Ubuntu :: Desktop User Deletes Www-data Files?
Dec 26, 2010
I have some developers with Desktop User accounts. How can I allow them to delete files owned by www-data which are created under their accounts (/home/username/public_html) by PHP scripts they are coding and testing.I tried to edit www-data user group and add the user as a member of it but this has no effect - the user still unable to delete these files only by creating another PHP script!
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Jan 14, 2010
the script should take as input in the begginig the username of the user and then deletes all the files and folders from the user in every place he has them. script must also check if the parameters have been given correctly (only one and that one must be a username) Doesnt all the files of a user exist on a folder with his name? what if i delete this folder? Will something like this work?
if [ -z "$1" ] # Exit if no argument given.
echo "Usage: `basename $0` directory-to-copy-to"
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Nov 14, 2010
I've noticed since upgrading to Maverick that nautilus has become very buggy and crashes quite a bit (I've noticed it tends to happen during multiple file transfers but really it happens often and not only because of transfers).
While I've been able to tolerate this crashiness, today I came across a problem that is very distressing. If I have two files in a folder and I rename one so that it has the same filename as the other, nautilus does not display an error message. Instead what seems to happen is that it retains one file and deletes the other permanently (There seems to be nothing in the trash as far as I can tell).
Has anyone come across this error before? If you have, I'd really appreciate any advice on how to fix it.
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May 4, 2011
I built a script that downloads my podcasts using Gpodder into the directory /HOME/SHARED/PODCASTS/ (with a subdirectory for each podcast)The script then selects the latest episode and copies it over to a target directory (it empies the target directory first and copies over everything) I want to use RSYNC to make sure the 'not so fresh' episodes get deleted and the "fresh" episodes get copied over. Then dropbox can sync the "new" files over to the cloud where i can access them via my ipad/iphone (whole other story).The thing is : i've replaced the cp command with the RSYNC command and now the script is acting strangely.
It selects and sync's over the "newest" podcasts to the destination directory. Then it suddenly DELETES all the episodes in the destination directory and copies over the three last files.
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Nov 15, 2009
Slackware 12.2 has the unkind habit of deleting all the /dev/fd?u* floppy special files upon boot-up. I have to make another directory (I use /floppy) to contain these files so I don't have to keep copying them from an earlier distribution (12.1) Now, for example, to format a 1743 kilobyte floppy, I do fdformat /floppy/fd0u1743 mformat a:If I copy these special files to /dev (where they belong) then some part of Slackware Linux 12.2 deletes the special files when I power down and power up the machine.Slackware 12.1 and earlier leave floppy special files severely alone upon shutdown/startup.I cannot seem to "grep" a reference to /dev/fd anywhere in /etc/rc.d or its subdirectories. Why is Slackware 12.2 deleting them?
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Aug 20, 2010
In what files/dirs in the home dir does xfce store the user config data?
Or if you like.
What files do I need to restore from backup in order to restore my xfce desktop with all the different settings I made?
Edit: All user config files is usually stored somewhere in /home/$USER/. And since all the programs, kde, xfce and gnome stores their config there, this question is about what files belong to the xfce desktop.
This is my guess of what files belong to the xfce desktop:
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May 30, 2011
Take a physical user FRED. FRED is a linux user ( known by linux on his laptop ) FRED is a Samba user ( Known by samba on the samba pdc server ) When he logs locally (with username/password) on its standalone laptop (with no network), he is known as FRED:user. He access his data in /home/FRED/. When he logs through samba (with username/password) on the domain MY_DOM, he is known as MY_DOMFRED:MY_DOMdomain user. He access his data in /home/MY_DOM/FRED/. ) Is it possible that the human FRED has only one repository and have full access to its repository regardless of how it was connected. If yes, how to do it
2) If not, Is it possible that the human FRED has full access to /home/FRED/.............. and /home/MY_DOM/FRED/.
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Sep 25, 2010
While I was trying to drag the Desktop icon to the places sidepane in nautilus file browser so that I can have it above Documents icon, I accidentally dropped it in Documents icon. I immediately deleted the "Desktop" shortcut that was created in "/home/user/Documents" but it was too late already and the damage has been done. When I try to create a new document on my desktop, it says "Error while coying to Desktop There was an error getting information about the destination. Show more details Error stating file '/home/user/Documents/' Desktop':No such file or directory" Now, I know that my desktop now is pointing me to a location in Documents folder which doesn't exist at all. I tried looking for any available settings/options in gconf-editor, but only in vain.
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Apr 15, 2010
I was reading [URL] which as the following in "Warning": Warning It is not a good idea to configure InnoDB to use data files or log files on NFS volumes. Otherwise, the files might be locked by other processes and become unavailable for use by MySQL. What does that mean, and how can one configure or check to ensure the above is being followed?
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Jan 21, 2010
Prelude: OpenSUSE 11.2 (, installed Novell client 2.0 SP2 (novell-client-2.0-sp2-sle11-i586.iso).
