keep them always at the same place). My researches haven't been successful for the moment cause the only idea I found was lxsession-edit which doesn't do exactly what I want..

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Fedora Installation :: Add Fedora To Mint Main, Mint KDE (from LiveCD)?

Jul 15, 2009

I started to install Fedora thinking I was just going to place it in the / and /home partitions I already have but the installer only seems to give me the option to use the whole disk.I have 3 / and 3 /home partitions 2 of each are occupied by Linux Mint and Mint KDE so I wanted to use the last / and /home for Fedora.

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Ubuntu :: Giving A Specific User Permission To Start/stop A Specific Service?

Jun 8, 2010

How do I give permission to a logged in user to stop/start a specific service without entering a root/sudo password? So they can do a simple "service SomeService stop|start" It is for a headless Ubuntu server.

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Programming :: Search A Bunch Of Files In A Specific Folder For A Specific Number?

Jul 24, 2010

I need to search a bunch of files in a specific folder for a specific number and add all the numbers together to a total sum. I use Rsync everyday, everytime I run rsync i get a logfile (rsync output) witch contains the textstring "Total bytes sent: xxxxxx".

The "xxxxx" can vary in lenght. I need to extract the "xxxxxx" from each file and add the numbers together to a total size over a week or a month. Is this possible? And I wish to only use bash. One way of doing stuff at a time my friends .

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