General :: How To Triple Boot XP, Ubuntu, RHEL 5.4
Aug 14, 2010
trying to triple boot XP, Ubuntu, RHEL 5.4but unable to bring every thing in boot loader.* It loads XP with Ubuntu successfully or XP with RHEL 5.4 but not all the three.* when I install XP followed by Ubuntu then RHEL, I am not having a primary partition to install RHEL. It stops there.* I tried to copy the kernel path of ubuntu from grub.cfg in ubuntu and tried to edit in grub.conf file of rhel and added an entry but it displays in boot loader [start screen where it displays all OS listed] but unable to boot ubuntu [unable to load ubuntu kernel].Current situation reformat all Linux partitions and installed Ubuntu with below partition. installed successful. But rhel not installed due to error.Partition table:
/dev/hda1 > XP [primary patition][can boot and work]
/dev/hda2 > Ubuntu [primary patition][can boot and work]
/dev/hda5 > swap for ubuntu [secondary partition]
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Jun 22, 2010
So I just bought a 500GB HDD, now I want to use these three OS on my PC. I know how to dual-boot XP with 7, but i'm new to linux. BTW, would i need 3 partitions for these 3 Operating systems (1 for each) or can i install Ubuntu in one of those two windows partitions? (eg. C: XP&ubuntu, D: 7). What would be the easiest & fastest to do? And how to do it?
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Nov 28, 2010
I install Win7 firstthen I install Ubuntu in a separate partition it run ok with grublast i install fedora in a separate partition it run with 2 choice win7 and fedoraI use hiren boot cd to boot with mini linux and run grub 2.0 application on it.i set up and run i only use Win7 and booot linux error.
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Feb 3, 2010
I need to find the best way to triple boot XP Win7 and Debian, with Debian installed first on my laptop. VMWare, Wine and Cedega cant do what I need with how I run my laptop, which is equivalent to my portable laptop/workstation. Is there a partitioning tool in Debian that I can install to make a small partition for each? I also hace to set up GRUB instead of the Windows BL.
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May 2, 2010
I'm a newb and have ambitions for a triple boot with MAC/W2K/#! 9.04. I first installed Ubuntu on C600 laptop and then switched to Crunchbang 9.04 since the Dell is lacking any ooomph. Now I'm trying to triple boot an HP Pavilion a330n (AMD Athlon, non-SATA board which has created problems getting Leopard to play nice, but that's another story). I removed the HD from the C600 (W2K) and replaced it with another running only #!. I installed the W2K laptop drive as master on the HP desktop with a 120GB IDE drive as slave. The 120GB drive has been partitioned for 4: MAC (35GB, ext3), W2K (35GB, NTFS), #! (40GB, ext3) and Linux-Swap (remainder, ext3).
Now to the question: I was planning on using the DD command to "xcopy" the W2K drive to the W2K partition. Sounds simple. I am trying to use the following:
dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/dev/sdb3 bs=4096 conv=notrunc,noerror
To back up a step, I saw somewhere else suggesting to boot live and run off the CD to facilitate this since I'm manipulating both hard drives. Since I'm working live, I've had some trouble sorting out password issues with root. I managed to change the root password (I know - dangerous, but only for this session anyway). Each time I try to execute the dd command, I get nada. No activity. The cursor drops below the root@crunchband:~$ prompt and just blinks. There is no important information to be lost on either drive per se, but have lost the W2K install CD long ago which is why I need to use DD anyway.