I found that if any usual user is logged into a NDS-tree, then _local_ root has full access to user's network shares, including the user's home directory located on remote Netware-server. Is it by design or
have I missed something? Nevertheless in windows local admin has no access to network resources mounted of any other user. If you runas shell (as admin) then admin in principle can't "see" network shares which were mounted (connected) by other users - they are accessible ("visible") per session.
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Apr 23, 2010
I was wondering if there is a program or just a simple copy and paste from somewhere that will allow me to move my favorites and other data from my opera on xp.
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Jun 23, 2010
forums so I'm not sure this is the right place for this topic.So, my question/topic thing is:I have a PHP script that runs on an apache2 web server (www-data).From this script, i want to launch a process that stays alive all the time,ut the parent script keeps on going. So I think I will need to run a command like 'at' to put the process on a queue, and the script can continue and finish, without waiting for the process to stop. But it seems like I will need to run the 'at' command as a different user, because www-data stops the 'atd' process. I'm not sure about that. Does anybody know how this could happen?
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Jul 8, 2010
How can I transfer data from one user account to the other? I wish to delete one of the accounts but before that I want to transfer all the data in that account to the other account so that my data is saved.
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Jul 20, 2011
I'm looking for a Linux command that can change ownership of all files belonging to a given user,preferably in a targeted directory, to another specified user. My dream command would look something like this. chuser -R --olduser tom --newuser jerry
This is my scenario... I have a backup file (.tgz) with user and group information preserved in it. It was taken from a web server running Apache and MySQL. The files in the backup are from across the system and contain files from several different users and several system type accounts and it is key that when restored on the new server the settings are not lost. The problem is that the users on the machine the files are being restored to don't match the ones in the backup file. For instance both machines had a MySQL user but they have different user ids and there are several user ids that existed on both machines that belong to different users. This means there is no way to sync the users on the new machine to the ones on the old machine. I can find all the users files with the find command like this...
find /decompressed-backup-dir -uid 1050
find /decompressed-backup-dir -user tom
If, as I suspect, there is no way to do what I want with a single command then perhaps there is a way to pipe the results of the find command to another command to handle the ownership change?
I could do this with a PHP script but there are 4GB and tens of thousands of files in the backup so I don't want to use PHP or Perl but I would be happy with a shell script that could handle it.
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Jan 12, 2011
I was making some tests and I could see that ubuntu software management systems doesn't delete user data when uninstalling applications, only the binary packages.
e.g. reinstalling Thunderbird won't delete the email accounts info.
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Jul 21, 2011
I'm attempting to write a web service that works only on my LAN and is not accessible via the internet. I need to restart the DHCP service without granting full root access, but I'm having trouble using the [/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart] command. It gives back a failure message that reports nothing:
$ /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart
dhcpd self-test failed. Please fix the config file.
The error was:
Looking at the script itself, I found the command its trying to execute, and it came back with this:
$ /usr/sbin/dhcpd3 -t -cf /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf
drop_privileges: could not set group id: Operation not permitted
So I went and changed the dhcp: and dhcpd: AND www-data: in /etc/group so that www-data (The apache user) was part of the group, and still the init.d script wouldn't run.
I would prefer to NOT give passwordless access to the www-data user as I do other web services on this machine, however, giving access to stop my DHCP server is a risk I'm willing to take.
how can I restart the DHCP with apache so I can apply changes?
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Aug 23, 2011
I had a student, and she has done some work on her account on my lab computer, but has left the country and is un-contactable.
I have full administrator privileges for this machine, and it is running Ubuntu LTS 10.04
She has a folder which was copied from a windows formatted external hard drive (Probably NTFS) onto her home partition on my machine.
I can open all of her files, except for those in this folder.
As I see it the problem is either something to do with the permissions of the files (coming from NTFS), or some kind of Ubuntu security that I am unaware of?
Here are my attempts to open it code...
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Feb 25, 2010
How can I access files of my Windows desktop from Ubuntu desktop while using Ubuntu?
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Jul 29, 2010
I applied some changed to the MOTD in /etc/update-motd (including removing the canonical mention in ./python2.6/dist-packages/landscape/sysinfo/landscapelink.py). After updating the system I found that all my changes had been deleted without any warning. Is there a way around this nonsense?
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Aug 26, 2010
I booted into Windows 7 three times this summer and each time I did, upon restart grub was missing. In fact, the computer couldn't find any operating system, and displayed an error "No Module Name Found".
how to make windoze not commit suicide and delete grub?
I have a Dell Studio 1557.
:~$ uname -a
Linux dell-monsters 2.6.32-24-generic #41-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 19 01:38:40 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux
:~$ sudo fdisk -l
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Feb 20, 2011
Is there a method at the command line to copy files from one location to another and retain the source files group and user?I'm migrating some MySQL files from one machine to another.I want to back-up the original files in the directory presently. They have owner:group of mysql, some have owner:group root:mysql and so on. To copy them under cli or Nautilus everything changes to root for I execute sudo cp or gksudo nautilus and copy via gui.
Since it is MySQL data I could simply do a dump of the database and restore it on the other machine. But there's about 20 db's and I want to do this via a copy for it will be faster - at least that is what I think.
