General :: In What Files In The Home Dir Does Xfce Store The User Config Data?

Aug 20, 2010

In what files/dirs in the home dir does xfce store the user config data?

Or if you like.

What files do I need to restore from backup in order to restore my xfce desktop with all the different settings I made?

Edit: All user config files is usually stored somewhere in /home/$USER/. And since all the programs, kde, xfce and gnome stores their config there, this question is about what files belong to the xfce desktop.

This is my guess of what files belong to the xfce desktop:



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General :: Store User Input In A Config File GUI For A BASH Script?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm trying to create a backup script. For my second version, I want to make a GUI that will ask the user three things:

1. which folders should be excluded
2. where to store the backup
3. the user's email

I need to store this input, and later input the values into variables in my script. How do I go about doings this?

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General :: Where Does ITunes Store Its Stuff - Copy Its Data Store To An External Drive

Dec 8, 2009

I have two students whose windows laptops are riddled with malware and not working properly. They want me to help them install Linux (which we use in school), but they are concerned about their iTunes.

Having avoided iPods as "defective by design", I know nothing about iTunes whatsoever. However I remember reading about DRM locking and such problems that have me concerned that I won't be able to do it.

Where does iTunes store its stuff?

Can I copy its data store to an external drive, and then into a linux home?

Then will it work on wine, or can another manager (rhythmbox etc) access the itunes data?

Alternatively, if I partition the drive and install linux, can rythmbox/wine/something access itunes data on the win partition?

Supposing they are buying music through iTunes, what will happen to that account?

Finally, one of them has an iphone. Does that work with linux?

Ironic that an apple application is blocking migration away from windows.

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Server :: Use The NAS Storage Device To Store The Home Directories Of User?

Jun 15, 2011

we have purchased the Dell PowerVault NF 500 NAS Storage Box with Window Storage server 2003 is Installed.we have LDAP server for authentication the user in network for accessing network resources.All ubuntu users on client side use ubuntu(LDAP server )for user authentication.when a user logon on client side machine his home directory is created on client machine .

but we want to use the NAS storage device to store the home directories of user.we want to implement that ,whenever a user logon his home directory is created on powerValut NF 500 storage device so that all user data is stored centrally for taking the backup .we want to mount NAS storage device so that user uses when they login and create user profile.

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Debian :: Share Home Among Distributions - Store Files All In "/home" Folder Of Extended Ubuntu Partition

May 1, 2011

Installed Ubuntu along with Debian on my Notebook and use Grub Manager to choose between them on startup. Since i like Debian now a lot (in past days it was a very hard system to handle, but there has been some progress i noticed), i have to change some things (want Debian as main system now) For Ubuntu i have: (was meant to be main system on Notebook) "/", "/home" and a "swap" partition, but since i am now going to use mainly Debian, i wanted to store my files all in the "/home"-folder of my extended Ubuntu partition (has much more space available) not in the "/home" folder of the Debian system. So i want both (Debian and Ubuntu) to use the same extended partition ("/home") which i created for Ubuntu to save their files like downloads, videos, and so on.

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Ubuntu Security :: Get Data From Another User's Home Directory?

Aug 23, 2011

I had a student, and she has done some work on her account on my lab computer, but has left the country and is un-contactable.

I have full administrator privileges for this machine, and it is running Ubuntu LTS 10.04

She has a folder which was copied from a windows formatted external hard drive (Probably NTFS) onto her home partition on my machine.

I can open all of her files, except for those in this folder.

As I see it the problem is either something to do with the permissions of the files (coming from NTFS), or some kind of Ubuntu security that I am unaware of?

Here are my attempts to open it code...

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General :: Store Windows Documents And Data On System Server?

Apr 3, 2010

Is it possible to store Windows-based documents and data (e.g, Excel spreadsheets, Access databases) on a Linux server, and easy to do so & to retrieve from a Windows client?

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General :: 'Could Not Chdir To Home Directory /home/[user]: Permission Denied'

Jan 6, 2010

I have a secondary disk which holds a /home directory structure from a previous install of Linux. I installed a new version on a new primary drive and mounted this secondary drive as the new /home. Problem is, even though the users are the same names and I can access the home directories for the users, I cannot login directly to their home directories, as I get the following error: -


login as: [me]
[me]@[machine]'s password:
Last login: Wed Jan 6 18:34:33 2010 from [machine]
Could not chdir to home directory /home/[me]: Permission denied
[[me]@[machine] /]$

Now, since the usernames are correct and the users are in the passwd file with the correct home directory paths, could it be user ID's that are different or something else? It's not as though I cannot access the home directories for the users, simply that I cannot log directly into them from a login prompt.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop User Deletes Www-data Files?

Dec 26, 2010

I have some developers with Desktop User accounts. How can I allow them to delete files owned by www-data which are created under their accounts (/home/username/public_html) by PHP scripts they are coding and testing.I tried to edit www-data user group and add the user as a member of it but this has no effect - the user still unable to delete these files only by creating another PHP script!