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Aug 15, 2010
I have installed Linux Mint 9 within Win XP and have installed an additional HDD as a Slave on the same IDE cable as my DVD drive. I installed ubuntu on to the additional HDD using the live CD and when I try to boot the computer I am greeted by two versions of GRUB?! First version appears to be the one that comes with Mint and so asks me to boot either Windows or Mint, when I select Mint I get ubuntu's version of Grub, it asks me to boot one of three OS's; here's where it gets weird:
Top of screen says:
GNU GRUB Version 1.98-1ubuntu5-1mint2
If I select Win, it boots fine. If I select Mint it boots fine however if I select Ubuntu it says:
error: no such device
error: file not found
error: you need to load the kernel first
I pressed "e" within grub and was faced with this:
insmod ntfs
set root ='(hd1,1)'
search --no floppy --fs-uuid --set f6422203421e479
loopback loop0 /linuxmint/disks/root.disk
setroot =(loop0)
linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.3-21-generic root =dev/sdb1 loop=/linuxmint/disks/root.disk ro quiet splash
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Jan 25, 2011
I pretty much know nothing at all about partitioning hard-drives and unspeakably less about linux as a whole. but i really want to get into it. (The HP Mini 311 is what i am using)
Okay so a couple of days ago (before i had ever heard of Ubuntu, or even thought i could ever use Linux based software). I had been Dual-Booting OSX Snow Leopard and Windows 7, while using Chameleon boot-loader, on my HP Mini 311. Even though my sound-card and network adapter do not work while running Snow Leopard.
I followed this guide for dualboot: [url]
So i heard about the new Linux Os Ubuntu, and after trying it for about 3min on a USB i was sold. So i began to make my HP a triple-boot now with OSX Snow Leo, Windows 7, and Ubuntu.
I did this by recreating the same dual-boot system as before, but this time saving room for Ubuntu to be installed to my hard drive, after SnowLeo and Win7.
I got this to work perfectly by creating a 4th partition for Ubuntu and a 5th for swap area.
Here is where my problem lies... I saw this tutorial for dual-booting Win7 and Ubuntu, while making another partition so that windows and ubuntu can share the same files.
Once i tried doing this on my triple-boot(adding ubuntu partition, swap partition, and a "storage" partition, on top of the 3 partitions i created during dual-boot setup) My Windows 7 stopped booting. I read somewhere that hdds can only have like 3 primary partitions, which is the only kind of partition i know how to use. so i was thinking maybe i could put this storage partition in another mount location, such as /home or /usr, because i think the added partitions is what messed up my Windows 7 boot. My only problem is i have no idea what different mount positions are used for, nor how to use them properly.
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Jul 14, 2011
I want to have LinuxMint, Fedora and OpenSUSE installed alongside Windows 7, and have the option to choose which one to boot from some sort of bootloaderow can I set up a bootloader (let's say, grub, or the windows bootloader) to be able to correctly boot all 4 OSs? And imagine I add Slackware to another partition, will I be able to easily add Slackware to the bootloader
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Apr 13, 2011
I'm not exactly a newbie to Linux and it's OS, I have been using Ubuntu since the 8.xx release. I have two hard drives in my system, Hard Drive #1 is the primary drive and is 250GB, this hard drive is only used for Windows 7 Pro 64bit. The second hard drive is 320GB and split into two partitions. The first half has Windows XP Pro on it and the second partition has Ubuntu 10.04 on it. Both are split evenly at 160GB each. Here's how I did it, I first started by loading Windows XP Pro onto second hard drive, using the entire drive, once all updates and settings were applied I then installed Windows 7 Pro 64bit onto the first hard drive and used it fully. Once all settings and updates were applied I restarted the computer and it loaded directly into Win7, which is to be expected. I opened my computer, browsed through the second drive to make sure all files were intact.
I then downloaded and created a USB installation drive for Ubuntu 10.04. After the creation of the USB drive I proceeded to install Ubuntu 10.04 on my second drive, using half the space for Windows XP Pro, and half the space for Ubuntu 10.04. After that was all setup and done, I restarted one last time. Low and behold Ubuntu 10.04 and Windows 7 both appear on the boot menu, however Windows XP Pro does not. I panicked for a few short seconds but after logging into Windows 7 I realized all my XP Pro files where safe. So now I have 2 hard drives with 3 operating systems. Hard drive one has Windows 7 only and hard drive 2 is split between XP Pro and Ubuntu. However I cannot get Windows XP Pro added to the boot menu no matter how hard I try. I'm not entirely confident using the terminal as I am just starting to learn programming, but I know how to enter the commands and get things moving.