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Oct 12, 2010
I have searched and searched for answers to this question, but I can't find what I'm searching for anywhere. At least with the search terms I'm using.So, my question is, is there a backup software for Linux that backs up not only a user's home folder, etc, but also the user's applications, and its associated data.
I am about to upgrade my mother's computer to Lucid, but I don't want to do that until I can find a backup solution that will ensure she doesn't lose any of her application data. She has a lot of apps on her netbook, so just finding out where each individual app stores its data and backing it up is kind of out of the question. Unless every app that the end-user uses (that isn't run as root, obviously) stores its data in the home folder, then it would be easier.Honestly, I use a Mac and I guess I'm just used to the simplicity of Time Machine, which certainly backs up applications, application data, user data, and even extra executables in all the /bin folders (which Macs don't typically use to store most applications). I've heard TimeVault is like Time Machine, but when I tried to use it on her computer, it wouldn't work because it wasn't compatible with the version of Ubuntu that was (and still is) on her computer.
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Feb 28, 2010
I have deleted sda1, sda2 as they were XP partitions that I no longer wanted to use (yay!). After doing so, when I rebooted I just got a blinking cursor. I was able to boot with the Ubuntu 9.10 install CD, and found that I could elect to boot from the first hard drive, and in doing so the usual grub menu was displayed, and I could boot to my Ubuntu 9.10 partition (sda5 inside of sda3 extended partition). So, noobid that I am, I figured I would try to 'fix' grub. ran commands grub>root (hd0,4); grub> setup(hd0)
Now, when I reboot, it goes directly to the grub command line, no multiboot menu, and I cannot find a way to boot to my Ubuntu partition. The partition is still there, though, as I've checked from the Ubuntu CD.
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Sep 15, 2010
Under 8.04 lts moving a file to Trash under Gnome/Nautilus resulted in the file being moved to the Trash directory, from where I could then delete it. It was an extra layer of protection against mistakes.
Now when I right click on a file and choose move to Trash, it deletes immediately without the protection.
I see no way to turn it back on. Is this a change in the way Nautilus is meant to work, or is there a switch someplace to put it back?
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Nov 7, 2010
Each time I boot into Windows 7 on my dual-boot setup (the other OS being Ubuntu Maverick), the computer is no longer able to boot. I can use Windows fine that once, but after shutting down and restarting it simply loops during boot in the pattern OEM screen, power off, power on, OEM screen, power off, power on... you get the idea.
I have read that this is due to Windows (or a program inside Windows) "fixing" the Master boot record (MBR) each time it loads - and in doing so, deleting GRUB. Thing is: on my other laptop the exact same dual-boot setup works fine. My problem laptop is a Samsung R780. My guess is that it's a specific program on my laptop, as oppose to Windows in general, which is doing it, so I was hoping that you could help me either identify the problem program or secure the MBR against Windows writing to it (if that is possible).
I can, of course, fix GRUB each individual time it is destroyed by installing it again using the Ubuntu live CD, but this is obviously not a permenant solution as, upon the next boot of Windows, it is destroyed again.
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Mar 11, 2011
I was using Ubuntu and installed Opensuse 11.4. I have installed Pidgin 2.7. I copied the old .purple directory from Ubuntu into my Opensuse home directory. But now the Pidgin is not reading the data, logs and configuration from the .purple directory.
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Jan 7, 2011
Since recently I have installed windows (dont worry I will be back to ubuntu soon enough but I've ran into some trouble), I had installed windows on my main hard disk (I couldn't install windows on my 2nd hard disk for some reason).
There were 2 partitions on the main hard disk, 1 which had all my data and another which had all the system fyles for ubuntu on it I believe.
Now I deleted the small system fyle partition and installed windows over it thinking I'd have all my data on the other partition when I needed.
But when I started up ubuntu with a live USB (I had made it prior to deinstalling ubuntu because I wanted to go back asap) and browsed my files, I noticed that I couldn't get to my private data anymore!
The /home/user partition is still there but it only has a file in it which says something like "recover-private-data.desktop" but when I double click it (made it executable) it just pops up a terminal real fast and disappears.
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May 29, 2011
I have a number of queries but will start with one. I presently operate 11.04 Classic (no effects). OS is NOT set up as dual boot. As I am considering purchasing a new Desktop, I am wondering what is the best way to recover such things as folders, Firefox bookmarks etc. for four users.
I do have a external HDD which I guess could be used for a possible backup if that is the way to go! The new computer will probably have Windows 7 installed with which I assume I would probably dual boot.
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May 4, 2011
I have a school project to write a horse racing program, where the user can type their name, bet money, etc. However, after storing the user's name, it will delete itself after a few more instructions. So when I try to read back the user's name, it it blank. just this one section:
printw("Welcome. Name?
scanw("%s",name1); //ask for name
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Jul 20, 2011
a server at work has been accessed through the desktop environment as root. I know this is a risk and since I have never done it before I was wondering if there are any files created by the desktop that could compromise the system and how could I clean it up.
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