Programming :: C++ - Store A Text File In A Data Structure?
May 25, 2009
I am writting a program that reads a text file (music.txt) & stores it in a Data Structure. I am a novice learning over the internet so I this is something I have never done. How do I do this?
Write a program that reads the data from the music.txt file and store it in a data structure. To implement this data structure you must use an array of songs and each song must be represented by a struct with appropriate fields. So far all I can do is open to file to read it (very simple I know) but so far is it correct?
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <strstream>
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Jan 25, 2010
I wanna learn how to store data in text file and be able to modify it and save as well using C++.
Note: im using Turbo C++ 3.0
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Nov 15, 2010
Options:A double linked list with fixed size character arrays. New nodes will be added when previous ones get filled. Dynamic arrays using realloc(). Linked list has the disadvantage of not having an O(1) search like an array but I think using realloc() will be more dangerous since it moves the whole block to a new location and if the new location is not big enough to hold the whole block, realloc fails !! this case will not occur with the linked list since its nodes are scattered.
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Feb 6, 2011
I'm wondering how it is possible to read each line from a text file, and then store each line separately in a list, using C++?
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Oct 1, 2010
I have a mxn matric (which is my simplified way of saying it is RAM with bytes on it) Some of the locations on this metric is filled with some data and some places are empty. The mxn are very big numbers in size. I am trying to make a program so that if a system call wants to write some thing on empty locations on this mxn metric it should be able to do so without any problem. The thing which I want to understand or logic of a data structure is what data structure do you people feel should I be maintaining so that I can allocate the requested space immediately from the above mxn matric when some system call requests for some (k) number of locations from above metrics.
The logic initially I thought was to maintain a hashtable
1bytes requested----------> location 1,location 2,location 3.........location n
2bytes requested----------> location 1,location 2,location 3.........location n
3bytes requested----------> location 1,location 2,location 3.........location n
but the problem with above logic is size of the pointers where I will be writing this problem is unsigned 64 byte.So to know location of one free byte if I am maintaining one pointer of type u64 this is not a feasible solution.
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Aug 5, 2010
trying read serial COM port and want to write that received data to file, now its writing only one sentence, but i want to write full file which coming on serial port, as i'm sending file from hyper terminal and reading on linux pc, If i put while loop its not writing anything,without while loop its writing only one line and if send big file then application terminates and then writes to file.But i need do write any size which coming on serial port.Finally i want write full file which is coming on hyper terminal, after writing the file it has wait for next data. This is my code,
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
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Jul 1, 2010
I need a loop that pulls out the user name into a variable and then pulls out the LastUpdate field into another variable so I can then perform a comparison against the last update field. Requirements are AIX tools including AWK, SED and Perl I am writing a script to check AIX users password expiration dates and if they are within the alerting period (ie. 7 days etc) it will email the user. I will release the full script into the public domain once completed. The text file I want to parse is formatted like:
password = XSON0m4SdIQDw
lastupdate = 1260829398
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May 15, 2009
Is it possible to create a text based menu layout in bash were it is possible to browse through. The menu list should look something like this:
user: root
colour: blue
number: 4
animal: dog
At the start the cursor should blink at the r from root so that text can be entered. When pressing the enter the cursor should go to the b from blue and so on. the imported thing is that all the text is visible also beyond the position from the cursor.
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Apr 2, 2010
Does anyone know of a C Language Data Structure Tutorial? I have not been able to find anything much to speak of myself.
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Jul 30, 2011
I am trying to store the data in my program in a map of priority_queues an I am having a bit of trouble doing it. basically I am storing activities (ie watching tv, eating dinner, playing ping-pong, etc) and I want these event grouped by the day that they happened on.
my first thought was to use a multimap where the key is the date, and the value is the activity, however I would like to keep the activities in a specific order. I have tried to find the proper syntax for this but have frustratingly come up empty. Even google provided little assistance.
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Mar 24, 2011
I have a requirment where I have to store some data before the system goes to hibernate.
How the kernel intimates to the application when it goes to hibernate. Is there any event or a signal that kernel posts to all applications?
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Jun 21, 2010
I am in deeply need of queue (linear data structure) in shell script. How can I implement this ??
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Feb 15, 2011
I'm working with Radiotap headers right now. I want to get the RSSI data. I came through a problem that I can't figure out right now.The value that I need to get is:
now, when I printf it:
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Dec 8, 2009
I have two students whose windows laptops are riddled with malware and not working properly. They want me to help them install Linux (which we use in school), but they are concerned about their iTunes.
Having avoided iPods as "defective by design", I know nothing about iTunes whatsoever. However I remember reading about DRM locking and such problems that have me concerned that I won't be able to do it.
Where does iTunes store its stuff?
Can I copy its data store to an external drive, and then into a linux home?
Then will it work on wine, or can another manager (rhythmbox etc) access the itunes data?
Alternatively, if I partition the drive and install linux, can rythmbox/wine/something access itunes data on the win partition?
Supposing they are buying music through iTunes, what will happen to that account?
Finally, one of them has an iphone. Does that work with linux?
Ironic that an apple application is blocking migration away from windows.
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Nov 30, 2009
I've already used line split stuff to transform my data into something like this in a text file:
['1', '1', '3', '20.7505207']
['2', '1', '3', '23.0488319']
['3', '1', '3', '-1.5768747']
['4', '1', '3', '-26.4772491']
How can I get this on a python program so I can manipulate it as an array?
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Apr 23, 2010
Is it possible to have the passwd file for svnserve encrypted, rather than store the usernames/passwords in plain text?