Every website that I look at tells me I need to start by editing some grub/menu.lsd, which for some reason does not exist or is "invalid directory". Some websites say I need to run "sudo apt-get grub-update", which again is an invalid command. Here's what I need. A step by step tutorial on how to add my XP into the loading menu. Example of step by step includes "Step 1: Open Terminal" and etc... It needs to be basic and down to earth. Don't just tell me to run codes and type a bunch of junk because that doesn't seem to work for me. I do not know what (hd,0) or (hd,1) means, but assuming the websites are correct, (hd,0) would be my Windows 7 HD and (hd,1) would be my Windows XP/Ubuntu HD?
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May 13, 2011
I currently have an Acer Aspire One netbook 120GB drive which came with Linpus lite preloaded. I have set-up dual boot a year or so ago. It now dual boots to either Linpus or Vista (yes I know!) via the Linpus grub.conf ( I got the instructions I think from here: [URL] I want to get the latest Ubuntu 11.04 build on this as a third boot option. If this work OK I may ditch the Linpus or Vista build at some point. So I've used Gparted on a USB drive to setup up three extended Logical Partitions (sda5, 6 and 7).
I then loaded Ubuntu s/w via an external drive with
/boot on 100MB /sda5
Swap on 1GB /sda6
/ on the 40GB+ /sda7
When I was asked for the bootloader location in the Ubuntu install gui I chose /sda5 (out of complete ignorance) All fine at this point. What do I have to get the linpus lite /boot/grub/grub.conf to see and start ubuntu?? Or is there something else I need to do?? Also, how does Ubuntu know which swap partition to use, as there is already one for the linpus lite install.
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Sep 10, 2010
I have a Computer, It came with Windows 7 64bit on it. I installed Ubuntu through WUBI. I used the Windows Disk Management program to resize my HDD. I shrunk the main drive and created a 20 gig free space. I installed WindowsXP on this 20g space. I had to change from AHCI to ATA. I started my new XP installation. As I should have expected my the screen that let me pick between Windows 7 and Ubuntu was gone, and it just said XP. Well thats cool. I get in XP use bcdeasy and use the install Win7 to mbr. So I restarted. Great I now I have Ubuntu and Win7... but no XP. So i think, okay, ill boot into Ubuntu, use the update grub command and XP will be there, so i do it and restart. No XP, So i try to boot into Win7 and see if i can do something in there.. No luck it says it can't boot and takes me to a startup recovery thing. Which, as Windows recovery things tend to do, doesn't find anything wrong. So I have Ubuntu now, which is great, but I do need Windows.
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May 10, 2011
I'm currently on a work trip with my Asus G72GX laptop for non-work use (I'm posting from my work laptop). Yesterday, I accidentally booted into my laptop's recovery partition (from the Grub2 bootloader). Before I realized that that's what was happening, it booted into some kind of recovery program which ended up in an error. I restarted the laptop and couldn't get into the bootloader anymore. Now, the only thing that comes up is an error -- "error: unknown filesystem." Below that, it gives me the "grub rescue>" prompt. Most of the commands that sites list for grub rescue only return "Unknown command". ls works and lists all of my partitions: (hd0), (hd0,msdos, (hd0,msdos7), etc. down to msdos1. When I "ls (hd0,msdos" (etc, etc) it says "error: unknown filesystem."
I then started looking into booting from a Live Ubuntu USB drive. I've tried 11.04 and 10.04 now and they both do the same thing. I put them on an 8GB flash drive (only 1 at any given time) using Universal USB Installer and was able to get to the Ubuntu menu (Run Ubuntu from this USB, Install Ubuntu on a Hard Disk, etc.) If I try either "Run Ubuntu" or "Install Ubuntu", the screen flickers and comes right back to that menu.BTW, my 3 operating systems are: Windows 7 HP 64-bit, Mythbuntu 10.10 64-bit, and Windows XP 32-bit. Laptop hardware: Core 2 Duo P8700 2.53GHz, 6GB RAM, Nvidia 8800 GTX video card.
