General :: Finding Connection Speed When Using Wvdial?

Jun 6, 2010

When connecting to the internet in Ubuntu 10.04 with an external USB dialup modem, using a terminal and sudo wvdial command, is there a command or some way that will show the modem connection speed?

I checked similar threads, but they don't appear to involve finding dialup modem speeds.

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General :: Finding The Speed Of The NIC?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a centos 5.2 that is running in the vmware ESXi host.

I like to confirm the NIC speed. I did a ifconfig -a and noticed txqueuelen:1000. Is that the nic speed?

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General :: Finding Out Max Internet Speed In Ubuntu

Jul 4, 2011

I have 512 kbps broadband.I want to find out the peak download speed I get.For example: during day time the speed is relatively low. At midnight the download speed rises abruptly. In windows xp I had netmeter which will save the peak value whenever it occurs. I don't want to find average speed.I have installed wireshark & iftop.How do I use them ?

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General :: Finding A Data Transfer Speed Of A System Using Squid?

Nov 16, 2009

How to find a data transfer speed of a system using squid?

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Networking :: How To Create A Proxy Connection, Wvdial

May 5, 2010

What I want to do is to share the internet connected to a computer with a telephone, over another telephone which is permanently connected to the pc.The thing is, that some guys found a way of making this on windows, in fact, I already set it up on xp and works like a charm, it involves configuring in a certain way the telephone, and to use 2 programs. One is CCProxy, which redirects the internet connection to the telephone, and another one, which updates the IP adress of the telephone connection to dyndns, so that I can put that adress on my second telephone as proxy, and this way, surf on the net through my home internet on the telephone anywhere. Tricky right?

Now, the thing is I don't like at all booting windows only for sharing internet with my telephone. So I want to do it in linux. I use Ubuntu and Puppy linux home.I tried setting up the connection to the modem with wvdial, and... I got connected! But hey, when I connect to the telephone, I lost my internet connection (main, cable based, the pc connection) :-S. I mean, somehow, the "active" connection for the browsers and all the internet programs is now the connection I have made with my telephone, which is plugged to the computer.Now my objective here is that NO CHANGE of active connections get done when I start the connection to the phone, and then, get a program like CCProxy, and a dyndns updater for sharing the internet connection on the pc, to the connection made on the telephone-modem wired to the computer.

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Ubuntu :: GSM Mobile Internet Connection Using Wvdial?

May 7, 2010

I use tata docomo as my carrier. I have activated GPRS and many people say that it works perfectly on a laptop with Windows. But I don't use windows. My service provider has not provided us with a username and a password. It works fine without these on the mobile and a laptop with windows. But when I use it on ubuntu 9.10 with wvdial, it exits saying required username and password. How do I overcome this problem.

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General :: Monitoring Internet Connection Speed?

Jul 30, 2010


I'm trying to find a good host for my site, and I've been trying to get one with a fast, reliable connection - I frequently use it as a proxy server for various areas, and since my connection is frequently a 50 Mb or 100 Mb line, I need a fast network connection so it doesn't slow down too much when I switch to the proxy server.

At the moment, I've narrowed it down to a couple of providers that are all within a few hops and <6ms away from my main location; it pretty much comes down to connection speed. One in particular that I'm trialing offers an metered 100100 connection at a good price, so I'm hoping to go with them, but I want to make sure the connection is solid and doesn't drop to a much lower speed during the day if they are sharing it among many users.

I have a pretty simple speed test procedure - I use wget on a 1GB file hosted on a backbone with a 1GB connection, and see how fast it downloads. For now, it's sticking at a steady 11.2 MBs or 90 Mbs, which is fast enough for me, but I need to make sure it can maintain that speed even in times of heavy usage.


Basically, I need a script that runs wget every half hour and logs the output and time in a reasonably readable format. It's probably something simple enough to do, but I'm just learning my way around the linux command shell, so some simple instructions on how to create and run such a script would be great [CentOS 5]. I have full root access to the server and I'm the only user on it if it matters.

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General :: Bandwidth Management - How To Limit Connection Speed

Jan 4, 2010

In my household a number of people use the internet. Up to a maximum of 3 wired connections and 2 wireless connections at its peak, all connection through my D-LINK G604T router. The problem is, when one person is downloading or watching ..... or whatever, the others using the internet suffer. I've spent hours configuring QoS on my router, and long story short, no matter how I configure it, it just simply does not work. QoS in no way shape or form limits connection speed (which it says it should). Anyway.