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May 24, 2011
every-time i try to install, i get this
Error executing command
>>command=C:Windowssysnativecdedit.exe /create/d Ubuntu/application bootsector
>>stderr=The boot configuration data store could not be opened
The system cannot find the file specified
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Jan 28, 2009
I have a text file called file1.txt containing many lines eg.
Then i have another text file called file2.txt contains
Is there a command to remove the lines in file1.txt based on the keywords in file2.txt? note: It should remove line3,line5,line6 based on 3,5,6
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Mar 4, 2010
i m trying to store h.264 in avi container using it possible using ffmpeg.i m using v4l to capture a image and compressed in to h.264, how i can store it in avi container,any programming example,header format for avi container,and what other information required to store in a container.
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Mar 20, 2009
I want to read an ftp site [URL]...and download the sub-directory structure and ONLY the tagfiles to the local directory.
| |aaa_base-12.2.0-noarch-1.tgz
| |aaa_base-12.2.0-noarch-1.tgz.asc
I tried wget + grep but that didn't work too well.
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Nov 25, 2008
How to write a shell script the would search for a phone no using at the end text file using sed or awk and store it in a varaible or print it.
The text file is in this form
The first line may take any form but the last line will always be Firstname Lastname:KEN:+254456789
I would like to seach for the Phone and store it in a variable and print it.
The phone no will alway be preceeded by ":+"
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Jan 25, 2011
I've got 4 identical 1 TB drives and would like to use them in a software RAID configuration on my home server. I'm running Debian Linux using 'mdadm' utility to manage the software RAID. I don't know how much I've read is fact or dated or even false so I decided I would ask here to get help from people who know more about this than I do. This is essentially just a file server machine to store all my data so being that I've got four identical SATA hard drives, I was thinking about doing RAID level 5. I guess I'll start here and ask if that is the recommended level of RAID. I think RAID level 5 will be fine for my general server usage. My second issue is partitioning the four individual drives to get maximum performance / space from them. Basically just asking here how would you or you recommend I partition the drives? I was thinking about doing three seperate partitions per drive:
/dev/sda1 = 4 GB (swap)/dev/sda2 = 1 GB (/boot)/dev/sda3 = 995 GB (/)Now from that partition schema above, obviously all the types will be 'fd' for RAID and the partition for /boot is going to be bootable. My confusion is that I read Grub doesn't support booting from RAID 5 since Grub can't handle disk assembly. If /dev/sdx2 (sda2, sdb2, sdc2, sdd2) are partitioned for /boot (bootable), how would you guys configure this RAID to match up equally? I don't think I do a RAID level 1 on 4 identical partitions, right?
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Jan 19, 2009
I need to insert 3-4 lines of text to the beginning of a text file. The file is a largish MYSQL dump, the result of a backup shell script. This shell script should insert the required text.I've wrestled with sed, but lost.
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Jan 13, 2010
I have to delete a certain line of text from the a textfile via ubuntu's shell scripting.I have done research, and it seems that most people advocate the usage of sed /d option. sed makes does not edit the text file. Hence, most options I discovered involved the use of a temporary variable/textfile and then overwriting the old file with the temporary new file. Is there anyway whereby I can bypass the use of temporary storage containers? I hope there is any magical combination of commands to edit the file directly.
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Jan 8, 2011
I want to display something in my text view widget in glade using c code. that's all right.
now I need to attach a save button beneath the text that on click the text view content should save as a txt file..
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Feb 9, 2011
I want to display the contents of a particular log file (simple text file, I mean in Linux). But there is a problem: The contents need to be organized in a fixed format. Have a look at this log file:
User Name: XYZ
Reported Problems Description: Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah!
So, while displaying the contents of above file on a web page, I want to format the field names found in the log file: User Name:, Reported Problems Description:, and Remarks:. These fields may contain a variable length of text and no specific line number is assumed for them to appear on.
The desired output should look like this:
User Name: XYZ
Reported Problems Description: Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah! Blah!Blah!
Well, what I am trying to do may sound wierd to some of you. The filed "Reported Problems Description:" can possible contain text which embeds colon (.
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May 3, 2010
a sed command to add a text before line number in text file? I have text file with 500 lines, and i want to add 3 more lines with text after line 300, OR before line 302, isn't no problem.
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Feb 20, 2010
I have created a file using open() and written data to it. Data appears as normal characters in the file. How to save these characters in a binary format in that file using C language? Here I mean that the characters should be actually stored as 0 and 1. Do I have to convert the whole data using some function or there is some standard way to do it in Linux?
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Mar 22, 2010
I'm trying to write a shell script which finds bits of data from a text file. at the moment i'm using grep and basically i need a function which will look through the text file and take the data out of it. the file has days, months, years etc and i want it so i can type feb 06 and it finds all of the data for feb 06.
the problem i have is i can type feb and all the information comes back for feb, but i can't get it more precise e.g. feb 2009 and it finds just feb 2009, it seems to ignore that latter half. I've tried experimenting with egrep and having two inputs but i can't seem to fuse them together, it only takes the first input.
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Apr 13, 2010
I'm having a slight dilemma on reading data from a text file and outputting it into a table then displaying it. Basically I'm writing a shell script that takes information from text files then outputs the data into a table with 4 headings. The extracting of the data is fine, but creating a table i'm having problems with. My code extracts the data outputs the string to another file which works fineThe text file looks like this
mr smith 1 purchase oct 2007
mrs smith 2 purchase nov 2006
i want it to look like this
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