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Apr 27, 2009
I have 4 partitions in my system, out of which two(sda1, sda2) have windows on them. I have installed RHEL 4 32 - bit on sda3 and after that , installed installed RHEL 64-bit on to a partition sda 5. Now i am unable to boot into RHEL 32-bit. The error i am getting is Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format.
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Jan 4, 2010
does anyone know that if i can boot from an external hard drive with "openSUSE" installed on it?
how about FireWire, will it work?
i'm trying to set up a triple boot for me newly bought iMac.
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Jan 19, 2010
I've decided to triple boot on my system, but I want to make sure it's feasible. Here's my set-up: I've got two 500GB hard drives, and a good amount of power to handle the OS's. I want to set-up Ubuntu as my main OS on a single hard drive. Then, I want to put XP and 7 on the second hard drive, side-by-side. Obviously, I would then want a bootloader to display an option at system start to pick either one.
The reason I want all these is for gaming mainly, and Netflix. I've got old games that only work on XP, and some newer games are coming out that I'm sure will run better on Windows 7 (Starcraft 2 is going to be amazing!). I found this documentation: [URL]. It's obviously for dual booting Windows and Ubuntu. My question is, can I triple boot Ubuntu, Windows XP and Windows 7? If so (and I'm positive I can) are there any good resources for the process?
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Apr 5, 2010
i'm currently dual booting windows xp and ubuntu with ubuntu installed first. is it possible to triple boot with opensuse 11.2?
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Jan 14, 2010
I've installed RHEL 5.3 on a Dell Desktop. I don't want to install GRUB to the MBR. Is there a way to boot up RHEL from a floppy?I've installed GRUB on to a floppy but not having much luck starting up RHEL. In the past Slackware has allowed me to startup the kernel from a floppy using LILO. I was hoping that there is way for RHEL too.
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May 26, 2010
shut down my RHEL 4 system with an error still present in the /etc/fstab file. Current symptom: When I now try to boot, everything hangs when "Enabling swap space". Highly likely, the reason is the failure to "Mount local filesystems" in the previous step (i.e. "mount point 0 does not exist" = error due to my incorrect line in the /etc/fstab file).Question: Is there any way that I can still boot my system, such that I can remove the incorrect line in the /etc/fstab file?
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Aug 12, 2010
I am running RHEL 5 on Vmware Workstation. That is i inslled Vmware Workstation on windows 7 and then in Vmware i installed RHEL 5 as a virtal machine. By mistake i made some wrong entry in my /etc/fstab file that is i was trying to automatically mount one folder under another folder. My syntax was wrong. So when i restart my RHEL 5 , at the boot time due to wrong entry in /etc/fstab system is giving file system error as follows:
Checking filesystems
fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'LABEL=/home/download'
fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'LABEL=/var/ftp/uploads'
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Feb 7, 2011
I Currently have Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10 on dual boot system, but I want to change that. I want Win 7, openSuse 11.3 and Ubuntu 10.10 on a triple Boot. I have a 500gb sata hdd. The Rough Plan was to 150gb for Win7, 150 for openSuse 11.3 (50gb for / and 100gb for /home) and same again for Ubuntu 10.10 and 50gb for Swap. I am using entire drive for 3 Operating Systems and Swap. I have read a few guides and they all say install win7 then opensuse then ubuntu, and thats fine but none say anything about partitioning. And one main problem is cant split into more than 4 different partitions.
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Jan 3, 2010
I have XP on sda1, Fedora 11 encrypted on sdb 1 (boot) and sdb 2 (root), I would like Ubuntu on sdc 1 (boot) sdc 2 (root). However when I tried to install from the cd the partition manager does not see my Fedora as an OS (I assume because it is encrypted). So my question is how can I achieve my triple boot without having to have my Fedora unencrypted. I want it encrypted for a reason.