I have a spare computer under my desk, and I'd like to know if I could set this up with a (free) linux distro that limits bandwidth speed per connection. For example, of the 1500 kb/ps (about) my modem pulls, is there a way to limit that to 768 or 512 per connection? so person A can still download, person B can still watch ....., and person C can still play counterstrike with a latency under 100. This would solve many, many arguments in my house I am *fairly* good with computers, but if the distro came with documentation and a GUI that would be awesome.

* TL;DR: *
Is there a linux distro I can load on a spare computer that limits bandwidth per connection, wireless or otherwise, with good documentation?
Failing that is there firmware I can use for my modem (dlink g604t) that would do the same?
Failing that do you know of any good hitmen that would solve my family arguments, ahem, permanently?

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General :: Wireless Networking - Wi-Fi Connection Download Speed Is Cut In Half In Mint?

Sep 19, 2011

I have a pretty decent DSL connection that usually gave me about 105KB/second download speed over wifi. The "official" download speed was 1.5 megabits so I should have been getting a bit more, but that's not my question.

I recently switched to Mint from Ubuntu. Now my download speed is significantly slower, to the tune of 45 KB/second. Since the connection runs at normal speed when I connect via an ethernet cable, my guess is that mint doesn't give enough power to the wifi card. Is there any way I can fix that?

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General :: Get Wvdial To Run From /etc/network/interfaces?

Dec 23, 2010

I am using wvdial to connect to a mobile network (I have a usb modem) and it works fine. However, I wanted to automate the connection a bit (currently I am running wvdial every time I want to connect). I was wandering if there is a way to add this network to /etc/network/interfaces (in a truly Debian way) to have it connect on startup and/or whenever I connect my modem.

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General :: Install Wvdial In Ubuntu 9.10?

Feb 7, 2010

I just installed ubuntu 9.10 in my machine... in order to connect to internet(EVDO), through other forums i found out that i'd be requiring wvdial. So i downloaded its source file but i'm having problem installing it... also it seems that wvdial itself requires some other software installed earlier.

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General :: WVDIAL :Command Not Found

Aug 25, 2010

I am Using Fedora 13 on My acer aspire laptop. I want to connect to internet through my bluetooth Mobile(Airtel) When I type wvdial at the command prompt, I recieve a message as "Command Not found". I even created a script with name wvdial.conf in /etc. Method to connect to internet through Mobile Bluetooth.

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General :: Wvdial Is Not Connecting To Internet?

Jul 22, 2011

i am trying to connect Internet through wvdial using dialup connection(Xorg is off), m using Ubuntu 11.04 32 bit and Nokia 5130 xpress Music phone.....when i tried to connect with wvdial command , i got the error "subscribe to packet data first" error on is my wvdial.conf file...Quote:

[Dialer Defaults]
Modem = /dev/ttyACM0
Baud = 460800


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Ubuntu :: Speed Up MBWE Connection

Aug 1, 2010

I just bought a new WD MyBook World Edition 1TB and hooked it up to my windows 7. we're dual-booting with ubuntu (eventually hoping to VM windows) and i need to connenct to the mbwe. after hours of googling, i added this to /etc/fstab: //XXX.XXX.X.X/Public /mnt/Public nfs guest,_netdev 0 0 when i access my files on the mbwe it is superslow. speeding the connection up.

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Fedora :: Tweak Speed Of Broadband Connection?

Feb 11, 2011

Will this work in Fedora also to tweak the speed of broadband connection? [URL]

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Networking :: Any Way To Set Speed Limit For Internet Connection?

Jan 21, 2011

Me and my friend are using the same internet, sometimes he downloads something or watches a movie online. When he does that my internet connection becomes very weak. So is there any way to put limit on his computer? Like only 30kb/s

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Networking :: Strange Bug About Internet Connection Speed

Dec 22, 2010

I'm getting these strange answers from opera when I ask it what speed for download does it have. I am downloading fedora using ubuntu right now. Why opera tells me it's downloading with almost 200kb/s while the system monitor from ubuntu can't pass more than 110kb/s ...

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Networking :: Transfer Speed Of Wired Connection?

Apr 19, 2010

I recently setup my two PC's for network file sharing using Samba. I notice the max speed I can transfer a file is 89kb/s instead of 100Mb/s. How can I increase the speed to max 100Mb/s? Both systems are running Ubuntu 9.10 w/Samba.

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General :: Nokia 5300 Modem Using RHEL5..Wvdial 1.61

Aug 13, 2010

I m trying to show the power of linux to the world bt no body helps me after lots of googling i cant find a proper way to install rpm,gz,bz2 n etc software in linux. without any error. dependency,error,n lots of other problem that i have faced. so being on pt..from last 3 days i m trying to install Wvdial 1.61 bt i m unable to do it. some wvstreams.pc file stoping me. i m really frusted. being a new to linux no one can expect lots of searching by me me..from last 3 days i m just trying traying n only tying..every time Google rediectes me to this site.. This is my last try.