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Slackware :: Why Does /home/.Trash-0 Contain Duplicates Of All Of The User's Files

Apr 16, 2011

i've been trying to get rid of unnecessary files on my kids' computer and just noticed that /home/.Trash-0 contains a duplicate of the file tree of the /home directory, including all of the current users' files and subdirectories. is this something i should leave alone? the machine is running slack 13.0 with KDE, and this is something i never noticed before.

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General :: Give User Access To Directory In Another User's Home

Mar 8, 2010

I'm developing an application in which one user must run java software that I'm compiling as another user. I wanted to give user A permission to see the bin direcory of my workspace, which is in the home directory of user B. I was wondering how can this be done? I gave the bin direcotry full read/execute premissions, but since it's in my home directory user A can't navigate to it.

I know there are a few ways I could get around the problem but they arn't very elegant. I was wondering if there is a simple method for giving a user access to a specific directory without giving access to all the parent directories. I tried symbolic link but user A still can't access it, and a hard link to a directory isn't allowed in Linux. I don't feel like making a hard link to every single file in the bin directory, and I'm not sure that would work anyways, since every recompile overwrites them.

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Ubuntu :: When Add Files In /home/user/myfiles - Do Not Transfer To The Live Cd

Feb 14, 2011

I want to add files to the live cd. I use distcdfs because backup errors out because i have too much data on dive. I have the modify set to exclude everything but what I want. when i add my files in the /home/user/myfiles they do not transfer to the live cd? I'm using the gui so what I'm I doing wrong?

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General :: Windows - Linux: Can't Overwrite Files On Samba Store

Jun 10, 2010

I'm using CentOS 5.5 with smbclient 3.0.33-3.28-el5 (latest version in repo), and I can't overwrite files in my Samba store. I am not the admin for the Windows server that hosts the share, so there isn't anything I can do server side. But I do have write permission to the server. I know the server runs Windows XP or Server 2003; I don't know which. I can delete the file, and then copy the new version over, but I can't overwrite it. Using the cp command I'll get this error:

[jonescb@localhost ~]$ cp foo.txt /mnt/si_storage/foo.txt
cp: cannot create regular file `/mnt/si_storage/foo.txt': No such file or directory`

And if I edit a file on the server using vim, I can save it once, but if I save it again I get this: "/mnt/si_storage/foo.txt" E212: Can't open file for writing This is my /etc/fstab entry for the samba server: // /mnt/si_storage cifs username=myuser,password=mypass 0 0 I can overwrite files just fine on my XP machine. The CentOS box is the only one having problems.

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General :: Ubuntu New User: Can't See New User In Home Directory

Jul 28, 2011

i'm new to linux and just installed Ubuntu and decided to play around with it. i just executed

Code: useradd test which supposedly creates a folder in the home directory '/home/test' but when i look in there i can't see it i also did a

Code: grep test /etc/passwd which returns: 'test:x:1001:1001::/home/test:/bin/sh' which i believe means it is meant to exist.

Addendum: I have also now noticed that when i log in and log back in i have the option to login as 'test' but it prompts me for a password which i did not set :s

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Ubuntu :: Where Does Tomboy Notes Store Data

Jan 30, 2010

After a prolonged absence, version 4.10, I have started dabbling with Ubuntu again. It was a HDD crashing that sent me down this path. Needless to say, the ability to backup my user data to a second HDD is an important task to me. I'm currently using Back in Time to accomplish this and all is well. However, there is one thing missing. I can't locate my Tomboy Notes data within the file system. I expected to see a "hidden" folder in my /home, but do not. Where this information is stored so I can back it up as well?

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Programming :: Store The Data In Program In A Map Of Priority_queues?

Jul 30, 2011

I am trying to store the data in my program in a map of priority_queues an I am having a bit of trouble doing it. basically I am storing activities (ie watching tv, eating dinner, playing ping-pong, etc) and I want these event grouped by the day that they happened on.
my first thought was to use a multimap where the key is the date, and the value is the activity, however I would like to keep the activities in a specific order. I have tried to find the proper syntax for this but have frustratingly come up empty. Even google provided little assistance.

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Programming :: Store Data Before The System Hibernates?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a requirment where I have to store some data before the system goes to hibernate.
How the kernel intimates to the application when it goes to hibernate. Is there any event or a signal that kernel posts to all applications?

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Encrypted Way In Linux To Store The Data In Usb?

Dec 1, 2010

I keep my bank account numbers and passwords in a kwallet file. I would like to buy some external usb flash disk as a backup to keep the file inside. if there is an encrypted way in linux to store the data inthere?

For example: Buy a stick that encrypts the data Encrypt the data by using some filesystem. Does this work on every usb stick?

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Ubuntu :: Finding A Program To Store And Retrieve Data?

May 22, 2010

I am looking for a program to help me store, organise and retrieve information. The aim would be to keep notes from literature, concepts and ideas which i come across during my studies. It's always a hassle to retrieve this information when i have to write a paper for instance. So in fact what i need is a sort of wikipedia-like program where information is searchable and where perhaps hyperlinks could lead me from one word/note to another.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mailserver With Data Store On Database?