Also I cancelled the installation for Ubuntu and it reverted to a Live cd and I tried to mount my Fedora encrypted drive. Ubuntu asked for the pass and when I entered it I get an error saying it cannot be mounted because it is not a mountable file system. This is not good for me because I would like to be able to access all my hdd's from both distro's.
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Jan 5, 2010
I want to triple boot Windows 7, Ubuntu and Moblin/whatever other fast booting OS I come across. At the moment, I've got Windows 7 and Ubuntu there. I can make free space for Moblin, but how would I configure GRUB 2 so it reads it too?
Moblin does have a GRUB, but I'm presuming that its the legacy version, not GRUB 2. How would I get the Ubuntu GRUB back as the main bootloader if that were the case?
This is just planning, there will probably be more question springing to mind later on.
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Feb 5, 2010
For completeness here's the history that got me to this point:
Stage 1
/dev/sda - disk with XP OS, set to be first boot disk in BIOS
/dev/sdb - a small data disk to supplement sda
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Aug 8, 2010
How would I install OSX on my PC so it would still boot to GRUB? And how would I add OSX to GRUB? Or should I use some other bootloader?
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Sep 11, 2010
I have (only bc i have to) windows vista, also Ubuntu 10.04 on the same drive, and dual-booting is no issue at all. But after I installed Mandriva 2010 to try to triple boot, i couldn't find Ubuntu anymore so I got rid of mandriva, and grub was messed up bc I deleted all mandriva partitions. So then I installed Xubuntu 9.10 (because it is a quick install) to recover grub, and with Xubuntu, Ubuntu, and vista, Grub sees all three OSes no problem. So what would I have to do to make Grub work this way when I install Mandriva?
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Nov 1, 2010
I've looked everywhere for a satisfactory answer, to no avail. I wish to triple boot xp/98/ubuntu 10.10. Is this an appropriate HDD setup? (it looks like this in partition magic pro srever 8.05)
*:SYSTEM........ NTFS......... primary ..........(for xp)
C:WIN98......... fat32 .........primary,active (for win98 )
*:UBUNTU....... LinuxExt3 ...Primary ..........(for Maverick Meerkat)
.........* Extended
............. *:SWAPSPACE2.... Linux swap .....logical
. ...........D: DATA................. fat32............. logical (for all things backup)
There is nothing on any of the drives at this point. (I am submitting this on a crappy 233mhz win95 laptop)
Here's the information i've gathered so far... Install in the following order: 98, XP, Ubuntu XP's drive label MUST be "SYSTEM" (I think?) Installing multiple os's is easy (i've read) if you hide unused partitions during install (ie. if installing XP, hide C:WIN98 and *:UBUNTU partitions) but i can only do this with FAT formats, and if i do that, the dirve letter changes, which is a problem (i suppose i could manually hide/unhide, and set active the partition I want at every boot-up....(Damn))
And here's a couple more questions SHOULD I make everything fat32? do they have to be primary to boot? ('98 on an inactive partition won't load) Once they are all installed... where do i put grub? Do i put it in first? Also, I deleted my dell utility partition to do this, is that a problem? (LOL, I have NO idea what I'm doing...Fck)
Like i said, finding information about the partition setup (logical/primary) is damn near impossible. Even if it's just a "Ya that'll do for a setup"
I'm gonna keep experimenting, since there's no longer anything to lose on my HDD, and i'll report back any improvements I come across
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Dec 21, 2010
I want to install a triple boot load consisting of Windows 7, Ubuntu 10.04, and Fedora.My question is, if I install Windows 7, followed by another distro, like Fedora, and then install Ubuntu 10.04, will the Ubuntu GRUB 2 menu display all three options?I know if I install Ubuntu and then install Fedora, I have to go through some heavy gyrations to get everything to show in the load menu, so it seems easier to install Ubuntu last.