I had compile and install Wvstream.tar.gz file sucssesfully. mainly i dnt knw wheter it is done or undone..then i m trying to install wvdial as my main as put the command show some thing like could nt found wvstreams.pc...stop i had personally chk tht file in the pkgconfig folder bt it still shows me that error. i want to connect my cell phone to RHEL5 any how.. i want to use internet in linux..

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Debian Configuration :: Verify Link Connection Speed?

Aug 5, 2010

How to verify that Debian is running at 100 Mbps or 1000 Mbps? I can view the report from 'ifconfig eth0' but I can't see how fast the link has been established.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Download Speed On Wireless Connection

Jun 5, 2010

Basically the problem is a slow download speed over my wireless connection that does not occur in Windows Vista. The reason I'm so annoyed is that the speed is not constantly slow. It bursts at around 600kb/s (good for my internet connection). The problem is that while trying to download a file it bursts for about a second,then total throughput decreases to +/- 1kb/s for a few seconds, then another burst and so on. Note the file I'm downloading is a http:// download, not p2p or anything. I've attached a screenshot of the System Monitor.
Screenshot-System Monitor.png
Some additional info. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 with all available updates installed. The browser in use is Google Chrome.

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Ubuntu Networking :: View Network Connection Speed?

Nov 12, 2010

how to view my network connection speed. EG: 10/100/100 mbit. I searched and searched with no luck, I tried ethtool as well as mii-tool.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 - Low Download Speed On Wireless Connection

Feb 22, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my Dell Latitude D830 laptop using the Wubi installer. Everything seems to be working fine except for my wireless connection. When I plug in my wired connection and test on I get download speeds of 20MB/second. However, when I switch to my wireless connection, I barely break 1MB/second. I have an Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG wireless adapter. I have scoured this forum, Google, everywhere I can think of to find a solution and none seem to work for me. I love Ubuntu but this might be a deal breaker...

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Networking :: Throttle Client Connection Speed From NAT Server

Sep 5, 2010

I have about 5 computers on my network that get their internet connection from a Linux NAT server. is a Linux server that has a NAT set up to share the internet connection. is a download server that is almost always downloading - is assigned by DHCP to users.

I want to make it so that the download server runs at full speed but is throttled only when someone from the user IP addresses range tries to use the NAT server.I think I'm looking for some way to set the download server's packets to have a lower priority than the client's packets. Is there a way to set this in the Linux server?

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Networking :: Any Program To Limit Download Speed Per Connection?

Mar 29, 2011

I need a program that will limit download speed per connection. So that each download is limited to 100kbit/s for e,g. I tried trickled, it only limits whole application (and doesn't work with firefox). Also tried pyshaper, doesn't work. Is there such software?

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General :: Wvdialconf Does Not Generate The Wvdial.conf File - Puppy ?

Jan 21, 2010

Why when I execute '# wvdialconf' in Puppy 4.3.1 no 'wvdial.conf' file is generated in /etc, or, anywhere else?

I did a 'find / -name wvdial*.*' and could not find it.

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Ubuntu :: Slow Download Speed - Establishing A Connection With The Tracker ?

Feb 11, 2010

I am currently using Ktorrent on Ubuntu9.10, the torrents either have a slow download speed or have trouble establishing a connection with the tracker. I have no such problems when I was using utorrent on Win XP.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Slow Internet Connection Only With System / Speed It Up?

May 5, 2010

I'm running Kubuntu 10.4, and I'm having a really slow Internet connection, with Windows everything works fine.

When I upload a file to an internal Ubuntu server the speed is ok ~15MB/s.

The problem is only with Internet Firefox / synaptic, any program using Internet. Last download done with synaptic display 18KB/s when normally it should be 500.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Increase Internet Speed In 10.10 With A Wireless Connection?

May 4, 2011

Is there a way to increase my internet speed in ubuntu 10.10 with a wireless conection

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Ubuntu Networking :: Squid Proxy With SOCKS And Ssh - Speed Up The Connection

Jun 16, 2011

I use ssh to port forward my browser(firefox) using SOCKS to a "server"(ubuntu desktop with ssh ) I have in the UK, to watch iplayer etc wen traveling... I forward port 1024 (default port for SOCKS? **mite b untrue..). the "server" is running ubuntu 11.04.

could i set up a transparent proxy(squid) on the "server" in the hope tht it speeds up the connection etc... my thot was get squid to listen on port 1024, or set up the ssh port forwarding to the squid port... would tht work? is the a better/different way to do it? the issue is tht sometimes the ssh connection can b slow at times

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