May 29, 2011

Please tell me spesification if i want buid mail server on ubuntu 10.04 with good features :

1. For MTA ??
2. For Mail Filtering ??
3. For MDA ??
3. For Webmail ??
4. For Mailling List ??

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Networking :: Does NetworkManager Store Bandwidth Usage Data Anywhere?

Mar 24, 2010

I want to know my DSL bandwidth usage in the last 15 days.I have no network monitoring software installed.I have the default installation and my distribution is Opensuse 11.2.Is there a way I can get that information from the vanilla system?

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Programming :: C++ - Store A Text File In A Data Structure?

May 25, 2009

I am writting a program that reads a text file (music.txt) & stores it in a Data Structure. I am a novice learning over the internet so I this is something I have never done. How do I do this?


Write a program that reads the data from the music.txt file and store it in a data structure. To implement this data structure you must use an array of songs and each song must be represented by a struct with appropriate fields. So far all I can do is open to file to read it (very simple I know) but so far is it correct?


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <strstream>


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Programming :: Print, Store Or Compare An S8 Data Type?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm working with Radiotap headers right now. I want to get the RSSI data. I came through a problem that I can't figure out right now.The value that I need to get is:

now, when I printf it:


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Programming :: Store Data In Text File And Be Able To Modify It And Save As Well Using C++?

Jan 25, 2010

I wanna learn how to store data in text file and be able to modify it and save as well using C++.

Note: im using Turbo C++ 3.0

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Ubuntu :: Flash Drive Mount Path To Store Data?

Apr 21, 2010

I am trying to setup my ubuntu machine to automatically log some data I am trying to collect and write the data to a flash drive. I have everything setup so that when the machine boots up it starts that logging process. The problem I am having is that sometimes (not always) ubuntu creates a directory with the same path that I expect my flash drive to mount to i.e., /media/data/ then my flash drive instead mounts to /media/data_/. I need to know the path of the flash drive so I can store my data on it.

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OpenSUSE :: Delete Files On Data Partition Slow Because Trash Is Located On Home Partition?

Aug 18, 2011

KDE 4.6 - opensuse 11.4.

I have a separate ext4 partition which contains all my data (music, movies, etc). When I delete files from this partition it is very slow because it copies files from my data partition to the Trash folder in my home partition. How can I avoid this? Can't the trash be configured so that it uses a trash folder in each partition instead of copying files to another partition (which is slow).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Config - Change / Add From The Default OpenSSH Config Files To Get Tunnelling To Work?

Jul 10, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu Server 11.04 with OpenSSH, trying to create an ssh tunnel (for web traffic) to it from my (also Ubuntu) laptop. This is the command I'm using to create the tunnel:

Code: ssh -ND localhost:8080 george@ I had it all working on a virtual machine.. which was deleted What settings/lines do I need to change/add from the default OpenSSH config files to get tunnelling to work? I've Googled and AllowTcpForwarding is set to yes, as is X11Forwarding.. but it still doesn't work. Chrome can connect to the server, but says the connection was closed before any data was sent.

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Ubuntu :: Where To Store System, Home And Swap Partitions On Two Disks

Dec 22, 2010

I have got 2 disks available and would like to create 3 main partitions: one for file system (maverick), one for home folder and one for linux swap.

I read many howtos and now I feel more confused!

I would like to obtain the more efficient solution in order of speed (performance): as far as I can understand (not so far) .. it seems that the best choice is:


disk 1: [beginning] ubuntu | home | others [end]
disk 2: [beginning] swap | others [end]

My situation now is, according to guides I read before:


disk 1: [beginning] ubuntu | others [end]
disk 2: [beginning] home | others | swap [end]

now .. before moving all my staff ..

I thought to have understood that ubuntu use swap only for hibernation / suspend activities, and therefore it's recommendable to put the system at the beginning of one disk, and the home folder at the beginning of a second disk in order to have quickly two disk reading / writing on the right position without moving too much and spend time.

But now I'm confused because it seems that ubuntu DOES use swap for normal activity (and so it's better to put it) at the beginning of a second disk.

I always saw my swap next to zero during my activities .. is ubuntu using swap like windows with pagefile.sys?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Reinstall Again Without Loosing Data Store In Hard Drive?

Jan 15, 2010

i have ubuntu 9.04 i want to know if i can do a partition base on what i have right now cause when i installed ubuntu i didnt do the partition to install windows so i want to do it now or in any case how can i reinstall ubuntu again without loosing my data store in my hard drive what is best to be perform in my pc i am very happy with ubuntu and wanna keep with it but sometimes a have some app in windows

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General :: Windows - Using A Home Partition That Already Has Data?

Jan 24, 2010

I want to install Ubuntu side by side with Windows. I have a big NTFS partition that has a folder with the same name as my username (let's say "joe"). Inside "joe" I have my personal files. Outside "joe" but still in the partition, there is random stuff that doesn't really belong anywhere, or now useless programs that I had to install there because the main Windows partition ran out of space. If during the Ubuntu installer I choose to use that partition as /home and make a user called "joe", will everything work fine?

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