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Feb 22, 2011
I wondered whether it is possible to add a PC-BSD system to my existing OS X 10.6.6 + UBUNTU (using rEFIt)
How to resize the partition with linux and installing PC-BSD 8.1 on my Mac?
First I installed OS X and updated it to 10.6.6
Then I created a BOOTCAMP-Partition using the bootcamp-utility
Then I installed rEFIt
Then I installed UBUNTU (and the dual-boot works very well)
Now I want to add a PC-BSD
May I change the partition-size of the UBUNTU-partition without destroying MBR oder rEFIt? If yes, will rEFIt recognize the newly installed PC-BSD?
Its sort of OSX+Multi-Linux. There is a wonderful page at [url] but unfortunately the section is not updated yet.
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Jan 2, 2011
I have been running dual boot Windows XP and Slackware for years but I recently changed things up a bit a "broke" something.
Windows XP is on it's own 250GB HDD. I installed Windows 7 on a seperate 74GB HDD but it appears that it installed the bootloader over top of the Windows XP bootloader on the 250GB HDD. Both OS's booted fine and that point. Then I partitioned the 250GB HDD into 150GB and 100GB leaving me 100GB to install Ubuntu. I told Ubuntu to stick it's bootloader on the 250GB HDD thinking everything would work like magic although there appears to have been a little bit too much magic. Normally Slackware will allow you to manually edit your Lilo config file during installation and add all your OS's but this didn't happen with the Ubuntu install.
After the install there were 5 options in the bootloader menu (at this point I am not even sure what bootloader it was using). Ubuntu, Ubuntu ("safe mode?"), memtest, more memtest, and Windows 7 (bootloader? it wasn't just called windows 7 but something like Windows 7 bootloader, I have only booted once and I am writing this from Ubuntu right now). I tried selecting Windows 7 at that point hoping that it would bring me to the Windows bootloader which would allow me to select from Windows 7 and Windows XP but the screen just went blank for a second or two and then sent me back to the same screen I was just at.
So a quick Google of Ubuntu bootloader led me to believe I was using Grub and I needed to look for the /boot/grub/menu.lst file and edit that but the file wasn't there. Then I tried running grub but I was informed it wasn't even installed. I thought maybe I would have better luck with Lilo but that wasn't installed either. So I installed Lilo and ran liloconfig but I was told that fstab gave a UUID that led Lilo to belive I wasn't using an ordinary block device and I should go fix that and come back afterwards. In fact the only thing in fstab was the ext4 partition with Ubuntu and the swap partition even though I have 4 sata drives installed with 6 separate partitions.
At this point I am pretty lost. Most of my Linux work is done in Parallels now on a Macbook so I haven't had to mess with the bootloader in years and when I did it was all on Slackware which to me is set up quite a bit differently than Ubuntu. I would be pretty sick if I screwed up and took out 3 OS's with it.
How Grub will handle booting both Windows OS's when Windows appears to be doing it with one bootloader.
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Sep 25, 2009
Environment:RHEL 5.2 and 5.4 AP x86_64, 2 drives (sda, sdb), installing without optional features like clustering and virtualization. I have tried this for a couple of days now and just can't get it to work. My goal is to take the RHEL 5.2 DVD and RHEL 5.4 DVD and install them on separate drives of the same machine. I want the grub menu to give me a choice. I prefer to understand the steps and choices offered me by the install dialog to do this rather than fiddle with grub.conf. If that is not possible, I will write up the bug.
So far, I just get the the error 13 when trying to start the grub added second OS. I have read elsewhere that "Anaconda frequently recognizes the other operating system and sets up grub so you can boot from either operating system". That would be nice. The install dialog lets me choose a drive to install to. I have figured out that I need to check "review and modify partitioning layout" to enter the advanced grub choices. Do I have it install a boot loader for the 1st OS? Trying to add the 1st OS during the second OS install creates a grub conf with no kernel line in the added boot stanza.
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